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Faculty版 - 有一小部分白左还是白人中有点良心的
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: rihai (海桑虎桑柱桑等倭杂之克星), 信区: Military
标 题: 有一小部分白左还是白人中有点良心的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 13 14:01:36 2022, 美东)
I am absolutely flabbergasted at this incredible amount of excess forces to
subdue a one hundred pound women bearing a kitchen knife,...I was an officer
in the special forces for many years and encountered every possible violent
attack against my person and my Brother soldiers, but I can't hardly compre
hend this wannabe farce that those out of shape officers displayed.
First this terror of a midget woman gets shot by several bean bags by those
brave invading outstanding law enforcement officers,... What how many you sa
id, perhaps a minimum of twelve to one, everyone of those brave invading sou
ls are arm to the teeth with multiple assault weapons, each and everyone of
them is also armed with a teaser gun capable of bringing a giant elephant to
itit's knees, but not one in the bunch has the brain or the decency to use
it against that miniature target ???? Please you guys should really be proud
of yourself for another abuse of the law well planned.
You should also enjoy the many law suits coming your way at the tax payer ex
1 (共1页)