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Military2版 - F-35 fighter jet disappoints Japanese defense industry
三哥新航母多图F-35 looking more like white elephant
NHK NEWS(3/26):自卫队向外界展示福岛核电站航拍画面zzF22的造价到3亿5千万了?
叙利亚内战战报(4月25日) (转载)603、640和ARJ21-----上海也许是商业飞机的坟墓zz
美特种部队仓皇撤离曼比季,土耳其这次行动给两大国同时上了一Deploy DF-21D on an Aircraft Carrier?
鬼怪轻型机还是重型机? (转载)简氏防务: 英国为伊丽莎白号航母开发的电磁弹射系统即将完成
有谁要famous russian aircraft系列电子书核辐射期间能不能坐飞机
有人要Chinese Aircraft: China's Aviation Industry Since 195中国第一艘航母即将面世 :看看美国网民评论
话题: aircraft话题: japanese话题: industry话题: parts话题: defense
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1061
Hopes dashed for bigger role in production, posing risk to domestic
The ministry is planning to purchase 42 F-35s. Of them, four will be
imported as finished products. The ministry will then choose how to further
replace the aging SDF fleet, but the F-35 is not a lock because Boeing,
which lost the F-35 bid to Lockheed Martin, is looking to make a comeback.
Parts manufacturers for aircraft with advanced stealth capabilities require
high-level security clearance, which make technology transfers difficult. As
such, Japanese defense businesses need to consider whether they could
recover their investment by marginally supporting only 42 jets.
Demand for defense equipment has helped nurture the domestic aerospace
industry after World War II. After the seven-year hiatus imposed by the
Allies, the industry began acquiring technologies for maintenance and repair
of U.S. military aircraft and for production of SDF aircraft parts.
As appreciation for Japanese technological prowess rose, so did the ratio of
Japanese-made parts in Boeing civilian aircraft. Now these parts account
for 35% of each Boeing 787, including the main wings. The defense sector
accounts for only around 20% of aircraft production.
Japan's aircraft industry is experiencing a leveling-off. It is heavily
dependent on Boeing, but orders from the company are falling. Hopes for the
Mitsubishi Regional Jet -- the first domestically made aircraft in half a
century -- were high, but its development has been repeatedly delayed.
Aerospace companies have long dreamed of transforming from parts suppliers
into aircraft manufacturers. But the dream has yet to materialize.
Defense aircraft won't be enough to salvage the aerospace industry. If there
is little prospect for manufacturing new aircraft, the industry should try
become better at maintenance of engines and other parts, leaving bold ideas
behind as they strive to stay relevant.
1 (共1页)
以色列宣布将向俄罗斯国防部出售无人机(图)鬼怪轻型机还是重型机? (转载)
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三哥又摔了一架美洲虎,一周之内的第二次有人要Chinese Aircraft: China's Aviation Industry Since 195
三哥新航母多图F-35 looking more like white elephant
NHK NEWS(3/26):自卫队向外界展示福岛核电站航拍画面zzF22的造价到3亿5千万了?
叙利亚内战战报(4月25日) (转载)603、640和ARJ21-----上海也许是商业飞机的坟墓zz
美特种部队仓皇撤离曼比季,土耳其这次行动给两大国同时上了一Deploy DF-21D on an Aircraft Carrier?
话题: aircraft话题: japanese话题: industry话题: parts话题: defense