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NCAA版 - myth of "notre dame high admission standard"
Bad news for Notre DameNotre Dame vs Big Ten breeze
ND in another troubleNCAA 足球史: Notre Dame [fwd] tin
圣母又出事了interesting statistics champ
ACC 将会只有一个ranked team了Basketball preseason ranking
College football 球迷人数排名All time winning percentage
旧闻链接:why i won't root for Norte dame关于Michigan和Notre Dame的胜率
Norte Dame的哨子不错Another interesting thing
NCAA 足球史: Notre Dame [fwd] breeze比一下Buckeyes和Wolverines的对手
话题: notre话题: dame话题: here话题: tribune话题: hornung
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1275
debunked here..
It links an article from today's Chicago Tribune, largely slamming Notre
Dame. Here is the relevant excerpt:
CHICAGO--It was amusing to hear Paul Hornung speak of Notre Dame's "excessively
demanding admissions standards" for football players (Tribune, April 1).
Here's some truth for Mr. Hornung and those Irish alums who believe the
school's winning percentage has dropped in inverse proportion to supposed
"rising standards:"
Recent data released by the NCAA lists Stanford and Nort
1 (共1页)
比一下Buckeyes和Wolverines的对手College football 球迷人数排名
NUMBERS Re: OSU plays good football旧闻链接:why i won't root for Norte dame
Re: 热烈庆祝Norte Dame的哨子不错
why? Re: 不论你咋说,我就是不喜欢Notre DameNCAA 足球史: Notre Dame [fwd] breeze
Bad news for Notre DameNotre Dame vs Big Ten breeze
ND in another troubleNCAA 足球史: Notre Dame [fwd] tin
圣母又出事了interesting statistics champ
ACC 将会只有一个ranked team了Basketball preseason ranking
话题: notre话题: dame话题: here话题: tribune话题: hornung