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NewYork版 - Man Pushed To Death In Front Of Subway Train Again!
纽约警方匿名举报犯罪热线(奖励2000)非裔歹徒劫八大道手机店 店员几乎被勒死
注意! 2女童法拉盛公圖遭猥褻 zz纽约公园爆连环性侵案 西语裔男子强行搭讪华裔女zz (转载)
艾姆赫斯特入室強姦嫌犯 畫像公布 zz纽约地铁乘客小心 (转载)
警公布持刀強姦嫌犯畫像 艾姆赫斯特 zz亚裔男子被黑人流氓袭击从背后推入ny地下铁不幸身亡
纽约最近不太平么?Rego Park,Forest Hills 的注意。。。
華翁曼哈坦遭暴毆喪命 zz法拉盛之狼
擊倒遊戲再現? 華生被毆重傷 zzzz 警緝法拉盛華裔四匪
[未剪辑视频]68岁华裔纽约街头无故遭殴致死 警方追缉疑凶 (转载)艾姆赫斯特 華女白日遭劫受傷 (zz)
话题: man话题: train话题: police话题: pushed话题: front
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 65
A man is dead after being shoved in front of a subway train in Queens.
Police say it happened around 8 p.m. Thursday on the 7 train platform at the
40th Street station.
They say a woman pushed the victim.
Five witnesses told police the woman had been following the man and mumbling.
She then sat on a wooden bench alone and then, as the 7 train approached,
she approached the man and pushed him onto the tracks, according to police.
Police say the man was struck by the first of the 11-car train and his body
pinned under the front of the second car as the train came to a stop.
He has not yet been identified due to the extent of his injuries.
According to police, the suspect fled the platform down two separate
"It was horrible," said one man at the scene. "It echoed through the bottom,
and I never want to hear something like that again."
"I can't believe these things happen in this neighborhood," said a woman at
the scene. "This was a safe neighborhood."
"I think it's crazy. It really is," said another man at the scene. "And what
needs to be done, this has happened twice this month, they need to slow the
trains down to about 15 miles an hour when they are coming into the station
, so if something like that does happen, they have time to stop the train.
When I heard it, I couldn't believe it."
Police are searching for the woman, who was described as in her 20s, 5 feet
5 inches, heavyset, with brown or blond hair. Witnesses said she was wearing
a blue, white and gray ski jacket and Nike sneakers that were gray on top
and red on the bottom.
It's the second time this month a man was pushed to his death.
Ki-Suck Han was killed after being shoved onto the tracks in Times Square by
a man he had been arguing with.
Anyone with information on the case should contact the Crime Stoppers
hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS, or text CRIMES and then enter TIP577, or visit
1 (共1页)
艾姆赫斯特 華女白日遭劫受傷 (zz)纽约最近不太平么?
The Coolest Offices In NYC華翁曼哈坦遭暴毆喪命 zz
I'm Scared --This Isn't California擊倒遊戲再現? 華生被毆重傷 zz
梁警官事件 类似洛杉矶1992的黑华冲突就在拐角 (转载)[未剪辑视频]68岁华裔纽约街头无故遭殴致死 警方追缉疑凶 (转载)
纽约警方匿名举报犯罪热线(奖励2000)非裔歹徒劫八大道手机店 店员几乎被勒死
注意! 2女童法拉盛公圖遭猥褻 zz纽约公园爆连环性侵案 西语裔男子强行搭讪华裔女zz (转载)
艾姆赫斯特入室強姦嫌犯 畫像公布 zz纽约地铁乘客小心 (转载)
警公布持刀強姦嫌犯畫像 艾姆赫斯特 zz亚裔男子被黑人流氓袭击从背后推入ny地下铁不幸身亡
话题: man话题: train话题: police话题: pushed话题: front