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USANews版 - 社会主义美国
Only government can save health care.
那些质疑health care是基本人权的人
Heavily accented teachers removed from Arizona classrooms
哈哈哈, Parasite-in-Chief
how much money is enough money?
话题: people话题: so话题: your话题: tax话题: because
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2406
发帖数: 2273
hehe, if being unemployed is so good as you said, why don't you just fire
your boss?

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: 当民主党人大张旗鼓地庆祝医疗改革的胜利的时候,当政府一而再,再而三地延长发放
: 给失业人员的福利的时候,当奥巴马签署为失业人员或偿还不起房贷的家庭降低房贷的
: 时候,我禁不住一次又一次地感到不解和困惑。
: 这已经不是充满了希望的美国,这已经不是崇尚自食其力的美国,这已经不是尊重公平
: 竞争的美国,这已经不再是当年我来时的美国。这是一个向往不劳而获的美国,这是一
: 个打压拚搏奋斗的美国,这是一个富人就应该为穷人买单,却不意识到富人的富足是艰
: 苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结果的美国,这是一个不折不
: 扣的社会主义美国。
: 现在的社会倒底怎么了?下岗的人不去反思为何自己会被公司解雇,如何提高自己对社
: 会的价值,反而变得如此理直气壮--我下岗了,社会就理所当然地要养着我,养着我的

发帖数: 889
美国去工业化久矣。拿food stamp也越来越多了。新经济没有那么多就业机会了。
发帖数: 889
发帖数: 226

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: 当民主党人大张旗鼓地庆祝医疗改革的胜利的时候,当政府一而再,再而三地延长发放
: 给失业人员的福利的时候,当奥巴马签署为失业人员或偿还不起房贷的家庭降低房贷的
: 时候,我禁不住一次又一次地感到不解和困惑。
: 这已经不是充满了希望的美国,这已经不是崇尚自食其力的美国,这已经不是尊重公平
: 竞争的美国,这已经不再是当年我来时的美国。这是一个向往不劳而获的美国,这是一
: 个打压拚搏奋斗的美国,这是一个富人就应该为穷人买单,却不意识到富人的富足是艰
: 苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结果的美国,这是一个不折不
: 扣的社会主义美国。
: 现在的社会倒底怎么了?下岗的人不去反思为何自己会被公司解雇,如何提高自己对社
: 会的价值,反而变得如此理直气壮--我下岗了,社会就理所当然地要养着我,养着我的

发帖数: 226
because that wouldn't be a responsible thing to do, but again, personal
responsibility is not in progressives' dictionary anyway.

【在 B**W 的大作中提到】
: hehe, if being unemployed is so good as you said, why don't you just fire
: your boss?

发帖数: 7299

【在 B**W 的大作中提到】
: hehe, if being unemployed is so good as you said, why don't you just fire
: your boss?

发帖数: 2273
So watering here during work hours is being responsible? People just have
different methods to waste resources. This is not an ideal world where
everyone is paid by and only by good things s/he did.
If you really want to experience that while being responsible, fire your
boss and enjoy the happy life of unemployment for two years now and do two
years' volunteer work after your retirement.

【在 n****e 的大作中提到】
: because that wouldn't be a responsible thing to do, but again, personal
: responsibility is not in progressives' dictionary anyway.

发帖数: 2273
hehe, it seems that conservatives, at least some of them, gain zhuangbility.

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 注意逻辑劈叉。。。
发帖数: 226
you made awful lots of assumptions, and obviously critical thinking is not
your forte either. but why should I bother?
for your information, I am a self-employed consultant working on my own
and what are you? let me guess, someone who is still in school? well, I don't need lessons from school people. gain some real world experience first.

【在 B**W 的大作中提到】
: So watering here during work hours is being responsible? People just have
: different methods to waste resources. This is not an ideal world where
: everyone is paid by and only by good things s/he did.
: If you really want to experience that while being responsible, fire your
: boss and enjoy the happy life of unemployment for two years now and do two
: years' volunteer work after your retirement.

Heavily accented teachers removed from Arizona classrooms
哈哈哈, Parasite-in-Chief
发帖数: 2273
Then you are different from some others on this board.
So have you ever complained that your clients paid too much for your
contract? Would you reject a contract if the client would like to pay more than what you think it should be? Would you like give your contract to your competitors to make them responsible people?
Let's return to the basic point. Compared with a paid job, being
unemployed and taking unemployment benefits are not some thing good.

don't need lessons from school people. gai

【在 n****e 的大作中提到】
: you made awful lots of assumptions, and obviously critical thinking is not
: your forte either. but why should I bother?
: for your information, I am a self-employed consultant working on my own
: schedule.
: and what are you? let me guess, someone who is still in school? well, I don't need lessons from school people. gain some real world experience first.

发帖数: 1206

than what you think it should be? Would you like give your contract to your
competitors to make them responsible people?

【在 B**W 的大作中提到】
: Then you are different from some others on this board.
: So have you ever complained that your clients paid too much for your
: contract? Would you reject a contract if the client would like to pay more than what you think it should be? Would you like give your contract to your competitors to make them responsible people?
: Let's return to the basic point. Compared with a paid job, being
: unemployed and taking unemployment benefits are not some thing good.
: o
: don't need lessons from school people. gai

发帖数: 7299


【在 B**W 的大作中提到】
: hehe, it seems that conservatives, at least some of them, gain zhuangbility.
发帖数: 7299
发帖数: 2273
hehe, zhuang and continue to zhuang.

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 自搧耳光的表演总是一个结局,high到晕倒。。。
: 知道自己逻辑劈叉在啥地方么?
: 任何奴才,无论是左奴、教奴、党奴,逻辑劈叉的特征都是一致的,呵呵。。。
: zhuangbility.

发帖数: 1085
Socialism in a developed country is like heaven on earth.
People in socialist European countries are happier than the US.
Please show some passions to unfortunate fellows. You think the 10% of the
population are just lazy and therefore unemployed? You are some sick %!@#$!.
Socialism provides a social safety net. When people are thrown on the
streets and become homeless, they lose the chance to move forward. They
will have worse health problems that will cost even more to treat. The

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: 当民主党人大张旗鼓地庆祝医疗改革的胜利的时候,当政府一而再,再而三地延长发放
: 给失业人员的福利的时候,当奥巴马签署为失业人员或偿还不起房贷的家庭降低房贷的
: 时候,我禁不住一次又一次地感到不解和困惑。
: 这已经不是充满了希望的美国,这已经不是崇尚自食其力的美国,这已经不是尊重公平
: 竞争的美国,这已经不再是当年我来时的美国。这是一个向往不劳而获的美国,这是一
: 个打压拚搏奋斗的美国,这是一个富人就应该为穷人买单,却不意识到富人的富足是艰
: 苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结果的美国,这是一个不折不
: 扣的社会主义美国。
: 现在的社会倒底怎么了?下岗的人不去反思为何自己会被公司解雇,如何提高自己对社
: 会的价值,反而变得如此理直气壮--我下岗了,社会就理所当然地要养着我,养着我的

发帖数: 2406
Let me put it simply, the basics of the rule of sustainable functioning of
human society is: you provide a product or service to exchange for what you
desire from other members of human society, by free will of both side. Any
other way will be unfair and therefore not sustainable. The US
constitution was based on this principle, and that was the reason the US
became the most prosperous society, until recently. The erosion of the
Constitution started from Tedd Roos, exaserbated by FDR. When
发帖数: 1085
First of all, there isnt such a rule. Animals let their weaklings die.
Humans have passions.
CEOs, congress are abusing their powers to get paid by trillions extra. It
is not FREE trade. And it is not fair. Thats why we need to tax the rich.
Complete free market based capitalism has died already. I cant believe
someone is so naive. Lets go back to the dark ages. And lets have World
War 3. Lets have social uprisings. Are you insane? Lets have a depression
again. Lets have 30% unemplo

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: Let me put it simply, the basics of the rule of sustainable functioning of
: human society is: you provide a product or service to exchange for what you
: desire from other members of human society, by free will of both side. Any
: other way will be unfair and therefore not sustainable. The US
: constitution was based on this principle, and that was the reason the US
: became the most prosperous society, until recently. The erosion of the
: Constitution started from Tedd Roos, exaserbated by FDR. When

发帖数: 2273
Don't zhuang. See what's wrong with that.

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 看来这位还是知道自己逻辑劈叉的命门,呵呵。。。
发帖数: 3299
Who cares longer term. The elder wants welfare and wants it NOW. In long
term, they are all dead. So leave your pretty word to yourselves. They want
money and food Now. And they do not and will not sacrifice. If you are so
worry about sustainability, please donate your worthless money to IRS. We do
not care how many you save. It is worthless for us anyway. We either tax or
inflate your punks' money.

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: 当民主党人大张旗鼓地庆祝医疗改革的胜利的时候,当政府一而再,再而三地延长发放
: 给失业人员的福利的时候,当奥巴马签署为失业人员或偿还不起房贷的家庭降低房贷的
: 时候,我禁不住一次又一次地感到不解和困惑。
: 这已经不是充满了希望的美国,这已经不是崇尚自食其力的美国,这已经不是尊重公平
: 竞争的美国,这已经不再是当年我来时的美国。这是一个向往不劳而获的美国,这是一
: 个打压拚搏奋斗的美国,这是一个富人就应该为穷人买单,却不意识到富人的富足是艰
: 苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结果的美国,这是一个不折不
: 扣的社会主义美国。
: 现在的社会倒底怎么了?下岗的人不去反思为何自己会被公司解雇,如何提高自己对社
: 会的价值,反而变得如此理直气壮--我下岗了,社会就理所当然地要养着我,养着我的

how much money is enough money?
发帖数: 2406
The process that we became humans is that the less smart and less fortunate
members died before they can multiply. That is called "evolution". A
society that promotes laziness will collapes and the losers will be the
losers. Walfare is not the savior to the poor, HARDWORK is. So, one way or
another, the RULE will prevail. I am just trying to help you undersatnd the
inevitable and pull yourself out of the loser camp. "To work is glorious!"
"there is no Messiah, relie on yourself" How true!
发帖数: 3299
Hello, it makes no sense to put more money in your pocket. This is what I
mean. I do not care what you rant. It just makes no sense. Your job is
worthless for this country. You do not want to quit your job because you
know you are worthless. You know perfectly well that there are 10 Chinese,
20 Indians, 80 Mexicans to take your worthless job, without bitching paying
taxes. You are worthless because you are not small business owner, like our
family a restaurant owner. It make sense to give us tax

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 看来这位还是知道自己逻辑劈叉的命门,呵呵。。。
发帖数: 3299
no matter what, it does not change the fact that you are a worthless piece
of shit.

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 看来这位还是知道自己逻辑劈叉的命门,呵呵。。。
发帖数: 3299
You can shit what you want to shit. I believe that Obama is great. He have
achieved what many presidents can not accomplish in history in a short
period time. Obama is the president of USA. It means it is your president
too, dumb ass.
发帖数: 4354
This is so silly, anyone with a decent income can choose to operate a
restaurant if they want to, and create some shitty jobs that are just
exploitation of poor minimum wage workers. Operating a restaurant is the
lest intellectually stimulating kind of business, and with very low barrier of entry.
When the middle class has less disposable income, guess who will suffer
first? The restaurants.


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: Hello, it makes no sense to put more money in your pocket. This is what I
: mean. I do not care what you rant. It just makes no sense. Your job is
: worthless for this country. You do not want to quit your job because you
: know you are worthless. You know perfectly well that there are 10 Chinese,
: 20 Indians, 80 Mexicans to take your worthless job, without bitching paying
: taxes. You are worthless because you are not small business owner, like our
: family a restaurant owner. It make sense to give us tax

发帖数: 9453
娃哈哈, 全文我只看了第一句, 就是 heaven on earth
哈哈, 人这种玩意, heaven on earth? 什么样的白痴才会
相信人这种玩意能建造/维持 heaven 啊, 呵呵。 历史上
是有几个人造天堂, 可是楼主自己都不愿意去, 哈哈哈哈。
我倒是希望楼主能去那些天堂回来写点体会呢(如果能回来的话), 而不要在
这资本主义 hell 里面 yy 天堂的美好生活啊...
这太搞笑了。 每次看楼主的文我都看这第一句....


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Socialism in a developed country is like heaven on earth.
: People in socialist European countries are happier than the US.
: Please show some passions to unfortunate fellows. You think the 10% of the
: population are just lazy and therefore unemployed? You are some sick %!@#$!.
: Socialism provides a social safety net. When people are thrown on the
: streets and become homeless, they lose the chance to move forward. They
: will have worse health problems that will cost even more to treat. The
: current

发帖数: 3299
Low or high levels, any business that creates jobs is good for the society.
For employees, no matter what he does, his contribution is small because
there are so many qualifies people who will do the job.
In this board, it is absurd to see that middle classes can decide whether to
give the welfare to the poor or not. I remind you this USA, a democracy not
China. The volume of voices are determined by votes. The fact is that the
poor take the money away from those people by force with the threat

【在 d****i 的大作中提到】
: This is so silly, anyone with a decent income can choose to operate a
: restaurant if they want to, and create some shitty jobs that are just
: exploitation of poor minimum wage workers. Operating a restaurant is the
: lest intellectually stimulating kind of business, and with very low barrier of entry.
: When the middle class has less disposable income, guess who will suffer
: first? The restaurants.
: paying
: our
: case,

发帖数: 850
发帖数: 3299
This is wrong. The welfare is not donated by the rich. It is won by fight of
the poor, with blood for many generations. There is no free lunch. It is
the higher middle class that only say and have no actions. There is why they
always get ripped off. To win your benefit, you need to recognize your ally
and fight with your money and time and blood.

【在 t*b 的大作中提到】
: 民主党人本来靠的就是一张嘴皮子,不干实事
发帖数: 3299
I just state a fact that welfare is not given by you but the money is taken
from you whether you like or not. You like to act rough housing behavior and
call names on a meaningless unanimous ethos, indicating that you are a
spineless coward in the real world, in the classic psychological analysis.

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 看来这位还是知道自己逻辑劈叉的命门,呵呵。。。
The list goes on
Social Darwinism and Barack Obama
发帖数: 4354
When politics become the driving force, economy will suffer, everybody
gradually become poorer.
America today is still a good place for entrepreneurs, your business low or
high level can pay for their employees and still make money because?
Because consumers have disposable income to pay for your service.
When the more productive population is taxed too much, they have to do more
things themselves, like stop going to restaurants, mow their own lawns, cut
their own hairs, or quit job to take car

【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: Low or high levels, any business that creates jobs is good for the society.
: For employees, no matter what he does, his contribution is small because
: there are so many qualifies people who will do the job.
: In this board, it is absurd to see that middle classes can decide whether to
: give the welfare to the poor or not. I remind you this USA, a democracy not
: China. The volume of voices are determined by votes. The fact is that the
: poor take the money away from those people by force with the threat

发帖数: 2406
The question is on which side do you want to be, on the side of the hard
working people, or on the side of those who take fruit of labor by force
from the others. we, the conservatives, work to make a living, not rob/vote
to make a living. we are proud of self-sustaining. you, on the other hand,
will have a rude awakening. It will unfold very soon. Watch the lazy
parasites in Greece, it is over for them, now!


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: I just state a fact that welfare is not given by you but the money is taken
: from you whether you like or not. You like to act rough housing behavior and
: call names on a meaningless unanimous ethos, indicating that you are a
: spineless coward in the real world, in the classic psychological analysis.

发帖数: 3299
The people in Greece you called parasites still have better quality of life
than the hard working people in many other places, like the right wing
heaven of China. I do not see how the battle can be won. The tea party is
also supporting welfare. They are against health care reform because they
are afraid that government spending on health care will take money from
their welfare check, social security and medicare and medicaid. I remind you
that majority of tea party are on those welfare. If you

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: The question is on which side do you want to be, on the side of the hard
: working people, or on the side of those who take fruit of labor by force
: from the others. we, the conservatives, work to make a living, not rob/vote
: to make a living. we are proud of self-sustaining. you, on the other hand,
: will have a rude awakening. It will unfold very soon. Watch the lazy
: parasites in Greece, it is over for them, now!
: taken
: and

发帖数: 2406
To testify to your love of welfare system, Greece is BANKCRUPT as of now.
Because parasites stoel too much from the working people, less and less
people work, so governemnt borrowed to financed their "quality of life".
now the bill comes due, so your beloved "quality of life" is gone, at least
in Greece. It will soon spread to Italy, Portugal, Spain, Britan. Is the
Congress does dot change control in November, which country do you think
will be the next? As I said, the welfare state is not s

【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: The people in Greece you called parasites still have better quality of life
: than the hard working people in many other places, like the right wing
: heaven of China. I do not see how the battle can be won. The tea party is
: also supporting welfare. They are against health care reform because they
: are afraid that government spending on health care will take money from
: their welfare check, social security and medicare and medicaid. I remind you
: that majority of tea party are on those welfare. If you

发帖数: 4354
I guess Clinton years was prosperous because Al Gore invented internet, hehe.
Clinton administration begin to do well after conservatives took control of the Congress. If conservatives take control of the Congress this December, even a president as bad as Obama might do well in the next few years. Bush years were not so good because there are too many RINOs around. The midterm election will trim a lot of dead weights.


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: The people in Greece you called parasites still have better quality of life
: than the hard working people in many other places, like the right wing
: heaven of China. I do not see how the battle can be won. The tea party is
: also supporting welfare. They are against health care reform because they
: are afraid that government spending on health care will take money from
: their welfare check, social security and medicare and medicaid. I remind you
: that majority of tea party are on those welfare. If you

发帖数: 3299
NO no nono. The parasites still live pretty happy just less happy in Greece.
Their salary are cut 50 Euro a month and they strike for the cut. It is
still way better than the hard working people in China. If Chinese people
have a choice like a vote, they will choose Greece instead of the "
prosperous" China. Alas, Chinese have no right of voting so this is off the
table. In conclusion, the majority will choose the Greece rather than the
prosperous USA that you dream on that will increase your sa

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: To testify to your love of welfare system, Greece is BANKCRUPT as of now.
: Because parasites stoel too much from the working people, less and less
: people work, so governemnt borrowed to financed their "quality of life".
: now the bill comes due, so your beloved "quality of life" is gone, at least
: in Greece. It will soon spread to Italy, Portugal, Spain, Britan. Is the
: Congress does dot change control in November, which country do you think
: will be the next? As I said, the welfare state is not s

发帖数: 3299
Regardless, the tax increase bill is signed by Clinton. Surprise surprise
here, the Republican congress support the tax increase bill to cut the
deficit. It is the conservative republican party that pass the tax increase
bill. It makes perfect sense to even conservative republicans that tax
increase is good for the economic growth and BUSH's tax cut is bad. Reegen
and Bush both cut tax and the economy was a mess. Reagon saves his own ass
because his over the roof military deficit spending helps

【在 d****i 的大作中提到】
: I guess Clinton years was prosperous because Al Gore invented internet, hehe.
: Clinton administration begin to do well after conservatives took control of the Congress. If conservatives take control of the Congress this December, even a president as bad as Obama might do well in the next few years. Bush years were not so good because there are too many RINOs around. The midterm election will trim a lot of dead weights.
: life
: you
: to
: money

发帖数: 4354
I'd like 果蝇 to respond to this too, hehe

【在 p*****e 的大作中提到】
: 看来这位还是知道自己逻辑劈叉的命门,呵呵。。。
发帖数: 2406
As of tonight, as far as I know, the Greek government is still BANKCRUPT,
meaning the Greek Government has no EUROs to pay the parasites, untill more
benefit cuts and promise to reduce budget deficit to 3%. Maybe they can try
paying out IOUs like the Lazy People's Republic of California. Instead of
cutting 50, they can print and give out 5mn or 5bn IOUs per parasite, see
what they can buy with it. Are you willing to have RMB 50, or Greek IOU 5bn(
of what)? I will take the RMB.
Bye-bye, People

【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: NO no nono. The parasites still live pretty happy just less happy in Greece.
: Their salary are cut 50 Euro a month and they strike for the cut. It is
: still way better than the hard working people in China. If Chinese people
: have a choice like a vote, they will choose Greece instead of the "
: prosperous" China. Alas, Chinese have no right of voting so this is off the
: table. In conclusion, the majority will choose the Greece rather than the
: prosperous USA that you dream on that will increase your sa

发帖数: 4354
There is a right tax rate depending on overall economic environment. That
doesn't mean we should always raise tax or reduce tax. Also it is quite
obvious raising tax does not equal to good and reducing tax does not equal
to bad. If you have a properly functioning brain, that should be self-


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: Regardless, the tax increase bill is signed by Clinton. Surprise surprise
: here, the Republican congress support the tax increase bill to cut the
: deficit. It is the conservative republican party that pass the tax increase
: bill. It makes perfect sense to even conservative republicans that tax
: increase is good for the economic growth and BUSH's tax cut is bad. Reegen
: and Bush both cut tax and the economy was a mess. Reagon saves his own ass
: because his over the roof military deficit spending helps

发帖数: 3
发帖数: 2406
It is not about fate, or luck. it is about you take responsibility for your
own decisions and actions. you can do wantever you want to do for your
life, but don't force me to pay for the consequences of your choices. when
those so called scientists lost job, their work was not regarded as
valuable at that time. they should go find something else to do, instead of
forcing me to pay for the something I dont want. why should I pay for their
mistakes. Li Zhi Cheng? thank God, gun ownership is

【在 n*********o 的大作中提到】
: 人的命,天注定。很多时候个人太渺小,对命运无法改变,或者是改变很慢的。不要只
: 以成败论英雄。世事多变化,没有经历过坎坷的人生不算完整。
: 失业的人不都是想失业,也不都是没有能力,有时候也不比同样就业的人水平差。
: 钱永健拿炸药奖,专门请了他的师兄,因为钱的奖是建立在他师兄的成果的基础上的,
: 而他师兄因为找不到科研方面的工作,博士毕业后当了一个卖车的dealer。
: 九十年代,美国超导实验室的关闭也让三千多科学家集体失业。
: 钱学森,如果回不了中国,肯定变成无业游民。
: 人家没工作了,拿工资的人不缴税养着他们,难道让他们无路可走的时候当李自成?
: 理解万岁哈。

发帖数: 7918

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: 当民主党人大张旗鼓地庆祝医疗改革的胜利的时候,当政府一而再,再而三地延长发放
: 给失业人员的福利的时候,当奥巴马签署为失业人员或偿还不起房贷的家庭降低房贷的
: 时候,我禁不住一次又一次地感到不解和困惑。
: 这已经不是充满了希望的美国,这已经不是崇尚自食其力的美国,这已经不是尊重公平
: 竞争的美国,这已经不再是当年我来时的美国。这是一个向往不劳而获的美国,这是一
: 个打压拚搏奋斗的美国,这是一个富人就应该为穷人买单,却不意识到富人的富足是艰
: 苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结果的美国,这是一个不折不
: 扣的社会主义美国。
: 现在的社会倒底怎么了?下岗的人不去反思为何自己会被公司解雇,如何提高自己对社
: 会的价值,反而变得如此理直气壮--我下岗了,社会就理所当然地要养着我,养着我的

发帖数: 3299
this sounds reasonable. Do you want to raise tax or decrease tax now? Tax
rate is the lowest in history now. Why do we have two recessions in 8 years.
If you still have a brain, it is obvious that the tax need to go higher and
much higher. If the tax is 10% higher for you, will you quit your job? No.
So how about 15% more. No again? ha how about 20%, no......75%? Now you will
quit your job. So the best tax rate for you is 74.9%. The tax money will go
to pay down the deficit for the great good.

【在 d****i 的大作中提到】
: There is a right tax rate depending on overall economic environment. That
: doesn't mean we should always raise tax or reduce tax. Also it is quite
: obvious raising tax does not equal to good and reducing tax does not equal
: to bad. If you have a properly functioning brain, that should be self-
: evident.
: increase
: Reegen
: .
: in

发帖数: 669
发帖数: 3299
The truth is that only the after-tax money is your money. People will not
give out money willingly. So tax system is established to create fairness.
People know that you are against taxing you. But it is expected. You are not
running a charity and are selfish. Only heroes and morons will sacrifice
themselves first before others. You can complain and it is anticipated. But
it will not change that Uncle Sams want your money and want more because the
economies are not good enough and more people ne

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: It is not about fate, or luck. it is about you take responsibility for your
: own decisions and actions. you can do wantever you want to do for your
: life, but don't force me to pay for the consequences of your choices. when
: those so called scientists lost job, their work was not regarded as
: valuable at that time. they should go find something else to do, instead of
: forcing me to pay for the something I dont want. why should I pay for their
: mistakes. Li Zhi Cheng? thank God, gun ownership is

发帖数: 7

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: 当民主党人大张旗鼓地庆祝医疗改革的胜利的时候,当政府一而再,再而三地延长发放
: 给失业人员的福利的时候,当奥巴马签署为失业人员或偿还不起房贷的家庭降低房贷的
: 时候,我禁不住一次又一次地感到不解和困惑。
: 这已经不是充满了希望的美国,这已经不是崇尚自食其力的美国,这已经不是尊重公平
: 竞争的美国,这已经不再是当年我来时的美国。这是一个向往不劳而获的美国,这是一
: 个打压拚搏奋斗的美国,这是一个富人就应该为穷人买单,却不意识到富人的富足是艰
: 苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结果的美国,这是一个不折不
: 扣的社会主义美国。
: 现在的社会倒底怎么了?下岗的人不去反思为何自己会被公司解雇,如何提高自己对社
: 会的价值,反而变得如此理直气壮--我下岗了,社会就理所当然地要养着我,养着我的

发帖数: 3
作真不好找啊。找junior的工作,人家嫌你over qualify,嫌你年龄太大,公司宁愿招
发帖数: 21
You can not get the unemployment benefit if you fire your boss.

【在 B**W 的大作中提到】
: hehe, if being unemployed is so good as you said, why don't you just fire
: your boss?

发帖数: 21
Actually, you may not be able to get it if you get fired. You have to get
laid-off. Is it?

【在 m****u 的大作中提到】
: You can not get the unemployment benefit if you fire your boss.
Only government can save health care.
那些质疑health care是基本人权的人
Heavily accented teachers removed from Arizona classrooms
发帖数: 4079
我看了楼主后面的所有跟贴, 我觉得你说话的口气像是政客演讲的口气, 当然口气不重
要. 我说说为什么我反对你的看法.
Your whole point is basically social Darwinism. Why is it wrong in modern
society? Because we are born unequal (different family and different
personal talent). Social Darwinism will amplify this different, so the
disadvantage population will be even more disadvantage. This is neither
justice nor moral.
Because the intrinsic wrong of social Darwinism, utilitarianism or teleology
, John Rawls propose (justice as fairness):
1. fair equali

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: 当民主党人大张旗鼓地庆祝医疗改革的胜利的时候,当政府一而再,再而三地延长发放
: 给失业人员的福利的时候,当奥巴马签署为失业人员或偿还不起房贷的家庭降低房贷的
: 时候,我禁不住一次又一次地感到不解和困惑。
: 这已经不是充满了希望的美国,这已经不是崇尚自食其力的美国,这已经不是尊重公平
: 竞争的美国,这已经不再是当年我来时的美国。这是一个向往不劳而获的美国,这是一
: 个打压拚搏奋斗的美国,这是一个富人就应该为穷人买单,却不意识到富人的富足是艰
: 苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结果的美国,这是一个不折不
: 扣的社会主义美国。
: 现在的社会倒底怎么了?下岗的人不去反思为何自己会被公司解雇,如何提高自己对社
: 会的价值,反而变得如此理直气壮--我下岗了,社会就理所当然地要养着我,养着我的

发帖数: 876


【在 n*********o 的大作中提到】
: 说说自己的经历吧:金融危机前,我收入比较高,毕竟博士毕业后也都十年了,一个人
: 养一家人没有问题。但危机一来,公司节省开支,砍项目,我和一些同事就失业了。工
: 作真不好找啊。找junior的工作,人家嫌你over qualify,嫌你年龄太大,公司宁愿招
: 刚大学毕业的小屁孩。找高一点的工作,几乎没有opening,所有公司freeze。当然,
: 拿了一段时间的失业金,后来又开始工作了。
: 和我现在一起的同事,有个失业前是一个大公司的VP,在家也待了将近一年,这才又找
: 着这份技术工作,从头开始。
: 而对失业的人来说,工作市场不好的时候,失业金就是全家的救命钱。所以你得意的时
: 候你缴税养别人,你倒霉的时候别人缴税养你。只要税率适中,还是公平的。
: 另外,缴税本来就是责任,号称要responsibility的人就不要推卸责任了。

发帖数: 1085
Shit spills over. If you dont know shit, please shut up.
That said, It is a class struggle. He wants, wants and wants. We will TAKE
, TAKE and TAKE!!!! We want a safety net for all.
发帖数: 1085
Problem with Greece is NOT about socialism.
Bankruptcy of the government != collapsed economy. Same situation in
California. It is NOT because California is out of money. It is because
everyone wants somebody else to pay for it.


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: As of tonight, as far as I know, the Greek government is still BANKCRUPT,
: meaning the Greek Government has no EUROs to pay the parasites, untill more
: benefit cuts and promise to reduce budget deficit to 3%. Maybe they can try
: paying out IOUs like the Lazy People's Republic of California. Instead of
: cutting 50, they can print and give out 5mn or 5bn IOUs per parasite, see
: what they can buy with it. Are you willing to have RMB 50, or Greek IOU 5bn(
: of what)? I will take the RMB.
: Bye-bye, People

发帖数: 1085
Do you have any concept of insurance? Unemployment insurance, FDIC, the
bank deposit insurance, auto insurance, etc. You are required to pay into
the system. You have to live with it whether you like it or not. Your
argument is why you have to pay auto insurance, you are a responsible driver
, never drink and drive, right? You never had any accident. Why should you
pay for for DUIs?
You are covered by police, military, and the roads have been paid, and you
cant tell IRS that you dont need

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: It is not about fate, or luck. it is about you take responsibility for your
: own decisions and actions. you can do wantever you want to do for your
: life, but don't force me to pay for the consequences of your choices. when
: those so called scientists lost job, their work was not regarded as
: valuable at that time. they should go find something else to do, instead of
: forcing me to pay for the something I dont want. why should I pay for their
: mistakes. Li Zhi Cheng? thank God, gun ownership is

发帖数: 2406
First of all, 99% of biologists today are completely useless and are social
parasites, used to be one myself for a couple years. Looking back those
days, I am still scared shitless. Since you are talking about insurance,
let me say this, my spouse works in one of the largest insurance companies
in this country. The concept of insurance is you willingly pay a small
amount of money into a pool, so when you have an accident, the loss is
shared by the the people paying into the pool. if the insrua

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Do you have any concept of insurance? Unemployment insurance, FDIC, the
: bank deposit insurance, auto insurance, etc. You are required to pay into
: the system. You have to live with it whether you like it or not. Your
: argument is why you have to pay auto insurance, you are a responsible driver
: , never drink and drive, right? You never had any accident. Why should you
: pay for for DUIs?
: You are covered by police, military, and the roads have been paid, and you
: cant tell IRS that you dont need

发帖数: 3299
You say others are parasites. I say you are parasites. You take other people
good job. We want you to quit your job, you parasite. Other people will do
your job and pay tax without bitching. The world will not stop when you
parasites die.

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: First of all, 99% of biologists today are completely useless and are social
: parasites, used to be one myself for a couple years. Looking back those
: days, I am still scared shitless. Since you are talking about insurance,
: let me say this, my spouse works in one of the largest insurance companies
: in this country. The concept of insurance is you willingly pay a small
: amount of money into a pool, so when you have an accident, the loss is
: shared by the the people paying into the pool. if the insrua

发帖数: 2406
I provide service that other people are willing to pay me for. I live on my
own labor. Anyone in the world can talk to my payer to try to take my job.
In fact, a lot of people are trying to take my job. That is what you need
to understand: i dont relie on other peolpe's mercy, I create jobs so more
people can live a better life. Begging for government habd out is a way of
parasitic life in my view, because it is not based on free exchange of


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: You say others are parasites. I say you are parasites. You take other people
: good job. We want you to quit your job, you parasite. Other people will do
: your job and pay tax without bitching. The world will not stop when you
: parasites die.

发帖数: 311


【在 c******r 的大作中提到】
: 这是全球化的结果。美国经济结构发生了巨变。再也不是二战后的世界工业基地了。当
: 年美国钢铁工业雇佣多少人,现在呢?
: 美国去工业化久矣。拿food stamp也越来越多了。新经济没有那么多就业机会了。
: 低端产业都跑了。金字塔下层的人根本没工作可做。
: 你不发福利养着,无产阶级大革命大家一起完蛋。
: 这是developed国家现在面临通病。
: IT,花街,医疗,教育等等白领工作,都需要相当程度教育。这些工作也相对稳定,在
: 现在经济结构下。
: 人生而不平等。不是人人都能学出来,做硅工啥的。
: 有人就是生来卖力气的。下载卖力气没地儿卖,你不发失业救济,让人活么?

发帖数: 36
"富人的富足是艰苦奋斗的产物". are you sure?
Heavily accented teachers removed from Arizona classrooms
哈哈哈, Parasite-in-Chief
发帖数: 2406
most of them, either themselves or their parents. absolutly. I have met
many self made rich peole. very sharp, very hardworking, I have yet to meet
anyone who got rich by dishonest means.

【在 h*******d 的大作中提到】
: "富人的富足是艰苦奋斗的产物". are you sure?
发帖数: 32
Half of the population don't pay tax? It sounds like a strong statement. Did
you count the elderly on fixed social security income? My mother in law,
after retiring from her home attendant job of 20 years, is collecting social
security retirement benefit and a small pension. I am not aware she is now
paying tax with her <$800 monthly income. If you blame people like her for
this country's problem, you are a no-heart dude.
I thought conservative talk shows were for entertainment purpose. You had

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: Let me put it simply, the basics of the rule of sustainable functioning of
: human society is: you provide a product or service to exchange for what you
: desire from other members of human society, by free will of both side. Any
: other way will be unfair and therefore not sustainable. The US
: constitution was based on this principle, and that was the reason the US
: became the most prosperous society, until recently. The erosion of the
: Constitution started from Tedd Roos, exaserbated by FDR. When

发帖数: 2406
you got it upside down. to distribut wealth/having a heart, you need to
have a wealth to be distributed. The US is already running a trade dificit
of 5% of GDP, which accounts for 25% of goods consumed in US(only 20% of US
GDP is manufacture). Hearts or no hearts, we are broke. If China stops
lending more money to us, 25% of goods sold are not to be there any more. I
am not even talking about rolling over the old debt or pay interst on the
old debt. wake up, dude. I dont need to blame anyo

【在 m*****a 的大作中提到】
: Half of the population don't pay tax? It sounds like a strong statement. Did
: you count the elderly on fixed social security income? My mother in law,
: after retiring from her home attendant job of 20 years, is collecting social
: security retirement benefit and a small pension. I am not aware she is now
: paying tax with her <$800 monthly income. If you blame people like her for
: this country's problem, you are a no-heart dude.
: I thought conservative talk shows were for entertainment purpose. You had

发帖数: 2044

【在 s******n 的大作中提到】
: 你把它形容成救命钱,恐怕是过于夸张了。假如没有这个钱,不仅你的命没问题,你们
: 的生活质量也不会下降很多,因为你肯定有积累了很多资产,完全可以撑很久。
: 但是你会说,我不能抛股票啊,不能动401K的钱啊,不能卖了大房子搬到小房子啊,我
: BMW开惯了,换二手Honda会出事故的啊,等等。确实,这种变动对于一个人的触动是非
: 常大的。
: 但是大部分交税的人,生活质量没有你高。让生活质量不如你的人,交税来保障你习惯
: 了的生活质量,这是不道德的。(如果失业"保险"真的是保险性质,那没道德问题,但
: 是它目前实际是政府福利)
: 可以你过去交了很多的税,比平均多很多,那么现在多拿点福利,有什么不合理的?也

发帖数: 109
I want to add a point from a Christian perspective: the purpose that the
talented or hardworking or creative or whatever that get higher pay is NOT
to reward these individuals themselves, but to give them an opportunity to HELP
MORE PEOPLE, just like what Bill Gates is doing. In that sense, Bill Gates
has the TRUE AMERICAN SPIRIT, so does the principle of taxing the rich more.

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: 当民主党人大张旗鼓地庆祝医疗改革的胜利的时候,当政府一而再,再而三地延长发放
: 给失业人员的福利的时候,当奥巴马签署为失业人员或偿还不起房贷的家庭降低房贷的
: 时候,我禁不住一次又一次地感到不解和困惑。
: 这已经不是充满了希望的美国,这已经不是崇尚自食其力的美国,这已经不是尊重公平
: 竞争的美国,这已经不再是当年我来时的美国。这是一个向往不劳而获的美国,这是一
: 个打压拚搏奋斗的美国,这是一个富人就应该为穷人买单,却不意识到富人的富足是艰
: 苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结果的美国,这是一个不折不
: 扣的社会主义美国。
: 现在的社会倒底怎么了?下岗的人不去反思为何自己会被公司解雇,如何提高自己对社
: 会的价值,反而变得如此理直气壮--我下岗了,社会就理所当然地要养着我,养着我的

发帖数: 2406
You suggest to TAX/ROB rich people more to help others, why don't you give
away more If you have a heart? the homeless on the street, why dont you take
10 of them and let them live in your house and feed them like you feed your
children? not going to do that? other people should do that? why? there
are a lot of people much poor than you, why shouidnt you give away a
majority of yur money to those less fortunate? before you do that, you want
other people to do that? I like your logic, the p

【在 s**********p 的大作中提到】
: I want to add a point from a Christian perspective: the purpose that the
: talented or hardworking or creative or whatever that get higher pay is NOT
: to reward these individuals themselves, but to give them an opportunity to HELP
: MORE PEOPLE, just like what Bill Gates is doing. In that sense, Bill Gates
: has the TRUE AMERICAN SPIRIT, so does the principle of taxing the rich more.

发帖数: 7918
Is it feasible for everyone to take homeless people in their homes? That's
why you need the government and charitable organizations, stupid! If
everybody were selfless, we wouldn't need cops, either.


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: You suggest to TAX/ROB rich people more to help others, why don't you give
: away more If you have a heart? the homeless on the street, why dont you take
: 10 of them and let them live in your house and feed them like you feed your
: children? not going to do that? other people should do that? why? there
: are a lot of people much poor than you, why shouidnt you give away a
: majority of yur money to those less fortunate? before you do that, you want
: other people to do that? I like your logic, the p

发帖数: 2406
exactly my point. you dont want to pay for the homelss, but you want other
people to pay for them. you need cops, but you want other people to pay for
the cops, and you call me stupid. but look at how inconsistant you are. I
get it, you want things and other people have to pay for it. Did I say

【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: Is it feasible for everyone to take homeless people in their homes? That's
: why you need the government and charitable organizations, stupid! If
: everybody were selfless, we wouldn't need cops, either.
: give
: take
: your
: want

发帖数: 3
发帖数: 5016


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: exactly my point. you dont want to pay for the homelss, but you want other
: people to pay for them. you need cops, but you want other people to pay for
: the cops, and you call me stupid. but look at how inconsistant you are. I
: get it, you want things and other people have to pay for it. Did I say
: Parasite?!

how much money is enough money?
发帖数: 22
发帖数: 4394

【在 n*********o 的大作中提到】
: 说说自己的经历吧:金融危机前,我收入比较高,毕竟博士毕业后也都十年了,一个人
: 养一家人没有问题。但危机一来,公司节省开支,砍项目,我和一些同事就失业了。工
: 作真不好找啊。找junior的工作,人家嫌你over qualify,嫌你年龄太大,公司宁愿招
: 刚大学毕业的小屁孩。找高一点的工作,几乎没有opening,所有公司freeze。当然,
: 拿了一段时间的失业金,后来又开始工作了。
: 和我现在一起的同事,有个失业前是一个大公司的VP,在家也待了将近一年,这才又找
: 着这份技术工作,从头开始。
: 而对失业的人来说,工作市场不好的时候,失业金就是全家的救命钱。所以你得意的时
: 候你缴税养别人,你倒霉的时候别人缴税养你。只要税率适中,还是公平的。
: 另外,缴税本来就是责任,号称要responsibility的人就不要推卸责任了。

发帖数: 7918
Everyone has to pay some share. That's the cost of living in a human society
. I'm paying my share by paying taxes. Your argument is that we shouldn't be
paying taxes because some of us don't want to provide support to the
unemployed or homeless.


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: exactly my point. you dont want to pay for the homelss, but you want other
: people to pay for them. you need cops, but you want other people to pay for
: the cops, and you call me stupid. but look at how inconsistant you are. I
: get it, you want things and other people have to pay for it. Did I say
: Parasite?!

发帖数: 4394

【在 a********i 的大作中提到】
: 楼主太极端.
: 就像楼上有人说的,在经济结构变化,或是经济危机中,总会有人失业。不管你多努力
: ,失业的不是A,就是B。不发放社会救济金,产后的后果就是:不是A死,就是B亡。二
: 选一而已.
: 社会制度的构建,不是一活一死,而是让A活的好一点,B活的差一点,或者反之。
: 楼主抱怨这样不公平,但世界上没有绝对的公平。虽然自身努力很重要,但教育资源,
: 人脉关系的不同,无法让每一个人都站在同一起跑线上。这公平么?
: A死B活的模式,造成结果就是社会动荡,最后谁都无法生存.一起灭亡.

发帖数: 4394

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: 娃哈哈, 全文我只看了第一句, 就是 heaven on earth
: 哈哈, 人这种玩意, heaven on earth? 什么样的白痴才会
: 相信人这种玩意能建造/维持 heaven 啊, 呵呵。 历史上
: 是有几个人造天堂, 可是楼主自己都不愿意去, 哈哈哈哈。
: 我倒是希望楼主能去那些天堂回来写点体会呢(如果能回来的话), 而不要在
: 这资本主义 hell 里面 yy 天堂的美好生活啊...
: 这太搞笑了。 每次看楼主的文我都看这第一句....
: the
: $!.

发帖数: 2406
where is your reasoning?

【在 B*D 的大作中提到】
: 你也是寄生虫
: 享受的其他人的血汗换来的美帝现有的地位和超额利润
: 你还真以为你拥有的一切都是你劳动换来的?
: other
: for

发帖数: 22
那种人人平等的分配方式,是A = B ,与A活B 死一样,两个极端。都不可取。
发帖数: 49

【在 n*********o 的大作中提到】
: 说说自己的经历吧:金融危机前,我收入比较高,毕竟博士毕业后也都十年了,一个人
: 养一家人没有问题。但危机一来,公司节省开支,砍项目,我和一些同事就失业了。工
: 作真不好找啊。找junior的工作,人家嫌你over qualify,嫌你年龄太大,公司宁愿招
: 刚大学毕业的小屁孩。找高一点的工作,几乎没有opening,所有公司freeze。当然,
: 拿了一段时间的失业金,后来又开始工作了。
: 和我现在一起的同事,有个失业前是一个大公司的VP,在家也待了将近一年,这才又找
: 着这份技术工作,从头开始。
: 而对失业的人来说,工作市场不好的时候,失业金就是全家的救命钱。所以你得意的时
: 候你缴税养别人,你倒霉的时候别人缴税养你。只要税率适中,还是公平的。
: 另外,缴税本来就是责任,号称要responsibility的人就不要推卸责任了。

发帖数: 49
那时你见的富人还不够多,或者他们是middle class or upper middle class. 有空去
看看Kennedy family history,或许可以改变你的看法。


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: most of them, either themselves or their parents. absolutly. I have met
: many self made rich peole. very sharp, very hardworking, I have yet to meet
: anyone who got rich by dishonest means.

发帖数: 2406
excellent point, the Ks never get taxed. they are Democrats, remember.
you are taxing my definition of rich people who gathered wealth through hard
work. that is exactly my point. thank you.

【在 p*****r 的大作中提到】
: 那时你见的富人还不够多,或者他们是middle class or upper middle class. 有空去
: 看看Kennedy family history,或许可以改变你的看法。
: meet

The list goes on
Social Darwinism and Barack Obama
发帖数: 49
What a joke!


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: excellent point, the Ks never get taxed. they are Democrats, remember.
: you are taxing my definition of rich people who gathered wealth through hard
: work. that is exactly my point. thank you.

发帖数: 432
You just know evolutionism, but have no idea about relativism.
What's your definition of "loser"? It is a relative concept. Losers exist in
any society, which do not merely for individual reason, but for socially
structural reason as well. The redistribution system is an approach to even
this kind of socially constructed inequality.
Productivity is not the only priority for the whole society.
If you just work for work, what's the point?
If a society just want its people work for work, what's the

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: The process that we became humans is that the less smart and less fortunate
: members died before they can multiply. That is called "evolution". A
: society that promotes laziness will collapes and the losers will be the
: losers. Walfare is not the savior to the poor, HARDWORK is. So, one way or
: another, the RULE will prevail. I am just trying to help you undersatnd the
: inevitable and pull yourself out of the loser camp. "To work is glorious!"
: "there is no Messiah, relie on yourself" How true!
: By

发帖数: 4394

【在 p*****r 的大作中提到】
: 我完全同意。虽然才开始工作,但能理解人生起起伏伏。其实大家都会有困难的时间,
: 适当的社会保障可以保护你有再来一次的机会。

发帖数: 2406
good insight on the work part. we work to improve our lives, not to improve
other people's lives. That is human nature. My producing is a means to
an end, to produce a product that i want or other people want so I can
exchange for what I want. this is called economic activities. If you take
it by force, it is out of the realm of economic activity. For example, if a
thief steals a prodct from you, he is not exchanging his product for your
product. so stealing is not an economic activity.

【在 t********t 的大作中提到】
: You just know evolutionism, but have no idea about relativism.
: What's your definition of "loser"? It is a relative concept. Losers exist in
: any society, which do not merely for individual reason, but for socially
: structural reason as well. The redistribution system is an approach to even
: this kind of socially constructed inequality.
: Productivity is not the only priority for the whole society.
: If you just work for work, what's the point?
: If a society just want its people work for work, what's the

发帖数: 32
Yeah, you are so right. Have you started saving for your future open heart


【在 w***s 的大作中提到】
: 人生有起伏,所以你顺利的时候,应该自己多存一点,而不是等到不顺利的时候,去抢
: 别人的钱。松鼠都知道为了冬天自己去储藏食物,而不是搞社会主义大锅饭,去跟别的
: 松鼠平分冬天储藏的食物,如果每个松鼠都等着分人家的食物,自己不储藏,那么松鼠这
: 种动物早已经都饿死灭绝了。现在的情况就是,干活的松鼠每个交两份食物,一个是自己的,一个是给不干活的,而不干活的松鼠什么都不交,却可以平分一份,结果就是干活的松鼠越来越少。

发帖数: 32
What future? There will be no future by keeping things the way they have
I don't think your original statement of rich people becoming rich by
working hard is true. Lots of rich people are getting richer by making deals
, playing money games, taking advantage of the lacking of regulation.
Working hard only makes SOME people rich. The richest are the one making
money with their money. How hard can that be? Do you pay less for your
clothes after the garment industry moving out of this count

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: you got it upside down. to distribut wealth/having a heart, you need to
: have a wealth to be distributed. The US is already running a trade dificit
: of 5% of GDP, which accounts for 25% of goods consumed in US(only 20% of US
: GDP is manufacture). Hearts or no hearts, we are broke. If China stops
: lending more money to us, 25% of goods sold are not to be there any more. I
: am not even talking about rolling over the old debt or pay interst on the
: old debt. wake up, dude. I dont need to blame anyo

发帖数: 1085
LZ is just a pawn brain washed by American super rich. He is a typical
useful idiot. We give up reasoning with these types. We want the swing
votes to side with us.


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: most of them, either themselves or their parents. absolutly. I have met
: many self made rich peole. very sharp, very hardworking, I have yet to meet
: anyone who got rich by dishonest means.

发帖数: 2406
Again these people try to justify stealing and robbing buy accusing hard
working selfsustaining people of being brain-washed. You are just a thief,
no more no less.

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: LZ is just a pawn brain washed by American super rich. He is a typical
: useful idiot. We give up reasoning with these types. We want the swing
: votes to side with us.
: meet

发帖数: 4394
have you started saving for all open heart surgeries in the US?

【在 m*****a 的大作中提到】
: Yeah, you are so right. Have you started saving for your future open heart
: surgery?
: 鼠这
: 自己的,一个是给不干活的,而不干活的松鼠什么都不交,却可以平分一份,结果就是
: 干活的松鼠越来越少。

发帖数: 50
你怎么能断言富人的富足就纯粹是艰苦奋斗的产物? 穷人的贫穷就是不思进取的必然
资本总是寻求不断增值并且集中形成market power,从而带来inefficient的超额利润
。富人往往就是很容易更加富裕。 因为很多初始机会就不平等。
发帖数: 2406
Marxism doctrine. it has been proven wrong again and again and again.
these people want to try the same again, and expect different results.
some people will never learn. I just hope some will learn from the posts
here and move a bit closer to sensibility.

【在 s********d 的大作中提到】
: 却不意识到富人的富足是艰苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结
: 果--
: 你怎么能断言富人的富足就纯粹是艰苦奋斗的产物? 穷人的贫穷就是不思进取的必然
: 结果?
: 资本总是寻求不断增值并且集中形成market power,从而带来inefficient的超额利润
: 。富人往往就是很容易更加富裕。 因为很多初始机会就不平等。
: 所谓公平竞争,最核心的是机会平等。给定了贫富差距,加上世代传承,很多人生下来
: 就比另外一大部分人机会更好,优势更多,从而妨碍了社会效率。
: 传统自由主义的鼓吹,我觉得或多或少还就是在为这个资本主义富人阶层的统治辩护的
: 。毕竟社会福利,社会效率并不是那么简单的可以测度的。

发帖数: 8363

So just b/c you are making enough money you deserve to accuse those who
do of cheating? That mentality alone makes you a loser.

【在 s********d 的大作中提到】
: 却不意识到富人的富足是艰苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结
: 果--
: 你怎么能断言富人的富足就纯粹是艰苦奋斗的产物? 穷人的贫穷就是不思进取的必然
: 结果?
: 资本总是寻求不断增值并且集中形成market power,从而带来inefficient的超额利润
: 。富人往往就是很容易更加富裕。 因为很多初始机会就不平等。
: 所谓公平竞争,最核心的是机会平等。给定了贫富差距,加上世代传承,很多人生下来
: 就比另外一大部分人机会更好,优势更多,从而妨碍了社会效率。
: 传统自由主义的鼓吹,我觉得或多或少还就是在为这个资本主义富人阶层的统治辩护的
: 。毕竟社会福利,社会效率并不是那么简单的可以测度的。

发帖数: 8363

Oooohhh, so it's allllllllways someone else' fault that you are a loser.
If it's not b/c of someone making too much money and refusing to give you
a free share then it must be the structure of a society. It's never b/c
you sit on your butt all day long doing nothing but whining, right?

【在 t********t 的大作中提到】
: You just know evolutionism, but have no idea about relativism.
: What's your definition of "loser"? It is a relative concept. Losers exist in
: any society, which do not merely for individual reason, but for socially
: structural reason as well. The redistribution system is an approach to even
: this kind of socially constructed inequality.
: Productivity is not the only priority for the whole society.
: If you just work for work, what's the point?
: If a society just want its people work for work, what's the

发帖数: 2406
yes, that is why they are the losers, always will be. their genes are the
loser genes and alway will be. Sorry, I am a biologist by training, has to
rob it in.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Oooohhh, so it's allllllllways someone else' fault that you are a loser.
: If it's not b/c of someone making too much money and refusing to give you
: a free share then it must be the structure of a society. It's never b/c
: you sit on your butt all day long doing nothing but whining, right?

发帖数: 432
Do you know the meaning of "not only..but also.." ?
How could you graduate from junior high?

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Oooohhh, so it's allllllllways someone else' fault that you are a loser.
: If it's not b/c of someone making too much money and refusing to give you
: a free share then it must be the structure of a society. It's never b/c
: you sit on your butt all day long doing nothing but whining, right?

发帖数: 109


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: You suggest to TAX/ROB rich people more to help others, why don't you give
: away more If you have a heart? the homeless on the street, why dont you take
: 10 of them and let them live in your house and feed them like you feed your
: children? not going to do that? other people should do that? why? there
: are a lot of people much poor than you, why shouidnt you give away a
: majority of yur money to those less fortunate? before you do that, you want
: other people to do that? I like your logic, the p

发帖数: 1085
Three facts I know about you. I know you are pissed at poor people. I know
that you are pissed at social safety net. I know that you are content with
reverse Robbinhood, namely CEOs and the elites are robbing the poor. My
advice: Find a shrink for your pisses. Otherwise, just be happy what you
got. You are always in the middle, got robbed by the poor and rich.
We have won the big battle: universal health care. Hahahahahahaha. Find a
shrink. We will win more. And you will always be a

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: yes, that is why they are the losers, always will be. their genes are the
: loser genes and alway will be. Sorry, I am a biologist by training, has to
: rob it in.

发帖数: 1085
one word for you. SHARP!!!
Get to the point. Cant believe there are so naive people in this world.
One joke: Before the French revolution, after knowing people didnt have
breads on the table anymore, the Queen said why not have cakes?
What the $%@$%@$%@$%@$%!$%!$#%.

【在 m*****a 的大作中提到】
: Yeah, you are so right. Have you started saving for your future open heart
: surgery?
: 鼠这
: 自己的,一个是给不干活的,而不干活的松鼠什么都不交,却可以平分一份,结果就是
: 干活的松鼠越来越少。

发帖数: 1085
One question:
Say you got MS or got into an nasty accident, you cant work anymore. And
your insurance dropped you and you cant find anybody who wants to insure you
anymore. Do you want to get paid ( and therefore robbing other people)?
If your answer is yes, you are slapping your own face. If no, at least you
are consistent. But WE dont want to live like this, so we have passed the
universal health care bill. We win, and you lose, so find a shrink.


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: good insight on the work part. we work to improve our lives, not to improve
: other people's lives. That is human nature. My producing is a means to
: an end, to produce a product that i want or other people want so I can
: exchange for what I want. this is called economic activities. If you take
: it by force, it is out of the realm of economic activity. For example, if a
: thief steals a prodct from you, he is not exchanging his product for your
: product. so stealing is not an economic activity.

发帖数: 17
你方唱罢,我方登场,好不热闹,自己英语能力有限,不过看得很过瘾,go on
Only government can save health care.
那些质疑health care是基本人权的人
Heavily accented teachers removed from Arizona classrooms
发帖数: 1085
The truth is that I am not an activist. I have never voted. I am happy
with all the Tax shelters Bush set up. I got a lot hidden in Roth, 401K,
HSA, and 529. A millionaire in shelters. :-) Not much cash at hands.
Most of my asset is tax sheltered. Now we have universal health care. I
dont need to worry ever losing my job. So, I love this country. Socialism
in a developed country is like heaven on earth. Hope I wont be sent back to
earth after death.

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: 当民主党人大张旗鼓地庆祝医疗改革的胜利的时候,当政府一而再,再而三地延长发放
: 给失业人员的福利的时候,当奥巴马签署为失业人员或偿还不起房贷的家庭降低房贷的
: 时候,我禁不住一次又一次地感到不解和困惑。
: 这已经不是充满了希望的美国,这已经不是崇尚自食其力的美国,这已经不是尊重公平
: 竞争的美国,这已经不再是当年我来时的美国。这是一个向往不劳而获的美国,这是一
: 个打压拚搏奋斗的美国,这是一个富人就应该为穷人买单,却不意识到富人的富足是艰
: 苦奋斗的产物,穷人的贫穷是不思进取、好吃懒做的必然结果的美国,这是一个不折不
: 扣的社会主义美国。
: 现在的社会倒底怎么了?下岗的人不去反思为何自己会被公司解雇,如何提高自己对社
: 会的价值,反而变得如此理直气壮--我下岗了,社会就理所当然地要养着我,养着我的

发帖数: 1085
I just %!$#!#$@! love this country. Asset can get tax sheltered. Mortgage
can deduct tax. After mortgage is paid off, no income needs to be written
off anyhow. Health care is taken care by the hard working suckers. If this
were not heaven, I would not want to go to heaven.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: The truth is that I am not an activist. I have never voted. I am happy
: with all the Tax shelters Bush set up. I got a lot hidden in Roth, 401K,
: HSA, and 529. A millionaire in shelters. :-) Not much cash at hands.
: Most of my asset is tax sheltered. Now we have universal health care. I
: dont need to worry ever losing my job. So, I love this country. Socialism
: in a developed country is like heaven on earth. Hope I wont be sent back to
: earth after death.

发帖数: 1085
Three facts about me:
CEOs and Bankers are reverse robbing the poor, and I feel disgusted.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: The truth is that I am not an activist. I have never voted. I am happy
: with all the Tax shelters Bush set up. I got a lot hidden in Roth, 401K,
: HSA, and 529. A millionaire in shelters. :-) Not much cash at hands.
: Most of my asset is tax sheltered. Now we have universal health care. I
: dont need to worry ever losing my job. So, I love this country. Socialism
: in a developed country is like heaven on earth. Hope I wont be sent back to
: earth after death.

发帖数: 2406
all your assets will become worthless if the redistribution continues:
currency will devalue, company will lose money so stocks becomes worthless,
interest rate goes through the roof which means your bonds becomes worthless
. your puny little nest egg can be nationalzed. property tax will go up so
you house become a burden, not asset. Remember the CHinese saying, under a
fallen nest, there is no unbroken egg.
On the healthcare side, hospitals will become so crowded, you have to wait
for a l

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Three facts about me:
: CEOs and Bankers are reverse robbing the poor, and I feel disgusted.
: Some
: Socialism
: to

发帖数: 1085
Now we can see how a brain-washed, scare tactic victim talk.
Interest rate goes through roof, million will become billion. So whats the


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: all your assets will become worthless if the redistribution continues:
: currency will devalue, company will lose money so stocks becomes worthless,
: interest rate goes through the roof which means your bonds becomes worthless
: . your puny little nest egg can be nationalzed. property tax will go up so
: you house become a burden, not asset. Remember the CHinese saying, under a
: fallen nest, there is no unbroken egg.
: On the healthcare side, hospitals will become so crowded, you have to wait
: for a l

发帖数: 2406
million becomes billion is THE PROBLEM!
you ----.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Now we can see how a brain-washed, scare tactic victim talk.
: Interest rate goes through roof, million will become billion. So whats the
: problem?
: ,
: worthless
: so
: a
: rob

发帖数: 8363

Such a completely economy imbecile.
High interest kills debtors, especially a huge debtor like US government
that carries tens of trillions of debt and welfare burden. To supply the
high interest payment on the debt, your beloved socialist government will
have to suck money from your savings, 401k and more to service it, which
is why you should never count on debt to finance huge welfare spending
programs. Understood, dumbass?

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Now we can see how a brain-washed, scare tactic victim talk.
: Interest rate goes through roof, million will become billion. So whats the
: problem?
: ,
: worthless
: so
: a
: rob

发帖数: 5016

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Such a completely economy imbecile.
: High interest kills debtors, especially a huge debtor like US government
: that carries tens of trillions of debt and welfare burden. To supply the
: high interest payment on the debt, your beloved socialist government will
: have to suck money from your savings, 401k and more to service it, which
: is why you should never count on debt to finance huge welfare spending
: programs. Understood, dumbass?

发帖数: 8363
Just about every moron jumps out of the woodwork showing off his idiocy.
Let's see, so you want "政府向私人借债". Well you've got a problem right
there b/c since people know you are can print to cheat they will not
lend you unless you give them a significantly high interest rate to
offset the money you print.
The bigger the debt and higher the interest are, the more money you
have to pay back and bigger burden on the overall economy which will
in turn generate less tax revenue for you tax from. It's a

【在 B*D 的大作中提到】
: Quote
: "
: 在美国,政府扩大支出时会发行国债。然后由联邦储备银行买进国债,
: 发出美元。联邦储备银行现在持有国债,获得国债利息。
: 但是,由于联邦储备银行收益超过5%的部分都要上缴财政,所以
: 这部分国债利息直接冲抵上缴收益,并不构成利息负担,而此时钞票
: 却已经发行在外。
: 换句话说,整个程序就是:政府向私人借债,借得的资金用于政府支出
: 随后私人凭借债券和利息向联邦储备银行兑换美元。联邦储备银行支付美元
: 获得政府债券,通过利息冲抵,实际上接触了财政部的偿还义务。

发帖数: 5016

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Just about every moron jumps out of the woodwork showing off his idiocy.
: Let's see, so you want "政府向私人借债". Well you've got a problem right
: there b/c since people know you are can print to cheat they will not
: lend you unless you give them a significantly high interest rate to
: offset the money you print.
: The bigger the debt and higher the interest are, the more money you
: have to pay back and bigger burden on the overall economy which will
: in turn generate less tax revenue for you tax from. It's a

Heavily accented teachers removed from Arizona classrooms
哈哈哈, Parasite-in-Chief
发帖数: 1085
All my asset is tax sheltered. And home appreciation is tax free. I will
benefit the most when rate is high. Laughing to the bank. Those who dont
have sheltered asset will come out and scream for bloody murder again and
blame the poor.

【在 B*D 的大作中提到】
: 原来你中文也看不懂...
: 英语的脏字倒是很流利
: 恩,是个人才..

发帖数: 1085
Now, someone is making sense. Yes, I love high interest rate. My parents
used to have 25% Chinese treasury bonds 15 years ago. It was the biggest
gift. We will go through the high and low interest cycles, the next time
when rate is sky high. Buy 30 yr treasury bonds. If you bought in 1985 for
20%. You are loving life right now.
Interest high or low, you can make money. Pigs get slaughtered and will
blame someone.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Just about every moron jumps out of the woodwork showing off his idiocy.
: Let's see, so you want "政府向私人借债". Well you've got a problem right
: there b/c since people know you are can print to cheat they will not
: lend you unless you give them a significantly high interest rate to
: offset the money you print.
: The bigger the debt and higher the interest are, the more money you
: have to pay back and bigger burden on the overall economy which will
: in turn generate less tax revenue for you tax from. It's a

发帖数: 1085
Look, when US$ goes down, export is humming, stock market is humming,
unemployment goes down. So, what is the problem?
The only problem you have is to blame the poor for all the ill of this
country. This is so ill-placed blame.
Socialism in US is like heaven on earth. Who needs to go to heaven when you
can enjoy it already. Laughing to the banks.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Now, someone is making sense. Yes, I love high interest rate. My parents
: used to have 25% Chinese treasury bonds 15 years ago. It was the biggest
: gift. We will go through the high and low interest cycles, the next time
: when rate is sky high. Buy 30 yr treasury bonds. If you bought in 1985 for
: 20%. You are loving life right now.
: Interest high or low, you can make money. Pigs get slaughtered and will
: blame someone.

发帖数: 2406
Neverlearn, maybe you should show off a bit on how many times more you
make over the fake Drs and how much more you have stashed away so the ------
will shut up and learn form the Pro. Do them a favor.
发帖数: 8363

Just endless ignorance on debt and interest rate. Mass welfare programs
keep government taking on perennial debt. When high rate drives interest
payment on debt to the moon, it leads to one outcome only: default.
US government will default in two ways: one they do not pay you back on
the bond, two they pay you back w/ worthless printed money. You are gonna
see the welfare garbage like UHC collapses one by one b/c government does
not have money to run your heaven on earth no more.
Then those poo

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Now, someone is making sense. Yes, I love high interest rate. My parents
: used to have 25% Chinese treasury bonds 15 years ago. It was the biggest
: gift. We will go through the high and low interest cycles, the next time
: when rate is sky high. Buy 30 yr treasury bonds. If you bought in 1985 for
: 20%. You are loving life right now.
: Interest high or low, you can make money. Pigs get slaughtered and will
: blame someone.

发帖数: 8363

I think they are already too stupid to salvage.

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: Neverlearn, maybe you should show off a bit on how many times more you
: make over the fake Drs and how much more you have stashed away so the ------
: will shut up and learn form the Pro. Do them a favor.

发帖数: 1085
These scare tactic victims are talking again. The money will not be
worthless. What currency would you have? Europeans and Japanese have
higher debts. You are talking nonsense.
Raise the tax for the rich!!!! Debt will be gone in a heart beat. You are
just useful idiots and brain washed. The rich backed media makes you
believe the poor created this mess. The fact is that Bush lowered the tax
of the riches and drove the national debt through the roof. And rich got
richer and it was not tr

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: I think they are already too stupid to salvage.

发帖数: 1085
One simple solution: raise the tax of high incomers.
Hahaha. Go obama, go!!!!
Tax them and the debt will be paid in a heart beat.
We give up these brain washed, useful idiots.
I would understand if they make over 250 grand AGI a year. It means 300k
income a year. You are so confused which side you should be on.
I will eventually make more than 300 grand a year. I dont mind paying more
when I make that far.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: I think they are already too stupid to salvage.

发帖数: 8363

Both Yen and Euros are better than Dollars despite their current issues.
A currency is only as strong as the industrial strength behind it. While
both Japan and Germany have a strong manufacture base, what do you have
behind Dollars? Zero, dumbass.
All US' manufacture business has been sent oversea. No business owners
will be that dumb to start a factory here under so much tax, UHC and the
other socialist garbage. W/o that backing, Dollar is doomed. You think
your Dollars are in some safe shelt

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: These scare tactic victims are talking again. The money will not be
: worthless. What currency would you have? Europeans and Japanese have
: higher debts. You are talking nonsense.
: Raise the tax for the rich!!!! Debt will be gone in a heart beat. You are
: just useful idiots and brain washed. The rich backed media makes you
: believe the poor created this mess. The fact is that Bush lowered the tax
: of the riches and drove the national debt through the roof. And rich got
: richer and it was not tr

发帖数: 1085
Dollar weakened. Stock market comes back. Export is humming. Intel is
making loads of money. So what is the problem. strong dollar = job loss.
weak dollars make jobs come back. Laugh to the banks.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Both Yen and Euros are better than Dollars despite their current issues.
: A currency is only as strong as the industrial strength behind it. While
: both Japan and Germany have a strong manufacture base, what do you have
: behind Dollars? Zero, dumbass.
: All US' manufacture business has been sent oversea. No business owners
: will be that dumb to start a factory here under so much tax, UHC and the
: other socialist garbage. W/o that backing, Dollar is doomed. You think
: your Dollars are in some safe shelt

how much money is enough money?
发帖数: 8363

Why would jobs come back while the labor is becoming even more expensive
after UHC passed? Are you plain stupid? Jobs will be outsourced as fast
as ever w/ each job killing bill Obama passes.
And how's a weakened-dollar driven stock surge a good thing? If you get
a raise of 100% and a dollar depreciation of 50% at the same time, then
do you really get a raise or not?
Uh ... wait. You do understand the relationship between purchasing power
and currency depreciation, right? LOL, such a dumbass.

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Dollar weakened. Stock market comes back. Export is humming. Intel is
: making loads of money. So what is the problem. strong dollar = job loss.
: weak dollars make jobs come back. Laugh to the banks.

发帖数: 1085
Currency weakens against Europe not Yuan. If Chinese Yuan appreciates,
there are other countries that want to be next China just China replaced
Tigers and Japan.
UHC will lower the labor cost by shifting to the government.
Glad to amuse you.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Why would jobs come back while the labor is becoming even more expensive
: after UHC passed? Are you plain stupid? Jobs will be outsourced as fast
: as ever w/ each job killing bill Obama passes.
: And how's a weakened-dollar driven stock surge a good thing? If you get
: a raise of 100% and a dollar depreciation of 50% at the same time, then
: do you really get a raise or not?
: Uh ... wait. You do understand the relationship between purchasing power
: and currency depreciation, right? LOL, such a dumbass.

发帖数: 8363

Such a dumbass doesn't even understand government is no private business
that generates profit. They don't have their own money. They spend your
money to cover welfare like UHC. The more spending the bigger burden
they place on the private sectors, which hurt business and job growth.

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Currency weakens against Europe not Yuan. If Chinese Yuan appreciates,
: there are other countries that want to be next China just China replaced
: Tigers and Japan.
: UHC will lower the labor cost by shifting to the government.
: Glad to amuse you.

发帖数: 1085
The more profits private companies like pharmas and insurance, the more
burden on the society. We pay too much on health care while gaining little
benefits. Socialized medicine will have the government control the prices.
That is the ultimate goal.
You need to spend on health care before UHC and after. What is the issue
Whatever you say, here is the deal.
We have won. You have lost. I go high and you go nuts. Find a shrink.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Such a dumbass doesn't even understand government is no private business
: that generates profit. They don't have their own money. They spend your
: money to cover welfare like UHC. The more spending the bigger burden
: they place on the private sectors, which hurt business and job growth.

发帖数: 8363

You pay too much b/c government regulation drives the price high. So
government is the last place you turn to cut the price, dumbass.
And you think you have won, huh? Well Obama will bankrupt this nation so
bad he cannot tax the super rich enough to cover the bill, and then he
will turn to your "safe" shelters for some money, dumbass. Then we will
see who is the real loser. Such a through and through dumbass.

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: The more profits private companies like pharmas and insurance, the more
: burden on the society. We pay too much on health care while gaining little
: benefits. Socialized medicine will have the government control the prices.
: That is the ultimate goal.
: You need to spend on health care before UHC and after. What is the issue
: here?
: Whatever you say, here is the deal.
: We have won. You have lost. I go high and you go nuts. Find a shrink.

发帖数: 1085
We will see. Reagonomics has failed. Scare tactic will not work. Life
goes on.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: You pay too much b/c government regulation drives the price high. So
: government is the last place you turn to cut the price, dumbass.
: And you think you have won, huh? Well Obama will bankrupt this nation so
: bad he cannot tax the super rich enough to cover the bill, and then he
: will turn to your "safe" shelters for some money, dumbass. Then we will
: see who is the real loser. Such a through and through dumbass.

发帖数: 1085
CEOs are robbing Trillions from poor people. That is the problem.
Tax the rich.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: You pay too much b/c government regulation drives the price high. So
: government is the last place you turn to cut the price, dumbass.
: And you think you have won, huh? Well Obama will bankrupt this nation so
: bad he cannot tax the super rich enough to cover the bill, and then he
: will turn to your "safe" shelters for some money, dumbass. Then we will
: see who is the real loser. Such a through and through dumbass.

发帖数: 1085
We can go on and on cycles around. The bottom line is that we won, you lost
. My heaven and your hell. TAX the rich!!!!!!!

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: CEOs are robbing Trillions from poor people. That is the problem.
: Tax the rich.

发帖数: 2119
Some people thought by giving up their soul, they could at least keep their
brain, but unfortunately, they have neither left.
Just look at their hero: Sarah Palin. Case closed.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: We can go on and on cycles around. The bottom line is that we won, you lost
: . My heaven and your hell. TAX the rich!!!!!!!

发帖数: 4394
Some people already gave up their soul and brain to the government and
thoutht they will live in the heaven. what a joke?


【在 p***i 的大作中提到】
: Some people thought by giving up their soul, they could at least keep their
: brain, but unfortunately, they have neither left.
: Just look at their hero: Sarah Palin. Case closed.
: lost

The list goes on
Social Darwinism and Barack Obama
发帖数: 2119
Conservatives really have no sense of humor. They cannot even finish an
English sentence, period! You betcha!

【在 w***s 的大作中提到】
: Some people already gave up their soul and brain to the government and
: thoutht they will live in the heaven. what a joke?
: their

发帖数: 9453
你们都是对牛弹琴 - 人小左根本的特点就是不要考虑生产,
那是“别人”的任务, 人只需要考虑怎么消费爽就行了。
反正 economy always increase, lol.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: You pay too much b/c government regulation drives the price high. So
: government is the last place you turn to cut the price, dumbass.
: And you think you have won, huh? Well Obama will bankrupt this nation so
: bad he cannot tax the super rich enough to cover the bill, and then he
: will turn to your "safe" shelters for some money, dumbass. Then we will
: see who is the real loser. Such a through and through dumbass.

发帖数: 2119
Dumb ass, not dumbass, dumb ass! No offense intended.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: You pay too much b/c government regulation drives the price high. So
: government is the last place you turn to cut the price, dumbass.
: And you think you have won, huh? Well Obama will bankrupt this nation so
: bad he cannot tax the super rich enough to cover the bill, and then he
: will turn to your "safe" shelters for some money, dumbass. Then we will
: see who is the real loser. Such a through and through dumbass.

发帖数: 2119
By shifting the burden of health care for employees from companies to the
government (at a lower cost to the whole society), it will reduce the cost
for private companies. I guess that is your point, which right-wingers
either ignore or deny.
BTW, you really have a healthy attitude. When practitioners of scare tactics
manage to only scare themselves, it is sad for them, but funny for the rest
of us.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: The more profits private companies like pharmas and insurance, the more
: burden on the society. We pay too much on health care while gaining little
: benefits. Socialized medicine will have the government control the prices.
: That is the ultimate goal.
: You need to spend on health care before UHC and after. What is the issue
: here?
: Whatever you say, here is the deal.
: We have won. You have lost. I go high and you go nuts. Find a shrink.

发帖数: 9453
why not government just take care of house and food and travel
and everything? then cost of private companies are so reduced
that, they need pay 0 salaries, which means they will become super
然后老美就统治宇宙了, 哈哈。 至于政府的钱从哪里来嘛,


【在 p***i 的大作中提到】
: By shifting the burden of health care for employees from companies to the
: government (at a lower cost to the whole society), it will reduce the cost
: for private companies. I guess that is your point, which right-wingers
: either ignore or deny.
: BTW, you really have a healthy attitude. When practitioners of scare tactics
: manage to only scare themselves, it is sad for them, but funny for the rest
: of us.
: little
: .

发帖数: 2119
See, that's what I meant by "scare tactic." You are not scared, so at least
you have some sense, unlike some other right-wingers on this board.

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: why not government just take care of house and food and travel
: and everything? then cost of private companies are so reduced
: that, they need pay 0 salaries, which means they will become super
: competitive.
: 然后老美就统治宇宙了, 哈哈。 至于政府的钱从哪里来嘛,
: 印钞机一开不就有了嘛!
: tactics
: rest

发帖数: 21367

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: why not government just take care of house and food and travel
: and everything? then cost of private companies are so reduced
: that, they need pay 0 salaries, which means they will become super
: competitive.
: 然后老美就统治宇宙了, 哈哈。 至于政府的钱从哪里来嘛,
: 印钞机一开不就有了嘛!
: tactics
: rest

发帖数: 9453
哈哈, 戴帽子, 而不是具体问题具体指出, 是小左的又一大特征。
我说你们这些左左啊, 最大的问题就是 too simple, somttimes naive, lol.
具体的表现就是不能具体。 可是有句名言说的好啊
detail is not only detail -- it is the world.
大帽子, 大图像, 大方向那是人人都有一个, 要怎么玩就怎么玩,
可是细节呢? 整个宇宙只有一个, 那就是客观规律。
everyone can print the money, only God can print oil :)
好了, 忙去了, 不和你们这些小左玩了。 其实我是多么的喜欢
共产主义, 那是多么有效率的制度和天堂。


【在 p***i 的大作中提到】
: See, that's what I meant by "scare tactic." You are not scared, so at least
: you have some sense, unlike some other right-wingers on this board.

发帖数: 1085
socialism is good.
socialism is good.
socialism is good, good, good, good.
发帖数: 1085
socialism is good.
socialism is good.
socialism is good, good, good, good.
发帖数: 1085
They were poor to start with and got isolated with the rest of world. They
started to run before they could walk. Here we have run too fast and need
to slow down.
Whats wrong with peaceful life and quitting the rat race? Instead of hoping
to go to heaven, enjoy the heaven here on earth.
Btw, I will be a doctor and make a good living and I dont mind paying higher
taxes. And I will drag you high-incomers with me to pay more taxes. If
you dont make 250K a year, stop arguing with me.

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: socialism is good.
: socialism is good.
: socialism is good, good, good, good.

发帖数: 2406
Hospitals are broke. You won't find a match, never become a doctor.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: They were poor to start with and got isolated with the rest of world. They
: started to run before they could walk. Here we have run too fast and need
: to slow down.
: Whats wrong with peaceful life and quitting the rat race? Instead of hoping
: to go to heaven, enjoy the heaven here on earth.
: Btw, I will be a doctor and make a good living and I dont mind paying higher
: taxes. And I will drag you high-incomers with me to pay more taxes. If
: you dont make 250K a year, stop arguing with me.

发帖数: 1085
Now you are just being mean.
Pharmas, hospitals, doctors will be biggest beneficiaries of this UHC. How
do you think the bill has passed? By the backing of the big businesses. I
will match because I am good and have a bigger heart.
The uninsured will be paid by the government. The medicare reimbursement
rate will go higher. They are all good for the hospitals. There will be a
doctor shortage. I am all set. Envious of me all you could. Biological

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: Hospitals are broke. You won't find a match, never become a doctor.
: They
: hoping
: higher

发帖数: 1085
Biology = WS.
Look what your profession has made of you.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Now you are just being mean.
: Pharmas, hospitals, doctors will be biggest beneficiaries of this UHC. How
: do you think the bill has passed? By the backing of the big businesses. I
: will match because I am good and have a bigger heart.
: The uninsured will be paid by the government. The medicare reimbursement
: rate will go higher. They are all good for the hospitals. There will be a
: doctor shortage. I am all set. Envious of me all you could. Biological
: suckers.

发帖数: 2406
I kid you not, fake MDs from other countries can't find match any more. you
will never bocome a doctor in US. I suggest you try Mexico, Amigo!

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Biology = WS.
: Look what your profession has made of you.
: How
: I
: a

发帖数: 2406
because you will not become rich, you get the same healthcare as the
homeless in a shit hole hospital treated by fake doctors and dxxxh panels.

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Biology = WS.
: Look what your profession has made of you.
: How
: I
: a

发帖数: 2406
no more match for foreign medical school graduate even if you get high
scores on the Board Exams. I kow quite a few doctor wanna-be now. Time has
changed. No need to waste time and your few precious dollars prepare for
the exams.
better chance be a biology postdoc forever.

UHC. How

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Now you are just being mean.
: Pharmas, hospitals, doctors will be biggest beneficiaries of this UHC. How
: do you think the bill has passed? By the backing of the big businesses. I
: will match because I am good and have a bigger heart.
: The uninsured will be paid by the government. The medicare reimbursement
: rate will go higher. They are all good for the hospitals. There will be a
: doctor shortage. I am all set. Envious of me all you could. Biological
: suckers.

发帖数: 1085
The outsiders can see it clearly. You are so bitter. Incredible. Just to
get the fact straight. I am NOT a postdoc. I dont have to go to school
here because I have got my MD, the highest degree. You are so bitter
because my FAKE MD is worth a lot than your real Ph.D. Because of the
pseudo union, the licensing board, the supply is artificially limited. As a
result, 25% of the doctors here are foreign trained. Talking about free
market. And consequentially, the salaries are over the top

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: no more match for foreign medical school graduate even if you get high
: scores on the Board Exams. I kow quite a few doctor wanna-be now. Time has
: changed. No need to waste time and your few precious dollars prepare for
: the exams.
: better chance be a biology postdoc forever.
: UHC. How
: I
: a

发帖数: 1085
Yes, I do not have to match because my doctor husband is a multi-millionaire
already. I do it because I want to treat poor people in the shitty hole

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: no more match for foreign medical school graduate even if you get high
: scores on the Board Exams. I kow quite a few doctor wanna-be now. Time has
: changed. No need to waste time and your few precious dollars prepare for
: the exams.
: better chance be a biology postdoc forever.
: UHC. How
: I
: a

发帖数: 8363

Those poor laid off could still afford a health plan on their own were it
not jerks like you running an "artificially limited", paid "over the top"
system that sends medicare cost sky high and prices them out of market.
Isn't it obvious you are part of the "exploit" that makes the poor unable
to get coverage?
About the time you quit pretending caring the poor, and that fake anger
toward greedy "CEOs". You are as selfish & greedy as any CEOs out there.

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Yes, I do not have to match because my doctor husband is a multi-millionaire
: already. I do it because I want to treat poor people in the shitty hole
: hospitals.

Only government can save health care.
那些质疑health care是基本人权的人
Heavily accented teachers removed from Arizona classrooms
发帖数: 302
能理解你有点frustrated, 其实二三年match上的大有人在, 关键是
externship最好是in-patient externship, step3, community volunteer,


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Yes, I do not have to match because my doctor husband is a multi-millionaire
: already. I do it because I want to treat poor people in the shitty hole
: hospitals.

发帖数: 1085
I am class 2007. Whats the rush. You are just so jealous. You wish you
had your million dollar paid off. Hehe.



【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: no more match for foreign medical school graduate even if you get high
: scores on the Board Exams. I kow quite a few doctor wanna-be now. Time has
: changed. No need to waste time and your few precious dollars prepare for
: the exams.
: better chance be a biology postdoc forever.
: UHC. How
: I
: a

发帖数: 1085
I am class 2007. Whats the rush. You are just so jealous. You wish you
had your million dollar paid off. Hehe.



【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: no more match for foreign medical school graduate even if you get high
: scores on the Board Exams. I kow quite a few doctor wanna-be now. Time has
: changed. No need to waste time and your few precious dollars prepare for
: the exams.
: better chance be a biology postdoc forever.
: UHC. How
: I
: a

发帖数: 1085
You are just being funny.
Because of the corruption, sex scandals, nobody should go politician?
Because of the wall street greed, nobody should go banking?
Because everyone is exploiting Chinese labor, we shall all kill ourselves?
You are just being funny.
The system is the system. You cant beat it. But you can make the best out
of the situation. And thats why I think raising tax to the rich is the way
to go. A simple fix to a lot of social ills.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Those poor laid off could still afford a health plan on their own were it
: not jerks like you running an "artificially limited", paid "over the top"
: system that sends medicare cost sky high and prices them out of market.
: Isn't it obvious you are part of the "exploit" that makes the poor unable
: to get coverage?
: About the time you quit pretending caring the poor, and that fake anger
: toward greedy "CEOs". You are as selfish & greedy as any CEOs out there.

发帖数: 1085
I take pride that I volunteer at a hospital unpaid.
Postdocs exist because there are not enough jobs for them. The reason for
it is that they dont have unions, licensing boards that limit the numbers of
Talk about free market. Talk about poor robbing the rich.
When they pay you to get a Ph.D, it smells. That said, I have all the
sympathy for postdocs. But for a lot of people, it is a better choice.
But there are a lot Chinese who can make to the professors. Some quitters

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: no more match for foreign medical school graduate even if you get high
: scores on the Board Exams. I kow quite a few doctor wanna-be now. Time has
: changed. No need to waste time and your few precious dollars prepare for
: the exams.
: better chance be a biology postdoc forever.
: UHC. How
: I
: a

发帖数: 1085
After getting the license, it opens doors to a lot of career choices:
government, FDA, drug companies. Why all the people you know are career
challenged? Because you like to be around them to make you feel better?
How come all the people I know are all doctors with good hospital jobs and
biochemists with good company jobs?



【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: no more match for foreign medical school graduate even if you get high
: scores on the Board Exams. I kow quite a few doctor wanna-be now. Time has
: changed. No need to waste time and your few precious dollars prepare for
: the exams.
: better chance be a biology postdoc forever.
: UHC. How
: I
: a

发帖数: 8363
Uh no, we need deep fix to get rid of the sky high expense in healthcare,
or US would be insolvent like Greece. We need more doctors out there to
compete so the price is down. We need to remove the regulatory hurdles so
more drug / insurance companies could come in to drive it down further.
But NO! You don't want that fix. You want high medical expense. You want
that "unionized, artificially limited supply" system for you get a high
salary, "a road paved with gold" in your words.
In short, you w

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: You are just being funny.
: Because of the corruption, sex scandals, nobody should go politician?
: Because of the wall street greed, nobody should go banking?
: Because everyone is exploiting Chinese labor, we shall all kill ourselves?
: You are just being funny.
: The system is the system. You cant beat it. But you can make the best out
: of the situation. And thats why I think raising tax to the rich is the way
: to go. A simple fix to a lot of social ills.

发帖数: 1085
I am part of the solution. If it were not for the 25% foreign trained
doctors in the country, we would have a worse shortage of doctors. I am
solving your problem, helping you get cheaper health care.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Uh no, we need deep fix to get rid of the sky high expense in healthcare,
: or US would be insolvent like Greece. We need more doctors out there to
: compete so the price is down. We need to remove the regulatory hurdles so
: more drug / insurance companies could come in to drive it down further.
: But NO! You don't want that fix. You want high medical expense. You want
: that "unionized, artificially limited supply" system for you get a high
: salary, "a road paved with gold" in your words.
: In short, you w

发帖数: 2406
Everybody has a job that pays, except for you.
And you are not the loser?

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: After getting the license, it opens doors to a lot of career choices:
: government, FDA, drug companies. Why all the people you know are career
: challenged? Because you like to be around them to make you feel better?
: How come all the people I know are all doctors with good hospital jobs and
: biochemists with good company jobs?
: less
: working
: less

发帖数: 9453
nah. nah 运气也是实力的一种, 嘿嘿, 你不能这样说。
不过我说你们都在和 it 说啥捏, 我根本就懒的理会 it,
it 就是自言自语狂, 左左大多都这样。 因为你只要一看
脚下实地, 就左不了了。
左左和运气, 那是紧密的相连。 这两个是有因果关系的, 呵呵。
但是到底, 大家都是靠运气过日子, 也就 50 步和 100 步。
不过五十和100 步, 那差别还是很大很大的。


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: Everybody has a job that pays, except for you.
: And you are not the loser?

Heavily accented teachers removed from Arizona classrooms
哈哈哈, Parasite-in-Chief
发帖数: 2406
you are unpaid because you can not find a paid job
Because nobody want to pay YOU even when there is a shortage of cheap
That says something about you.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: I take pride that I volunteer at a hospital unpaid.
: Postdocs exist because there are not enough jobs for them. The reason for
: it is that they dont have unions, licensing boards that limit the numbers of
: graduates.
: Talk about free market. Talk about poor robbing the rich.
: When they pay you to get a Ph.D, it smells. That said, I have all the
: sympathy for postdocs. But for a lot of people, it is a better choice.
: But there are a lot Chinese who can make to the professors. Some quitters
: thoug

发帖数: 2406
you are not the solution, nobody even wants to pay you, hospitals rather pay
ganitors before they pay you.

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: ???????????
: I am part of the solution. If it were not for the 25% foreign trained
: doctors in the country, we would have a worse shortage of doctors. I am
: solving your problem, helping you get cheaper health care.

发帖数: 2406
someone that's happy that they hid money in Roth IRA certainly is not that
so NO rich Husbby, maybe just Posdoc striving to be Dr.

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: nah. nah 运气也是实力的一种, 嘿嘿, 你不能这样说。
: 有运气嫁有钱老公就是实力啊。
: 不过我说你们都在和 it 说啥捏, 我根本就懒的理会 it,
: it 就是自言自语狂, 左左大多都这样。 因为你只要一看
: 脚下实地, 就左不了了。
: 左左和运气, 那是紧密的相连。 这两个是有因果关系的, 呵呵。
: 但是到底, 大家都是靠运气过日子, 也就 50 步和 100 步。
: 不过五十和100 步, 那差别还是很大很大的。

发帖数: 2406
no pay.


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Yes, I do not have to match because my doctor husband is a multi-millionaire
: already. I do it because I want to treat poor people in the shitty hole
: hospitals.

发帖数: 1085
Say that to all the doctors who have to do 8 yrs instead of 4 yrs of school.
Say that to all the doctors who make 50K for 5 yrs after 8 yrs of school.
Are they losers? Hahaha.
This is one thing called delayed gratification.
If putting me down helps your self-esteem, happy to help you.
My hubby is a department chair at a university. I will be prematched. To
make you feel better, he is much older than me. Happy now, right?

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: Everybody has a job that pays, except for you.
: And you are not the loser?

发帖数: 1085
Professors are mostly lefties.....

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: nah. nah 运气也是实力的一种, 嘿嘿, 你不能这样说。
: 有运气嫁有钱老公就是实力啊。
: 不过我说你们都在和 it 说啥捏, 我根本就懒的理会 it,
: it 就是自言自语狂, 左左大多都这样。 因为你只要一看
: 脚下实地, 就左不了了。
: 左左和运气, 那是紧密的相连。 这两个是有因果关系的, 呵呵。
: 但是到底, 大家都是靠运气过日子, 也就 50 步和 100 步。
: 不过五十和100 步, 那差别还是很大很大的。

发帖数: 1085
The righties dont get any sense of humor or cynicism.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Uh no, we need deep fix to get rid of the sky high expense in healthcare,
: or US would be insolvent like Greece. We need more doctors out there to
: compete so the price is down. We need to remove the regulatory hurdles so
: more drug / insurance companies could come in to drive it down further.
: But NO! You don't want that fix. You want high medical expense. You want
: that "unionized, artificially limited supply" system for you get a high
: salary, "a road paved with gold" in your words.
: In short, you w

发帖数: 1085
you cant tell cynicism?
Thats meant for the teddybear.
She should blame the medical board to jack up their doctor salaries instead
of blaming a few laid-off workers who need help.
Read before you open your mouth.
Some people look smart when they keep their mouths shut.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Uh no, we need deep fix to get rid of the sky high expense in healthcare,
: or US would be insolvent like Greece. We need more doctors out there to
: compete so the price is down. We need to remove the regulatory hurdles so
: more drug / insurance companies could come in to drive it down further.
: But NO! You don't want that fix. You want high medical expense. You want
: that "unionized, artificially limited supply" system for you get a high
: salary, "a road paved with gold" in your words.
: In short, you w

发帖数: 9453
yeah...because they wont have lay off issue (tenure).
why not ask postdoc, or assistant pf who work their
butt off to support those professors? ..haha
左左为啥眼睛总在 blood sucker 身上捏? 按理说左左要为
贫困大众考虑啊。 颠倒世界。 颠倒世界。
If I am the North Korea chairman who wont be laid off,
I am darn hard lefty! no kidding! haha. and you may be
part of my 后宫, volunteerily or not, where you wont
even have a chance to be lefty or righty, wahaha.

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Professors are mostly lefties.....
发帖数: 2406
Public system Universities are broke, they will cut salary and pension,
merge Departments to cut costs. Old daprtment charimen will be cut out
first. no way to pay morgage, Bye Bye free money, Here it comes,


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: you cant tell cynicism?
: Thats meant for the teddybear.
: She should blame the medical board to jack up their doctor salaries instead
: of blaming a few laid-off workers who need help.
: Read before you open your mouth.
: Some people look smart when they keep their mouths shut.

how much money is enough money?
发帖数: 1085
I will be making money for my family if that happens.
But are you living in your psyche world? Early retirement will put my hubby
making 200K a year on pension. So what.
You dont need to be so mean. Shit happens. I might hit a bus and die
tomorrow. So what. Life is life.
Public universities are 'broke'. Thats because people like you do not want
to pay more taxes.
Tax the rich and make them pay!!!!!!!! Let the doctors make millions. Just
raise the top bracket to 90%.

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: Public system Universities are broke, they will cut salary and pension,
: merge Departments to cut costs. Old daprtment charimen will be cut out
: first. no way to pay morgage, Bye Bye free money, Here it comes,
: Foreclosure.
: instead

发帖数: 1085
I am for Tax the rich, I am for safety net for the poor, laid-offs.

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: yeah...because they wont have lay off issue (tenure).
: why not ask postdoc, or assistant pf who work their
: butt off to support those professors? ..haha
: 左左为啥眼睛总在 blood sucker 身上捏? 按理说左左要为
: 贫困大众考虑啊。 颠倒世界。 颠倒世界。
: If I am the North Korea chairman who wont be laid off,
: I am darn hard lefty! no kidding! haha. and you may be
: part of my 后宫, volunteerily or not, where you wont
: even have a chance to be lefty or righty, wahaha.

发帖数: 2406
I'm just stating the awakening facts that have been ignored. Just so you
know, public pesnsion system is all under-funded, governemnt has to raise
property tax to pay.
Yeah! Save the pension money to give to the poor!


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: I will be making money for my family if that happens.
: But are you living in your psyche world? Early retirement will put my hubby
: making 200K a year on pension. So what.
: You dont need to be so mean. Shit happens. I might hit a bus and die
: tomorrow. So what. Life is life.
: Public universities are 'broke'. Thats because people like you do not want
: to pay more taxes.
: Tax the rich and make them pay!!!!!!!! Let the doctors make millions. Just
: raise the top bracket to 90%.

发帖数: 9453
I am for Tax those should be taxed. You see I never mess up with Tax issue
you guys are bluffing about. 至于怎么 TAX 好, 我不懂经济不好评论啊。
BUT I am 1000% more for force people who wont work to work,
如果新的 bill 有这么一条 - 你可以免费看病,
但是免费看病是你强制社会为你服务, 因此你就欠了社会的 credit.
在你还清 credit 前, 社会有权强迫你进行常识内力所能及的正常工作 pay off it,
BTW 我可不 hate 你啊, 别误会, 你看我最多叫你小左,这是可爱的称号,
没有爱心的人是不行的。(有头脑的人当然也不行 :) )
或者最多说你是你老公的 blood sucker, which is fine.
没啥攻击性和侮辱性的词语。 我老婆还是我的 blood sucker 呢, 呵呵。

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: I am for Tax the rich, I am for safety net for the poor, laid-offs.
发帖数: 1085
I will be living on the street and suck the blood out of you working suckers
. So what is the problem?

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: I'm just stating the awakening facts that have been ignored. Just so you
: know, public pesnsion system is all under-funded, governemnt has to raise
: property tax to pay.
: Yeah! Save the pension money to give to the poor!
: hubby
: want
: Just

发帖数: 1085
Yes, professors and doctors are all parasites. Laid-off workers are all
parasites. Whats left? Lawyers? Insurance?


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: I'm just stating the awakening facts that have been ignored. Just so you
: know, public pesnsion system is all under-funded, governemnt has to raise
: property tax to pay.
: Yeah! Save the pension money to give to the poor!
: hubby
: want
: Just

发帖数: 2406
living on you volunteer pay check?
Welfare welcomes you!


【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: I will be living on the street and suck the blood out of you working suckers
: . So what is the problem?

发帖数: 8363

What you have is no cynicism but pure moronism, dumbass.
When pilgrims first came to North America they lived as a community and
shared their product and helped each other out in this new, challenging
land. "We shall treat each other like brothers." Sounds like a good idea,
but unfortunately on paper only.
Gradually some jerks realized they didn't have to work hard as long as
others were willing to. Since they shared all the products, they could
simply slack off to exploit the hardworking folks

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: you cant tell cynicism?
: Thats meant for the teddybear.
: She should blame the medical board to jack up their doctor salaries instead
: of blaming a few laid-off workers who need help.
: Read before you open your mouth.
: Some people look smart when they keep their mouths shut.

发帖数: 2406
Oh yeah, I am a doctor, nobody wants to pay for my medical service!

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: Yes, professors and doctors are all parasites. Laid-off workers are all
: parasites. Whats left? Lawyers? Insurance?
: a

1 (共1页)
The list goes on
Social Darwinism and Barack Obama
话题: people话题: so话题: your话题: tax话题: because