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USANews版 - 老黑女议员: entitlement是我们挣来滴
[视频] 罗姆尼在百万富翁俱乐部的讲话 还有人要选他吗? (转载)Tax bill from McCain and Obama who benefits the most?
Yes, Mr. President, We Are a Nation of Takers一个黑女的故事
民主党黑女议员: "黑帮混混无罪,必须大力控枪"为什么没人反对medicaid?
I agree with Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)人们终于把奥巴马的竞选和就任之后的左派政策联系起来了
UA美联航又在找抽,把一等舱白女赶走给黑妖精让座Steve Jobs to Student: 'Leave Us Alone'
话题: earned话题: rep话题: reform话题: jackson
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee - Entitlements Are 'Earned'
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) defended entitlements in her House speech
Wednesday, saying that they are not "handouts" but are "earned."
"I believe it should be pronounced here today, that the reform of the
entitlements based upon slipshod, reckless, deliberations or should I say
actions are a non-starter. There is no way, Mr. Speaker, that we should
raise the eligability age for Medicare, that we should not think carefully
about how we approach the reform of Medicaid. And that we don't the American
people that Social Security is solvent. So, I would say move quickly to
pass the middle class tax cuts that would be for all Americans, 100 % up to
250,000 dollars.
And let’s think about moving into 2013, how we make this economy better by
looking carefully at how we reform entitlements that are not handouts but
they are earned."
发帖数: 29846
41 minutes ago
This is a perfect example of the stupidity that has infected our Nation.
This person is as dumb as a rock yet through affirmative action bias and
condoned reverse discrimination she stands before us and spews her crap.
We have really sunk to the bottom and are doing nothing to help ourselves
because we have tied our own hands...
26 minutes ago
and you all thought the planet of the apes was just a bit of science fiction
52 minutes ago
How in the world can ANYONE with a modicum of intelligence even consider
voting for this cretin?
43 minutes ago
@traderjo Darn! How could you mistake a lizard for a cretin? I keeping
watching her tongue on the watch for flies - lol
39 minutes ago
@traderjo you don't need to have any intelligence to vote - you just have
to be 51%...look what just happened in November
发帖数: 1509
What a shit rep!!! Oh, my. They earned. What a crap!!


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: cowboybaby
: 41 minutes ago
: This is a perfect example of the stupidity that has infected our Nation.
: This person is as dumb as a rock yet through affirmative action bias and
: condoned reverse discrimination she stands before us and spews her crap.
: We have really sunk to the bottom and are doing nothing to help ourselves
: because we have tied our own hands...
: barrythemarxist
: 26 minutes ago
: and you all thought the planet of the apes was just a bit of science fiction

1 (共1页)
Steve Jobs to Student: 'Leave Us Alone'说句不怕得罪人的话,不反合法移民,MAGA就是扯淡
Core Issues That Continue To Go Unaddressed民主党黑女议员: "黑帮混混无罪,必须大力控枪"
再问共和党: 为啥不提出具体的预算裁减方向 (转载)I agree with Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)
Obama SOTU 2010 reduxUA美联航又在找抽,把一等舱白女赶走给黑妖精让座
[视频] 罗姆尼在百万富翁俱乐部的讲话 还有人要选他吗? (转载)Tax bill from McCain and Obama who benefits the most?
Yes, Mr. President, We Are a Nation of Takers一个黑女的故事
话题: earned话题: rep话题: reform话题: jackson