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USANews版 - 明州学校要suspend黑人和老莫学生必须得到批准
Social Security Goes into Deficit 2010汇总:警句妙句
NJ unionized transportation workers suspended for phony sick day昨晚又白开心了?
Trayvon真不是什么善主 (转载)今天就是人民的选择
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解释了,谁让裤撸子退了呢US appeals court upholds suspension of Trump travel ban
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Trump关于大选结果的那个表态,相当strategicNew York school districts paying $500,000 to superintendents
话题: suspension话题: students话题: johnson话题: percent
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Minneapolis School District Now Needs 'Permission' to Suspend Any Black,
Hispanic Student
via Breitbart Feed
The Minneapolis public school system announced a major new district-wide
policy for disciplining students: any suspension of a non-white student
requires the district superintendent's approval.
The MPS has been stung by reports that students of color are 10 times more
likely to receive a suspension than white students. The Minneapolis school
system has an enrollment of over 32,000 students. Seventy percent are non-
School superintendent Bernadeia Johnson maintains that she wants to "disrupt
" the current suspension trends.
Superintendent Johnson says that her new policy is aimed at forcing local
school administrators to deeply "probe" the reasons for issuing a suspension
before that punishment is handed out.
Johnson claims that suspensions meted out to minority students were all too
often based on behavior that would not have led to a suspension for a white
So, starting on Monday, November 10, every suspension of a black, Hispanic
or American Indian student that does not involve violent behavior will be
reviewed by Johnson's office before being approved.
"Changing the trajectory for our students of color is a moral and ethical
imperative, and our actions must be drastically different to achieve our
goal of closing the achievement gap by 2020," Johnson said in a November 7
statement announcing the policy change.
This policy is coupled with a reduced police presence in the city's schools.
The policy is also part of a settlement with the U.S. Department of
Education for the district's lopsided suspension rate.
The changes come after a review of suspensions made during the 2012-13
school year found a jump in suspensions for student in grades K through 4
even in the midst of questions that were already being asked by the federal
This and previous suspension rates brought an investigation by civil rights
investigators from the Department of Education in 2013. The federal probe
reviewed the records of 11 district schools.
Like in almost all U.S. cities, Minneapolis has a problem with its minority
student graduation rate. But in 2013 overall graduation rates rose to 79
percent over the previous year's 72 percent. Early this year, the city
issued statistics showing that 85 percent of white students graduated in
2013. Only 56 percent of black students and 58 percent of Hispanic students
graduated in 2013.
Minneapolis is still doing better than some major Midwestern metropolises.
Chicago, for instance, recently celebrated a 17-point rise in graduation
rates for 2013 but that still left the city's graduation rate at only 65.4
percent (up from a mere 58.3 percent for the 2011-2012 school year).
发帖数: 10729
发帖数: 53215
这个强僧果然是黑的 一点新意都没有 没劲啊

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Minneapolis School District Now Needs 'Permission' to Suspend Any Black,
: Hispanic Student
: via Breitbart Feed
: The Minneapolis public school system announced a major new district-wide
: policy for disciplining students: any suspension of a non-white student
: requires the district superintendent's approval.
: The MPS has been stung by reports that students of color are 10 times more
: likely to receive a suspension than white students. The Minneapolis school
: system has an enrollment of over 32,000 students. Seventy percent are non-
: white.

发帖数: 8211

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Minneapolis School District Now Needs 'Permission' to Suspend Any Black,
: Hispanic Student
: via Breitbart Feed
: The Minneapolis public school system announced a major new district-wide
: policy for disciplining students: any suspension of a non-white student
: requires the district superintendent's approval.
: The MPS has been stung by reports that students of color are 10 times more
: likely to receive a suspension than white students. The Minneapolis school
: system has an enrollment of over 32,000 students. Seventy percent are non-
: white.

发帖数: 14743

【在 a****l 的大作中提到】
: 其实我觉得这样做挺好的。那些老莫老黑被停学后肯定是去街上混,不会有好结果的,
: 还不如把它们关学校里更不容易惹是生非。当然,学校肯定是变烂的,但是那种70%黑
: 莫的学校又能好到哪里去呢?还不如断了变名校的念头,老实的把学校变一个集中营可
: 能还好些。
: 平时suspend学生是指望家长的压力,遇到那些管操不管养的家长,suspend根本没用,
: 等于是给学生放假让它们去街上为所欲为,祸害好人。

发帖数: 14743

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Minneapolis School District Now Needs 'Permission' to Suspend Any Black,
: Hispanic Student
: via Breitbart Feed
: The Minneapolis public school system announced a major new district-wide
: policy for disciplining students: any suspension of a non-white student
: requires the district superintendent's approval.
: The MPS has been stung by reports that students of color are 10 times more
: likely to receive a suspension than white students. The Minneapolis school
: system has an enrollment of over 32,000 students. Seventy percent are non-
: white.

发帖数: 7463

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Minneapolis School District Now Needs 'Permission' to Suspend Any Black,
: Hispanic Student
: via Breitbart Feed
: The Minneapolis public school system announced a major new district-wide
: policy for disciplining students: any suspension of a non-white student
: requires the district superintendent's approval.
: The MPS has been stung by reports that students of color are 10 times more
: likely to receive a suspension than white students. The Minneapolis school
: system has an enrollment of over 32,000 students. Seventy percent are non-
: white.

发帖数: 403

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Minneapolis School District Now Needs 'Permission' to Suspend Any Black,
: Hispanic Student
: via Breitbart Feed
: The Minneapolis public school system announced a major new district-wide
: policy for disciplining students: any suspension of a non-white student
: requires the district superintendent's approval.
: The MPS has been stung by reports that students of color are 10 times more
: likely to receive a suspension than white students. The Minneapolis school
: system has an enrollment of over 32,000 students. Seventy percent are non-
: white.

发帖数: 6760
然后必然又是民主党出来说我们来take care这些问题小孩,你们中产出钱。

【在 m********8 的大作中提到】
: 这个问题在古今中外都是无解的。
: 惟有对家长责任定义好并在家长不管的情况下给予家长处罚之后才能有出路

发帖数: 3813
别他妈胡乱翻译了。如果你看不懂, 回家学习英语。
suspension of a non-white student requires the district superintendent's

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Minneapolis School District Now Needs 'Permission' to Suspend Any Black,
: Hispanic Student
: via Breitbart Feed
: The Minneapolis public school system announced a major new district-wide
: policy for disciplining students: any suspension of a non-white student
: requires the district superintendent's approval.
: The MPS has been stung by reports that students of color are 10 times more
: likely to receive a suspension than white students. The Minneapolis school
: system has an enrollment of over 32,000 students. Seventy percent are non-
: white.

1 (共1页)
New York school districts paying $500,000 to superintendents解释了,谁让裤撸子退了呢
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NJ unionized transportation workers suspended for phony sick day昨晚又白开心了?
Trayvon真不是什么善主 (转载)今天就是人民的选择
看完这个,你就明白为什么尼哥恨华人了Middle East travellers rush to take advantage of Trump setback
话题: suspension话题: students话题: johnson话题: percent