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USANews版 - 半农和米勒回归
我预言Bannon会出局,女儿女婿会笑到最后床铺还是要保半农, 开会与女婿和解
NYT: Trump Becomes Ensnared in Fiery G.O.P. Civil War半农拒绝主动走人:"Democrats will never run the White House."
女婿又给好友兼喉舌Joe Scarborough放料攻击半农了老川一大早又骂Sessions了,很难听
steve Bannon 最新言论 大伙分析一下好像有道理米犹牛逼,又赢了!
WSJ: 床铺要把Priebus和半农都换掉Bannon firing imminent
话题: trump话题: mr话题: trade话题: china话题: president
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7937
Mark Landler writes in the New York Times that President Trump’s latest
trade initiatives mark a return to the populist policies of the campaign and
a victory for Steve Bannon and the economic nationalist wing of the Trump
From Mr. Trump’s “buy American, hire American” rallying cry in Wisconsin
this week to Vice President Mike Pence’s warnings to Japan and South Korea
about the need to rewrite trade deals, the Trump administration is moving
against free trade on multiple fronts. A senior White House official said
there would be two trade-related events a week for the next few weeks.
"He’s manically focused on these trade issues,” said Stephen K. Bannon,
the president’s chief strategist.
The flurry of activity amounts to a comeback by nationalists like Mr. Bannon
, who views trade as crucial to Mr. Trump’s populist appeal but whose star
has dimmed after clashes with globalist-minded aides like Jared Kushner, Mr.
Trump’s son-in-law, and Gary D. Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs banker and
lifelong Democrat who is head of the National Economic Council.
The outcome of the debate between nationalists and globalists remains far
from settled. Last week the globalists appeared to be winning when the
administration decided not to formally designate China a currency
manipulator, despite Mr. Trump’s vow to do so during the campaign. Mr.
Trump also offered President Xi Jinping of China other concessions on his
trade agenda in return for China’s help in curbing North Korea’s nuclear
发帖数: 2321
左左们都快分裂了, 不知道怎么攻击好了


【在 l***o 的大作中提到】
: Mark Landler writes in the New York Times that President Trump’s latest
: trade initiatives mark a return to the populist policies of the campaign and
: a victory for Steve Bannon and the economic nationalist wing of the Trump
: administration.
: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/04/21/nyt-trump-roars-again-on-trade-a-victory-for-white-house-economic-nationalists/
: From Mr. Trump’s “buy American, hire American” rallying cry in Wisconsin
: this week to Vice President Mike Pence’s warnings to Japan and South Korea
: about the need to rewrite trade deals, the Trump administration is moving
: against free trade on multiple fronts. A senior White House official said
: there would be two trade-related events a week for the next few weeks.

1 (共1页)
Bannon firing imminent一万卡:美国应该接受更多叙利亚难民
谁都可以滚出白宫, 就是女儿女婿不可以看看右派们对女婿碾压半农的评论吧
床铺白宫的四条腿要瘸了WSJ: 床铺要把Priebus和半农都换掉
我预言Bannon会出局,女儿女婿会笑到最后床铺还是要保半农, 开会与女婿和解
NYT: Trump Becomes Ensnared in Fiery G.O.P. Civil War半农拒绝主动走人:"Democrats will never run the White House."
女婿又给好友兼喉舌Joe Scarborough放料攻击半农了老川一大早又骂Sessions了,很难听
steve Bannon 最新言论 大伙分析一下好像有道理米犹牛逼,又赢了!
话题: trump话题: mr话题: trade话题: china话题: president