序号 | 主题 | 回帖 | 发帖人 | 最后回复 |
1751 | Question about premium setting for group life insurance. | 4 | f**g 10-11-23 | s*******0 12-06 21:49 |
1752 | 新人提问!Pricing actuary 的前景 | 7 | x*****8 10-11-30 | H******t 12-04 00:54 |
1753 | a sql analyst position | 0 | z********c 10-12-03 | z********c 12-03 14:41 |
1754 | job opening, please contact me this week | 2 | a*****b 10-12-01 | P****l 12-02 22:54 |
1755 | 这个是scam么 zurich na | 5 | j***l 10-12-01 | P****l 12-02 20:00 |
1756 | Retirement Consulting opening in Florida | 0 | s******g 10-12-02 | s******g 12-02 18:44 |
1757 | MFE study materials for sale | 0 | h****s 10-12-02 | h****s 12-02 16:48 |
1758 | 都毕业了还能做INTERN? | 4 | a********t 10-12-01 | s******2 12-02 09:48 |
1759 | 有必要买exam P and FM 的复习材料吗? | 4 | u**u 10-11-11 | I**R 12-01 20:57 |
1760 | P和FM的书,共5本 | 0 | a*******a 10-11-27 | a*******a 11-27 21:30 |
1761 | 有人和纽约人寿面过吗? 程序是怎么样的? | 8 | a********t 10-11-22 | S******Y 11-27 01:18 |
1762 | a P&C actuarial open in Houston | 4 | m*****i 10-11-24 | j******6 11-26 21:54 |
1763 | 精算圈子 印度人多不多 ? | 5 | s*******0 10-11-09 | s*******0 11-26 16:46 |
1764 | Towers Watson Beijing | 1 | l***0 10-11-26 | a********t 11-26 10:26 |
1765 | Dr K's 2009 book still good to study? | 0 | t*******y 10-11-25 | t*******y 11-25 22:29 |
1766 | FM2 study material needed | 5 | c****a 10-11-01 | s******0 11-25 16:22 |
1767 | New to Insurance | 2 | m***s 10-11-23 | m***s 11-24 22:18 |
1768 | 郁闷,今天被抢了credit | 2 | a*****b 10-11-24 | I**R 11-24 18:14 |
1769 | 保险公司会请一些FACULTY做PART TIME 顾问吗? | 6 | b********6 10-11-19 | I**R 11-23 18:12 |
1770 | Discover信用卡送$100+$60 Chase信用卡送国内往返机票 | 0 | y****o 10-11-21 | y****o 11-21 06:05 |
1771 | 一个Excel的问题,专家大拿请帮看一下 | 8 | c*d 10-11-18 | y*******5 11-21 00:42 |
1772 | ING layoffs | 1 | w***i 10-11-19 | o******e 11-20 23:40 |
1773 | AON开始招人了 | 3 | a*****b 10-11-16 | s*******0 11-19 15:35 |
1774 | 问一个关于GPA的问题。 | 4 | m*******8 10-11-19 | Y*H 11-19 10:16 |
1775 | 请问精算有没有规定考试完成的年限? | 12 | e****d 10-11-14 | l**********n 11-17 12:58 |
1776 | 请教现在到年末是找工作的时机吗? | 5 | t*******y 10-11-15 | t*******y 11-15 18:29 |
1777 | 请问NYC的精算工作机会多不多? | 2 | e****d 10-11-13 | M***e 11-15 12:12 |
1778 | 请问大家做FAP IA时需要看textbooks吗? | 0 | v****m 10-11-14 | v****m 11-14 20:48 |
1779 | Discover信用卡送$100+$60 Chase信用卡送国内往返机票 | 0 | p*******s 10-11-14 | p*******s 11-14 05:40 |
1780 | columbia的精算MS好么?毕业管分配么? | 6 | a****o 10-11-13 | a****o 11-14 00:59 |
1781 | 卖P & FM书 | 0 | r*******n 10-11-13 | r*******n 11-13 10:55 |
1782 | 请教一个精算的问题 | 15 | L*******r 10-11-06 | z****e 11-13 03:11 |
1783 | 也借红旗手的光拿到一个 offer,发包子,发完为止(限本版ID) | 40 | s****a 10-10-12 | I**R 11-12 22:19 |
1784 | 问个关于entry level的问题 | 4 | t**********8 10-11-11 | m*******8 11-11 20:13 |
1785 | Mercer 面试 | 0 | m****d 10-11-11 | m****d 11-11 13:16 |
1786 | anyone taken exam AFE next Spring in Hartford area? | 0 | F**E 10-11-11 | F**E 11-11 10:00 |
1787 | EMB acquired by Towers Watson | 4 | c**b 10-11-10 | I**R 11-10 21:06 |
1788 | 上周三面试,还没得到RESULT,可以FOLLOW UP吗? | 0 | a********t 10-11-10 | a********t 11-10 15:29 |
1789 | 为什么manual 每年都更新? | 6 | b***n 10-10-31 | z********c 11-10 15:20 |
1790 | after phone interview | 5 | t******8 10-11-10 | t******8 11-10 11:09 |
1791 | 请问如果转行要考几门试找entry level 比较好? | 1 | u**u 10-11-10 | r*x 11-10 01:04 |
1792 | 精算飽和了嗎? | 4 | u**u 10-11-08 | r*x 11-09 23:01 |
1793 | 蜥蜴同学被我peng了,kaka | 3 | I**R 10-11-07 | I**R 11-09 18:36 |
1794 | Fellowship-level examinations will be offered two times per year | 6 | M***e 10-11-04 | j***l 11-08 16:27 |
1795 | Model for quantifying risk (3rd ed) plus solution manual for sale | 2 | S****o 10-05-24 | S****o 11-08 11:36 |
1796 | 请问3F 和3L哪个更难? | 1 | m***5 10-11-07 | k******1 11-08 06:35 |
1797 | 请问,在DC找精算师的职位,应该怎么入手? | 4 | i*****f 10-11-06 | i*****f 11-07 21:50 |
1798 | 请问银行哪块需要精算师? | 8 | v********5 10-11-06 | l**********n 11-07 16:50 |
1799 | 想卖Exam C的二手ASM study Manual | 0 | f****y 10-11-06 | f****y 11-06 23:01 |
1800 | 有MBA,有绿卡,无精算经验,值得转行吗? | 7 | u**u 10-11-01 | z****e 11-06 20:11 |