

全部话题 - 话题: 43r1980
发帖数: 951
【 以下文字转载自 FleaMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: seraphpang (seraph), 信区: FleaMarket
标 题: 出售:LENOVO 43R1980 Hard Drive Bay Adapter II-$30
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 7 23:23:00 2009, 美东)
Ietm: Lenovo 43R1980 Hard Drive Bay Adapter II (SATA)
用途: 光驱位硬盘适配器. 升级SSD后,主硬盘位放置SSD,去掉光驱,用这个adapter安装
普通硬盘. 性能与容量并行.
适用于: ThinkPad T400/T500, R400/R500, and W500; and ThinkPad X200 UltraBase
Condition: from lenovo outlet--strach and dent. I opened the box. The condit
ion is excellent. I am not sure whether it is new. But it is
发帖数: 951
Ietm: Lenovo 43R1980 Hard Drive Bay Adapter II (SATA)
用途: 光驱位硬盘适配器. 升级SSD后,主硬盘位放置SSD,去掉光驱,用这个adapter安装
普通硬盘. 性能与容量并行.
适用于: ThinkPad T400/T500, R400/R500, and W500; and ThinkPad X200 UltraBase
Condition: from lenovo outlet--strach and dent. I opened the box. The condit
ion is excellent. I am not sure whether it is new. But it is like new.
价格: $30
Shipping: Free FC+DC or you choose you pay
Payment: non-CC paypal
联系方式: 站内
发帖数: 90