

全部话题 - 话题: 7min15s
发帖数: 508
来自主题: Running版 - marathon race plan
03/21 local marathon race event (trail running), concidently the same date
as LA. :)
Goal: Boston or Bust (worse than my first one, 3h 40m)
Race plan: determined to run 7min15s/mile pace to finish 3h10min. I am not
confident at all but I will be as aggressive as I could be in the race. I
will control my pace at 7min30s/mile in the first 3 miles, followed by
7min20s/mile in the next 5 miles and then cruise at marathon pace 7min15s/
mile. To make up the time loss in the first ~10 miles, I have to
发帖数: 508
来自主题: Running版 - marathon race plan
10 miles in HH plan. tempo: 6'40''/mile.
至少用7min15s/mile 跑个前半程没问题,后半程就看造化了。