

全部话题 - 话题: 90ec
发帖数: 298
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Meade DS 90EC[zz]
90mm f/11.1 Achromatic Refractor with Autostar
MSRP $399.00 from various retailers
by A. Irizarry (A*****[email protected])
The DS 90EC is one of many "go to" telescopes currently in the market. I
found it to be a descent entry-to-intermediate level telescope with
surprisingly good optics and a good value considering the price.
Having been absent from the hobby for more than 10 years, I recently got
bitten by the bug again. Since I live in a moderately light polluted suburban
area, I decided to concentra
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Meade DS 90EC[zz]
90mm f/11.1 Achromatic Refractor with Autostar
MSRP $399.00 from various retailers
by A. Irizarry (A*****[email protected])
The DS 90EC is one of many "go to" telescopes currently in the market. I
found it to be a descent entry-to-intermediate level telescope with
surprisingly good optics and a good value considering the price.
Having been absent from the hobby for more than 10 years, I recently got
bitten by the bug again. Since I live in a moderately light polluted suburban
area, I decided to concentra