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发帖数: 447
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 靠,TNND的2 outers vs. 1 outer
I just see the same hands. except it is 66 vs KK. have never seen so many
quads since rush. and AAs all over the place.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 做下来第一把
I still had 85x BB left. He got me covered.
I showed great strength. SB even call his 10x BB , I then re-pop to 35x. He
still raised. Unlike he had a pair lower than QQs. I either tied or behind
to AAs.
If he shove befoer the flop, I will put more on AK.
Don't know if it is right play or not. I rarely if ever fold KK.
发帖数: 4210
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - i have made a decision
kao, my two AA lost to KK tonight. And lost 5 KK during the same time
period. Among them, 2 times vs AAs all in preflop. Kao.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 送钱的又来了..
For the second hand, the guy need better pot control.
TPTK in FT is nothing. Win a small pot is OK, commit your whole stack is
just wrong.
I made mistake a while ago with pocket AAs. Once a while I will do similar
thing like it. Instead of cost me 30 or 40 dollars, it cost me $83.
发帖数: 1621
Rush NL50 and NL100 are comparable. Ppl are generally playing soft. I am
pushing around a lot of pots and c-bet a lot and has high rate of sucess.
Not in NL200. Man, non of my trick works. The pot I can usually take down
using c-bet or second barrel, I get check-raised or call and then shove.
Even some short stack playing aggressive like crazy. A guy with $76 dollars
stack, turn bet pot size for 46 dollars, I have nut flush draw and made a
donkey move and shove all-in, he fold with remaing $15 f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How will you play this hand? A live cash game
After btn all-in, I shove for $350+.
Pot odds is roughly: 1:2
Here was my thinking:
Worst case: agins set or overpair. Against set, I was 2:1 underdog with 2
cards to come, odds enough. For overpair, I was only underdog to AAs, with
better than 2:1. Aginst KK or QQ, I was even money or even favor.
I decided to shove because HJ also was really committed to this pot, he had
$110 invested and the pot after my shove was close to $830+ and he only had
$220 left, he had any sorts of reasonable hand, h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - (转载)Avoiding trouble(Ed Miller)
of course he's playing with his flush value.
KQo even he flops Kxx or Qxx, with a max of 5 outs.
KQs, with a max of 14 outs.
or put it in the way, calling $25 here with KQo is like you're fighting with
a stronger guy, AND you decide to do it with only one arm. calling with KQs
here is you fight with TWO arms, and the other one is much stronger.
there's nothing really that different between your friend's hand and durrrr'
s hand here, your friend got 170BB too, which is pretty deep. yes, durrrr
an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - goes rake back ranks 29th
the hand is really not that bad. my friend.
the bb first made a donk bet, he just want to take down the pot and got
called. at the turn he added the nut flush draw with two high cards. mostly
he didn't read you that well and figured out u have a pair. in reality he
had almost 30% chance to catch up. 70% advantage in poker is nothing.
this past week i lost 1.2k in live game in one day. i lost $500 in one hand
with AAs. fish not only called my $100 3-bet preflop with 89o, he called
every street ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Don't be afraid of over shoving turn
good play. but he can't lay this hand down. tptk and nut flush dr on the
turn. you could have ak or aq too. if you didn't push, he will push on the
turn and results will be same. with so many fish online make play dont make
sense, a guy with tptk and nut flush dr will have hard time lay down his
hand., especially with the preflop action, the only hand he is way behind is
AAs. other possible hand, he could be free rolling or dominant others.
just bad luck.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Fxxx it, live game is soo fxxxing rigged
Thank fcf for the advice.
Yeah, I only played 2/5 for a couple month. I am used to play Ceasor for NL
But Ceasors now are full of regulars, some old man sitting there for 5-6
hours waiting for AAs, KKs. The game become very boring. So I tried 2/5
table for short stack buy-in. I continue play 2/5 because I found out some
of the guys playing 2/5 table is no better than 1/2 players.
But you are right, the problem is my bankroll. I only play poker for fun so
2000-3000 downswing is quite big and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - So what will you do in this situation?
Hi guys, thanks for the input.
Just want to add that I lost that pot after I shove on the turn for $139.
In theory it is the correct play, but just like Lundon said, it creates a
lot of swings. In this particular play, I could have flat called and gave up
on the turn, and save $94 because we both pretty deep.
Windstorm, I like your aggressive play. But in NL100, still a lot of ppl
reluctant to lay down JJs, TTs, preflop. or Yesterday the same guy 4-bet me
with JJ again, only this time I had AAs... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Return to/from the live game
i could drive to DE park in 45 mins and sit down and see my AAs come like
crazy, haha.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家快去ftp 取钱..
surely, just request multiple withdrawals, they might combine a few though.
and then your AAs all suddenly get cracked? lol.
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家快去ftp 取钱..
These AAs get cracked already anyway!
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - i just dont believe ppl are just that stupid!
two hands i saw from weekends live game @ PARX 2/5 table.
hand 1:
mp raised to $20, btn 3bet $120, i fold, sb was a tight old man, he really
worried but cold called the 3-bet.
went back to mp, he instantly shoved remaing $400, btn thought out loud and
folded. Now old man is really worried. from his reaction everyone in the
world know what he had and what he was afraid of. he asked mp:' u have AAs?'
no response from mp. old man didn't give up ' would u show me one card'
to everyone's surprise, m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
Hi, Fryking, Windstorm, goes, laodun and all high hand, just a little
I play a lot less online poker in the new year. Every day, I made goal that
win $50 dollars or play an hour, whichever comes first, then I will stop
playing. I am doing so just to limit my playing hours.
I was doing good for 10+ days and win like $600 only playing like 4700+ hand.
Then a bad day finally came, see attachement.
I seemed can do nothing right. KK always bump into AAs, full house bump into
straight flush ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - preflop QQ need help
It is a question about what his 4-bet range gonna be?
So far, we have following information: his vpip 33/25 is a small sample but
indicate he is somewhat a loose aggressive player.
His 4-bet data could be extrmely small and basically useless.
I don't know what stake you are playing, NL100? what is your stack? 100 bb?
Anyway, in rush poker, small stake and micro stake alike, few ppl will be 4-
bet light, even for aggessive player. I will say most of ppl 4-bet range
will be less than 2%, which con... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - getting comfortable with NL50 & $12 NL Sit&Go
nice run, or one of those sucking days, hehe, depending on which side of the
fence you sit on.
my last session (sat.) was unfortunately on the other side, or the most
extreme one since i started to play rush one year ago or cash game online 2
years ago.
all my 4 AAs (or the ones got called) got shot down in the way you got "
1) AA 6x vs. limping 44, surely 4 was on the flop and action started on blank
turn, lol;
2) AA 4x vs. BB's 22, same thing;
3) AA 6x vs. UTG's limping 3h8h, c-bet on ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - getting comfortable with NL50 & $12 NL Sit&Go
haha, my problem yesterday was not getting any callers with my AAs with only
a 3X bet. true, one of my hot days given that i only played for about 2
weeks so far online. poker和炒股很类似,最关键是有个plan then be very
disciplined to stick with it. I made a strict rule of quiting for the day if
I am down 3 buy-ins. Just like "keep profit running and cut loss short" in
stock trading.
发帖数: 15
With the key sale accounts sealed and I got a bit more time to play PS in
Starbucks,I am feeling comfortable with NL100 now and no more NL50. As
windommm said, you can steal so many pots in NL100 as well with a big
range image and also trap allins. So the $800/7 hour is no fluke and I was
able to collect >$400 in three sessions respectively(about 4 hours each). I probably
would have made more if I do not play rush when wife bogged...... Can not
wait to test out some of the leak fixes in live cas... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
To be honest, your post is not that useful.
Everyone has good sessions, but do not forget your losing sessions. If you
add all up, then you will find the truth.
I guess no one can get 15+bb/100 hands on NL100 in the long haul.
If you get 200k+ hands on rush, then reporting this is kind of informative.

I probably
trip. Just could not do multiple tables yet on my laptop. Everytime i played
on two tables, i made some big mistakes. One time mucking my AAs on pre-
flop and another time betting $11 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4210
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(下)
This is soo true at WV. I only play 2/5 there, because of this reason.
Think about it, AAs preflop raise to $20 with 5 callers or perflop to 50
with maybe one caller. huge difference.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 说到AA quads
I probably just shove pre-flop if I were him.
I always prefer AAs against 1 player preflop, 2-3 is too crowed. I saw many
times that mutiple ppl all-in pre-flop, second best hand or even worst hand
preflop win the pot.
I will shove or at least re-reraise, try to isolate against u. It is a nice
pot already.
I don't think it will make any difference for KK guy though. He will just
think I may isolate u with AK or AQ. Whether he Call or move-in, he
basically commit to the pot already.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 说到AA quads
I only fold KK pre-flop once in live play.
Everyone fold and I open $25 @ btn, BB called, SB raise to $100. I fought
all night just barely won maybe a couple hunderd bucks, I wanted to catch
bus, lock my win and don't want to involve any big pot.
I tanked like 2 mins and fold. SB went all-in, BB snap called. BB showed QQs
, I sighed, but he caught a Q at the turn, and I saved like $500.
SB insisted he had AAs, somehow I didn't believe him. Bizzare hand.
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - should i call this river?
An instant fold for me. You know what, my biggest leak is that I cannot fold
a strong hand. I always talk myself into calling. But this time I am 100%
sure that a fold is correct that I would throw my AAs faces up to make
villain feel bad.
Not just because a rive raise against 3-barrel is rarely a bluff. A more
reliable evidence is that villain has been tanking twice on flop and turn.
Just ask yourself -- when was the last time you tanked and reluctantly
called two bets on the flop and turn, but... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发个贴骗包子
For hand 1 and 2, I think all your thoughts make sense and could certainly
work in your favor.
I like raising the turn for hand 1 because your hand was ahead but very
vulnerable. The pot was big already. So I'd like to end the hand there. And
raising the turn is a good balance for your bluffs. That thin value raise
depolarized your turn raise range, which made it a disaster for villain if
he decides to use TPTK as a bluff catcher.
Hand 2: again, nothing wrong with your play. I like checking a tr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
几个星期没打牌了,现在周末要出家庭任务,跑不出去了(羡慕 Frykings 啊,老婆允
许出勤,只要交税就可以了,要我,每月 1k 太简单了,牌桌上搞不到的话,就用私房
Sands 去了。
自己要求上了 NL2/5 和 NL 5/5 的 waiting list. 先上了 NL 2/5 的桌,打了一个多
小时,Floor 叫我上 5/5 的桌,当时自己正好 double up 一下,觉得牌还顺,又考虑
到 Sands NL 5/5 其实打得还蛮大的,那一帮 crazies 都是 deep stack,运气不好的
话,我这点小 profit 很可能给折腾回去,还是想赢怕输的小农思想在作怪,结果我就
没想到自己这里很快就悲剧了,AAs sb re-raise 一个老白 redneck,给人 用 KKs
push all-in, 结果人家 river 4 card straight. 一把输掉 $400。
再一个 minimum buy-ins, 头脑一热,ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - share some hands
1. a new guy raised to $10, I have JJ at cut off call, SB and BB called.
flop: Js8s4s
the original raiser c-bet $15
I raised to $45 get the pot.
2. 66 limped at SB
flop: 6s7d10d
check to a wired guy who limped many KKs, he made $10 and I raised to $30,
he called
turn: 9d, damn a 8 can beat me, so I check,he made $30, I call
river: Ac
I check he check, he turn over 10c2c
3. I have AAs at early position, raise to $12, button call, utg+1 call
flop: 3c8hJh
I bet $40, button raised to $80 and UTG+1 s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 几杆老枪哪里去了?
I went to a skiiing trip for three days. Yesterday evening I drove to a
local Casino to see if they play poker. Can't help it because the Casino is
just 10 min away from where I was living. I never live so close to Casino
and it would be sin if I didn't go and check out.
They only had 10 poker table, there was 4 1/2 tables and 1 2/5 tables. I
didn't want to play for long so I chose 1/2.
A bunch of tightie playing there and there was not a lot of actions. I
basically card dead for the an hour. Fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
That hand was a bloated pot preflop (another crazy lag did this by 3-betting
50% of his hand). Hence SPR was only about 6 or 7 on the flop. I was very
happy to get committed with a set on that SPR. The low SPR was the main
reason why AK and A5 were not able to dodge the bullet in that hand.
The flop was something like A45 rainbow, which was a very safe flop, too,
since the initial aggressor on the flop (he didnt 4-bet preflop) was very unlikely to have pocket AAs.
BTW, the funny thing was that o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚的几首牌
昨晚去离家一个小时的一个小赌场玩了一会,从6点打到11点,up $240...
刚开始的时候牌不好,最好的牌是QTo, hit到nut straight 还是跟别人split pot.
然后8点多的时候来了一个maniac 1, 基本上只要是top pair, 或者是on draw的牌都是
直接shove. 这位哥们在short stack ($100)被清了几次后,开始转运,hit到set,赢
了$100多,拿到一把A5s,flop 55Q5K,结果在他river bet $30后,一位哥们头脑发热
all in,结果他snap call,double up to $350左右。
此后,来了另外一个maniac 2 (长相酷似t-bag),此君pre-flop把把raise (从7到20
一手牌 maniac 2 preflop raise $7, 我左边一位哥们raise到$20,maniac 2 想了一会
call, flop comes AA2, maniac 2 lead out for $20, original raiser s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4210
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 再战江湖之WV
最近在家里歇了几个月,这个周末终于有机会再战WV。 去的路上就觉得好像少了些什
么的,具体的也想不起来。 到了那,1-2是人多位置少,就2-5了吧。 等到坐下来,才
发现少了什么, 那就是气势和心态。 古人说“无欲则刚”, 我则是“无欲无刚”,
整个下午的牌一般般。有chip的时候,没牌。 有AAs的时候就剩几十了。 倒是见到了
无数的donkey 打法,无数的runner runner。 发现从500到3000
的最好方法就是play donkey, 可惜同人不同命。
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what to do?
Problem was your c-bet $15 into a $45 dollar pot didn't give you much
information, as a matter of fact, You might be better of checking on the
flop in later position than tossing that $15 as a half hearted c-bet, if you
decide to keep the pot small.
I will at least bet 2/3 of the pot, more than $30 at least if I decide to
charge the draw and make hands like 88, 99, TTs call. And if ppl decide to
play back to me, and make a big reraise, I will then evaulate the situation
and quality of players.
$... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 呼唤牌贴!
Haven't seen you play recently.
Yeah, not much money can be made except rakeback and bonus. Too many
regulars sitting there and against them, I feel I have no edge.
I grind my brain out for two hours yesterday for a profit of 70 f**king big
dollars, one hand, two short stack all-in, I call with AAs. they have KKs
and QQs, of course the guy has KKs spike a K at the river, my profit was
gone. I sighed and told myself I had enough. No more mosquitoes money. This
is too much.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - NJ 筒子马上要解放了。
dude, for me, to be honest, i truly believe it's only an illusion, lol.
tons of times i had the same belief as you do, but in the end, it's just
about human. you can google "is XXX poker room rigged?" and see by yourself.
tons of ppl even curse dealers in live casino or say "she's my favorite
dealer"..., same thing, we tend to remember those extremely good/bad things,
while forget about the other 99% "standard" things.
for your cases, do you believe your 5 KKs in one night should NOT lose to 5
A... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4210
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - MDL is very strict on line cutters now
Well, I lost $30 after a long period of 1/2 NL. I was down most of time,
and caught the rush within one hour to get to $100 up, then bleeding down to
-$30. All my AKs missed, but all AAs up. However, I still have the leak
of calling a large bet after river with second best hands. I like the
casino, but don't like the poker room with the its triangular shape. If
they put me on table 52 again, I won't take it. You feel surrounded if you
sit in those end tables. On the second floor there is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 尼玛,ACR的确坑爹,昨晚又挂了!
Nima: it is really ACR's problem. I thought it was my internet connection
was poor at home.
I had been sit out a couple times last week. One time got AAs trying to 3-
bet and then the screen stuck. I was really pissed.
Such a Hole father website.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 俺不是码工,所以请问
it could be very easy or hard.
like some ppl always complained, "after i ran hot recently or cashed out XXX
, my AAs got cracked X times in a row ...", yes, they can make it happen
like this with little effort, just deal a few AA/KK or even AA/AK, AA/QQ
hands like this.
however, anything beyond this level or not so "obvious" will take quite some
data analysis or business intelligence work in the back end. for example,
they want you to miss a big draw (which is pretty easy), but, they need to "
c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 55
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How do you guys play ak and jj in live games?
two cents: if you did not have triple barrel with AK in plan at first point,
then just check the flop. Play accordingly based on the other two players'
actions (betting size) and image, choose to fold or raise (turn Ace high to
bluff), JJ/99 here would be definitely in your range, let alone you've built
a tight image in last two hours.
Either giving up AK when you sense danger, or played it like AAs or
represent bigger hand.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 吐槽! 只是想发泄
当你成长为像我们这样的老球痞的时候,觉得 bad beat 就是 poker 的一部分,什么
当年我在宝嘎达版聚时候,一个 session 3 次 flop set 给干掉。有一幅牌根你的一
摸一样,只不过我拿一对 5, 对方 一对 AAs。 那天心情真像整个天都是黑的一样。
老版主 FryKing 在后面的版聚大作中还有专门描述, 请用搜索功能找出文章,详细体
会。You will feel better.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 吐槽! 只是想发泄
当你成长为像我们这样的老球痞的时候,觉得 bad beat 就是 poker 的一部分,什么
当年我在宝嘎达版聚时候,一个 session 3 次 flop set 给干掉。有一幅牌根你的一
摸一样,只不过我拿一对 5, 对方 一对 AAs。 那天心情真像整个天都是黑的一样。
老版主 FryKing 在后面的版聚大作中还有专门描述, 请用搜索功能找出文章,详细体
会。You will feel better.
发帖数: 1621
Doubled up first hand in NL 2/5 table with pocket Ts, raised $30 and four
way pot and an old man checked raised me when I flopped a set.
I had so many big hands, AAs twice, one of them turned Quads and still got
Too early to get bus to home so I cashed out and play NL 1/2 and trying to "
kill time". Somehow I decided to fool around and try to "bully" those
players. They read me like book. Never bluff successfully once. I down two
buy in pretty quickly and got on tilt. When you played ba... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 632
来自主题: gardening版 - 有跟我一样傻的吗?
看你在东岸,去 National Arboretum 看一下吧。 据说有六十多种辣椒。 Habanero,
Fatalii, Cherry chili, Black Pearl (All-America Selections® (AAS)
Flower Award winner for 2006, 对,没错! Flower Award)我没数,反正很多。我
捏了一下 fatalii, 没洗手就去上厕所, 然后悲剧了。不过那儿没有ghost chili, 有
有的彩椒还是很辣的。不同的辣椒辣的部位不一定一样。有的在筋, 有的在皮, 有的在籽。你是整个全吃了吗?
发帖数: 4510
来自主题: gardening版 - 什么品种的西红柿高产好吃?
brandywine (大)
cherokee purple(中,黑)
Arkansas traveller (耐热)
early girl(早,西红柿比赛候选选手)
sugary (小,AAS 2005 winner,号称是最甜的西红柿)
carnival (determinate)
发帖数: 21519
来自主题: gardening版 - [经验] 懒人种花
snow lady shasta daisy,AAS winner,不知道会不会self-seeding, 但是dwarf,
发帖数: 21519
毛毯花中最值得种的是Arizona 系列, 是2005年 AAS winner,目前有三种颜色,优点
Arizona sun
Arizona apricot
Arizona Red shades
发帖数: 21519
是zinnia profusion,这个'AAS winner,我也很推荐。
发帖数: 141625
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 扬州行——怀魏师斐德 by qicheji
开始,载酒行江湖不再是你的梦想, 而在故纸堆中辗转之,却成为你生命中的灯塔?
为何叫做阮公墩,那阮公又是何人,父母也语焉不详。... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11621
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 法国海归晕倒事件
今年澳门大学在AAS下的大本钱,poster session 各种给力好吃的,各种好喝的
发帖数: 2453
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 风狼瞎吃四大导师请进!
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