

全部话题 - 话题: adqd
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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
final table, 6 ppl left, chips are about even (35K - 55K), you get 45K,
right in middle.
1500/3000, ante 200.
you pick up AdQd in SB, every one folds, button raises to 9000 (with 26K
left), BB (45K too) is yet to act.
button is quiet guy, a little short in stack. BB is little aggressive,
willing to take some risks.
what would u do?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
final table, 6 ppl left, chips are about even (35K - 55K), you get 45K,
right in middle.
1500/3000, ante 200.
you pick up AdQd in SB, every one folds, button raises to 9000 (with 26K
left), BB (45K too) is yet to act.
button is quiet guy, a little short in stack. BB is little aggressive,
willing to take some risks.
what would u do?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two hands
1/2NL, AC.
1) AdQd on button, UTG (a normal guy) raised big to $22, UTG+1 (a tight guy)
called, i called.
flop: 663 rainbow, no diamonds. UTG checked, URG+1 checked, i checked.
turn: K, still rainbow, checked around again.
river: A, both checked to me, i smooth bet $20 to get a little bit more or
avoid showing hand.
UTG suddenly raised to $120, and UTG+1 folded. i got confused:
- AK? made sense but checked on turn and again on river? could easily waste
a hand;
- Ax, x < Q, thought i was stealing
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two hands
i gave him respect for his previous standard play, and 11BB was not small.
with one tight guy in the middle, i really don't think i got anything to re-
reaise here with AdQd.
with a board like 663-K-A, i was just amazed by his THREE consequent checks
all through the river, ppl're not so patient, even for AK (most likely hand,
given his preflop raise). for him, i don't believe he's willing to show
down such a hand without any bonus.
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
Either allin or fold.
I slightly prefer fold.
As BB so high and button short stack, if button got mildly strong hand, he
would choose allin.If he got very strong hand, (high pairs,} he would only
raise to induce call.
Besides, BB could fight with button.
发帖数: 1168
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
18k for invitation to all in.
if u meet aa,kk,ak, that's ur fate. hoho
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
yeah, you two are right.
yet for some reason (played too long or whatever), i played too conservative
in this hand and only called. i got AQo three hands earlier and played the
same way, won a big pot against KQo pre-flop raiser after a Q showed up on
it's a big mistake and cost my chance to advance.
BB called too, flop came as 9s9cQs, i moved all-in too late and BB (
aggressive risk taker) called with As7s, button folded. BB caught 5s on the
in retrospective, i should have at leas
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
When you call, you have position disadvantage.
Suppose you call and BB fold, and flop come as 2,4,10, and you check, button
bet, you have to fold.This is most likely to happen in a heads up situation
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - The coolers make us realize that
no, he could 33, 66, AdKd, AdQd, a lot of other hands too, move on.

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few more live hands for discussion.
5/10 NL
Starting the hand with about 2.8k. Raised to 100 with AdQd MP, after a UTG
straddle to 20 , a super loose aggressive player sitting with 6k called and
we are heads up. The flop is Kh, 6d 5d . I checked, he bet 200 on the flop,
Just called. The turn is 9d, give me the nuts flush. I checked again, he
bet 400, Just called. River is 8c, what should I do now?
Bet or check/raise? I am not sure if I should check/raise on the turn.
In the same session:
Limped with 99, same super LAG player r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 257
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一手牌 请指点
What's regular's hand?
the 2 pairs is pretty big hand for me based on action.
You beat tons of combo draw hands AdQd etc and I don't see regular got Qs
and Js. I put it in or wait no D or J turn to put in if in tight mode.
You got to take some risks to win big pots most time or only donks will pay
you off without rare cooler set over set hands.

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more live hands
2-5 NL.

A new young white kid just sat down at table and started the hand with
about 750$,I got him covered. He raised to 25 UTG, two callers, I was at SB
with QQ and I reraised to 120$, UTG snap shoved, 2 callers folded, action
to me, call or fold?
2. Villian is an internet kid and used to play a lot online. he is super
lag He raised preflop a ton and 3 bet a ton preflop. And he loves to make
a lot of move and 3 barrel bluff a lot. he is winning player though, with
huge swing. we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3281
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Folding top boat? ZT
通常对于UNKNOWN PLAYER,我这里不可能FOLD。我一般不给对手太多CREDIT的,除非他
他就不是AdQd。QQ也不像,这么DEEP,PREFLOP 还不3-BET IP?
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Folding top boat? ZT
Hero's river action shows hero was at least top boat.
1.Villan's river 1300 bet shows he was at least a boat.
2.Hero's river check/reraise shows he was at least top boat.So hero's card
could be KQ,KK,AdQd,Qd9d.
If Villan had KQ, he would only call, assuming Villan is a normal player.
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Folding top boat? ZT
Hero fold KK.
Villan showed AdQd.
发帖数: 611
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末foxwoods的两手牌
hand 1: The hands you can beat are very few. you are behind in most of his
range. so fold. but since you posted here, so it must be an interested hand
, you called and hold?
hand 2: v1 is a good LAG or bad LAG? good lag, he could have a set, combo
draw, etc, since he has another 600ish behind. Bad lag, he could have a lot
more worst hands. wild guess, v1 had AdQd.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.2
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.2
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - two hands
1/2NL, AC.
1) AdQd on button, UTG (a normal guy) raised big to $22, UTG+1 (a tight guy)
called, i called.
flop: 663 rainbow, no diamonds. UTG checked, URG+1 checked, i checked.
turn: K, still rainbow, checked around again.
river: A, both checked to me, i smooth bet $20 to get a little bit more or
avoid showing hand.
UTG suddenly raised to $120, and UTG+1 folded. i got confused:
- AK? made sense but checked on turn and again on river? could easily waste
a hand;
- Ax, x < Q, thought i was stealing
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - two hands
i gave him respect for his previous standard play, and 11BB was not small.
with one tight guy in the middle, i really don't think i got anything to re-
reaise here with AdQd.
with a board like 663-K-A, i was just amazed by his THREE consequent checks
all through the river, ppl're not so patient, even for AK (most likely hand,
given his preflop raise). for him, i don't believe he's willing to show
down such a hand without any bonus.
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
Either allin or fold.
I slightly prefer fold.
As BB so high and button short stack, if button got mildly strong hand, he
would choose allin.If he got very strong hand, (high pairs,} he would only
raise to induce call.
Besides, BB could fight with button.
发帖数: 1168
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
18k for invitation to all in.
if u meet aa,kk,ak, that's ur fate. hoho
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
yeah, you two are right.
yet for some reason (played too long or whatever), i played too conservative
in this hand and only called. i got AQo three hands earlier and played the
same way, won a big pot against KQo pre-flop raiser after a Q showed up on
it's a big mistake and cost my chance to advance.
BB called too, flop came as 9s9cQs, i moved all-in too late and BB (
aggressive risk taker) called with As7s, button folded. BB caught 5s on the
in retrospective, i should have at leas
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
When you call, you have position disadvantage.
Suppose you call and BB fold, and flop come as 2,4,10, and you check, button
bet, you have to fold.This is most likely to happen in a heads up situation
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