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发帖数: 20
多个opening在DC area, 有兴趣的话站内回信。
---Manager Level
We are seeking highly-skilled and motivated, professional economists who can
effectively assess the strengths and weaknesses of complex, statistically-
based models used by our top-tier financial services clients for credit risk
management, asset valuations, and the generation of key financial estimates
used to support financial reporting. In addition, candidates will be
responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of clients’ overall model risk
ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 77
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Enterprise IT is a joke
The first paragraph. You are talking about truth, but do not know what
are those related to my point.
Answer your question. Yes. Enterprise IT does need advice. As you said, "
nobody else dare to update". What if the customer found more and more
problems, or when others start using vitalization, continuous integration,
better database and better ERP system, they need advice to advance
technology and save cost in the long term.
You might say that you can hire those $100 independen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30
We are not privy to USCIS records and though while we doubt it, we do not
know if they took any action on the prior H approval. (Thus we do not know
if they notified Immigration that you had a status change or not and we are
not able to determine that). We do though know that your case was not filed
for concurrent employment with both your old employer and our company.
It may make sense for you to retain counsel to get some advice about next
steps. As I mentioned, I am not able to provide you l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8232
IVO, a programmer: Ivo Sega here.
CAROL, a company recruiter: Hi Ivo! It's Carol from Vector Industries.
Thanks again for coming out to meet everyone last week. Josh, our CTO, was
really happy to meet you.
IVO: No problem. I was happy to meet him too. You've got some interesting
projects going on. It could be a lot of fun to tackle one of them.
CAROL: I'm glad to hear it. Can you come back and meet more of our team next
Tuesday at t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 82
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 关于LinkedIn
完全不认识的人吗? LinkedIn上,我平均一天收到一个邀请一个邮件,说的无非是
sorry to bother you, can you pass my resume to hiring manager.这样的,换作是
你问,能帮我看看简历什么的,或者申请需要注意什么事情,我... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60
网上有看到阿三用 GBC (另一个类似ITU的可以给 40 hour cpt 的学校)申请h1b,然
后 h1b approved 但是 change of status denied. 因为移民局觉得 他们的 f1 是
invalid for cpt reason.
"I am also having same issue.I have applied for status change from F1(CPT)
to H1.H1 got approved but with denial notice.
Denail notice says that since you have submitted evidence that job offered
by the Employer is required part of CPT program ,it does not meet defination
of CPT .hence the benificiary is not continuing to maintain status pursuant
It is no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60
网上有看到阿三用 GBC (另一个类似ITU的可以给 40 hour cpt 的学校)申请h1b,然
后 h1b approved 但是 change of status denied. 因为移民局觉得 他们的 f1 是
invalid for cpt reason.
"I am also having same issue.I have applied for status change from F1(CPT)
to H1.H1 got approved but with denial notice.
Denail notice says that since you have submitted evidence that job offered
by the Employer is required part of CPT program ,it does not meet defination
of CPT .hence the benificiary is not continuing to maintain status pursuant
It is no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 65
Think Geek to Combat Interview Nerves
July 23, 2013
By Edward Guiness
As a programmer I’ve been going to interviews either as the candidate or as
the interviewer for more than two decades. I’ve organised and attended
literally hundreds of interviews in the UK, India, New Zealand and Australia
. I’ve experienced and witnessed more interview nerves than most
programmers, and I’ve seen nerves undermine the performance of promising
candidates time after time.
If you turn to the popular “coding i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 158
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Linkedin 面经
1. Coding
主要问了两个问题,一题是 Given two nodes in a tree, find their common
ancester。还有一题忘了,但也是 Leetcode 原题。
这一关我过得不错,很快代码写完,又被加问了一道,关于如何设计 hash table,how
would you design the structure? How would you handle collision and explain
in detail?
2. Coding
Given a list of points on a 2-D plane, return the max number of points pass
a single straight line - 同样是 Leetcode 原题。
这一关也还行。很快也写出代码,but the solution given wasn't optimal in terms
of space complexity, and missed a corner... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 158
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Linkedin 面经
1. Coding
主要问了两个问题,一题是 Given two nodes in a tree, find their common
ancester。还有一题忘了,但也是 Leetcode 原题。
这一关我过得不错,很快代码写完,又被加问了一道,关于如何设计 hash table,how
would you design the structure? How would you handle collision and explain
in detail?
2. Coding
Given a list of points on a 2-D plane, return the max number of points pass
a single straight line - 同样是 Leetcode 原题。
这一关也还行。很快也写出代码,but the solution given wasn't optimal in terms
of space complexity, and missed a corner... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3030
I don't think the advice from 直接问 would be any different without the
detail. The advices are tailed to the situation of a single mother, 40 years
old with possible depression.

发帖数: 1
6. Some tips to get quality legal advice.
DO NOT take free consultation. Free consultation meant to evaluate if there
are any business opportunities for the attorney. Free consultation is for 1)
simple matters 2)Unimportant matters.
Your case is significant, you could lose the status to stay in the U.S. This
is very serious for your life.
Pay $200 - 500. Find a good immigration attorney. Go to his office. Present
ALL of your facts and documents in a chronological manner. Write everything
down. D... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Sorry to hear your situation. Law student here.
1. Your report needs to come from a licensed psychologist/psychiatrist.
2. You may be able to sue your employer in tort/discrimination/employment
law etc..
Ex, International Infliction of Emotional Distress
3. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in labor laws/
emotional tort etc...
Your attorney will
1)Assess your situation
2)Advice on what kind of report f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1329
来自主题: JobMarket版 - job in Boston area
From: HR Communications
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 11:10 AM
To: +Billerica-All Users; +Hackensack-All Users; +Perceptive-East Windsor; +
Perceptive-Wayne; +Waltham-All Users
Subject: Featured Job Openings for Northeast [on behalf of Rose Barsumian]
Featured Job Openings for Northeast
Do you know the perfect candidate for a job at PAREXEL?
These Featured Jobs highlight open positions in your local area and there
may be others so please check the Employee Referral website for a full
listing ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1
Medical Director, Oncology (China)
Quintiles is the world’s leading provider of biopharmaceutical services.
With a network of more than 28,000 employees conducting business in
approximately 100 countries, we have helped develop or commercialize all of
the top 50 best selling drugs on the market. With extensive therapeutic,
scientific and analytics expertise, we help biopharmaceutical and health
sciences customers navigate the increasingly complex landscape with more
predictability to enable bet... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13
来自主题: JobMarket版 - Multiple job openings in Pasadena, CA
QUANTIL is a high growth, pre-IPO startup in Silicon Valley, backed by the
world’s second largest CDN, ChinaNetCenter. QUANTIL helps customers reach
new markets by accelerating their content on our global network. We control
over 500 POPs and 30,000 servers, which generate 7 Tbps of throughput.
Mobile, Website, Download, Video, Audio, Enterprise Application and Carrier
Acceleration, we do it all.
Our team strives to simplify IT. Our long term focus on creating true value
safeguards both our cust... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1642
No one can give u advice, since no one have seen your contract.
You need to read the contract by yourself.
If you want other people's advice, then u need to put the contract here.
发帖数: 1980
来自主题: Living版 - 南加州贷款俱乐部
Don't urge people to lock the rate. You don't know where the rate is going
just like everyone else. It is OK for us to speculate on that. But as a
mortgage broker, people might hate you when you turn out giving bad advices.
Focus on giving advices that is guaranteed to be in the best interest of
your borrowers. Just my 2 cents.
发帖数: 107
来自主题: Living版 - water softener install
I plan to DIY install water softener for my whole house. As I don't have the
blueprint on water pipe route for my house, I need to know the water pipe
route in order to install the water softener to the right place.
Q1. My house is built in 2004 by standard pacific homes. I am not sure if
for all houses, the main water line branches into outside of house water
line (which supplies water for the faucet around outside of the house) and
inside house water line (which supplies inside house water). P... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 122
来自主题: Living版 - 2个AGENT如何选择,求建议
I am a licensed realtor. If I am in your situation, I will move there first
and then starting looking for a house. The cost for buy/sell house is much
more than a local moving cost. Purchase a house is one of biggest
investment in your life. You should spend at least 3 to 6 months study the
environment and school districts. It takes about 6 to 8 wks to process the
paperwork for purchase house in NJ. It could be different in your state.
Renting for a year and move to your dream house is bet... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19
来自主题: Living版 - New york Short sale house need help
Thanks for all of your comments and advice. Everybody's advice are
reasonable. have no extra time to waste, however, the school district is
quite good.
I am struggling!!!
I don't know how to deal with.
Help me please
发帖数: 224
来自主题: Living版 - Macy's sofa deal on BF
I went to the store today and asked them the promotion on BF. They said it
is extra 10%, no other promotion going on sofa, but will have some special
on some mattress.
Now macys has the promotion for free delivery over 999, which cannot combine
with 10%. That means on BF, they will charge 89 for delivery.
Also I found a special going on on this set in the store. but the online
price is still higher. The price for sofa and love seat is 1499 with free
delivery. I think it is pretty good deal. P... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1933
来自主题: Living版 - 急问关于dual agent
buyer agent也不能advice卖家接收什么价格,seller agent能advice,要是你是卖家
那个dual agent降commission,至少降2%的房价,如果他不愿意,立即找一个给rebate
最高的buyer agent。
发帖数: 949
第一个律师, 合同签了3天也不给SELLER 律师打电话,SELLER 那边紧催也没有用,过
了5天DRAFT才送出去。房子很HOT, 5天之内卖主拿到了更高的OFFER,直接就把我们给
PENDING UNDER CONTRACT 1天了,我用得着你告诉我?当然先付的支票是拿走了。
ADVICE。 每次电话和EMAIL 就是“WHAT DO YOU WANT”, 合同上出了一点小问题,我
发帖数: 931
Closing Cost Scams
NEW YORK (MONEY Magazine) -- Technology has magically lowered the price of
buying everything from stocks to airline tickets. But home buyers now pay
eight times the closing costs they paid 40 years ago. Here's how residents
of one Minnesota street were overcharged again and again on their home
purchases, many by thousands of dollars. And why your street probably isn't
all that different.
When Lewis Leung was buying his two-bedroom ranch in St. Louis Park, Minn.
in 2004, he rea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3811
来自主题: Living版 - forecloure 应该怎么出价
agree. it is ironic to see many postings from first buyers looking for
foreclosure. instead of getting advice from professionals, they came to
mitbbs for advice.
发帖数: 837
来自主题: Living版 - 松针怎么处理
First of all, I had no real experience mulching oak leaves or pine needles,
so take my advice with a grain of salt (probably as you do with most advice).
I don't know about oak leaves. There are people saying their grass do fine
after mulching, but there is also this article to ponder:
I think pine needles should be fine to mulch to grass.
Both oak leaves and pine needles decompose slowly. If I had them, I'd still
mulch them to gr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11319
”treat them like royalty"
On September 8 NBC's Today show aired a segment on how to survive a home
invasion. That advice included cooperating with the invaders -- "treat them
like royalty" -- and telling them the location of everything they want in
the house.
Spoiler: The advice did not include acquiring a gun for the defense of one's
life, the lives of one's family, and one's property.
During the segment, correspondent Jeff Rossen ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 641
NUTRITIONAL ADVICE.A (a)This subtitle does not prohibit a person
from giving advice regarding the use and role of food and food
ingredients, including "dietary supplements".
(b)Subsection (a) does not authorize a person to:
(1)practice medicine; or
(2)state, in violation of law, that a product might
cure a disease, disorder, or condition.
发帖数: 1211
来自主题: Medicine版 - SOS -- 病例求助
I wish I could help your sister. But situation like that, advice from an
online forum will not be constructive at all, since no one knows the
situation better than the doctors taking care of your sister. Bringing
advice based on such limited information from this forum to her doctor will
only make things worse.
My pray goes to your sister. Bless!
发帖数: 2136
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds (/ 参考消息 /), 信区: Parenting
标 题: Fever medicines 'given to children too readily'
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 1 06:08:50 2011, 美东)
Fever medicines 'given to children too readily'
Health News, The Telegraph, Feb 28.
Parents should not dose up children who have a simple fever on regular
spoonfuls of paracetamol and ibuprofen, according to doctors who say that
doing so could put them at risk.
A misplaced "fever phobia" in society means parents too frequently us... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 77
The doctor here did nothing wrong. You did not follow the advice of this
doctor, and this doctor warned you about the consequences. If you want to
charge anybody for medical malpractice, you should charge the one in China,
it is illegal to provide medical advices without actually examine the
patients. X ray is a 2-D picture and no doctor should give treatment
suggestions based on the x ray alone. The fault is on you and the doctor in
A doctor may loose his license by treating a patient wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11537
Yes, the US doctor did nothing wrong -- he simply followed the standard
practice, although it may not be to the best interest of patient.
The doctor in China did nothing wrong either -- he was giving advice as a
friend, not a doctor. Besides, his advice was based on normal practice in
China and there was nothing wrong.
The best way to treat such cases (in Chinese term) is as LZ envisioned,
first 复位, then 固定。 No surgery is needed. However, after 固定, there
should be X-ray from different angles to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3726
We all know the problems of healthcare in China. But that does not justify
your suspicion of doctors' clinical judgment from all aspects. From your
description, one can tell you are somehow hostile to doctors. It is your
right to have doubt on doctors, but not in the way you showed. It is always
welcome if patients want to have a second opinion, even in the US.
Also, you said "恐吓我爸爸签后果自负文件", see how you select words?
threaten or frighten your father? No one will force you to take any medical
adv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 340
来自主题: Money版 - 联合账户的问题
我们是debit card 联名账户的.
acount number //////////////
BANK 给我们的联名信是:
REFRENCE NO:..............
ACCOUNT NUMBER ==================
但是不一样的account nuumber
发帖数: 113
来自主题: Money版 - abt bonus miles tax
Relax! Most Miles & Points Are NOT Taxable
Relax! Most Miles & Points Are NOT Taxable
Posted: 11 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST
Don’t forget to like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.
I am not a tax adviser so you shouldn’t interpret this post as offering tax
advice. Please consult with your tax adviser for advice specific to your
I’ve received lots of email and comments from folks worried about paying
taxes on miles & points. Taxes and Miles and Points are both complex topics
(I love b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19373
With Merrill Edge, you get more than just 30 free online equity and ETF
trades per month, up to $500 in your new investment account and no annual
account fee.
Quality research:
Free access to world-class BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research, recently
awarded #1 Global Research House by Institutional Investor.*
Simplified view:
See your Bank of America banking and Merrill Edge investment accounts
together on one site fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15
这是lending club说的
Our understanding is that holding a H1-B visa should not affect your ability
to open an account with Lending Club. However, the statement should not be
construed as legal advice and we suggest that should reach out to an
attorney or the appropriate authority for advice.
发帖数: 599
自己弱智不用怨社会。我引用的FDA的advice,有哪句有common sense的人看不懂?
FDA的advice,法院是不是要考虑当作standard of care 的一个element,if not a
determing factor?
发帖数: 458
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 媳妇抱怨婆婆的问题,顺便谈谈
没人说她说得不对.But her advice is only for a certain target group, which
from her original post she failed to specify. Even though she did clarify
that in her later posts, her experience doesn't apply to most of the cases
here. Therefore her advice doesn't seem to be very useful or appropriate.
That's it
发帖数: 1528
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 给准爸妈,新爸妈推荐一本书 <>
Baby 411: Clear Answers & Smart Advice
for Your Baby's First Year (Baby 411: Clear Answers and Smart Advice for
Your Baby's First Year)
同事 babyshower 送的,向我们两个第一当爸妈的非常有用,特别是没有长辈帮忙的。
宝宝出生前,准备工作没做好,出来后就按这 textbook 来养了,喂多少,该拉多少,
什么颜色的,每个阶段小宝宝,会有什么表现都写得挺好的。 各种奶粉都有介绍,原
来才知道,美国对婴儿奶粉的营养成分的指标是法定的,也就说,吃walmart 的奶粉,
电话那边,奶奶,外婆的观点,往往很难被认同的。 有问题,往往我们就先翻书,:)
。很多让妈妈大惊小怪的,往往... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds (/ 参考消息 /), 信区: Parenting
标 题: Fever medicines 'given to children too readily'
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 1 06:08:50 2011, 美东)
Fever medicines 'given to children too readily'
Health News, The Telegraph, Feb 28.
Parents should not dose up children who have a simple fever on regular
spoonfuls of paracetamol and ibuprofen, according to doctors who say that
doing so could put them at risk.
A misplaced "fever phobia" in society means parents too frequently us... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 230
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 哭求治婴儿鹅口疮的方法
4. Here's how I've applied to baby: I dip the q-tip in water first, then the
GV. This way, I don't pick up too much, and staining is minimal (advice
given to me on this board!). Put baby on his/her side to sleep (I prop her
against a rolled blanket), as to avoid swallowing the GV (you can move baby
onto back later if you like). I "flip" her bottom lip out and put in the q-
tip. She sucks automatically, and the GV spreads out all ove... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 230
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 哭求治婴儿鹅口疮的方法
4. Here's how I've applied to baby: I dip the q-tip in water first, then the
GV. This way, I don't pick up too much, and staining is minimal (advice
given to me on this board!). Put baby on his/her side to sleep (I prop her
against a rolled blanket), as to avoid swallowing the GV (you can move baby
onto back later if you like). I "flip" her bottom lip out and put in the q-
tip. She sucks automatically, and the GV spreads out all ove... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 209
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - [bssd]老公说请他妈妈过来帮我坐月子
The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-to-Be (New Father
发帖数: 975
To the outrage of breastfeeding campaigners and probably the utter confusion
of most women with small babies, scientists today advocate rewriting the
rulebook to drop the current guidance that says mothers should breastfeed
exclusively for the first six months of their child's life.
It was 2001 when the World Health Organisation announced that exclusive
breastfeeding for six months was best for babies. In 2003 the then Labour... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1465
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 一岁检查后,ped让两个月后再去
Came across this interesting site about bilingual babies...
some copy and paste:
It used to be suggested that bilingual children were a little slower learning to speak than monolingual children. This is no longer an accepted view. In any case, any such difference would be very small. A bilingual child whose speech is delayed (for example, if they have not said the first word by 18 months) should be treated exactly like a monolingual child. It i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2461
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 一岁检查后,ped让两个月后再去

learning to speak than monolingual children. This is no longer an accepted
view. In any case, any such difference would be very small. A bilingual
child whose speech is delayed (for example, if they have not said the first
word by 18 months) should be treated exactly like a monolingual child. It is
dangerous to think that the child's speech is delayed because the child is
bilingual. Bilingual children vary from one another jus: t as monolingual
children do -- some will be e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 34
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 一般第一次孕检都是什么时候呀?
Kaiser的话 如果有什么问题 直接打电话和Advice Nurse说 他们会问你的情况 如果有
必要看医生 马上会给你约(我这边基本都是当天的)
我当时5周 有一点镇痛 Advice Nurse马上给约了个医生(当时还没选ob呢)做了内检
和超声波 第一次听到了宝宝的心跳
现在Kaiser每个人除了医生以外 每个人又指定了一个Nurse practitioner 医生约不到
NP估计没问题 选一个好一点的NP也挺好 我觉得我的NP比医生强
恭喜 祝好运!
发帖数: 4871
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 悲催求祝福,不到一天背靠背两次ER
this is what those "smart" people usually do.
Let me give you an example why I do not think patient should seek medical
advice here.
A patient's post on online forum: I have allergies, nose congestion, always
got sinus infection, headache, but no wheezing now, and currently i am on
Dulera and albuterol. what should I do.
reply from A: you dont have wheezing, try to not to use Dulera
reply from B: you need to see your doctor
reply from C: try some vitamin D.
reply from D,E,F: blah, blah, blah,
I ... 阅读全帖
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