

全部话题 - 话题: advices
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发帖数: 6804
Rule #3 - All things or things in general: Use no article with plural count
nouns or any noncount nouns used to mean all or in general.
Trees are beautiful in the fall. (All trees are beautiful in the fall.)
He was asking for advice. (He was asking for advice in general.)
I do not like coffee. (I do not like all coffee in general.)
发帖数: 61690
On that night, when CNBC registered its highest audience ever, it’s not
known if Harwood also got approval from the Clinton campaign to ask Donald
Trump: “Is this a comic-book version of a presidential campaign?”
Harwood was criticized harshly after that debate — and rightly so. The
Republican National Committee even went so far to punish NBC as a whole,
stripping it of what would have been a highly rated primary debate later in
the cycle. It was a black eye for CNBC by all accounts.
So did Harw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4150
来自主题: USANews版 - Joke of 2016???
or of the century?
Obama's advice to Trump: Maybe don't use executive orders so much

发帖数: 1
Is China Waiting Us Out?
While the U.S. bombs, Xi Jinping is building—one power play at a time.
By MICHAEL HORTON • October 22, 2018

Michael Hogue
The one constant in recent U.S. foreign policy—regardless of which party
occupies the White House or controls Congress—is that it prioritizes
military intervention, both covert and overt, to advance its interests
overseas. While President Barack Obama vowed to move the U... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 499
Your link is invalid.
"What I’m looking at is not the day-to-day gyrations of the stock market,
but the long-term ability for the United States and the entire world economy
to regain its footing,”
So what Obama offered was long term investment advice, not short term market
timing.However, if market is not going up in long term,Obama is liable for
his advice.But in fact, long term market trend is 100% up.
This is because over time,human technology always advance, so productivity
and economy alway... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5818
The numbers “88” are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy
movement. Why? Because the letter “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet
and, to them, the numbers “88” together stand for “Heil Hitler.” So, we
’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8. No one is thinking
about this. No one is giving him the advice or he's rejecting the advice.
So understand your adversary to counter the adversary.
所以 trump 暗地里干着希特勒的勾当!
Let's use that same insane theory with the former ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5177
This is racism.

:The numbers “88” are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy
:movement. Why? Because the letter “H” is the eighth letter of the
alphabet and, to them, the numbers “88” together stand for “Heil Hitler.
” So, we’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8. No one is
thinking about this. No one is giving him the advice or he's rejecting the
发帖数: 2028
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: xdhbob (xdhbob), 信区: Military
标 题: 美国版六四, 美国政府下令大学生不准在网上谈论wikileaks
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 5 08:04:38 2010, 美东)
State Department To Columbia University Students: DO NOT Discuss WikiLeaks
On Facebook, Twitter
Talking about WikiLeaks on Facebook or Twitter could endanger your job
prospects, a State Department official warned students at Columbia
University's School of International and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: Automobile版 - 怎样避免卖车后的liability zz
Selling Tips
10 Steps to Selling Your Car
Step 9: Finalize the Sale
By Philip Reed, Senior Consumer Advice Editor
Rules governing the sale of motor vehicles vary somewhat from state to state
. Make sure you check with the department of motor vehicles (DMV) in your
state, and keep in mind that much of the information is now available on DMV
Web sites.
When selling your car, it's important to lim
发帖数: 1486
WOW, wow. These are very valuable advices, I will try them before I send it
back to garage again.
A question for advice 1: I think tighten up the rest of the nuts might help
to get the broken nut off since the cause of the broken nut was a stupid
clockwise turn...
I will try to drill some nick on the broken nut, but broken nut does not
have a perfect surface for drilling when it broke.
You must be a pro in car repair.

发帖数: 208
真的不用買....5年以後真的的有問題, 修起來也用不著1400刀
老美網上都有很多相關的討論和報道...extended warranty 都是很掙錢的 product,
所以dealer 都會希多一點.
再說, extended warrenty 有很多fine printed trick 的, 買了也不一定有你心中以
如果你真的要買的話, 看看這個吧
发帖数: 579
不过用promotion code (X2B-C8B-A94) 依然可以减少$2。
重新log in了。而且也不能直接参加final exam,必须答对各章的所有试题才能到达
final exam,而且各章的题目之后还有一题“security question”,就是问关于前面
果中途log off再回来log in,得一页页翻过之前做过的章节,不过不需要重新做题就
欢迎大家使用promotion code:X2B-C8B-A94
http://www.gototraff... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1828
You're driving along in your car or truck and suddenly a yellow light
illuminates on your dash telling you to check or service your engine. If you
're like most car owners, you have little idea about what that light is
trying to tell you or exactly how you should react.
Call it the most misunderstood indicator on your dashboard, the "check
engine" light can mean many different things, from a loose gas cap to a
seriously misfiring engine.
"It doesn't mean you have to pull the car over to the side... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1
来自主题: Automobile版 - 74 Tips To Extend the Life of Your Car
Care and Maintenance Tips Keep Your Car Running in Top-Notch Condition
We’ve compiled our best expert advice, surprising tricks, and car care tips
to prolong the life of your automobile!
1. Be patient during the break-in period
You’ve bought your dream car and now you want to make it last at long as
possible in top condition. Here are some things to remember as you pull it
out of the dealer’s lot:
During the break-in period, typically the first 1,000 miles (1,600 km), keep
your speed under 55 mp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2039
For a car this old, to avoid declaration as a "total loss" by the adverse
party's insurance company, pay the $250-$350 and have a post loss
professional automobile appraiser look over your car and produce a written
appraisal. It is an invaluable negotiation tool.
Be aware also, that it is wise practice to SEPARATE your spouse's injury
from the car repairs. Insurance companies, in order to "cheap out" on injury
payment, in cases like yours, often will "over allow" on auto repair... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8859
来自主题: Automobile版 - passta tdi 自动挡新车如何磨合
Updated 10/2012
New generation TDI's with Common Rail/DPF/SCR and those with DSG
Rules that apply for the life of the car
-When the engine is cold (below the first 3 white marks at the base of the
temp gage) rev the engine to at least 2,500 rpms.
-When the engine is warmed up (above the first three white marks) Rev the
engine to no less than 3,000 rpms.
The reason for this is to keep the turbo on boost, clear the VNT guide vanes
and apply firm ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3888
来自主题: Automobile版 - 我的保险公司是雷锋还是SB?
You have a lot of misunderstanding based on piecemeal info and hearsay.
Sorry for my harsh languages earlier. But you have very limited
understanding so you really shouldn't try to handle this matter yourself.
Talk to a local lawyer with good reputation.
Your own insurance company is not always on your side. They are doing this
to make money. They have no incentive to tell you about your full rights. In
fact, they can get into trouble for committing unauthorized practice of law
(something many ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 74
According to the IRS, 75% of the tax cheating is done by individuals—mostly
middle-income earners. Most of the rest of the cheating is done by
businesses. Cash-intensive businesses and service providers, from self-
employed handypeople to doctors, are the worst offenders.
How People Cheat on Their Taxes
Most cheating is from deliberate—actual or willful—underreporting of
income. This is called tax evasion—the most commonly charged tax crime. A
government study found the most underreporting of in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2883
Yes. This is a 中转站. Its clientele covers India, Russia and many other
foreign countries. I sold one Ipad 2 on Amazon and shipped it to the same
address. The product ended up in the hands of the actual buyer. There should
be nothing wrong with the 中转站, the problem should falls on the buyer/
anyone got hands on the package beyond the 中转站.
Also, my advice is to google each shipping destination before ship, if the
distination is a biz, call the biz to check if the biz&the buyer is
legitimate. I did ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3876
70%? amz没把你赶掉?

Yes. This is a 中转站. Its clientele covers India, Russia and many other
foreign countries. I sold one Ipad 2 on Amazon and shipped it to the same
address. The product ended up in the hands of the actual buyer. There should
be nothing wrong with the 中转站, the problem should falls on the buyer/
anyone got hands on the package beyond the 中转站.
Also, my advice is to google each shipping destination before ship, if the
distination is a biz, call the biz to check if the biz&the buyer is
le... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 72
来自主题: Faculty版 - How to be a good faculty/scientist?
Check out this website shown above. If you think it is useful, please answer
my question as a reward:),
How do you guy prepare as a postdoc before becoming a faculty?
I am phd student and will become a postdoc early next year. Want to be a
faculty in the near future. Thanks. I think I will do the same thing, giving
my advice to the new comer after I become a faculty. Just like I give a
ride to the new students for shopping, hehe...
发帖数: 1910
来自主题: Faculty版 - Ph.D. Interview Preparation Guide
By Trina Sego and Jef I. Richards
There is no way to know specifically what a given faculty member looks f
or when interviewing a job candidate. It will vary tremendously from per
son to person. However, there are a few things that are common to the ob
jectives of many faculty members:
* Someone who will fit in with the current facult... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 102
It does not matter which post you were trying to reply to, when I read
postings such as
yours, I can not help but take issues with your negative comments toward
others (I am not
sure if I was annoying or not), which apparently had demonstrated again by
your post
here. Please do not attack others!!! Show respects!!! In fact, I am doing
this for your own
good. If you were offended and did not see any merits by my voluntary advice
, too bad. I
think I will stop here per your 'advice'. Anyway, we ar
发帖数: 38
"In fact, I am doing this for your own good. If you were offended and did
not see any merits by my voluntary advice, too bad."
For my own good?! Wow, you just reminded me of my high school teachers and I
miss them so much!! Thank you!
"Just a piece of advice from a real old ( a successful professor in China
and now a tenured associate professor in a land grant university (not a very
good one):"
Is the person yourself? You know I am just a pathetic student/postdoc
as you said and I really admire
发帖数: 1422
plan A: if you don;t funding and don't have advisor who would like to pay
this fee from his/her funding, contact your co-author, and hopefully one of
them is rich enough to pay the bill;
plan B: contact the journal to explain your situation and ask for a waive.
My advice (also my advisor's advice a few year ago) to you is next time this
specific journal may not want to accept your paper in the first place;
plan C is to add me as you co-author and I pay the bill for you
发帖数: 564
Glad to see that you're planning the next move, Sunnyday! If I were you, I'
ll plan on applying. Since your mentor brought up the subject, it's a good
opportunity to ask for her advice, esp how she feels about divvying up
projects -- it's a sensitive subject even if you're in very good
relationship so be unassuming just in case her expectation is different from
Her advice about proposing what's fundable rather than what interests you is
a very good insight. I'm learning it the hard way
发帖数: 198
【 以下文字转载自 Physics 讨论区 】
发信人: tyhj (tyhj), 信区: Physics
标 题: 和REFEREE 讨论转行, 得到如下回复, 是啥意思
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 4 18:11:21 2010, 美东)
Finally, the paper ends with a question to the referee, asking for an
concerning going to a graduate school to study FINANCE. This question,
I guess,
is not supposed to appear in the printed version, so I suggest to
remove it from
the next version of the paper. In response to this question, I have to
say that I do
not have enough information, based only on... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 53
I am in a medium-size shool with our program ranked around 80 in US; so we
usually do not get top-notch students in our Ph.D. program, even with much
investment in the recruiting process. For my own research group, I have been
training 3 Ph.D.s in the past 3-4 years, and the students are doing better
over time but still slow in progress. I am not a person who likes to oversee
the students too closely (even though I do meet with them twice a week);
instead, I like to agree on objectives/timelines... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 447
来自主题: Faculty版 - how to find grant opportunities
I am going to be a new AP in CS major. I wonder if you can provide me with any advice on how to locate the various funding opportunities ? Just searching the agency websites ? Helps from the school grant office ? Thank you for advice.
发帖数: 3109
来自主题: Faculty版 - how to find grant opportunities
your college will have workshops on this.

any advice on how to locate the various funding opportunities ? Just
searching the agency websites ? Helps from the school grant office ? Thank
you for advice.
发帖数: 53
With a little bit better luck, I received several grants from NSF in the
last two years but I do not have enough students to spend them in time. Any
advice on how not to spend NSF funding in time without violating NSF and
university rules? What if we can deliver what is promised in our proposals
without spending the NSF money and can we explicitly mention this to NSF?
What is the usual procedure for requesting no-cost extension from NSF? Is it
complex to have more than two years of no-cost exten... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 923
来自主题: Faculty版 - 来自英国的Offer,求意见
我觉得前几天本版转发的一篇文章 Career Advice From an Oldish Not-Quite Geezer
http://chronicle.com/article/Career-Advice-From-an-Oldish/230335/ 说得挺好的。作者建议在年轻的时候要"take some risks",去英国对我们来说是risks或是adventure,我们想乘着还年轻的时候再折腾一下,感受一下不同的生活,游历一下欧洲。
发帖数: 21
介绍一下本人背景:本科和硕士是国内的Computer Science (cs),博士是美国这边
100名左右学校的Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). 现在在做博后。
周三面试的,是个排名200左右的national university,申的是computer science。有
ms和bs,没有phd。和SC的chair和另一个member (称S老师吧)周二一起吃的晚饭,期
间聊得还很愉快,SC chair还讲了很多系里的八卦给我听,纯粹搞笑的。后来chair送
我去酒店,我说我明天的slides还得改改,现在还没准备好呢,他说"oh no, that's
not a good news" (心里当时咯噔一下)
提出我PHD不是纯CS以后可能不能上部分graduate courses, 除非我已经在相关方向发
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2992
来自主题: Faculty版 - 考题专访5:采访新任系主任
Interview with Dr. Daliang Wang
(By Fiona Rawsontile, April 2016)
I got to know Dr. Wang when he first announced his candidacy for a
department chair position. Since it’s uncommon for Chinese scholars to
assume administrative roles in academia, I became interested in knowing more
about him. So while traveling back and forth between his current and future
institutes, wrapping up old business and setting up new, Dr. Wang had to
put up with the interruptions and spare time satisf... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
还有一篇,second year of being a tenure-track assistant professor at the
University of Pennsylvania in the School of Social Policy & Practice, a
program that is consistently ranked in the Top 15 in the country by U.S.
News & World Report and one of only two Ivy League social work programs.

发帖数: 548
来自主题: Family版 - 如何帮助小孩提高自信
1。 有几次不肯交作业(都是做小工艺品)。每次问他,他都说忘记了。我和他的老师
Dear Mrs. xxx,
Harry didn’t turn in his Thanksgiving project yesterday. Obviously he didn'
t forget (I put the project with his holder together), but told me that he
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6723
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Mayingba (吳鐘學), 信区: Military
标 题: 风靡美国中餐馆的幸运饼干,其实发源于日本?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 29 19:21:25 2016, 美东)
Solving a Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside a Cookie
By JENNIFER 8. LEEJune 29, 2016
美食JENNIFER 8. LEE 2016年6月29日
Ko Sasaki for The New York Times
Some 3 billion fortune cookies are made each year, almost all in the United
States. But the crisp cookies wrapped around enigmatic sayings ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1063
来自主题: Investment版 - 小孩的教育费用
we all talk about retirement plans.
Any advice of the kids edu costs? the cost for college, and even the cost
for private middle schools if I become rich later?
I am a newbie. so please advice.
发帖数: 126
来自主题: Investment版 - How is this combination?
what do you ask advice from this board on asset allocation for? even if you
get a reaponse, are you really going to take that advice? That is borderline

发帖数: 23
来自主题: Investment版 - I want to open a clothing store
Need help with a plan/contacts/possible partner. Any advice where to start?
What is the first step to opening a store? Is a franchise a good option?
Should I hire someone to write a plan, or get a book from the library and
try it myself? How do I determine how much fo borrow? How much inventory to
start with? I also need advice on wholesalers/suppliers. I would love a
clothing store owner to guide me in the right direction. Thanks for your
time! Cassie
发帖数: 561
financial advisor can't make recommendation without knowing the investor fin
ancial consition, investment objective and etc... that's unethical
giving general advice is not within the general defination of financial advi
for example, some journalists making financial advice to the entire audience
is not considered as IA
发帖数: 880
How Can Index Funds Beat the Market?
Ben Stein loves Dimensional Fund Advisors. They "run the most amazingly
successful, low-cost, unmanaged but somehow deep-value index funds I have
ever found," he says, adding that "their returns are amazing, and they
charge almost nothing." It's a bit weird: how can an index fund have "
amazing" returns? Surely the whole point of an index fund is that it's more
or less the same as the underlying ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 558
来自主题: Investment版 - 关于401K 中使用MPT的思考
i stopped reading the brief introduction of the book on Amazon, when I saw
the words " By using leveraging when young...". I will give it the benefit
of the doubt and read it when I have a chance. But as some one who has
experienced the worst of the market twice, my advice would be keep your
emotion and intelligence away from investing. Don't try to outsmart the
market. One practical piece of advice: dont even think about leveraging. To
regular people, there is only one place we can use levera... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1825
wealthfront and betterment both provide free asset allocation advices, most
of them use vanguard etf as example, so very good choices. (I also recommend
vanguard, unless you have strong reasons to pick others)
(why vanguard?
http://www.mitbbs.com/article0/Investment/31282329_0.html )
also bogelheads have many portfolio advices, for example,
for historical returns of these portfolio, you can use the spreadsheet
http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1204
Wealthfront, betterment, wisebanyan, etc. those robo-advisors provide good
and free AA advices, but they don't apply for individual's 401k AA
allocations, which could be a daunting task for someone without any
wealthminder and paulmerrian provide company-specific 401k advices (if your
company is on their lists).
There are also for-fee 401k allocation services, not many, though, you can
google them.
发帖数: 99
来自主题: Investment版 - 关于buy&hold index fund
Thanks MinaHarker. You deserve credit for both groping your way out of
darkness and for writing up your story. This will help others. And I think
you must have found out your comfort zone with 60/40 allocation. Mine is
higher than that, and I have doubt what my actual response would be at next
downturn. Although I didn't do anything silly in 2008-2009, the stake at
risk was much smaller back then.
Sometimes I wonder why I stay on this board. I cannot convince the market
timers, and vice versa. I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1309
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 申请Intern遇到ws的小公司怎么办?
Hey, blaze,
I believe you are a reasonably good engineer, or maybe you are a student
looking for a job. Either way you do not have to be that harsh on another
student. I kind agree that op probably overrated his work a bit, but he/she
must have done something. I would appreciate your advice if I were op, but
your advice could be made more gentle so it helps people instead of hurt.
发帖数: 391
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 一个offer,帮忙看一下
I think it really depends on the location of the company and if the company
has potentials. (1) If they sponsor you, you get status--> move onto the
next one with better pay and benefit. (2) Compare your salary with what your
friends got and the locations of the companies. Maybe, $7=$9 of your
friends. (3) boss is important. If you ran into a mean boss or a boss you
dislike, you would prefer a boss with lower pay and happy environment. (4)
Experience is very important in U.S. Currently, the job ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 754
来自主题: JobHunting版 - wolver is a whistleblower
In general, whistleblowing, or even just a manager's judgment that
someone is blowing the whistle, is proof of organizational trouble.
Employees do not go out of channels unless the channels at least seem
inadequate, or because they are indeed inadequate or because the
organization has failed to make clear that channels are available for
reporting concerns. Whistleblowing is also often proof of management failure
. Usually several managers directly above the whistleblower will have heard
his... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 957
what I am saying is that you need to make it clear. you need to tell people
this is illegal. If they want to do it, at least they know they are taking
the risk.
People just gave this kind of advice all the time, and not care about the
You dont know what will happen to them. I have a friend got the F1 revoked
just because she wrote the start date of the CPT wrong, and she hired a
laywer to fix it, and the whole process is half a year, she almost lost the
Anything could happe... 阅读全帖
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