L*0 发帖数: 381 | 1 aiya...wish I saw this earlier...55555
got back from China already and never managed to have the time to unlock. =(
thanks anyways and would love to know how to unlock again...thx! |
f*******m 发帖数: 5008 | 2 美国人辨别中国人的88种方法(中英对照)
88Ways to Know If You"re Chinese
1.You look like you are 18.你看起来好像才18岁(东方人普遍看起来比较年轻)
2.You like to eat chicken feet.你喜欢吃鸡脚
3.You suck on fish heads and fish fins.你吃鱼时会吸鱼头和鱼鳍(他们都是直接切
4.You have a Chinese knick-knack hanging on your rear view mirror.你的车子后
5.You sing karaoke.你唱K(唐人街才有的玩意儿)
6.Your house is covered with tile.你的房子铺的是瓷砖(老外都是木板)
7.Your kitchen is covered by a sticky film of grease.你的厨房覆盖着一层厚厚
8.Your stove is covered with aluminum foil.你的炉子... 阅读全帖 |
i********6 发帖数: 4766 | 3 aiya, that ID is the most famous FenQing on this board. Why waste your time
debating with him/her on his/her BS points? You are more involved, he/she
will get more exciting/opportunity to spread those thoughts.
let's talk about how to FB this week bah. |
i********6 发帖数: 4766 | 4 aiya, so straight forward will get PAI di....
Poseidon @ Del Mar Beach is a nice place too, also La Jolla has many nice
pub ah.
i********6 发帖数: 4766 | 5 aiya, by ocean doesn't mean it's a ocean front house..... |
i********6 发帖数: 4766 | 6 aiya, you can put all your sale into one post to save some space here mah,
since we don't have BZ to delete post currently. |
i********6 发帖数: 4766 | 7 aiya, simple lah, whoever become the BZ, who makes the rule. this is so
clear on the BZ board. so, whoever think this board needs regulation, come
up to be BZ bah. |
i********6 发帖数: 4766 | 8 aiya, you should say I am so devoted to art! |
i********6 发帖数: 4766 | 9 aiya, just throw the link in mah. we are all lazy.....LOL |
r*******u 发帖数: 8732 | 10 Aiya :( take good care.
And thanks for the baozi :)
For me, I was shocked after the accident and luckily I was not hurted. |
a**a 发帖数: 316 | 11 hi, there,
We have about 10 people in Microsoft planning to buy KAWAI K3 piano
together. K3 is selected because of its beautiful tone and lower price
compared with YAMAHA U1. We are working with different dealers to get teh best offer possible and it may take time to finilize the deal.
You are welcome to join us if you are interested on exactly the same
model.Please send email to a************[email protected] and you will be added to
a mail group to receive further information.
If you pe |
m*******i 发帖数: 3015 | 12 aiya,真的不会再热了吗,上周五买的Swimming Pool,偶儿子就玩了一个小时呀。。。 |
r*******u 发帖数: 8732 | 13 aiya. I didn't save it :(
He is so cool :)
And he must go 試鏡 ! |
m***o 发帖数: 17656 | 14 唉,他好像今天下午删了,等他来了,再叫他奔一个吧。
aiya. I didn't save it :(
He is so cool :)
And he must go 試鏡 ! |
R*****n 发帖数: 8658 | 15 1. 人超多 收到无数祝福 人家说生日快乐啊 我都淑女的腼腆的笑
然后又憋不住再连着说 谢谢啊谢谢啊
2. 礼物超多: 巧克力一盒 有软软沙沙屁股的狗狗一只 hellokitty可爱餐斤盒盖一个
wilson全套礼物(球包 grip, 护丸), 球一筒 haha..
3. 打的超爽: 打完了 我说我累了 大家说 aiya, 你终于累了....混双四场 女双两场
题目: 记一个有意义的生日 |
l****l 发帖数: 833 | 16 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
pcrystal (nkmm) 于 (Tue Aug 28 12:52:36 2007) 提到:
Riemann (曼何要坚强) 于 (Tue Aug 28 12:54:01 2007) 提到:
然后发现aiya退的不够 再退 时间就来不及了
yanb (大象,多移动一点点) 于 (Tue Aug 28 12:57:34 2007) 提到:
pcrystal (nkmm) 于 |
R*****n 发帖数: 8658 | 17 恩 小学生的作文
今天天气不知道好不好 因为我在办公室里忙的是昏天黑地
先到in and out啃了一个大burger, 喝了满肚子的coke就往ubc杀去了
拉了shou, castoga and euchee打双打
目的是让shou充分的warm up
比如对面的castoga and euchee的基本战术就是不杀球 要充分调动shou
只见shou满场飞奔 我开心的在一边看热闹
所以说 shou今天的大比分胜利和我们的warm up是分不开的
军功章啊有你的一半 也有我们的一半(shou, 发包子吧)
后来shou vs liu 还有旁边的女双也同时开始战斗了
因为有录像为证 我就不要讲述这个比赛细节了
cuteniu号称也会来发一个长长的文章 我们就拭目以待吧 (aiya, 我的成语用的好吧)
我基本就是属于不干坏事 守好自己的一个角就可以的类型
可是和dd呢 dd就希望我可以多cover 一些 比如我似乎应该管一点我的后场
可是呢我一看 |
R*****n 发帖数: 8658 | 18 今天早晨我很high,恩 大家都注意到了
题目就是 如果我和pixixi单打21分的话 我可以拿多少分
1. <5
2. 5-10
3. 11-15
4. >15
因为老锅走以前说过 我是打不过pixixi的
于是各路英雄纷纷上马 畅所欲言 仔细分析谨慎判断
<5 lovecountry
11-15 dumbird badmintonfan micheals riemann
>15 pangpangzeng sungy cuteniu pixixi castoga daniel candybar
一看这个结果 我的心花是那个怒放啊
aiya, 你肯定会说 难道你不应该感到压力吗?
不会不会 对于每天深挖思想根源走路四处张望寻找任何机会show off的人来说
这是一个多么好的show off的机会啊 一定要记在小本本上 天天说 年年说
想 |
r*********r 发帖数: 1892 | 20 aiya,
你也不用生气了:) |
r*********r 发帖数: 1892 | 21 aiya,
抱歉了cade. |
R*****n 发帖数: 8658 | 22 aiya...我当年刚开始打羽毛球得时候也这样, 一下子瘦了, 特高兴。。
不过那时候一周打三次以上, 每次两歌小时以上
还吃得很少 |
l****g 发帖数: 1705 | 23 aiya...
Told you my diet is very unhealthy...
sometimes eat nothing, sometime eat jumbo junk
sigh... |
l****g 发帖数: 1705 | 24 aiya...Trinity..
是徐志摩的粉丝么。。。 |
f******t 发帖数: 3415 | 31 aiya, here here
等下有空我就来,不然就等等吧。 |
r*********r 发帖数: 1892 | 32 aiya,
要厚者脸皮趁进去,实在不行ob两把,那些老油条就不好意思! |
r*********r 发帖数: 1892 | 33 aiya,
可惜了,最近没法陪你们2了:) |
z*******3 发帖数: 13709 | 34 aiya改了信仰了
就跟圣斗士沙迦一样 |
p*********r 发帖数: 4593 | 35 Seems like the lens coming with RX100 is not sharp in the corner.
Take a look at the the first set of the picture on the bottom right corner
here. The neon with letter "Aiya..." is not clear from RX100.
It's much better from Nikon V2 with 10-30mm lens that is considered as a
poor lens.
http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/thread/3370137 |
s*******e 发帖数: 15758 | 36 aiya....I think u guys are evils. anyone who married a non chinese is
already a tragety. you hai da ji ren jia
55555555555555555 |
m********g 发帖数: 2323 | 37 美国人辨别中国人的88种方法(中英对照)
88Ways to Know If You"re Chinese
1.You look like you are 18.你看起来好像才18岁(东方人普遍看起来比较年轻)
2.You like to eat chicken feet.你喜欢吃鸡脚
3.You suck on fish heads and fish fins.你吃鱼时会吸鱼头和鱼鳍(他们都是直接切
4.You have a Chinese knick-knack hanging on your rear view mirror.你的车子后
5.You sing karaoke.你唱K(唐人街才有的玩意儿)
6.Your house is covered with tile.你的房子铺的是瓷砖(老外都是木板)
7.Your kitchen is covered by a sticky film of grease.你的厨房覆盖着一层厚厚
8.Your stove is covered with aluminum foil.你的炉子... 阅读全帖 |
z*****a 发帖数: 3809 | 38 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: fennelyam (罗拉莱-迷蒙地醒不如热烈地梦), 信区: NewYork
标 题: 美国人辨别中国人的88种方法 (美国媒体上刊登的一期文章)【中英】
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 13 16:17:09 2011, 美东)
88Ways to Know If You"re Chinese
1.You look like you are 18.你看起来好像才18岁(东方人普遍看起来比较年轻)
2.You like to eat chicken feet.你喜欢吃鸡脚
3.You suck on fish heads and fish fins.你吃鱼时会吸鱼头和鱼鳍(他们都是直接切
4.You have a Chinese knick-knack hanging on your rear view mirror.你的车子后
5.You sing karaoke.你唱K(唐人街才有的玩意儿)
6.Your house is covere... 阅读全帖 |
f*********e 发帖数: 3037 | 39 Aiya told u not to guess. |
r*******y 发帖数: 7108 | 40 aiya ....
其他的实验报告都是未完状态。。。。。。。 |
r*******y 发帖数: 7108 | 41 pia !!!!!~~~~~~(回声)
aiya ,我每次回帖都看到:
A man got to do what a man got to do.
好难过啊。。。。miny 你想想咋改下???? |
o********l 发帖数: 12430 | 42 aiya, great minds think a like ah
lol |
a**r 发帖数: 5444 | 43 谢谢大家帮忙找资料,感激不尽!
基本上把明天需要讲的搞懂了些 :)
回aiya, i'm in social science |
s*******o 发帖数: 2452 | 44 Bless mm.
非常同意aiya的,还是等结果吧. |
m*****O 发帖数: 3558 | 45 aiya 不知道说什么好
子。 |
b*****r 发帖数: 4717 | 46 aiya, 现在又跑去按摩床了,太bored勒 |
l***y 发帖数: 791 | 48 【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 in a muzzle), 信区: Translation
标 题: 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.c]
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sat May 29 05:05:49 2004) WWW-POST
The woman finished her chores. Standing by and idling,
she asked him: “Have you got a girlfriend?”
Zhiwen froze. “No,” he said, afterwards.
“Want me to hook you up with someone? ---Have you got
a greencard?” She asked.
Zhiwen was even more embarrassed. “Not yet.” He shook
his head and replied.
The woman sighed. “Aiya, then i |