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发帖数: 178
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
bet big enough hoping AA KK to call.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
yes, most likely, after two checks on turn and river. i don't put him on AA
though, but river bet should still be bigger.
a problematic hand for review, weakish after he calls my flop 3bet, and lose
plans for turn/river.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
long time no see, hehe.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
"a problematic hand for review, weakish after he calls my flop 3bet.
i admit i'm surprised with his call though, and that leads to my
inconsiderate turn and river plays.
my $13 3-bet is designed for him to fold"
This is where the flaw of your logic is. you bet for him to fold a worse hand? and when he calls you feel behind? This is very bad play at any level. You bet to let weak hand call and make better hand to fold. It achieves neither here because your value range is so thin KQ QJ. In a w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
well, you're talking out of the context of BB vs. CO.
again, if this hand is against an EP/MP or a guy whom i have little info. on
, yes, then TPTK here is not strong enough to play for a big pot. as i
posted above, i fold or become cautious in a lot of other AQ alike
against BB (and aggression level between CO/BTN/SB/BB alike), you can't
simply flat AQ here all the time. QT8 rainbow hits his range well with a lot
of gutshots+pairs. even you flat here against his KQ/QJ/Q9/ alike, wha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
3 bet with tptk is fine if you think your hand is strong enough and your
value range is wide to stack him with TPTK. but you obviously was not
trying to stack him here because you obviously start to have doubts in your mind when he called based on your sizing on turn and river. Now think about why are you really raising here for value or for bluff or like you said "i want him to fold a worse hand at a WAHB situation"?.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
i guess you're assuming i'd call for sure if he 4-bets on the flop or play
for stacks, no, not in a 180BB+ sitatuion against a regular, hehe.
i'm simply playing straight forward poker against BB, with a hand with
little chance to improve. my goal is to win right here.
again, flatting here against him would cause quite some troubles for any >7
card coming. i'd check behind a lot or get little value down the road even
if i still hold the best hand.
i agree turn/river are poorly played due to not p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
No i am not assuming anything here. i know you will fold to his 4 bet most
of the time since you don't even dare to bet turn and river when he called.
I am just saying that the "to win it right here and fold worse hand by 3
betting flop" logic is seriously flawed.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
you confused me, hehe, why "to win it right here and fold worse hand by 3
betting flop" is flawed?
what worse hands you want to keep in and expect to get more value later by
flatting here, AND, from generally weakish BB? (position, not player
look at the flop again, QT8, give me 3 hands that would potentially meet our
goal by flatting here? either they'd fire a second barrel out of position
or we could get them to call a barrel... don't tell me we plan to check twice

发帖数: 178
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
think like this.
what is his check raise range on the flop? what is his continuation range after you 3 bet flop? what is his turn c bet range if you just call turn? what is his calling range on the turn after you 3 bet the flop? what is his calling range on the turn if you flat his check raise and he check to you? Bottom line, we do not want to play against the top of villian's range in a WAWB situation.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
against a "stealing" CO (and as avg+ aggr guy at BB), his flop check raise
range is pretty wide, which contains a lot of gutshots+pairs. the flop is
rainbow but very closely related, any >7 card would kill further action.
most likely he'll check a lot later to draw or trap, which makes my hand (no
rrom to improve) hard to play.
overall, i don't think this is a hand where i can extract more value later
if i flat. it's all about risk/reward.

after you 3 bet flop? what is his turn c bet range if ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
I usually cbet more on this kind of flop, 70-80%. Turn I'll definitely bet
strong because I put him on draw. At river, I think I have him beat (draw,
T9, Js, QJ kind of hand). I will bet small to extract any possible value,
like 20% of pot. If he raise, I call.

发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
LOL that's why I want to bet very small on river here. Most of the time he
has nothing, so you can't extract any value with a larger bet, but you don't
want to check a trip either. And if he does have a monster, he usually won'
t raise you big because you bet smallish twice and raising big won't extract
value for him either. So if you bet 20% on river you can safely call a 3x
raise. I would say in that situation you could still win with trip Qs with a
better kicker.
The only tricky case is he ra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
simply put, we both messed up with an otherwise "normal" hand. i have more
notes on him and guess vice versa.

发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - RUSH NL50 is very tight now
Have not played RUSH NL50 for a while. Only play 100 hands yesterday and
no too much action.
Get KK twice and QQ once, all at LP(CO/BTN). No raise at front and only to
Raise with AQo/s twice from MP and both get 3/4X and folded (no info on the
Raise with KQs at MP once and CBet 1/2 aced flop and BB call. Turn, A and
all check down. BB has JJ and won.
Raise with PP twice and CBet 2/3 AP (and won). Raise a couple of times with big Ax and medium PP to collect BB.
Call d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - KO a Pro for first time
I remember she is dumb at Rush also.
This time, she allin w/ AQo at MP and I call at BB w/ KTo. She got
two pairs and I have nut straight until river. lolo.
I knew I was behind. But for fun, I still call. Also I have her covered (2X
发帖数: 15860
your 3 bet range is too standard too narrow, which could be a "leak" in a
sense. you either get called by better hands or win little right here, if
your opponent is an observing one with enough HUD data on you, this could
become very exploitable.
you can try to mix some raises with JQs or 99 alike hands IN POSITION, they
play well post flop with position. for example, 99 against AQo/AJs, you can
take down quite some pots on trashy flops with your preflop aggression.
3 bet preflop is actually fin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo, call or fold?
for me, it's a snap call.
you crash sb's range(2:1 against 100%).
but it depends on sb's pushing range at sb. reg usually push 100% at this
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo, call or fold?
use SNGwizard
if sb push 100%, can call with 66+, AT+, A8s+, KQ,KTs+
if sb push 50%, can call with 88+, AQ+, ATs+,
if sb only push 25%, can only call with TT+, AK, AQs+
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo, call or fold?
thx. I made the call, but felt it was pretty borderline. not much read on
villain, his pfr is 23% over 60ish hands, which does not mean much since it
super turbo.
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo, call or fold?
i usually use the steal percentage at sb to evaluate opp's range, but still
not accurate. Because regs know you know his general range, he will tighten
a little bit.

发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo, call or fold?
what is the outcome?
Is this super turbo with 300 starting chips or turbo with 1500 chips?
I bet is 300 starting chip. Should call, OW, you would fold to everything.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo, call or fold?
It is a call.
Because the other stack should be around 500chips.
you are very close to that 500 chips guy, which means you can not fold to
AQ is ahead of his shoving range.
发帖数: 1130
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - merge會有問題麼
我的AKo和AQo好象还是正的,至少不是输得最多的之一. 只是AKs和AQs是输钱排行第一
和第三. 我有空得比较看看都是为了啥?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(下)
1) Kc9c, flop 2 nut flush, chip leader re-shoves on paired turn, not a very
difficult call for my then remaining stack size ($150), he shows Qc5c.
2) 5c6c at LP, flops Ac2c4c with a gutshot str8 flush draw too, $200+ pot,
don't get enough value from LP chinese guy. he's a super passive calling
station. turn 2, river blank.
AQo at BB, limped pot, i check.
flop A56 rainbow, i check, MP (normal) bets $12, LP chip leader calls. i
worry about LP more since he has ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - rivered top 2 pair
Raise pre won't make too much a difference, IMO. Loose goose players will
call your raise with connectors, suited or not, even oop, that what we see
constantly in low stake games in NL 2-5 and 1-2 game.
Lost minimum is all you want in those situation.
I had a similar hand played last week at NL 2-5 game. A chinese guy (I
thought we friends because we met a couple times in Casino) limp, an Indian
women limp, I raised to $25 at btn with AQo. Both called.
Flop Qh, 9s, 2s, check to me, I bet $40, b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Would you call or fold this hand at the river?
I don't have many interesting hands to share these days. I am playing boring
poker with either small gains and small loss.
But there was one hand I played serveral weeks ago that I think may be worth
I was playing NL2/5 table, villain was a young asian in mid 20s. He sits
down with maybe $300 chips, run up to $500ish when this hand happend. I was
sitting maybe $600 chips and had him covered. I was still down like $100-200
during the session.
villain seemed to be OK players, he didn't... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1394
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - vegas几手有意思的牌
1,1/2 venetian
到sb raise到11,弃到我,我干到32,sb call,HU
flop Jxx,他donk 30,我看到他还剩100不到,想了想感觉他如果有强牌没有这么donk
2,1/2 venetian
flop A73r,我chk,他bet 20,我call。我觉得这里flat也就rep Ax了
turn 9,rainbow,chk,他bet 35。感觉比较怪,他有点polarized的意思,所以继续
river A,感觉是张好牌。chk,他又搞到35,想了想call,希望看到KJ,没想到对手亮
出也是88。我觉得88有足够的show down value啊,难道要thin到抓我的7x?
这手amus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3932
TheBigSlick (Ivan) 于 (Mon Nov 21 14:00:50 2011, 美东) 提到:
I don't have many interesting hands to share these days. I am playing boring
poker with either small gains and small loss.
But there was one hand I played serveral weeks ago that I think may be worth
I was playing NL2/5 table, villain was a young asian in mid 20s. He sits
down with maybe $300 chips, run up to $500ish when this hand happend. I was
sitting maybe $600 chips and had him c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One hand last night
fold, our hand cannot be way ahead in most cases.
i agree with reaver, if we keep quiet with AKs pre out of position, then we
need to stick with it postflop.
$50 is also a questionable size, what could it accomplish?
1) we're showing we have a relatively big hand here, but for only $30 more, our
opponents have enough reasons to float or slow play. we hate they have more
options than we do for a cheap price;
2) they're not likely to fold here at all;
3) another guy is involved, odds are even bett... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - is C-bet AK/AQ +EV?
看位置,靠前俺现在limp得多,20%的时候open pot,尤其是suited.
后位俺一般call a bet或9BB+,俺可以代表的range比AK/AQ大,flop还很有文章可做。
比如今天,一个nit limp calls my $17 bet, flop: 885, he check folds AKs face
up, i show him AQo.

发帖数: 1169
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - is C-bet AK/AQ +EV?
但是AK最好Preflop要aggressive,最好3Bet打扮成over pair,hit到最好,不hit到也

发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 说说这段时间打牌的感想吧
之类的。昨天我无数次想RAISE他们,因为我知道他们也没HIT FLOP,但都犹豫了,怕
,但又不是很STRONG, 我一般就RAISE,最后他们都FOLD了。下面举几个例子。
Caesars, 1-3NL. I had stack of 260. I had Q9 on LP. Limped pot. Flop 10s 6s
3d. All checked to me. I bet out 18$. MP super LAG called. all others folded
. Turn was a Kh. He immediately bet 75$. I really didn't think he hit the K.
I knew I cou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4210
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A sick fold on the flop
I see Player's view. Raise with AQo pre is good under that moment. With the
flop and a new round of betting, he got more information than before, so
folding here is reasonable.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Kh6h真是名符其实的trouble hand
1/2NL,UTG limps, i limp with Kh6h, MP (a selectively aggressive guy) raises
to $12, 3 callers after him including SB (a super old donk, down $600
already), UTG calls, i guess i have to call, hehe.
flop: AhQhTc (BEAUTIFUL!)
SB leads out $40 (he donks a lot of hands), UTG smooth calls, i tank and
call to see what MP will do.
MP quickly raises to $165 (ft!), all fold to SB, who instantly moves in for
$305, UTG folds.
damn, i love my max 12 outs to nuts but not this much.
i got $500 behind with $52 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 热烈欢迎熊猫姐姐!
oh, man, you reminded me of a lot of good old days...
also, sit side by side with yjj in those $26 token SNG games, priceless,
when i learned to fold AQo, lol.
发帖数: 44
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有图有真相,嘿嘿
昨天好不容易在不考试和作业完成的空隙中开去STL,准备试试lumiere place而不是
harrah's了。harrah's打的太慢。感谢superbobo推荐的文章,AJ too weak to 4-bet
,all in人家也call了: AdJd preflop UTG+2, 白人小哥 BUTTON, raise to 1500(
200/400 no cash value),call. flop: Kd Qd 8s. str and flush draw. 白人小哥
raise 2000,call. turn 6c. 小哥raise 2500,call. river: 10d. First time since
playing poker!! 我all in showing nuts or nothing. 不知道这里没有position到
底该怎么... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚的几首牌
昨晚去离家一个小时的一个小赌场玩了一会,从6点打到11点,up $240...
刚开始的时候牌不好,最好的牌是QTo, hit到nut straight 还是跟别人split pot.
然后8点多的时候来了一个maniac 1, 基本上只要是top pair, 或者是on draw的牌都是
直接shove. 这位哥们在short stack ($100)被清了几次后,开始转运,hit到set,赢
了$100多,拿到一把A5s,flop 55Q5K,结果在他river bet $30后,一位哥们头脑发热
all in,结果他snap call,double up to $350左右。
此后,来了另外一个maniac 2 (长相酷似t-bag),此君pre-flop把把raise (从7到20
一手牌 maniac 2 preflop raise $7, 我左边一位哥们raise到$20,maniac 2 想了一会
call, flop comes AA2, maniac 2 lead out for $20, original raiser s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 211
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一手牌的疑惑(响应版主号召灌水)
Last weekend, I played about 2hrs 1/3NL (buy-in 100~500). Small casino,
was only one 1/3NL table and most of the players are older folks. I bot-in
200. My left hands are two older folks with decent stack (500+).
Not long after i sit down, I got a hand AQo on button. There was a couple
of limpers. I raised to 12. SB, BB both called, so as one guy in MP. Pot
was about 50. flop Axx rainbow. I was happy to see the flop and plotting how
much to bet. But i was surprised SB bet out a pot size... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Last week AC trip -- including a major suckout
Went to NL 2/5 table and bought $200.
A few mins down to $135. A guy in EP raised $30, fold all the way to me at
btn with AKs. I shoved. The guy tanked and then called. "I gamble!" he
yelled. Flop T, 7, 5, I though "ugh", but wait, he was yelling "9, 9, I need
9". Ok, you are still drawing? good. No 9 on the river. I felt I was
winning. until that guy told me "I only have a T". What? He turned over T9o,
f**k, no wonder.
Re-bought $250. Was raising a lot in LP and stealing the pot before this
han... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What is your guys's pfr/vpip ratio?
I do 3 bet with these hands in position sometime, but fold to 4 bet most
of time with these hands. It is still very profitable since most villian's 4
bet range is only KK, AA, sometime AK, only a very small portion of their
open range. It really depends who raise and raise from what postion. If
the effective stack is deep enough, I will call TT, JJ with small 4 betting
in position.

I usually call with AQs,even Aks in position , especially in multiway pot
since it has more value postfl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 292
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What is your guys's pfr/vpip ratio?
Then you are turning your JJ/TT into bluff. Even worse, you force your
opponent to play optimally against you, that is, he'll 4bet hands that beat
you and fold hands that you beat. Occasionally, he'll decide to bluff 4bet
and succede.
I prefer flat calling with JJ/TT now and I pick other hands to bluff 3bet.
For example, I like to 3bet AQo/KQo when the raiser has a tight range and I
believe that I cannot profitably flat call with those hands. However,
because of the blockers I hold, I expect my ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 两手牌请教一下大家
Not going to say you played Hand 1 bad, but you could have played it in a
way that could have let your opponent play worse.
Usual disclaimers I'm a NL donkey so this could be wrong, and table reads
and player-dependent trumps line play, etc. etc. etc.
Hand 1 pre flop standard. But on the flop, your c-bet on a A-high board
generally should be smaller because usually the only made hands that
conitnue is A or better. So a ~70% bet is the same effect to fold out hands
. From that perspective, if ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 87
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 百思不得其解,求解
我在大盲注位置,前面有8个人下了3快。 这群老头的手都还挺紧的。没有一大对子AK
之类的都不会preflop raise。我的牌是AQo。我raise到33。我的下家和小盲注call。
I bet 55
小盲注立刻all in 300
发帖数: 578
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这个set如何value bet?
谢谢。 尤其这句 “If u dare to flat call here, get ready to fold to any
popup at late street with any scary card”
我early position AQo limp in, 6家 call。
Flop A Q 7 rainbow, BB bet 25, I called and 3 other callers behind.
Turn K, BB checked 这是我bet了 150 (我的stack 是1000左右),然后后面一个人
600+ all in。 但是我也想他可能是staight 到了,但最后还是没舍得fold掉。输了这
个大pot,犯了好几个错误这把。 所以我觉得 “If u dare to flat call here, get
ready to fold to any popup at late street with any scary card” 太对了。
事后我后悔的不行了,这一手牌犯了太多错误了... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - another hand
2 lag with AK and the pot is single raised preflop?
LAGS are cheap nowadays. Nit like me even 3 bet with AQo.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - talking about LAG
1/2NL, table is back to OK before this cute black girl sits down with $700,
from a broken table.
in less than a round or 3 key hands, she's gone.
1) hand 1:
she limp calls MP's $20 from UTG, all fold, nobody makes $20 bet preflop at
this table.
flop: AdKcTd, she check calls $30.
turn: Ks, she check calls another $30.
river: As, she check calls $50.
MP stands up and asks loudly, "do you have pocket Ks?..."
what?!! by now, it's very clear she does NOT! and of course, every one knows
what MP has, A... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one hand to discuss
This is one hand (2/5 game) I played last night.
Preflop: I raised to $25 with AQo in MP. One short stacker called in late
position, and BB called. BB was an old man with tight image.
Flop: AcQcJc. Checked to me, I led $50. the short stacker all-in with $5
. BB called, so did I.
Turn: A. check, check
River: Kc. BB checked, I betted $100. BB c/r to $290, I called.
Personally I didn't like my play from flop to river.
(1) Flop: check or bet?
(2) Turn: should I even consider checking here?
(3... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 星期六碰上一把牌被
I raised 10$ from utg again with AQo. He called and 2 other caller.
flop KsJh10s. nut flop. I lead 30$. he called. 1 other call. 1 fold.
turn was Qd. I said "that is a terrible card for me!" A smart ass on the
table said "may not be for others" then I bet 100$. everyone laughed. Old
guys called. fish folded. He obviously had an A. I was only worried not to
get freerolled. river 9 off suit. I shoved the rest and he called with AKo.
Terrible card for me on the turn exactly. I did n... 阅读全帖
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