

全部话题 - 话题: arrb1
发帖数: 152
来自主题: Biology版 - wierd genotyping, and need help
I got a wierd genotyping result:
the gene I'm working on is arrb1.
breeding pair: arrb1 hetero + CreERt2 homo,
I'm expecting some pups will be arrb1 hetero/CreERt2 hetero.
However I didn't get the above genotype.
What I got is arrb1 heter/CreERt2 homo. I don't why I can get CreERt2 homo
in this generation.
I have used different primers/PCR, and they all gave me the same result:
arrb1 hetero/CreERt2 homo.
This is most wierd genotyping I've ever met. I don't understand
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