

全部话题 - 话题: asteroids
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发帖数: 1729
【 以下文字转载自 Headline 讨论区 】
发信人: zongheimun (feifei), 信区: Headline
标 题: Next Friday, a 130,000 ton asteroid is set to pass perilously close
to earth.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 9 14:03:20 2013, 美东)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration experts who plotted its
trajectory are confident that the primordial rock, weighing an estimated 130
,000 metric tons, will pass within "a remarkably close distance" of Earth,
nearer than many orbiting communications satellites but far enough away to
safely sp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3365
【 以下文字转载自 Headline 讨论区 】
发信人: zongheimun (feifei), 信区: Headline
标 题: Next Friday, a 130,000 ton asteroid is set to pass perilously close
to earth.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 9 14:03:20 2013, 美东)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration experts who plotted its
trajectory are confident that the primordial rock, weighing an estimated 130
,000 metric tons, will pass within "a remarkably close distance" of Earth,
nearer than many orbiting communications satellites but far enough away to
safely spee... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Asteroid and Moon
Ida and Dactyl: Asteroid and Moon
Explanation: This asteroid has a moon! The robot spacecraft Galileo currently exploring
the Jovian system, encountered and photographed two asteroids during its long journey to
Jupiter. The second asteroid it photographed, Ida, was discovered to have a moon which
appears as a small dot to the right of Ida in this picture. The tiny moon, named Dactyl, is
about one mile across, while the potato shaped Ida measures about 36 miles long and 14
miles wide. Dactyl is t
发帖数: 330
The Associated Press
PASADENA, Calif. April 8, 2010, 12:31 pm ET
NASA says a newly discovered asteroid will whiz harmlessly past Earth on
The asteroid dubbed 2010 GA6 will safely fly by the planet shortly after 4 p
.m. PDT.
At the time of its closest pass, the 71-foot-wide space rock will be 223,000
miles away from Earth. That's about 16,000 miles closer than the moon.
NASA routinely tracks asteroids and comets that make close approaches to
Earth. In January, another small asteroid mad
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Asteroid and Moon
Ida and Dactyl: Asteroid and Moon
Explanation: This asteroid has a moon! The robot spacecraft Galileo currently exploring
the Jovian system, encountered and photographed two asteroids during its long journey to
Jupiter. The second asteroid it photographed, Ida, was discovered to have a moon which
appears as a small dot to the right of Ida in this picture. The tiny moon, named Dactyl, is
about one mile across, while the potato shaped Ida measures about 36 miles long and 14
miles wide. Dactyl is t
发帖数: 298
Asteroid Buzzes Earth, Highlighting Cosmic Blind Spot
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 01:50 pm ET
19 March 2002
An asteroid large enough to have flattened a city buzzed Earth earlier this
month and was not seen until after if flew harmlessly by.
The space rock approached Earth in the glare of the Sun, a blind spot that
made it impossible to see during the day or night from any terrestrial vantage
point. The event illustrates the potential of a surprise hit by an asteroid,
发帖数: 298
来自主题: Astronomy版 - More Asteroids in Main Belt[zz]
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 09:04 am ET, 05 April 2002
A systematic survey of the asteroid belt done in infrared wavelengths
indicates that there could be two or three times more large asteroids, those
more than 1 kilometer (0.6 miles) in diameter, than had been thought.
Based on observations of portions of the main asteroid belt, between Mars and
Jupiter, the new study estimates there are between 1.1 million and 1.9
million of these large space rocks. Many millions or perh
发帖数: 1994
Asteroid Annefrank
Explanation: NASA's interplanetary probe STARDUST, on its way to Comet Wild 2 in
January 2004, passed asteroid 5535 Annefrank earlier this month. Annefrank, named for a
holocaust victim who kept a famous diary, is a member of the main asteroid belt between
Mars and Jupiter. Just prior to closest approach at about 3300 km distant, the robot spacecraft
took the above picture. Although images obtained were not detailed enough to
发帖数: 1233
Despite Glitch, European Spacecraft's Asteroid Flyby a Success
By Peter B. de Selding
Space News Staff Writer
posted: 6 September 2008
9:31 am ET
PARIS - Europe's Rosetta comet-chaser satellite successfully detoured to
take a look at a rare type of asteroid Friday, getting a close-up view of
the diamond-shaped Steins asteroid, a gray, 3-mile (5-km) wide rock that
appears in images as a pock-marked with multiple craters that ultimately
will help determine its age.
The European Space Agency (ESA)
发帖数: 298
Asteroid Buzzes Earth, Highlighting Cosmic Blind Spot
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 01:50 pm ET
19 March 2002
An asteroid large enough to have flattened a city buzzed Earth earlier this
month and was not seen until after if flew harmlessly by.
The space rock approached Earth in the glare of the Sun, a blind spot that
made it impossible to see during the day or night from any terrestrial vantage
point. The event illustrates the potential of a surprise hit by an asteroid,
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - More Asteroids in Main Belt[zz]
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 09:04 am ET, 05 April 2002
A systematic survey of the asteroid belt done in infrared wavelengths
indicates that there could be two or three times more large asteroids, those
more than 1 kilometer (0.6 miles) in diameter, than had been thought.
Based on observations of portions of the main asteroid belt, between Mars and
Jupiter, the new study estimates there are between 1.1 million and 1.9
million of these large space rocks. Many millions or perh
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Asteroid Annefrank
Asteroid Annefrank
Explanation: NASA's interplanetary probe STARDUST, on its way to Comet Wild 2 in
January 2004, passed asteroid 5535 Annefrank earlier this month. Annefrank, named for a
holocaust victim who kept a famous diary, is a member of the main asteroid belt between
Mars and Jupiter. Just prior to closest approach at about 3300 km distant, the robot spacecraft
took the above picture. Although images obtained were not detailed enough to
发帖数: 298
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Search for Deadly Asteroids 'Fruitless'
Australian Official: Search for Deadly Asteroids 'Fruitless, Unnecessary'
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 12:50 pm ET
19 March 2002
An Australian government official dismissed a plea by scientists that his
country spend money searching for potentially threatening asteroids that could
only be spotted from the Southern Hemisphere, calling it a "fruitless,
unnecessary, self-indulgent exercise."
On the Australian television program 60 Minutes, science minister Peter
McGauran said a
发帖数: 330
Scientists discover evidence of water ice and organic compounds, findings
that support a theory for the origins of life on Earth.
Amina Khan, Los Angeles Times
April 29, 2010 | 12:54 p.m.
For the first time, scientists have discovered evidence of water ice, as
well as organic compounds, on an asteroid -- findings that bolster a leading
theory for the origins of life on Earth.
"Up until now there was no sign that asteroids had any abundant organics or
ice on them," said Joshua P. Emery, a planet
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Search for Deadly Asteroids 'Fruitless'
Australian Official: Search for Deadly Asteroids 'Fruitless, Unnecessary'
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 12:50 pm ET
19 March 2002
An Australian government official dismissed a plea by scientists that his
country spend money searching for potentially threatening asteroids that could
only be spotted from the Southern Hemisphere, calling it a "fruitless,
unnecessary, self-indulgent exercise."
On the Australian television program 60 Minutes, science minister Peter
McGauran said a
发帖数: 202
发帖数: 298
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 07:00 am ET
26 March 2002
In the past six months, while the world focused on the continuing threat of
global terrorism, as many as a dozen or more asteroids sneaked up on the
Earth and zoomed by at distances just beyond the Moon's orbit and closer.
Most were never noticed. Earlier this month, astronomers did spot one. Four
days after it flew by.
In discussing these events, experts describe a planet vulnerable to an
unexpected attack that could, i
发帖数: 298
Not in my lifetime
A decade ago, Slovic and some colleagues conducted a test. They provided a
group of university students with information about the threat from beyond,
explaining that a giant asteroid was thought to have killed off the dinosaurs,
and others would surely hit the planet at statistically determined intervals.
Then they surveyed the students to determine how they assessed the risk. The
students recognized the threat, but chose not to worry about it.
"They're expectation was, well,
发帖数: 298
April 4, 2002 | A kilometer-size asteroid, whose whereabouts have been
unknown since just after its discovery 52 years ago, has suddenly reemerged
as an object that may pose a significant threat to Earth in the distant
future. Astronomers at Lowell Observatory rediscovered the wayward object,
known as 1950 DA, by accident on New Year's Eve 2000, and three months later
teams of radar astronomers pinged it from Goldstone, California, and Arecibo,
Puerto Rico. When orbital dynamicists combined the
发帖数: 298
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Asteroid Chasers Are Seeing Double[zz]
By J. Kelly Beatty
April 16, 2002 | Sometimes a just little data can have powerful implications.
That's what happened when a team of radar astronomers used the Arecibo radio
telescope to observe a little asteroid dubbed 2000 DP107 as it swept past
Earth 18 months ago.
Surprisingly, the near-Earth space rock turned out to be "rocks," a pair of
bodies 2.6 kilometers apart that whirl around a common center every 42 hours.
From the radar echoes, Jean-Luc Margot (Caltech) also deduced that the two
发帖数: 298
来自主题: Astronomy版 - No Asteroid Strike in 2019[zz]
July 28, 2002 | Astronomers continue to monitor a newly discovered Earth-
crossing asteroid, even though it now appears that no collision with our
planet is possible in 2019, as had been initially thought. Designated 2002
NT7, the wayward object was first spotted on July 9th by the LINEAR telescope
in New Mexico. Two weeks later NASA's orbital specialists at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory had pegged the impact probability on February 1, 2019,
at about 1 in 250,000, whereas Italian dynamicists put
发帖数: 298
【 以下文字转载自 Astronomy 讨论区 】
【 原文由 Staccato 所发表 】
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 07:00 am ET
26 March 2002
In the past six months, while the world focused on the continuing threat of
global terrorism, as many as a dozen or more asteroids sneaked up on the
Earth and zoomed by at distances just beyond the Moon's orbit and closer.
Most were never noticed. Earlier this month, astronomers did spot one. Four
days after it flew by.
In discussing these events, experts describe a planet v
发帖数: 298
【 以下文字转载自 Astronomy 讨论区 】
【 原文由 Staccato 所发表 】
Not in my lifetime
A decade ago, Slovic and some colleagues conducted a test. They provided a
group of university students with information about the threat from beyond,
explaining that a giant asteroid was thought to have killed off the dinosaurs,
and others would surely hit the planet at statistically determined intervals.
Then they surveyed the students to determine how they assessed the risk. The
students recognized the threat, but chose not to
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids(1)
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 07:00 am ET
26 March 2002
In the past six months, while the world focused on the continuing threat of
global terrorism, as many as a dozen or more asteroids sneaked up on the
Earth and zoomed by at distances just beyond the Moon's orbit and closer.
Most were never noticed. Earlier this month, astronomers did spot one. Four
days after it flew by.
In discussing these events, experts describe a planet vulnerable to an
unexpected attack that could, i
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids(2)
Not in my lifetime
A decade ago, Slovic and some colleagues conducted a test. They provided a
group of university students with information about the threat from beyond,
explaining that a giant asteroid was thought to have killed off the dinosaurs,
and others would surely hit the planet at statistically determined intervals.
Then they surveyed the students to determine how they assessed the risk. The
students recognized the threat, but chose not to worry about it.
"They're expectation was, well,
发帖数: 298
April 4, 2002 | A kilometer-size asteroid, whose whereabouts have been
unknown since just after its discovery 52 years ago, has suddenly reemerged
as an object that may pose a significant threat to Earth in the distant
future. Astronomers at Lowell Observatory rediscovered the wayward object,
known as 1950 DA, by accident on New Year's Eve 2000, and three months later
teams of radar astronomers pinged it from Goldstone, California, and Arecibo,
Puerto Rico. When orbital dynamicists combined the
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Asteroid Chasers Are Seeing Double[zz]
By J. Kelly Beatty
April 16, 2002 | Sometimes a just little data can have powerful implications.
That's what happened when a team of radar astronomers used the Arecibo radio
telescope to observe a little asteroid dubbed 2000 DP107 as it swept past
Earth 18 months ago.
Surprisingly, the near-Earth space rock turned out to be "rocks," a pair of
bodies 2.6 kilometers apart that whirl around a common center every 42 hours.
From the radar echoes, Jean-Luc Margot (Caltech) also deduced that the two
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - No Asteroid Strike in 2019[zz]
July 28, 2002 | Astronomers continue to monitor a newly discovered Earth-
crossing asteroid, even though it now appears that no collision with our
planet is possible in 2019, as had been initially thought. Designated 2002
NT7, the wayward object was first spotted on July 9th by the LINEAR telescope
in New Mexico. Two weeks later NASA's orbital specialists at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory had pegged the impact probability on February 1, 2019,
at about 1 in 250,000, whereas Italian dynamicists put

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - JHU小黄人领导实验拯救人类
An asteroid could destroy humanity like it did dinosaurs. A Hopkins team has
a plan to save the world.
Andy Cheng, chief scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
in Laurel, is co-lead investigator on the Double Asteroid Redirection Test
mission, NASA's first test of a defense mission to deflect an asteroidt by
smashing a spacecraft into it. (Kim Hariston/Baltimore Sun)
By Tim Prudente February 4 at 6:53 PM
A team of scientists, astronomers and engineers meets weekly in a confere... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9501
来自主题: Military版 - 请教海水为啥会是咸的。
Where Did Earth's Water Come From?
Kristina Grifantini, Life's Little Mysteries Contributor | July 13, 2011
10:18am ET
Credit: Lars Jensen | umich.edu
The exact origin of our planet's water, which covers about 70 percent of
Earth's surface, is still a mystery to scientists. Many researchers think
that, instead of water forming at the same time as Earth, objects in the
outer solar system delivered water to Earth in violent collisions shortly
after its formation.
Researchers speculate that any... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 272
来自主题: ChinaNews版 - 有一颗小行星明天擦地球而过!
A small asteroid will fly past Earth early Tuesday within the Earth-moon
system. The asteroid, 2010 TD54, will have its closest approach to Earth’s
surface at an altitude of about 45,000 kilometers (27,960 miles) at 6:50
EDT a.m. (3:50 a.m. PDT). At that time, the asteroid will be over
southeastern Asia in the vicinity of Singapore.
http://spacefellowship.com/news/art23032/a-asteroid-wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1637
I just found an post by Dr. Kevin Barrett From Wisconsin, it's bit long. I
try to get a summary in Chinese if I have time.
Here is the whole post
Chavez: Another CIA assassination victim?
The Venezuelan president himself, before he died yesterday, wondered aloud
whether the US government - or the banksters who own it - gave him, and its
other leading Latin American enemies, cancer.
A little... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1846
I just found an post by Dr. Kevin Barrett From Wisconsin, it's bit long. I
try to get a summary in Chinese if I have time.
Here is the whole post.
The Venezuelan president himself, before he died yesterday, wondered aloud
whether the US government - or the banksters who own it - gave him, and its
other leading Latin American enemies, cancer.
A little over a year ago, Chavez went on Venezuelan national radi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1994
Quaoar: Large Asteroid in the Outer Solar System
Credit: Chad Trujillo & Michael Brown (Caltech)
Explanation: Asteroids almost as large as planets are still being discovered in our own
Solar System. Recently an asteroid more than half the size of Pluto was found orbiting at a
distance only a little further than the Solar System's most distant planet. The large asteroid
moves relative to background stars in the discovery images shown above taken by the
Oschin Telescope at Palomar, C
发帖数: 1994
Quaoar: Large Asteroid in the Outer Solar System
Credit: Chad Trujillo & Michael Brown (Caltech)
Explanation: Asteroids almost as large as planets are still being discovered in our own
Solar System. Recently an asteroid more than half the size of Pluto was found orbiting at a
distance only a little further than the Solar System's most distant planet. The large asteroid
moves relative to background stars in the discovery images shown above taken by the
Oschin Telescope at Palomar, C
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Military版 - A close-up with a comet
A close-up with a comet
by Staff Writers
Chicago IL (SPX) Nov 12, 2014
On Nov. 12 a robotic lander called Philae is scheduled to touch down on a
comet, following a journey of 10 years and more than 3.7 billion miles. The
mission aims to provide insights into how the solar system evolved, and
whether comet impacts helped form Earth's oceans and brought chemical
precursors of life. (Image courtesy of European Space Agency).
Even as Tom Economou approached retirement age in 1994, he began planning ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 呵呵,全球变暖
Global Warming blamed for... asteroids?!
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
I understand that many believe hurricanes, snowstorms, beach erosion and
polar bear killing are all the byproducts of 'climate change' or global
warming... but asteroids?
Well perhaps, according to CNN annchor Deb Feyerick on Saturday afternoon:
Moments earlier, before an ad break, she segued from the Northeast
blizzard to a segment with Bill Nye "the science guy,” by pointing to
global warming: “Every time we see a sto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18685
来自主题: Utah版 - 小行星命名为Univ of Utah
University of Utah astronomer Patrick Wiggins, who works in the university's
Department of Physics and Astronomy, discovered the asteroid on 8 September
2008, using a 35-centimeter (18.8-inch) optical telescope.
The asteroid, previously known as 391795 (2008 RV77), has been renamed
Univofutah after the University of Utah.
发帖数: 19049
来自主题: SciFiction版 - Science Fiction Novels in 2011
2011 is shaping up to an amazing year for Speculative Fiction at large not
just Fantasy although that is looking damn good all by itself. My Sci-Fi
list last year was only 7 books long, which grew a little with the year, but
it was so short I combined it with UR and Steampunk picks. This year Sci-Fi
warrants a post all its own with loads of debuts and returning stars. The
people claiming Sci-fi is dying or already dead should shear the wool off
their eyes and see what is brewing.
Science Fictio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 298
来自主题: Astronomy版 - High Odds of Deep Impact[zz]
A certain large asteroid could strike Earth — in about 800 years.
by David L. Chandler
Astronomers this week are reporting the highest probability ever calculated
for a collision between an asteroid and our planet. An asteroid called 1950
DA, according to a team writing in the April 5 issue of Science, is about 1
kilometer in diameter — big enough to cause widepread devastation — and its
1-in-300 odds of impacting Earth make it at least 100 times more threatening
than any known possible impactor
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Busy Solar System
Our Busy Solar System
Explanation: Our Solar System is a busy place. Although the major planets get the most
press, a swarm of rocks, comets, and asteroids also exist. The above plot shows the placement
of known inner Solar System objects on 2002 July 20. The light blue lines indicate the orbits of
planets. The green dots indicate asteroids, officially known as minor planets. The red dots
indicate asteroids that come within 1.3 Earth-Sun distances (AU) of the Sun and so pose an
increased (althou
发帖数: 612
来自主题: Astronomy版 - 太阳系小天体常用缩写
发信人: dreammh (梦幻~0.934), 信区: Astronomy
标 题: Re: 会议归来--关于彗星 (zt from pku)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sun Jul 13 21:10:24 2003), 转信
#_# 我要是老大了,版上得有多少负数啊...
KBO = kuiper belt object
JFC = Jupiter-family comet
ECC = earth-crossing comet
NEO = near-earth object
NEC = near-earth comet
NEA = near-earth asteroid
PHA = potentially hazardous asteroid
MBA = main belt asteroid (不是工商管理硕士)
发帖数: 1034
发布时间:2014-06-27 11:30:31 Tags:CPI,Crytek,Supernauts,用户获取方法
1)据gamasutra报道,移动顾问Adam S.Gutterman日前发布推文指出,他发现苹果App
best new game updates(from gamasutra)
best new game updates(from gamasutra)
mobile-devices(from cryptlife.com)
mobile-devices(from cryptlife.com)
报告指出,每安装成本(CPI)是手机开发者最喜欢的用户获取广告模式,有52%开... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
80 Authentic Atari games! The largest collection of classic Atatri games
ever assembled.
Classic Arcade Hits: Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Battlezone, Black Widow,
Centipede, Crystal Castles, Gravitar, Liberator, Lunar Lander, Major Havoc,
Millipede, Missile Command, Pong, Red Baron, Space Duel, Tempest and
Atari 2600 Titles: 3D Tic-Tac-Toe, A Game of Concentratio n, Adventure, Air
-Sea Battle, Asteroids, Basic Programming, Battlezone, Bowling, Breakout,
Canyon Bomber, Casino, Centiped... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - High Odds of Deep Impact[zz]
A certain large asteroid could strike Earth — in about 800 years.
by David L. Chandler
Astronomers this week are reporting the highest probability ever calculated
for a collision between an asteroid and our planet. An asteroid called 1950
DA, according to a team writing in the April 5 issue of Science, is about 1
kilometer in diameter — big enough to cause widepread devastation — and its
1-in-300 odds of impacting Earth make it at least 100 times more threatening
than any known possible impactor
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Busy Solar System
Our Busy Solar System
Explanation: Our Solar System is a busy place. Although the major planets get the most
press, a swarm of rocks, comets, and asteroids also exist. The above plot shows the placement
of known inner Solar System objects on 2002 July 20. The light blue lines indicate the orbits of
planets. The green dots indicate asteroids, officially known as minor planets. The red dots
indicate asteroids that come within 1.3 Earth-Sun distances (AU) of the Sun and so pose an
increased (althou
发帖数: 612
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - 太阳系小天体常用缩写
发信人: dreammh (梦幻~0.934), 信区: Astronomy
标 题: Re: 会议归来--关于彗星 (zt from pku)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sun Jul 13 21:10:24 2003), 转信
#_# 我要是老大了,版上得有多少负数啊...
KBO = kuiper belt object
JFC = Jupiter-family comet
ECC = earth-crossing comet
NEO = near-earth object
NEC = near-earth comet
NEA = near-earth asteroid
PHA = potentially hazardous asteroid
MBA = main belt asteroid (不是工商管理硕士)
发帖数: 1094
包括科学家在内的各界人士关心人类的命运 (小行星日组织的视频截图)
模拟图:2016年12月初,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1867
来自主题: Military版 - 为什么米国人不喜欢法国人?
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straso10 french frogs
0 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
SimpleStupid Was DSK visiting at the time? Probably has a severe case of DSB
by now, which could result in an explosion.
2 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
gulfstream69 God hates the French too.
3 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
billfusion For inventing the manage ah tius? (3some)
0 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
Madukali Proke, ... 阅读全帖
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