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发帖数: 1084
来自主题: Security版 - ask for help on attack script/code
ddos or intrude attack? wat do you want?
ddos is easy to find, a script with intrude attack not easy but
you could use some security scanner and sniff to practice it.
you know , your script could never be so smart like a human to attack a net.
even the most smart scanner.
http://packetstorm.securify.com/assess.html hope ya like.
发帖数: 238
Attacking other fourm? ----this guy is brave !!
How many forums he attacked?
发帖数: 137
来自主题: Science版 - birthday attack
A one-way hash function, H(M), operates on an
arbitratary-length message, M. It returns a fixed-length
hash value, h.
h=H(M), when h is of length m.
Birthday attack
The other major attack is more subtle: it must be hard to
find two random messages, M and M', such that H(M)=H(M').
This is far easier attack
than the previous one.
The birthday paradox is a standard statistic problem. How
many people must there be in a room for there to be a
greater than even chance that one of t
发帖数: 294
I undertand some people are eager to attack Xiao and defend
Fang, but instead of persoanl attack, why not debate like resless70,
he made the best point I saw,
by the way, I do not like Fang, and think he is worse than Xiao,
and Xiao is his victim of culture revolution style attack,
you can say I am biased, so you Fang Fan are
发信人: restless70 (joe), 信区: Statistics
标 题: Re: 关于肖手术的最新review (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 23 19:21:18 2010, 美东)
Deterioration or debilitat
发帖数: 618
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 是panic attack吗?
所问的症状有可能是panic attack,但也可以是因为生理原因尤其是长期缺钾,也可以
psychiatrist)。你想知道是否是panic attack的目的是什么?如果是panic attack,
发帖数: 3232
9 killed in latest attack at China school
In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, medical workers take
an injured child to ICU at 3201 Hospital in Hanzhong City, northwest China'
AP – In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, medical workers
take an injured child to ICU at …
* Children attacked at China schools Slideshow:Children attacked at
China schools
发帖数: 724
来自主题: _FreeSpace版 - Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
Movie fans are enjoying the new Star Wars movie, "Attack of the Clones." It
has earned more than two-hundred-fifty-million dollars since its release five
weeks ago.
[Image Removed]
The movie is the fifth in a series written and directed by George Lucas. They
tell a continuing story about a young man named Anakin Skywalker in an
imaginary galaxy of planets. Shirley Griffith has more.
In "Attack of the Clones," a group of separatists wants independence
发帖数: 312
Published: Thursday, 14 Jan 2010 | 10:06 PM ET
Text Size
By: CNBC.com
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer told CNBC that his company will look into a
report that a flaw in Microsoft's Internet software allowed China to launch
a cyber attack on Google's operations in that country.
Ballmer was responding to a report by the Internet security company McAfee
that Microsoft's Internet Explorer allowed China to allegedly hack into
Google email in an attempt to spy on Chinese dissidents. The alleged attack
发帖数: 3978
Cairo (CNN) -- Angry protesters attacked U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya
and Egypt on Tuesday, citing in both instances an online film considered
offensive to Islam.
In Cairo, several men scaled the walls of the U.S. Embassy and tore down its
American flag, according to CNN producer Mohammed Fahmy, who was on the
In Libya, witnesses say members of a radical Islamist group called Ansar al-
Sharia protested near the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, where NATO jets
established no-fly zones las... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 438
Mark my words it is a sad day for humanity when Poland is attacked like this.
Given that this incident happened on Russian soil,Ruskies are not fools.
Who is the attacker?
It must be Israel.
If you want to understand what has happened you need to understand Polish
Thanks to Russia, Poland is pretty much written out of the history books. It
may surprise many of you to find that Poland is responsible for EVERYTHING
that Europeans have today, and without
发帖数: 8087
1. 凶手已经自杀
2 最后一句很不和谐啊
At least seven dead in China kindergarten attack
English.news.cn 2010-05-12 12:41:24 FeedbackPrintRSS
XI'AN, May 12 (Xinhua) -- At least six children and a teacher were hacked to
death and 20 others injured in a
violent attack at a kindergarten in northwest China's Shaanxi Province
Wednesday morning, local authorities
The incident happened at about 8 a.m. at a kindergarten in Nanzheng
发帖数: 2401
China's Premier Wen Jiabao has said a spate of fatal attacks on schools show
s the country has "social tensions" which must be addressed.
Wen Jiabao's comments, to a Hong Kong television channel, are the most direc
t official remarks on the violence.
At least 17 people, mostly children, have been killed and dozens injured in
a series of apparently random bloody attacks in the past two months.
Officials have ordered an increase in security at schools and nurseries.
But Mr Wen said that as well as
发帖数: 252
Israeli warships have attacked at least one of the six ships carrying pro-
Palestinian activists and aid for blockaded Gaza, killing at least two
people and wounding 30, according to reports.
发帖数: 901
来自主题: Military版 - attack killed 55 in Iraq
BAGHDAD – Bombers and gunmen killed 55 Iraqis in two dozen attacks spanning
the country Wednesday, mostly targeting security forces in seemingly
coordinated strikes the day after the number of U.S. troops fell below 50,
000 for the first time since the start of the war.
Insurgents have been stepping up their attacks on Iraq's security forces in
recent months as the U.S. has trimmed its military presence in the country.
At least half of those killed — 31 — were Iraqi soldiers and policemen.
发帖数: 294
SHANGHAI (AP) — China National Petroleum Corp. says its facilities in Libya
were attacked, and that its employees have been evacuated back to China.
A statement issued Thursday on CNPC's website mentions that its project and
job site were under attack, prompting an order for all staff to withdraw. It
does not mention the location of the facility or any other details.
State-run CNPC says it has five subsidiaries and 391 Chinese staff... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 760
From NY Times.
Within moments, the man was removed from the committee room by police
officers who arrested him, his face covered in foam. His identity and motive were not immediately known.
She reportedly then picked up the plate and tried to strike the attacker. Then, as others grappled with the attacker, she moved back to see to her husband.
发帖数: 187
Cairo (CNN) -- Angry protesters attacked U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya
and Egypt on Tuesday, citing in both instances an online film considered
offensive to Islam.
In Cairo, several men scaled the walls of the U.S. Embassy and tore down its
American flag, according to CNN producer Mohammed Fahmy, who was on the
In Libya, witnesses say members of a radical Islamist group called Ansar al-
Sharia protested near the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, where NATO jets
established no-fly zones las... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 289
The United States condemns today’s attack in the Woolwich district of
London. We stand with our U.K. allies in the face of such senseless violence
. Our thoughts and condolence are with the family of the victim and the
British people.
Obama Administration Refuses to Label London Attack as Terrorism
发帖数: 10330
White House condemns 'horrific terrorist attack' in Urumqi, China
WASHINGTON Thu May 22, 2014 12:34pm EDT
(Reuters) - The White House on Thursday said the United States condemned
what it called a "horrific terrorist attack" in Urumqi, China that killed 31
people and injured 90 others, the deadliest act of violence in years in
China's troubled Xinjiang region.
"This is a despicable and outrageous act of violence against innocent
civilians, and the United States resolutely opposes all f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3601
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: rangeo (好橙), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Asian man got bully and chases BLACK attackers at crowded SF
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 4 07:57:35 2014, 美东)
发帖数: 6601
Paris (CNN)
Scores of people are reported dead after what are being called terror
attacks across Paris. Police early Saturday freed hostages at a concert hall
where more than 100 people may have died. The attacks seemed to be planned
to hit areas where many people would be gathered on a Friday night,
officials said. CNN will update this story as information comes in:
发帖数: 16479
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: torch (bee), 信区: USANews
标 题: Paris police station attacker lived in German refugee shelter: police
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 10 12:35:22 2016, 美东)
Berlin (AFP) - A man who tried to attack a Paris police station last week
had lived in a centre for asylum seekers in Germany, German investigators
said, a finding likely to fuel criticism of Chancellor Angela Merkel's
liberal stance towards war refugees.
Related Stories
The man was shot dead by French police on Thursday a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4140
来自主题: Military版 - Sanders Shouldn't Attack Trump Yet
Sanders Shouldn't Attack Trump Yet
Limin Wang
The attacks should be on the establishment and the long-history status-quo.,
and be angry but not vicious, be strong but not extreme.
发帖数: 10103
CNN:OSU attacker said he was 'scared' to pray in public
发帖数: 2546
发帖数: 33825
Attack On S.I. Gay Couple Classified As Hate Crime
Police were investigating Friday what appears to be another hate crime on St
aten Island.
Richard and Luis Vieria, a married gay couple, were inside a Stapleton White
Castle restaurant at around 2:30 a.m. Wednesday, when they were approached
by three men.
One of the suspects allegedly yelled a homo
发帖数: 854
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Inquiry (We will defeat SARS), 信区: Military
标 题: Romanians flee homes after attack
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 17 07:17:59 2009, 美东)
More than 100 Romanian people forced to flee their homes in south Belfast
have been moved to a leisure centre.
The group of about 20 families spent Tuesday night in a church hall after a
spate of racist attacks on their homes.
Police have said they do not believe para
发帖数: 6973
Edward Wong, Fifth Deadly Attack on a School Haunts China. New York Times,
May 13, 2010.
("And in the frenzied speculation about why people might want to mimic
horrific attacks on children at schools, causing problems for the powerful
is believed to be one possible motive")
My comment:
(a) Dahe Bao 大河报
(b) 陕西杀童等事件催生社会调节机制. VOA Chinese, May 13, 2010.
发帖数: 6973
(1) In the first part, I add a new report:
Alexa Olesen, Neighbors thought China attacker was a good man. Associated
Press, May 14, 2010 (available now).
A life-long neighbor says, "He had a very soft and gentle personality and
didn't have mental problems that we knew of."
"'He wanted his place back and they weren't paying him enough money,' said [
another] neighbor Yang Yuanyong. Yang said the seed
发帖数: 3978
Cairo (CNN) -- Angry protesters attacked U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya
and Egypt on Tuesday, citing in both instances an online film considered
offensive to Islam.
In Cairo, several men scaled the walls of the U.S. Embassy and tore down its
American flag, according to CNN producer Mohammed Fahmy, who was on the
In Libya, witnesses say members of a radical Islamist group called Ansar al-
Sharia protested near the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, where NATO jets
established no-fly zones las... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 75
A handicap athlete was under attack in the Paris Olympic torch relay! The basic human right is under attack and, till now, nobody has taken responsibility for it! Sisters and brothers, can we tolerate this inhuman behavior and can we allow this to happen again? How to protect the basic human right and safety of our disabled athletes?
We call for immediate attention from the international human right and disability protection communities to keep pressure on all responsible parties to resolve thi

发帖数: 1
Falun Gong was Frustrated in its Attack to Wikipedia
Author: GregoryDrogba
“Everyone can be an editor” is one of the slogans of Wikipedia. But, some
anonymous editor should watch out.
In the article named Pressure and Lobbying – Falun Gong’s Tricks against
Media Criticism, it writes that the emerging Falun Gong used to bribe web
management staff of Wikipedia. Out of our expectations, after the article
was published, the story had an unexpected sequel.
According to the edit record of Wikipedia, f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2249
(CNN) -- Democrats accused former colleague Sen. Joe Lieberman of
misleading the Republican National Convention when he addressed them in a
speech Tuesday night.
Joe Lieberman felt the brunt of Democratic attacks after he said Barack
Obama didn't reach across party lines.
Joe Lieberman felt the brunt of Democratic attacks after he said Barack
Obama didn't reach across party lines.
A senior Barack Obama campaign adviser said Lieberman flat-out lied when he
told delegates that Obama never successf
发帖数: 327
Us Magazine Hit Hard by Canceling Subscribers After Palin Attack
By Warner Todd Huston (Bio | Archive)
September 5, 2008 - 06:19 ET
Courtney Hazlett over at MSNBC's "The Scoop" is reporting that thousands of
"Us Weekly" subscribers have not only called the magazine to cancel their
subscriptions -- some reports say up to 10,000 cancellations have occurred -
- but have also con
发帖数: 432
McCain Campaign Volunteer Admits Alleged Attack Was a Hoax
A woman who lied about being attacked because of the McCain bumper sticker
on her car will face charges of filing a false report.
Friday, October 24, 2008
in order to recommend a story, you must login or register.
Ashley Todd, who says she is a McCain campaign volunteer, told police she
was mugged, then pinned by her assailant, who cut a "B" into her face. (
College Republicans)
发帖数: 29846
by Jeff Graham
The Administration trotted out a new and congenial face to promote their
Middle East policy. United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice went on TV to tell
us that the attack on our embassy was not premeditated and that all the
fuss abroad is merely the result of a objectionable film. "Reprehensible" is
the operative term from the White House.
Libya's president and others have suggested the attack that killed four
was in the works for months and played out against the background... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Another Insider Attack in Afghanistan
by wheatington
Just when we were told that things between American and Afghan forces were
returning to normal, they did return to normal! Chaos!
Afghanis attacked their civilized allies, killing two Americans. Three
Afghanis were also killed. Who knows which side they were on?
It seems some kind of cultural difference caused the Afghanis to open fire.
The spokesman for the governor (?) of the area, said the murders came after
a clash ensued between two sides following a misunderstanding.
A misu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 636
act of terror 只是一种泛指,可以包括terrorism attack,也可以不是。
举一个能理解的例子,前一阵子colorado 电影院 shooting 是一个act of terror, 但
不能称之为terrorism attack.
发帖数: 3803
Just check comments from ITS acquaintance.
The knife-wielding student who was fatally shot by police following a
stabbing rampage at the University of California's Merced campus was
identified Thursday as 18-year-old Faisal Mohammad.
Mohammad was a freshman computer science and engineering major from Santa
Clara, a Northern California community in the Bay Area, the Merced County
Sheriff's Office said. A motive for the attack, which wounded four people,
was not immediately released.
Shortly befor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2964
PARIS—One of the assailants in Friday’s deadly attacks in and near the
French capital recently entered Europe as a Syrian migrant, people familiar
with the matter said, exposing gaps in the continent’s security as it copes
with the biggest refugee crisis in decades.

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - New York Daily News attack Trump voters
The dreadful, desperate, and more than a little paranoid left-wing New York
Daily News again went trolling against its enemies on the political right
Tuesday night. This time, though, the Daily News did not attack powerful
politicians or powerful organizations like the NRA. No, this time the Daily
News attacked the powerless: the everyday American men and women who dared
vote for Donald Trump in New Hampshire.
Stupid and shameless. ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
A decorated former Marine was attacked and robbed by at least four people at
a Washington D.C. McDonald's last week, according to local police.
Christopher Marquez, 30, an Iraq War vet, told the Washington Post he was
eating in a back corner of the restaurant when a group of teens and young
men approached his table.
"They saw me and crowded around ... and they started asking me if I believed
black lives matter,” Marquez told the paper. “I was ignoring them, then
they started calling me racist."
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1112
Police in Taunton, Mass. are actively investigating multiple stabbings that
occurred in the city Tuesday night.

Officers responded to the Silver City Galleria shopping mall just before 7:
00 p.m.
A witness said shots were fired inside a Bertucci’s restaurant inside the
mall. The Taunton Fire Department says they responded to the mall with
multiple ambulances, but it is unclear how many people were injured.
Another witness said, “I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 214
发帖数: 17225
22 Year Old Somalian Refugee, Dahir A. Adan, Responsible For ISIS Attack At
Minnesota Mall That Injured 8
发帖数: 6383
Hillary Clinton’s Emailgate Is an Attack on Human Kind.
an Attack on Sentient Being
发帖数: 412
发帖数: 3433
LONDON — A senior British lawmaker has blasted messaging platforms like
WhatsApp for using end-to-end encryption, which stops security services
monitoring messages.
It comes as it emerges the London terror attacker Khalid Masood used the
messaging service moments before he killed an American tourist, a police
officer and two others outside the U.K. Parliament.
British Home Secretary Amber Rudd told the BBC it was "completely
unacceptable" for messaging services to encrypt communication.
"We need... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3963
Sweden Attack Suspect Was Rejected Uzbek Asylum-Seeker and Sympathized with
Islamic State
发帖数: 6601
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: cccpwx (flg政庇小学生), 信区: Military
标 题: Trump Administration Attacking Legal Immigrants Next
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 7 21:43:14 2018, 美东)
NBC’s Julia Ainsley has obtained an internal Trump administration document
laying out a plan to deny citizenship to legal immigrants.
The mastermind of the new policy is Stephen Miller, a radical who has gained
almost total contro... 阅读全帖
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