

全部话题 - 话题: atually
发帖数: 339
来自主题: Automobile版 - Ford Edge这车怎样?好像还挺好看的
I have been driving this car for two months and have been closely watching
its gas economy.
my opinion is it is no best of the class of but also not "terrible", Overall
I got around 22 mile/gallon. It is freeway performance is atually excellent
. I got around 30 miles/gallon. But local gas mileage does suck at around 16
~17 mile/gallon.
I would say if you want to buy a 5 seat crossover and you like a good
looking one (I do think ford edge is the best looking corssove in this
sector, just my tast
发帖数: 92
来自主题: Europe版 - Re: 柏林最善于“掏兜” (z)
Atually from the experience of mine and my colleagues, the prices for food and
other things in Berlin are not higher than those in other places at all, hehe
in fact You may find many small restaurants with relatively low prices there.

发帖数: 103
来自主题: Boston版 - 转让bally total fitness membership
Atually I used to work with bally as a trainer in Texas when I was younger,
back in college. And I thought it was a good plan that I signed with without
this distance... You don't think so?
发帖数: 10263
来自主题: LoveNLust版 - 水宝古词欣赏
atually it's a scary scene that someone stands next to your bed with a knife
in hand while you are sleeping...
发帖数: 708
don't you know yahoo is atually using bing search?
发帖数: 29
personal version or developer version is atually ok
of coz, mysql is good enough here
发帖数: 71
来自主题: EmergingNetworking版 - 请教一个问题, 兄弟是新手
my basic question: why do you want those 7 devices to have same IP?
if you want those 7 devices have the same IP, i guess you want to use NAT so
that when the PC is accessing these 7 devices, it is atually accessing to
their NAT IP with respective port. without any other information, what i can
think of is following:
PC: 192.168.1.x/24
Other 7 devices: 192.168.1.y/24 (NAT IP)
each of the 7 devices have ip in the subnet such as
Cisco L3 switch has the NAT function.
Please provide m
发帖数: 71

Having fun creating graphics for your homepage, eh? :-))
Sure, check out Jasc Image robot, atually if you have access to UNIX, you
can just write a shell script and use XV or ImageMagic would do it.
发帖数: 252
I would fail you if you were my student. E Segal used very different tools
in different subjects. In the examples of modeling yeast transcriptional
network, the regulators and targets were clearly spelled out and tested
I was watching a video of Francis Collins this morning. He said, if he were
to start from a graduate student, computational biology is the way to go.
Possibilities are endless. Check out recent papers from Atual Butte lab for
some translational exam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 149
Atually, I am trying to recruit someone who is specilized in this field.We
are launching a pharmacogenetics program in China and we need experts.
Our purpose is not paper. We have lots of patients and cooperative doctors.
We want to make a difference clinically.
发帖数: 3372
来自主题: _doodle版 - Typing Practice 4/11
In preparation of the final exam in about a month, I am going to type
something random for 10 consecutive minutes every day. The terminal window
is a good place to do this. There is no spellcheck, and the interface is
quite similar to the exam software used by the school.
So this post itself is the first exercise. A countdown watch is been started
, I am going to stop as soon as 10 minutes are up. I will do this once every
day until exam time. I will write whatever is on my mind at that moment,
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1715
来自主题: _PathToTruth版 - apply for bm here

... you just don't understand -- silence is presure.
this board need silence. -- if nothng good.
nonsense atually is a game to avoide such pressure, to see oneself.
EVERY nonsense is such a game.
I am doing very good now, on the other hand, I have very thin patience now.

do the right, say right, or shut up , knowing not right.
anyway ...even such explaination, more is more than needed
some is needed, more is more, get it , or u can;t get it.
发帖数: 303
来自主题: _DC版 - 大家下班了做些什么呢?
Atually, 你觉得生活越来越无聊,only because u lost ur ambition.