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发帖数: 4091
当初克林顿声称侯赛因讲fairy story,结果今日不得不赤膊上阵为侯赛因讲fairy
Bill Clinton setting the stage for Obama at convention makes perfect sense
By Mary C. Curtis
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- North Carolina isn’t Arkansas. But it’s still the south
. It’s been awhile since Bill Clinton occupied the White House. But he’s
still awfully popular. Despite a little golf and a handful of fundraisers,
Clinton and President Obama are not the best of friends.
Bill Clinton in London in May. (Samir Hus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1217
On “60 Minutes” last night, Mitt Romney said it again. “I want to keep
the current progressivity in the code. There should be no tax reduction for
high income people.”
You’ve heard Romney say this — or some variant of it –dozens of times
before. What’s changed since then is that Romney has admitted that his tax
cuts, if they’re not going to add to the deficit, will have to increase
taxes on people he defines as middle income and cut... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
President Barack Obama held his first postelection press conference today,
Nov. 14, 2012, in the East room at the White House. The president took eight
questions from the White House press corps; one of those questions was on
the subject of Global Climate Change, and the President’s plan to “tackle
the issue of climate change”.
Mark Landler, part of the White House press corps and a journalist for the
New York Times, asked the President the following question on Global Climate
“Mr. P... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Double Standard: NBC Gives News Christie Innocent In Bridgegate Scandal 38
Secs; Spent Nearly 5 Mins When Story Broke
By Curtis Houck | September 18, 2014 | 9:09 PM EDT
An enormous development in the Bridgegate scandal broke late Thursday
afternoon when federal officials reported that they have cleared New Jersey
Governor Chris Christie (R) of any wrong-doing relating to the closure of
lanes on the George Washington Bridge in September 2013.
When it came to the major broadcast networks covering ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 老左们来回答这个问题吧
When it comes to matters of race, it seems there’s at least one question
liberals refuse to answer, especially when it comes to the topic of “pride
” in one’s race.
This meme explains it perfectly.
Okay, Mr. Liberal. I’m waiting for a thoughtful, intelligent answer to this
I have a feeling I’m going to be here awhile…
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - GlennBeck向Trump童鞋道歉了
Glenn Beck Apologizes To Donald Trump For Criticizing Him Over Fake Tweet
Andrew Mark Miller
January 17, 2016 7:13 pm
There have been rumors swirling around the internet that Donald Trump voted
for Barack Obama either in 2008 or 2012 and a lot of those rumors were
sparked by a tweet that showed Donald Trump congratulating Barack Obama for
his victory.
Glenn Beck was one of the more prominent names that ran with that theory.
Why do you keep saying things like you didn't vote for @BarackObama ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2744
DES MOINES, Iowa (The Borowitz Report)—An endorsement from former Alaska
Governor Sarah Palin is expected to widen Donald J. Trump’s already
impressive lead among so-called “idiot voters,” an aide to the billionaire
said on Tuesday.
While Trump was previously thought to have a lock on the idiot vote heading
into the Iowa caucuses, a recent surge by Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas, has
put the idiots... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 专家们被trump搞疯了
Marco Rubio keeps losing. So did Bill Clinton
Once upon a time, back when it first looked as though Sen. Marco Rubio would
not win in the Iowa caucuses but would do decently afterward, there were
reports that his campaign had a "3-2-1" strategy: Third in Iowa, second in
New Hampshire, winning in South Carolina.
11:09 AM PST
This article is interesting. I must point o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Hillary and Chelsea are sitting around the table having a mother/daughter
talk. "So, Chelsea," says her mother, "you've been going to college for
awhile now. Have you had sex yet?" "Well," says Chelsea, "Not according to
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: USANews版 - 男克林顿挺可怜的
Hillary and Chelsea are sitting around the table having a mother/daughter
talk. "So, Chelsea," says her mother, "you've been going to college for
awhile now. Have you had sex yet?" "Well," says Chelsea, "Not according to
发帖数: 38600
Hillary and Chelsea are sitting around the table having a mother/daughter
talk. "So, Chelsea," says her mother, "you've been going to college for
awhile now. Have you had sex yet?" "Well," says Chelsea, "Not according to

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 昨天白人女同事略激动
好认真啊,怀疑她能听进去。开玩笑跟她说:it takes time. It took me awhile to
chat with you about stuff. 慢慢来,任何成见都不是三言两语可以化解的,也需要
发帖数: 6361
来自主题: USANews版 - 民猪党在家里玩AA zt
这个是CNN原版的,Leadership should reflect Democrats' diversity
Published on Nov 24, 2016Democratic strategist Symone Sanders states that
the diversity of the Democratic Party should be reflected in leadership.
Yep, the Dems should find a leader who is 14% black, 17% Latino, 3% Asian, 1
% Muslim and the rest self-hating Caucasian. That ought to keep them busy
for awhile.
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 拉里现在还生Bernie的气
Hillary Clinton gave her 2016 campaign rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.),
the cold shoulder at a posh lunch held in the U.S. Capitol’s ornate
Statuary Hall Friday to celebrate Donald Trump’s inauguration as the
country’s 45th president.
Clinton spent quality time chatting with Democratic Sens. Tammy Baldwin (Wis
.) and Debbie Stabenow (Mich.), as well as with House Democratic Whip Steny
Hoyer (Md.).
But when Sanders waded through the crowd to say hello to Clinton, she took
awhile to acknowledge... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3833
orielly did a good job doing this,, but he will be in jail in awhile. what a
发帖数: 61690
If you are an American scientist, student, teacher, or business person
working on climate change solutions, France would love for you to stay
Following President Trump's June 2 decision to withdraw from the Paris
climate agreement — a multi-country pact that acknowledges global warming
poses serious threats to humanity and the environment — the French
government has created an outlet for people from all countries who still
want to fight climate change.
The website is called Make Our Plan... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Ending the debt ceiling = Unlimited power to the Government & the FED to
print infinity paper money with impunity in order to sustain the ponzi
scheme for awhile....and Trump pledged to bring fiscal order in Washington .
....... LOL - just same of the same bullshit!!
发帖数: 12932
我来赞一下explorer, i'm not a car person. usually buy a reliable one and
just drive till it breaks. had been driving a RX350, so that's the only
thing i can compare to. had driven some rentals like minivan, suburban and
stuff but only short period of time so don't really know much.
it's very quiet, plush and got adequate power. of course, not the sports car
number, but i buy this car to move kids, not in the rush to go somewhere.
after awhile both me and LD like to drive explorer than the Lexus. it... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 355
来自主题: Automobile版 - 车行驶途中熄火,求助
“he said that basically the distributor after awhile heats up and fails
after it get really warm, hence when it cools down it will allow the car to
start and drive again.“
“It did turn out to be the alternator diodes. The way to tell is to unplug
the connector (4-prong) to the alternator and see if the misfiring stops. It
did, and then I took the alternator to a shop and they said there was a bad
lead in it, fixed it, and all is fine.”
另外,据说可以通过tap 和wiggling key看熄不熄火来看是不是ignition sw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
I have to wait to spend more on a car, jobless for awhile..
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Automobile版 - Nine Cars Americans Loved or Hated in 2016
Nine Cars Americans Loved or Hated in 2016
Crunching data to see which models saw the biggest spikes and swoons in
sales this year.
by Kyle Stock
December 27, 2016, 5:00 AM CST December 27, 2016, 8:46 AM CST
This year, just like every other year in the past several decades, Americans
will buy more Ford pick-up trucks than any other vehicle. The final tally
for 2016 will come in around 800,000. Other big trucks come in far behind,
and then there's the Toyota Camry and Honda Civic. American driver... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
In a case of an old idea gaining new legs, Achates Power says it expects the
first commercial use of its unique two-stroke, opposed-piston design to
occur by 2020, following an initial in-vehicle demonstration in early 2018.
It’s based on a design that’s well over 100 years old.
Achates, aiming to power both heavy-duty trucking and passenger vehicles,
won’t say which will be the first to hit the streets using its technology,
but much of the company’s development work so far appears tilted toward... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 401
来自主题: Automobile版 - Chrysler Pacifica Touring L 报价
Just purchased it today.
Model: Pacifica
Trim: Touring L
Pkg: Single DVD, 18" Tire and Wheel, Inflatable Spare Tire, 8 Seats,
UConnect 8.4
MSRP: $39,490
Sale Price: $31,000 + TTL
Chicago West Suburb
Make sure mention sam's club rebate $1000. Dealer may not aware of it.
Can't upload pictures. Webpage doesn't seem to offer such option.
Looks like 2018 Honda Odyssey will be awhile to be able to bargain.
发帖数: 11530

not many people work that kind of hrs
I did work 70+ hrs wk, but that's awhile ago
for 40 hrs wk, that's about 40K
发帖数: 1136
来自主题: ebiz版 - 好事多磨英文咋讲? (转载)
it takes time
it takes awhile
just wait your turn
发帖数: 3679
【 以下文字转载自 DealGroup 俱乐部 】
发信人: wiiRhappy (wiiRhappy), 信区: DealGroup
标 题: 【$】New Las Vegas Airfares & 3 nights 4-star hotel As Low As $192 Per Person Plus, Receive Your Choice Of 2 Cirque Du Soleil Show Tickets for FREE. Travel By September 9, 2010.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 15 14:53:59 2010, 美东)
Link to the Deal and Charts:
I posted this deal awhile back and it had good feedback but it just started
back again.
Packages start at $192 per person. You get 2
发帖数: 15
来自主题: ebiz版 - 现场直播
Apple has just made its second-generation iPad official! It features a dual-core A5 chip and, finally, cameras, both front
and rear! The new CPU is said to be up to twice as fast, with graphics performance up to nine times better than on the
original iPad, while power requirements have been kept the same.
The iPad 2 is 33 percent thinner than its predecessor, at a mind-melting 8.8mm, and will ship in two variants: white and
black. It'll be available on both AT&T and Verizon.
10:17AM Steve is bac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8891
来自主题: ebiz版 - 觉得累了
然后神医又勒令在CUT OFF之前出货,于是自己搬上搬下的。
今天坐BUS去拿车回来,就一直听着EAGLES的LYIN EYES,好像很累了。好久没掉眼泪。
City girls just seem to find out early
How to open doors with just a smile
A rich old man
And she won't have to worry
She'll dress up all in lace and go in style
Late at night a big old house gets lonely
I guess ev'ry form of refuge has it's price
And it breaks her heart to think her love is
Only given to a man w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 408
来自主题: ebiz版 - get blacklisted from Walmart
My wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Walmart.
Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get
in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves
to browse.
Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the local Walmart:
Dear Mrs Hunt
Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our
store. We cannot... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 127
USPS tracking 显示一星期前就Delivered。一百多刀,没有签名。
Hello, I recently purchase xxx from your shop. It seemed as though delivery
was taking awhile, so today I checked the tracking, which stated the item
had already been delivered via USPS, however, I do not have the item, nor
the package. So I believe them to have been stolen. Amazon Help stated that
I should contact you before moving forward with seeing about reimbursement.
发帖数: 91
来自主题: ebiz版 - bb扫货
Not a big deal. This happened a lot. Just that you might not want to go that
store for awhile to avoid further scrutiny.
发帖数: 91
来自主题: Faculty版 - 加州 vs 北卡:是去是留??
Mark this one. I stayed in CA for awhile, then left. Fortunately, i finished
my degree in a campus town. If CA was my first stop in US, i would go back
China without second thought. Why bother in LA, SF if for food and
entertainment? i would stay in Beijing or Shanghai, i had family and friends
发帖数: 112
Dear XXX,
It has been awhile since my last visit. I wonder whether there is anything
else I could do to help to reach the conclusion earlier.
With many thanks,
发帖数: 6361
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: 双赢:法国要给美帝研究气候变化人4年的funding
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 9 15:11:23 2017, 美东)
If you are an American scientist, student, teacher, or business person
working on climate change solutions, France would love for you to stay
Following President Trump's June 2 decision to withdraw from the Paris
climate agreement — a multi-country pact that acknowledges global warming
poses serious threats to humanity and the environment — the French... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2041
来自主题: Faculty版 - 藤校为他买了5000 SF的独栋别墅
I didn't say he is Chinese. I give you a hint. He won Lasker award awhile
ago. He has multiple violins and the most famous one is a stradivarius (
that's the one he try to get Harvard to pay for it). Most of people do not
know that he is from a very wealthy family.

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Faculty版 - 藤校为他买了5000 SF的独栋别墅
如果不是Mark Ptashne,就一定是饶毅,我知道饶毅能拉二胡,能拉二胡的,搞定小提
琴是随随便便的事情,水平比Mark Ptashne高出好几个档次。


发帖数: 1
来自主题: Faculty版 - 藤校为他买了5000 SF的独栋别墅

发帖数: 1828
来自主题: Family版 - 收到我同事这样一封EMAIL
【 以下文字转载自 Detective 讨论区 】
发信人: gengwg ( 注意:修改邮件后,需重新激活帐号.), 信区: Detective
标 题: 收到我同事这样一封EMAIL
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Apr 25 16:15:18 2010, 美东)
How are you doing? It's been awhile. How is your research coming?
I need to have my background investigated, and I need to find someone who
knew that I was living at the dorm for October of last year. I hope it is OK
if I use your name. Someone may contact you to make sure that I actually
lived there.
Could you tell me where you live and
发帖数: 9932
来自主题: Family版 - 他向我索要生活费
Well, living together and having a family with a kid are all good.
Your husband had been the sole bread earner for many years. This is not
easy. If you think it is, try being that for awhile and see how it feels.
Sometimes, you don't appreciate the things you have and will regret when
you had lost them.
So try separation first and see how it makes you feel. You sound like an
intelligent woman and will understand what I mean.
发帖数: 12419
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - wanwu2,你邮箱满了。。
it is too normal, It's been awhile
发帖数: 1422
来自主题: Food版 - 买什么电饭锅好?

Did you eat right after it's done? Normally if it sits there for awhile, it
will get thicker...
Have you tried to use less rice and more water? It comes out the same?
发帖数: 1422
来自主题: Food版 - 食神们,厨房清洁问题求教

You can get some burner cover to cover the burner that you
don't use.
These are expensive ones, Chinatown store sells like $1 for
four burners.
Then you can just wash the cover once awhile, the actual burner
won't have any oil on it.
And it looks pretty...
发帖数: 3837
来自主题: GiftCard版 - shell的油卡有expire吗
Are there any charges or inactivity fees if I haven't used my card in awhile
» No, the Shell Gift Cards are not subject to any inactivity fees.
发帖数: 887
来自主题: Investment版 - what should I invest for retirement?
What happened to this guy Immortal? haven't see him for quite awhile
发帖数: 94
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 关于singleton 的面试题
I guess interviewer think the fact you are arguing with him on this issue, y
ou are good enough in understanding singleton.
Look at the following links, the issue exists in C/C++.
I thought Java's threading package is good enough to avoid that. Anyway, I h
aven't touched Java for awhile.
发帖数: 269
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 怎么提高communication?
Communication skills are very important for this role since you have to work
directly with others in the team. Some of the feedback did include that you
had difficulty at times understanding the questions, which in turn caused
it to take awhile for you to complete the technical problems. Your technical
skills seems to be adequate, but it took a while for the interviewer to get
the answer since there was a communication barrier.
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Someone said storm's coming. I'll stay on
this 1035c/hr day job for awhile
I need $ to buy bread & butter
发帖数: 258
As old engineer, we focused on system and architect level knowledge. Since
we have touched too many things in engineering career, those petty questions
are not what we concerned. To solve those issues, to us, we knew how to
solve them, and if necessary, we can solve it through coding.
Clearly, if we go to job interviews, we need to deal with young engineers as
interviewers. I have not gone for job interviews for awhile. For old
engineers, to pass job interviews, we need to see VP or architect le... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15836
来自主题: Living版 - 买房的list 上面写了
Yes, "as is" means 如果发现问题,卖家不管修.
In real estate COE is Close of Escrow. Possession COE means that possession
will be after tenants that are current in the house are given their legal
right and time to move. In a month to month rental a tenant must be given 30
days in which to move out once a notice has been given by the current
landlord. With this you might have to wait awhile while the tenants move out
after the close of escrow.
发帖数: 9932
来自主题: Living版 - 这两个房子该怎么选?
high ceiling seems good at first but after awhile, you will find it a pain
in the ass.
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