b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 1 美国人民不都是傻子
I hate old jackoffs like this jerk Mad Dog and I am going on 70 years.
They think because they pour the most fiat into 'Offense' that they can take
on the world..... all at once!
As a combat vet let me tell those that think this way how wrong they are! We
got our asses kicked in Korea and Vietnam. All we could do is bomb the shit
out of them because they didn't have much in the way of air defenses. And
we still lost. And now these idiots threaten countries that have equal and
maybe bet... 阅读全帖 |
P**T 发帖数: 2274 | 2 感觉淮语就是吴语和官话的bastardization
直到隋唐时代的扬州还是吴语区,到后来就变成淮语区了 |
q******s 发帖数: 7469 | 3 江淮话和吴语基本没什么交集吧。互相听不懂,像丹阳东面吴语区,到镇江就是江淮话
: 感觉淮语就是吴语和官话的bastardization
: 直到隋唐时代的扬州还是吴语区,到后来就变成淮语区了
n****l 发帖数: 1739 | 4 McCain is a lucky bastard,政坛不倒翁。 老婆小17岁,漂亮有钱。 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 5 RationalLuddite Sat, 08/25/2018 - 20:38 Permalink
Fucking awesome.
I hope hell exists just for you, John.
Vote up!
Vote down!
Profile picture for user Jack Oliver
Jack Oliver Sat, 08/25/2018 - 20:38 Permalink
I FUCKING hope this news is not FAKE !!
Vote up!
Vote down!
Profile picture for user Thordoom
Thordoom Sat, 08/25/2018 - 20:38 Permalink
About fucking time this cunt died. Now the eternal torture of this cunt can
commence by all the victims that died by this cunt evil deeds.Get al... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 6 Anyone who voted for Trump should be ashamed of themselves, and when you
watch George H. Bush’s funeral today and contemplate his remarkable
character and life, remember that you are responsible for the bastardization
of our country. |
n****l 发帖数: 6652 | 7 美国政坛的确一帮bastard.以极左极又右,各领风骚 |
发帖数: 1 | 9 法国“黄背心”运动连续14个周末抗议,动员人数持续减少,但各地仍频传暴力。在里
据法国《费加罗报》(Le Figaro)网站消息,“黄背心”周六(16日)第14个周末上
警察工会之一Alternative Police-CFDT把这段视频上传到社交媒体后,不到18小时就
许多动手... 阅读全帖 |
l****t 发帖数: 36289 | 10 还“嫡长子”,说得跟有几窝bastards 似的 |
f********4 发帖数: 2883 | 11 癞蛤蟆要吃天鹅肉 天鹅的人民不干了。
当时我看了这个宣言后立即按照这个逻辑,为美国白人杀手们发现了下一个目标 – 香
主要居民的列治文市,这个下文再表). 我打算写的文章题目就是:美国白人杀手的下
整整7百多万人,岂不是比墨西哥人对美国白人国家是更大的大取代威胁? 即使他们还
之地,人口这么大的密... 阅读全帖 |
f********4 发帖数: 2883 | 12 f*** yeah hong kong.
Joke's on them...
Oh no guys u can do better thanks though
Be careful what you wish for
Yikes. They need to be waving their flag.
As a latinamerican, I find this utterly disgusting. Stupid HKers have no
idea that democracy comes with a torture manual. They are all ignorant
morons. I can't care less about their struggle from now on. Anything is
better than yankee democracy.
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
lol wannabe americans. we wan... 阅读全帖 |
b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 13 "Trade wars are easy. All you have to do is..." Reading Breitbart for
research purposes, has been comedy gold. Witness USSA negotiating skills
without any leverage.
A money printing bastard paper tiger. |
t********s 发帖数: 4503 | 14 确实不人道,不能因为人有病了就不要了,bastard,以前让引渡走私罪犯赖昌星托了N
年,这个明显是难民啊 |
f********4 发帖数: 2883 | 15 正是这样。没有什么比看他们在倍可亲网站上的新闻匿名评论上大骂中国人Chink,支
挥舞美国国旗的吗,我最近看到的是 Hey Trump,just nuke these Chinese bastards
明。 |
c******e 发帖数: 1351 | 16 这是个小三贱种bastard, 蒋家不承认不许姓蒋,他自己长大后偷偷改的姓 |
w***x 发帖数: 1763 | 17 Hong Kong mob protesters rule the streets
12:00AM NOVEMBER 19, 2019
On the streets and in the grounds of their university near the harbourfront
on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong, masked students draw powerful bows and
fire sharpened arrows at police and -civilians with reckless abandon.
They fill drums with petrol and loot dangerous chemicals from the Hong Kong
Polytechnic Univer-sity’s science laboratories to create highly flammable
weapons ... 阅读全帖 |
u***r 发帖数: 4825 | 19 https://news.sina.com.cn/c/2020-02-10/doc-iimxyqvz1605234.shtml
organized by the US government, though be... 阅读全帖 |
w*****n 发帖数: 2260 | 20 晕,我记得电影【巴顿】一开始巴顿这个bastard就讲这句话, 当时觉得听牛逼的,
原来不是他老讲的 |
o*****8 发帖数: 192 | 22 Korean=dirty ,narrow-minded - bastard |
w*****i 发帖数: 133 | 23 Shameless bastard. but no worry, it only means Britain is going downhill.
won |
c********k 发帖数: 61 | 24 Arrogant bastard he is. |
o****g 发帖数: 657 | 25 the funny thing about republicans are:
when talking about the contributions to the society: rich people pay most of
the taxes.
when talking about increasing tax for rich people: increasing tax for rich
people will not significanly increase tax revenue...
when talking bout right to bear arms: i have every freedom to do whatever i
when talking bout homosexuality: faggots don't have the freedom to marry
whoever they want.
when talking bout tea party: let's bring war to these bastards!
when ta... 阅读全帖 |
o****g 发帖数: 657 | 26 u probalby wouldn't say sxxt like this if u were one of those
my friends always tell me. thank god my votes are at least more or less
equally valuable as those rich bastards... lol |
s*******i 发帖数: 178 | 27 Religious right lawyer Lisa Biron arrested by FBI on child sex charges
Her name is Lisa Biron.
Lisa Biron was just arrested by the FBI on federal child pornography and
sexual exploitation of children charges. Basically, she’s accused of going
on CraigsList and offered up a minor child for sex with grown men.
Lisa Biron is a lawyer.
Lisa Biron is a Christian lawyer.
Lisa Biron is a very very very Christian lawyer.
Lisa Biron is so Christian a lawyer that the people she worked for includes
the Al... 阅读全帖 |
J*V 发帖数: 3150 | 30 在美国坐牢的日子---巴克斯特 by 西路之蝉 (2013-07-05 16:55:51)
另一个词 “Bastard”(混蛋或杂种的意思)。不过实际上,在黑郡看守所,或甚至扩
大到整个黑郡,对一些人来说,“混蛋”,“杂种”这样的名称安到巴克斯特的 头上
有好几处伤疤,但因他走路摇摆, 反映迟钝,因而并不显得凶神恶煞的样子。他的控
特是我在黑郡看守所亲身接 触过的最危险的人物之一。
望出去,外面天还是黑的。下铺 好心的渔夫轻声提醒说已经六点了,该领早饭了,我
地狱的这种境遇,我会丧 失任何食欲?实际上当时的情况与如今想象正好相反:极度
的恐吓之后接踵而来的是我对我自己极度的失望... 阅读全帖 |
R*****g 发帖数: 682 | 31 近日,在北京顺义中央别墅区,一位奔驰高管街头公然辱华的言论在网络上引起了“轩
奔驰车中走出的中年白人男子却用并不标准的英语高声叫嚣道:“I am in China one
year already.The first thing I learned is all you chinese are bastard!(意为
驰在全球范围计销售1,253,466辆汽车,其... 阅读全帖 |
m*****i 发帖数: 1222 | 34 除了骂人还会什么?狗都不X 的五毛bastard
老子最受不了五毛男扮女装还要装13 |
u****n 发帖数: 522 | 35 A Cooper is a 100% bastard. Yesterday, after watching the pastor's video,
the first question he asked the panel guest was:" did Clinton campagin
spread this video?" Absolutely shameless.
Later, even the No 1 Bama fan, Roland Martin had to correct him "This video
came from Foxnews".
He doesn't deserve to be a news anchor. |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 36 3/4 of those so called uninsured are able to afford it.
and almost 1/3 are not even legal americans.
these are the blood suckers everyday sucking every single penny out of
middle class along with those rich ass bastards.
cut your liberal crap,
stop your liberal lies,
and live up your own responsibility, FIRST. |
e***s 发帖数: 1397 | 38 Yeah, a big-ass TV is definitely a must in life. Most of the people in other
developed countries have big ass TVs. I bet those rich bastards on Wall
street have much bigger ass TVs than any of us. It is fucking racism that
only rich white people can watch big ass TV while us black people have to
stuck with small time old tube...
We are Americans... everybody should have a free big ass TV...
If the government will not buy each of us a big ass TV, we will buy it
ourselves. But they can at least ge |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 39 It is all about government control, government control and government
nothing but government control in the liberal playbook.
from global warming/crap and tax/government run death panel to california
central valley dust bow.
dont forget,
these liberal bastards will never be subjected to their own rules they created.
e.g. do they pay their own tax right?
these liberals are true inhuman wastes.
healthcare. |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 40 government bastards, especially those liberal type. |
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 41 ED SCHULTZ, HOST: I tell you what, if I lived in Massachusetts, I'd try to
vote ten times. I don't know if they'd let me or not, but I'd try to. Yeah,
that's right, I'd cheat to keep these bastards out. I would. 'Cause that's
exactly what they are. |
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 42 Look that bastard, LOL, must be loads of pain in the ass. |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 43 This is a good topic.
what about global warming crap and tax? Now co2 becomes a pollutant,
industries got destroyed...
The real issues involve broad scope of problems way beyond freedom of speech
. you know, there is government tyranny, the epa, and junk scientists...
sometimes those bastards dont even have to sue you, as long as they can use
the so called "freedom of speech" media to destroy you.
when there is absolute protection of freedom of speech, how do we protect
the justice upon those wh |
e***s 发帖数: 1397 | 44 Yes, we can!
We have food stamps! Let those rich bastards pay for all these!
.. |
j********a 发帖数: 451 | 45 He is apparently not a cold hearted killer, otherwise, he would have
killed the policeman stopping him, stolen a car and killed the other two
bastards. |
c**********l 发帖数: 606 | 46 if you are determined to be shortsighted and want to protect your so
precious hard earned money from the illegal lazy bastards, well, you have
your vote. others can vote against such a law too.
fortunately ppl still have rights to express their dissapointment of the
result. you should protect their right to say what they want, not
discourage them. |
c**********l 发帖数: 606 | 47 of course, Faux will tell you that the protection of our proud and superior
americans and their precious money and family against evil lazy bastards of
the rest of the world is the way to go.
of course you will agree with it. |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 48 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: yourtt (rainmaker), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: $321,985
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 21 14:31:48 2010, 美东)
New Jersey Turnpike收费站一公务员的收入.and these bastards even get paid
bonus on birthdays?
Auditors say the New Jersey Turnpike Authority wasted $43 million on
unneeded perks and bonuses. In one case, an employee with a base salary of
$73,469 earned $321,985 when all payouts and bonuses were included.
The audit says that toll dollars From the New Jersey ... 阅读全帖 |
S**********b 发帖数: 3142 | 49 Did you guys read it carefully?
scary, eh?
The aussie pm is such a bastard.
And the american soldiers are marching nearby china now, right? |
p******e 发帖数: 897 | 50 MADISON, Wis. – A prank caller pretending to be billionaire conservative
businessman David Koch was able to have a lengthy conversation with
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker about his strategy to cripple public employee
unions, the governor's office confirmed Wednesday.
On the call, Walker joked about bringing a baseball bat to a meeting with
Democratic leaders, said it would "be outstanding" to be flown out to
California by Koch for a good time after the battle is over, and said he
expected the anti... 阅读全帖 |