p**********t 发帖数: 2636 | 1 用绳子拖上去。。。
1. 除非你partner很重,否则要用滑轮组
2. 如果multi-pitch是从上方belay,不用滑轮组基本不可能拖上去 |
f********t 发帖数: 4574 | 2 猛爬中,一周三次,巨耗时间,八九个小时一下子没了。
我正跟了个老手爬,belay for tutorials,呵呵。两星期后他partner修完产假回来,
我就算幼儿园毕业了,到时候我们找个时间一起爬。然后就等三叔和Shrily带队了 |
f********t 发帖数: 4574 | 3 嗯,但是感觉长跑烧的卡路里多些?belay的时候基本是歇着
(羽毛球,篮球。。。),省时间 |
f********t 发帖数: 4574 | 4 运动最讨厌受伤,我现在宁可降低强度,伤了太耽误事情。
我的同事带我爬,从公司下班去很近的。等三叔脚好了,以后周末就去West LA给三叔
belay,顺便学两手。 |
S********t 发帖数: 18987 | 5 不去,哈哈,
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 6 it's a little bigger than quicksilver 2, more clerance, and most importantly
, it's a key lock which has no hook at the gate. that's a very important
feature for me. It is also a pear shape, which is perfect for Munter hitch (
as well as clove hitch). You can use it as your main locker for belaying and
rapping. I would not recommend using quicksilver 2 for that purpose. It
makes a perft biner for personal anchor because you can easily undo it with
one hand. I use quicksilver 2 for sport climbing |
y*****y 发帖数: 3433 | 7 这个周末又去了一趟Mt Hood,是我们小组自己的climb。
上一次去最后那一两mile平地走得人差点就崩溃了,endless & hopeless。这次征得
把ski扔在Devil's kitchen,然后从chute爬上去登顶。很严重的traffic jam,有一组
guide service的有十几人,这些人很mean,不让我们用他设好的picket,说什么“
This is my picket!", WTF. 下去的时候在顶上等他们先下,他们一个一个地从上面
等穿上ski也不是很爽,雪况很不好,icy & bumpy,加上第一次不认路,滑得也慢.
好不容易挣扎到ski resort lift area才爽了一把,比其他人提前一个多小时,趁机在
难怪背ski的人上山都比较晚,不用alpine start,都等着太阳出来多晒一会儿呢。 |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 8 Both summit ridge and summit pinnacle were pretty much covered by snow and
ice. We put crampons on, used one ice axe and one ice tool, and started to
traverse to the summit pinnacle. Most of time, we simply roped up. On some
steep and icy sections, I placed pickets to protect running belay. I fell
once but stopped falling immediately using ice tool (The ice tool was really
helpful in this condition). Right below the summit pinnacle, we met another
group of five climbers, who climbed up from west |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 9 The most dangerous part of climbing is driving home, you don't even have a
I felt relief too when I heard those two climbers were safe, also when I
heard you drove home safely.
4 |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 10 还是denali的rescue牛,一个人拉着sled ski下去,后面3000尺的绳子belay |
o*****e 发帖数: 379 | 13 嗯,是这样。
情况下给爬上去的人belay用。 |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 14 no, never use 7mm rope to belay leader, even if using them as twin rope, I
would at leas use 7.8mm+
When you tie 10mm and 7mm rope together for rappel, pay attention to the
knot. Actually, when you do rappel like this, 10mm rope play a critic role,
7mm rope is more for retrieving rope.
I've also seen people using a 6mm cord as retrieve line and do single rope
5mm |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 15 there is a technique called self-belay |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 16
nothing special.
7mm would be twin, for sure. I would not trust a lead fall on it. even when
it's doubled, it's effectively a 9.8mm
Smallest I have used with a belay device is 7.7, with a reverso 3, high
friction mode. It's quite sketchy |
p**********t 发帖数: 2636 | 17 今天刚收到的,American Alpine Club寄过来的。粗粗翻了下
Sports climbing大部分的事故都是gri-gri或者其它稀奇古怪的belay device的问题。
Trad climbing最常出现的问题是device pull-out + runout。device pull-out我身边
一起爬的人也不时发生过,但如果不runout,而且properly backed up也没出过问题
day climb不带头灯,走丢;即使call rescue,别人都找不到你。尤其是经验不足的人
rappel accident很多,rappel anchor出问题,rappel off end都有
rock/glacier climbing 落石造成的事故很常见
self arrest失败造成长距离滑坠
出发之前查天气预报是必做的功课。dayhike camp muir都有人风暴里冻死的
还有,free solo的事故基本都是fatal |
p**********t 发帖数: 2636 | 18 手没握制动端
locking binner没有正确clip in
有一次一个不太熟的人还非要我用gri-gri belay他,说怕我drop他,我说我好些年没
用gri-gri了,我自己都不放心。他还非要我用他的gri-gri。真是心理作用。 |
w***y 发帖数: 1313 | 19 我们这有过两起树砸下来的事故
rumney NH, sports climbing
让我觉得除了落石,死树也很可怕 |
m******e 发帖数: 4232 | 20 为啥要偶数?让菜菜一人同时Belay两美女或以上也可的,是吧,菜菜? |
m******e 发帖数: 4232 | 21 看菜菜都说没问题了,只要他能同时Belay两人,速度是不差太多的,除非爬的速度
下? |
f********t 发帖数: 4574 | 22 Belay by staff is $25/hr in our gym. |
p**********t 发帖数: 2636 | 23 居然跟我做TA的钱一样多。。。
以前在北京的时候就有同学去给别人攀岩做belayer,挣得比当家教多。世道啊。 |
p**********t 发帖数: 2636 | 24 all my recent 4-5 climbing shoes are beyond $110...//run
my harness is $100 after 20% off...it's simply a lot more comfy on hanging
belay and a lot lighter than those cheaper ones.
deal |
p*****o 发帖数: 1285 | 25 I got mine for a little bit over $100:
BD's Momentum AL harness and Big Air package (biner + belay device): $62
from backcountry.com after Bing
Scarpa's Veloce: $42 from stp
draws) |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 26 from the review on backcountry: http://www.backcountry.com/outdoorgear/Black-Diamond-Dynex-Sewn-Runners/BLD0178M.html
How do I love you Sling...let me count the ways.
You've always been there for me over the days
You catch my falls
And extend so well
When I don't have big balls
I use you to bail.
Some call you a runner
I call you a friend
I use you to cut rope drag
When I climb round a bend.
You're the perfect combination
Of Light and Strong
You improve my belay station
With you I can't go wrong |
f********t 发帖数: 4574 | 27 潜规则。。。
follower的责任就是lead belay和clean,外加学习leader怎么放保护。在别人带玩阶
段,拿不下来的pro肯定是要买了还给leader |
p**********t 发帖数: 2636 | 28 如果在belay,身体要靠近岩壁,因为落石一般会弹开
理了 |
a*********p 发帖数: 13 | 29 我去outdoor本来就不是太多(非常羡慕pink美眉:-P),如果去的话偶尔会有一些two-
pitch climbs,最多最多three-pitch。没标中点确实是一个问题。10mm的绳子是不是
即使没有marker进belay device也会很涩啊?还有啊,如果用10mm的绳子repel的时候
多谢阿飞和pink! |
w***y 发帖数: 1313 | 30 10mm平时belay没啥感觉,我用ATC,我绳子是10.3mm的
除了重一点 还没有觉出不方便来。 |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 31 绳子干的时候, 10.5都可以比较smooth
如果绳子遇水变粗, 10以上就会比较痛苦
这不光是ATC guide的问题, 其他belay device也会遇到类似的问题 |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 32 I'd frown upon anyone who uses the rap ring for sling shot belay and lower.
It's against the etiquette of cragging |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 33 There is a whole bunch of parameters about ropes. I can keep talking for a
whole day about these parameters, all sorts of UIAA tests, and the dynamics
of climbing. But you know what? None of them really matter that much. Three
things I look when I buy a rope: weight, length, and dry treatment. What's
the most important thing? Belay technique. |
e**o 发帖数: 5509 | 34 新手用9.5的绳子怎么样?
Three |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 35 我用neutrino, 主要是rack cam用, biner 6种颜色, 和BD cam颜色正好对应
mini pear不错, 可以用来做belay, anchor. 我这次丢的就是mini pear
rocklock有点大, 可以不买 |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 36 这哥们去爬 whiteny east face buttress路线, 因为怕高山反应, 喝了不少水, 终于,
中间忍不住了, 要放水
到了belay ledge, 总不能直接冲着路线下面放水吧, 下面还有人呢, 于是把绳子放长
了十几尺, 走到离route比较远的地方放水, 正办事开心呢, 突然下面有人喊: is
anybody peeing there?
原来后面的人off route, 去爬variation去了... |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 37 放啊,没啥怎么办的
找那种比较大的belay ledge解决
不过我迄今为止还没遇到这个问题, 爬过最长的路线也就6个pitch
放长 |
o*****t 发帖数: 227 | 38 线路上要放水,最好不要在belay ledge。找一个别人不会停留的地方。具体位置选择
另,east face和east buttress是两条不同的线,没有east face buttress这条线 |
m******e 发帖数: 4232 | 39 由于准备去RR攀岩,把GYM的练习提到了一周3次,以前基本就1-2次,感觉就
往前进了一步。每次先用Auto Belay在简单一点的路线上练习体力,我能在一条
挣扎,leader已经爬完了INT的,进入到ADV了。 |
p****l 发帖数: 1098 | 40 auto belay是啥东西?
是不是就不用partner了? |
f********t 发帖数: 4574 | 41 恭喜。
说说Auto Belay咋回事?我每周去三次gym,可惜只有一次有同伴一起爬,其它时间假
装抱抱,基本练weights了 |
m******e 发帖数: 4232 | 42 auto belay是GYM里面提供的Tool,不用partner,但是没法爬挑战的线路,
开始寻partner的。 |
p**********t 发帖数: 2636 | 43 cirque是半圈冰川切割的非常陡的锥形和刃脊。中间一个清澈的小湖。
第二张照片是Wolf's Head,这个刃脊的traverse是50cc之一,III 5.6。难在route
是冰雪,大部分的人都从tiger tower,甚至Pingora traverse过去,需要70m绳子,一
整天的时间,和free solo/running belay on lower fifth class。就我老人家的速度
,忍忍下次吧 |
d*i 发帖数: 9453 | 44 【 以下文字转载自 Fitness 讨论区 】
发信人: superQiqi (qiqi), 信区: Fitness
标 题: 有人想去攀岩吗?室内 NYC
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 16 12:58:00 2009, 美东)
这里有爱好体育运动的吗? 谁有兴趣一起攀岩?人多热闹, 而且可以互相belay。 男
女不限, 年龄不限, 体型不限, WS程度不限。。。
做了一下调查, 似乎这个地方还不错。 价钱比也算合理 http://www.brooklynboulders.com/ 比Chelsea Piers 便宜。
This new gym near the Atlantic Avenue subway in Brooklyn is a great addition
to the climbing gyms in NYC. There is 18,000 square feet of floor space
with top ropes, lead climbing and bouldering. Routes ar |
w***y 发帖数: 1313 | 45 妞你好赞,都lead了不少trad了
真的算爬outdoor |
w***y 发帖数: 1313 | 46 杨说主要是最后一个pitch
we linked the 1st and 2nd pitch, using a 60m rope (barely made it; I had to
climb up a little bit in belaying); 70m would be better
到顶之后的class 4 scrambling比较惊恐
前者不能回到起点要重新hike回去,后者记不清了 |
p**********t 发帖数: 2636 | 47 我christmas终于有件belay jacket了 |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 48 我一般摘下来的第一个single sling,直接挎在肩上当成gear sling用
如果收绳子速度没我爬得快,我就先rack sling
如果绳子在等我, 所有的single sling我先都挎肩上. 到了belay station统一整理
double sling稍微麻烦一些,我都是摘的时候顺手整理 |
p**********t 发帖数: 2636 | 49 This is a general packing list, covering trips from sports climbing to multi
-pitch trad, so that I can select a subset of stuffs to bring for each trip.
It sucks to forget your shoes after hiking all the approach...
Locking binner x5
Climbing shoes
Chalk bag and chalk
Personal anchor
Anchor building kit
Head lamp with additional batteries
Belay device
Draws and additional slings
Hero loop
Nut tool
First aid kit
Duck tape
Repel ring
Layes of clothes
G |
i*****r 发帖数: 454 | 50 呵呵...我就喜欢被挂在半山腰东拍拍西拍拍...恩...当然不超过30秒...要不就要被
off belay 了 lol... |