g******g 发帖数: 28 | 1 Caltech 不大(或者是很小),大家觉得怎么样?UC Berkeley, MIT 和Caltech 哪个
更牛?不同人可能有不同的排名。 |
C*I 发帖数: 4736 | 2 是吗? 那你就看谁比谁早了。 芝加哥大学比加州大学晚了25年呢。
The history of the University of Chicago began in 1890 when the school was
established by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller and the American Baptist
Education Society from the remnants of a bankrupt institution of the same
name. William Rainey Harper became the first President of the University of
Chicago in 1891 and its first classes were held in 1892.
The first campus, UC Berkeley, was founded in 1868. Governor Frederick Low
favored the establishment of a state u... 阅读全帖 |
i***a 发帖数: 4718 | 3 BERKELEY同学,做学问要追根问底,发贴看WIKI,也得多看几页才是。
The University of Chicago, now known as the Old University of Chicago (also
called Chicago University), was a school founded by Baptists in Chicago in
1857. It eventually failed in 1886, and was succeeded by the present
University of Chicago; its small number of alumni were later recognized by
the current University of Chicago.
Its physical plant was felled by a fire, and a lone remaining stone from its
... 阅读全帖 |
r*****2 发帖数: 3513 | 5 Ke Xu
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
The Chevron Professor of Chemistry
email: x*[email protected]
office: 478 Stanley Hall
phone: 510-666-2784
lab: 456 Stanley Hall
lab phone: 510-666-2786 |
c*****g 发帖数: 21627 | 6 很多人说什么Chicago也是大城市,Berkeley则在黑人区的oakland
芝加哥,说白了就是大号的St. Louis,虽然和加州、NYC 一样左倾,
芝加哥,就应该向德州一样搞红脖政策,可惜this is a good idea,
but only a good idea。根本不现实 |
m********t 发帖数: 13072 | 7 不知道多少政府官员的孩子在这所学校毕业
大概人家看不上斯坦福吧 |
x********e 发帖数: 35261 | 8 Berkeley又没说是凭专业考试成绩录取
你看了他的CV吗 |
x********e 发帖数: 35261 | 9 所以说你酸葡萄嘛
中国人跟白人不在一条利益链上,现在也没强大到撼动别人的利益链,再酸也没用 |
s*******n 发帖数: 3488 | 10 你怎么知道是bottom 11%的?如果真的是,那Berkeley真是自砸招牌啊。 |
i*****e 发帖数: 2810 | 12 选啥?这不用问吧?
如果能上清华的小孩选择了出国念本科,结果只上了Berkeley,算是悲催的吧? |
d******r 发帖数: 16947 | 13 尼玛uc berkeley现在都这么堕落了。
清华出国申请UC B 有被拒的没有 lol |
发帖数: 1 | 14 我们国男怎么啦?是从Berkeley失联了,还是被人大白天开枪打死了? |
m****e 发帖数: 160 | 17 支持支持,马上就能有大批中国留学生入住berkeley了 |
w********r 发帖数: 3183 | 19 Trump threatens to defund Berkeley after violent protests force cancellation
of Breitbart editor’s speech
春夏之交,能平息还是激化? |
B*Q 发帖数: 25729 | 20 半农有点太托大了
[在 withoutcar (重新注册, 不是马甲) 的大作中提到:]
:Trump threatens to defund Berkeley after violent protests force
cancellation of Breitbart editor’s speech
:春夏之交,能平息还是激化? |
C********1 发帖数: 5281 | 21 你不懂就别胡扯。德州州立大学就只有UT AUSTIN和UT SOUTHWESTERN不错,其他都不怎
样。私立大学也只有RICE和贝勒医学院不错。你不知道UC BERKELEY是一流名校,看起
来对美国还真的是很不了解。德州农工大学和名校不沾边。 |
D**S 发帖数: 24887 | 22 你这未免属于泛酸了。
金的中国留学生交州内学费的变态地方。 |
m********s 发帖数: 55301 | 23 对,Berkeley类似于国内大连理工大学的位置。 |
c****g 发帖数: 37081 | 24 嗯,UC BERKELEY工程不是No1也出不了top3。 |
w********9 发帖数: 8613 | 26
而UT Austin是3.4B
UC Berkeley大概是 4B
UCLA 3.3B |
q****2 发帖数: 667 | 27 Citadel Securities, 一个很大的金融机构 CEO 赵朋 是Berkeley 毕业的。亚裔能在
金融业混成MD都不错了, 赵朋混上CEO。 |
G********d 发帖数: 228 | 28 没有Berkeley学生的折腾,估计美国社会继续地保守,排外与文化单一,也没有后来来
视的命。吃水不忘挖井人。 |
C********1 发帖数: 5281 | 29 原来不是学生主动闹事,是有个极右分子主动去伯克利做演讲挑事:
2017年MILO抗议和骚乱 (zhuanzai)
不见经传的小人物叫Milo Yiannopoulos。他是一个右派杂志Brietbart的编辑,以前说
性的。受到伯克利共和党俱乐部(Berkeley College Republicans)的邀请,
力,各说各话,公平合理。但原本和平的抗议在... 阅读全帖 |
w*******e 发帖数: 15912 | 30 属实, 听说德州农机学院和天朝莱阳农学院, 平顶山煤炭学院是姊妹校。哥一本科平煤
的童鞋考研, 同时拿到德州农机和莱农的offer, 最后去了莱农, 因为他不爱吃德州扒
鸡, 爱吃莱阳梨。
:你不懂就别胡扯。德州州立大学就只有UT AUSTIN和UT SOUTHWESTERN不错,其他都不
怎样。私立大学也只有RICE和贝勒医学院不错。你不知道UC BERKELEY是一流名校,看起
:来对美国还真的是很不了解。德州农工大学和名校不沾边。 |
d***t 发帖数: 542 | 31 著名的People's Republic of Berkeley 啊。 |
h*****h 发帖数: 264 | 32 床铺操了裸模,裸模可以出入白宫
白院士操了大连理工的徐婷,徐婷出任berkeley 教授
北京工业大学92年毕业的某位,98年MIchigan Tech的博士,不但成了MIT教授,还成了
北京服装学院的曹丽,一路造假,拿NSF career award, 想跪舔白老头,把老公送进监狱
外F国女脱裤子把好位子抢走,同样是排挤国男 |
h*********n 发帖数: 11319 | 33 https://www.reddit.com/r/berkeley/comments/fchf2q/189_coronavirus_email/
Unfortunately, it is getting hard to find face masks and rubber gloves, but
if you can get some, I recommend wearing them whenever you leave your home.
(If you don't mind looking silly, add goggles, as it is reputed the virus
can infect the eye.) Some authorities have been telling the public not to
buy masks. I would strongly advise you to ignore that message (the product
of a bureaucracy that sees us as nothing more than i... 阅读全帖 |
d*********o 发帖数: 6388 | 35 https://www.cnn.com/asia/live-news/coronavirus-outbreak-03-09-20-intl-hnk/h_
The University of California Berkeley has suspended most of their in-person
classes as a proactive measure to protect their campus from coronavirus.
In a letter sent to the campus community today, Chancellor Carol Christ said
the changes will begin Tuesday and will remain in effect through spring
break, which ends on March 29.
All lectures courses, seminar instruction and exams will be o... 阅读全帖 |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 36 抗议经费遭砍,学费上涨.
5,000 at UC Berkeley protest tuition increases, furloughs, layoffs
这帮蠢驴useful idiots们,自己也不想想,
要给illegal alien送钱.
最可恨在于,不仅他们把自己送进了屎堆,还绑架了无数无辜的人民群众一起进了屎堆. |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 37 刚来的吧.
you dont know what is uc berkeley famous for? |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 38 我早就说了,共产,共产,终有一天,
The Berkeley City Council has postponed a vote on a proposal to use taxpayer
money to pay for sex-change operations for city employees.
Council members on Tuesday decided to delay a final decision on the issue
until Feb. 15.
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/01/18/sta |
h*******i 发帖数: 4386 | 41 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: haruhashi (春橋), 信区: Military
标 题: Berkeley取消巴勒斯坦历史课程
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 17 10:43:07 2016, 美东)
米国的大学真鸡巴joke. |
s****e 发帖数: 275 | 45 http://truthfeed.com/breaking-uc-berkeley-loses-major-donor/50326/
Yesterday I asked my most liberal, Trump-hating friend if he ever figured
out why Republicans have most of the Governorships, a majority in Congress,
the White House, and soon the Supreme Court. He said, “There are no easy
I submit that there are easy answers. But for many Americans, cognitive
dissonance and confirmation bias hide those easy answers behind Hitler
I’ll keep working on clearing the fog. Es... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 46 有毛病
berkeley本来就是最激进最左的学校 |
发帖数: 1 | 47 那个穿白体恤的,像是专业打人的,一脚把人踹倒再跑过去补脚。
Berkeley市长和左臂警察局长下命令不许警察救人。 真黑暗。 |
T****r 发帖数: 4006 | 49 I am renting a room in a two-bedroom apartment located at west UC village;
the apartment is right next to 52L bus stop. Some furniture is available to
use including queen size bed, closet and chairs. Utilities are also
included in the price such as cable TV, internet, electricity and gas.
Considered price is $650/month. If interested call me at 210-325-5514 or
email me at z*****[email protected].
现有西村两室一厅卧室一间出租,房间位于52L 车站边,非常便于来去Berkeley大学。租金$650/月,有床, 衣柜,椅子,搬入即可使用,有线电视,网络,电费均包括在当月房租内。社区安静漂亮,单身男女如有兴趣 |
h*****o 发帖数: 13 | 50 加州東灣Berkeley市徵住家或通勤保姆照顧两月女嬰,請電209-342-7683 |