

全部话题 - 话题: bholasar
发帖数: 10330
来自主题: Military2版 - 三哥Jaguar砸了ZT
Jaguar Aircraft Crashes in Rajasthan
By PTI - BIKANER Published: 22nd January 2014 10:26 PM Last Updated: 22nd
January 2014 10:26 PM
A Jaguar aircraft of Indian Air Force tonight crashed near Bholasar village
in Rajasthan's Bikaner district but the pilot and co-pilot ejected safely.
Defence spokesperson S D Goswami said the pilots detected a technical
problem while landing at Nal airport here and ejected timely.
A court of inquiry has been ordered to ascertain facts.
The aircraft, which was on a... 阅读全帖