G*********n 发帖数: 569 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 NextGeneration 讨论区 】
发信人: Greengarden (Greengarden), 信区: NextGeneration
标 题: 请推荐一岁半宝宝幼儿园用的food box 和snack box
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 11 11:50:27 2014, 美东)
宝宝就快一岁半, 下个月上幼儿园, 午饭和snack都是自带。 请推荐一下方便的food
box 和snack box。
谢谢 |
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 3 【 以下文字转载自 Investment 讨论区 】
发信人: NeverLearn (24K golden bear), 信区: Investment
标 题: Not-so-safe-deposit boxes
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 7 17:44:54 2011, 美东)
San Francisco resident Carla Ruff's safe-deposit box was drilled, seized, and turned over to the state of California, marked "owner unknown."
"I was appalled," Ruff said. "I felt violated."
Unknown? Carla's name was right on documents in the box at the Noe Valley Bank of America location. So was her address -- a house about six blocks from the... 阅读全帖 |
s******g 发帖数: 193 | 4 King size mattress + 2x single size box,一共650块,去年9月份才买,9成新,一
直是我女朋友在住,保存的很好。新的市面上至少1000+。之所以是两个single size box是因
为两个box加一起正好king size这么大,搬的时候也更方便。买mattress送铁质frame,特别结
full size mattress + full size box,一共200块,也是去年9月份买的,放在女朋友
两个床垫都在Revere,地铁蓝线Revere Beach出站走10秒即到。欢迎看货,欢迎站内短
btw 附图是king size床的照片,Mattress+2box+frame都是你的,床单和被子不出售 :) |
k******q 发帖数: 6 | 5 以下物品在Overland Park, KS。紧邻888中国超市。
Bed - Brand new Queen Mattress Bed w/ Box ( Mattress Height 9.5" ) - $199:
Brand new Queen Size Mattress with Box (80x60x16.5, Mattress height 9.5)
from Mattress Firm, clean and comfortable in good condition, used for half
year, new for around $600 with Box
Now asking $199.
BIKE - 26" Men's Bike with the saddle, mudguard and strong rack set - $199
Mongoose 26" Men's All-Terrain Bike with memory foam saddle, mudguard and
strong rack set from BIKESOURCE.
It is as ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********7 发帖数: 242 | 6 来LA快两年了,收到DMV registration renewal里要求做smog check的通知,而且期限
我的车是2004 honda accord,两年前搬过来的时候做smog check没有任何问题,所以这
次也没有担心。在网上问了大家一下,有位同学推荐了red box(当然,这里没有丝毫
然后,修车铺的主人建议先做maintenance,再做smog check。对修车没有任何概念的我
自然相信他的判断,毫不考虑就答应了。从后面出的问题来看,如果先做smog check也
两个多小时后,smog check没通过(收了$19.95),是OBD II self test有问题,具体
是catalyst 和evaporative system Not Ready。我就顺口提了一下前阵子天很冷的时
候曾... 阅读全帖 |
b***1 发帖数: 187 | 7 I just finished moving. I bought a set of moving boxes from Costco, i paid
about 2.5 dollars per box. Boxes are in good condition. If you need moving
boxes, I will sell to you 75 cents per box, I have about 50 of them. I am in
Monterey park. Contact inbox. |
l**h 发帖数: 7994 | 8 【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: ltsh (livehappy), 信区: Living
标 题: 急问:US-mattress 总是用two twin box代替one king box吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 25 13:48:40 2012, 美东)
我拒收了,因为不是我定的one king box.
因为box是后来我打电话补定的,即使他们这样做也该告诉我的。 |
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 10 【 以下文字转载自 Investment 讨论区 】
发信人: NeverLearn (24K golden bear), 信区: Investment
标 题: Not-so-safe-deposit boxes
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 7 17:44:54 2011, 美东)
San Francisco resident Carla Ruff's safe-deposit box was drilled, seized, and turned over to the state of California, marked "owner unknown."
"I was appalled," Ruff said. "I felt violated."
Unknown? Carla's name was right on documents in the box at the Noe Valley Bank of America location. So was her address -- a house about six blocks from the... 阅读全帖 |
x*****c 发帖数: 146 | 11 如果不相信,大家可以联系那个中文学校。
中文学校是台湾人办的,很多也不上mit的,完全不知道康妈利用这个po box进行公开
全社会募捐,这是不允许的。康妈在那里工作,所以是可以通过这个po box联系到她,
不过中文学校完全不知道康妈用这个po box进行全社会的捐款。
校,告诉广大陌生网友,说中文学校借给她这个po box来接受捐款,这不是事实。反正
1. 中文学校收到的支票直接转给康蕾,没有中间经手人。
2. 帐号洒满全世界一事,中文学校确实不知情。
3. 台湾人办的学校,用繁体字,说话客气有修养,满嘴生殖器的亲友团跟他们无
答:The PO Box是敝校的郵箱, 應該算小範圍吧?
至於捐款進度我並不清楚, 從余先生悴逝後, 並未聽說有設甚麼募款目標.
... 阅读全帖 |
w*********i 发帖数: 658 | 12 我家笼子不大,白天兔子是散养的,litter box放在笼里,我家兔子一般就在笼外直接
尿了,郁闷。随后我又把litter box放在笼外它撒尿的那个角落,litter box里只垫着
报纸,兔子在litter box尿了,不过只尿一两次,如果我不换纸的话,兔子就换地方尿
不知大家有什么解决的方法吗?是我litter box本身问题(我用的鞋盒盖),还是放的
多谢了 |
G*****a 发帖数: 110 | 13 笨笨(名字改了好几个@@)来家里有一段时间了,起初一切都好,可是从上周开始,笨笨
这几天白天我在家的时候,隔一段时间我就会把笨笨抱到litter box,这时候它就会蹲
litter box里,它就会随地解决。
我没有换litter box, 没有换litter, litter每天清理2次或者更多,所以litter应该
Gaily一切都好,每天没心没肺的上窜下跳,用litter box也用得好好的。
求助啊,我都不知道这是怎么回事了,这小家伙怎么会突然不用litter box而需要人给
贴几个图,带白色的是笨笨 |
M**********n 发帖数: 4964 | 14 很少用Access,实在对Access不熟悉。请大牛们指点指点怎么做,给个方向/idea。
fieldnameB,fieldnameC) filter table,然后generate report。
我现在根据这三个fieldname弄了三个group by query,每个query只有这个fieldname
上弄了三个combo box,每个combo box的dropdown list来自各自对应的query,ComboA
有100 dropdown item,ComboB有300 dropdown item,ComboC有500 dropdown item.
其实这个十万record的table是dynamic的,每过一段时间就要import new data append
到这个table里面。所以那三个query的行数(dropdown item)有可能是... 阅读全帖 |
l*****n 发帖数: 1844 | 15 你再仔细搜一搜
从cable box出来应该有一个台的
cable box把所有的台都映射到那一个台
具体看哪个台,是在cable box里面控制
还有一个方法就是在cable box的前面加一个splitter,把cable一分为二
一个接cable box,一个接tuner
这样tuner可以收到所有台,不包括加密HD |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 16 Special K Cereal, Vanilla Almond, 14 oz Boxes 4 Pack$6.32, Chocolatey
Delight Cereal, 13.4 oz Boxes 4 Pack $6.35 + other stacking 5%, 10%, 15% +
15% S&S, free shippping from Amazon
There are others this will work on. After you add all 3 Coupons , you will
see discounts on the Checkout screen, (if the item you want is cross
refernced for all 3 Coupons.)
Stack coupons and use Subscribe and Save, ( may take some work. Make sure
you are clicking on the Cereal Coupons, not Snacks or Beverages
Start h... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 17 I didn't see this posted yet using a forum search. It might need to be moved
to freebies section, depending on the mods - but more people see it in the
hot deals section.
I just saw this advertised today, you can send a free box of Kleenex tissues
to anyone in the US or Canada. They have some type of unusual designed box
for this promotion that isn't available in stores. You can track how many
people have "chained " your "caring" if you wish, in other words, the
people you send a box to can sen... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 18 Went to Hy-Vee yesterday and they have their 2-day hot deals and the hot one
is $10 off of 6 boxes of General Mills cereal. You also get a register
coupon for $6 off your next Hy-Vee purchase.
Example of the deal
Cheerios - 12.x ounce box is on sale for $3.09 buy 6 for $18.54 - $10
coupon = $8.54 - $6 future purchase = $2.54 / 6 boxes = 42 cents per box.
Saw some styles on sale for $2.49 which actually makes you money. The fancy
onces with the oatmeal clusters and such are around $4 and com... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 19 "Since so many of you asked us to continue our FREE SHIPPING offer, we've
listened and extended this great offer.
For a limited time, we are offering FREE SHIPPING and a FREE 32 count box of
True Lemon, True Lime or True Orange when you order $9.99+ of True products
. "
Use the discount codes below when ordering from www.truelemo nstore.com:
today or calling 800-421-1223 so you can receive FREE shipping and a free
32 count box of your choice:
* THANKYOULEMO N ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 20 Rocky Patel Gift Box Sampler, 10 cigars only $29.99
It's been said Rocky Patel rarely meets a blend he doesn't release to the
public. Indeed the man is a cigarmaking diaspora - a veritable wellspring, a
fountainhead , a geyser, even Patient Zero when it comes to sheer blend
width. But we're going back to the basics, focusing in laser-like on Rocky's
finest, most widely known and highly-rated flagship treats. I've got 2,500
fantastic Rocky Patel box samplers showcasing his top-selling portfolio ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 23 Bellino Panettone, Traditional Italian Cake, 2-Pound Boxes (Pack of 2) - $10
#" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'thread
', 'click', '2459481 - bellino-panettone-2pound-boxes-pack-of-2-10.99-
limited-time-offer']);">Bellino Panettone, Traditional Italian Cake, 2-Pound
Boxes (Pack of 2) - $10.99 [Bellino Panettone, Traditional Italian Cake, 2-
Pound Boxes (Pack of 2) - $10.99:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 25 Special K Chocolatey Delight Cereal, 13.4-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 4) $6.35,
Vanilla Almond, 14-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 4) $6.32 free shipping from Amazon
Coupons can be very hard to find, they have added a Promo Code to go along
with Coupons. Will have to Refresh multiple times. Coupons are one time use
per account per Promo period
Note, this can be tricky and may be YMMV with the Coupons. I think most
should be able to find them. I left out the elusive 10% coupon. Must start
on the Coupon Page
Stack... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 26 First deal thread, so please be gentle
Federal Champion .40 S&W 180grn FMJ 50rd Box $12.95
aimsurplus.com has it back in stock it looks like. Last time I saw these at
walmart, they were around $14.50 a box (+tax). If you order a case (20
boxes), price drops to $12.50/box. Shipping costs aren't too bad as long as
you order a lot. Last time I ordered a case from aimsurplus, shipping came
out to $24 to TX. So cost for me breaks dow... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 28 Pack of 6 Lipton Premium Pyramid Tea Bags 20-Count per box $9.30, 8
varieties to choose from, free shipping from Amazon.
$22.37 on sale for $13.28 - Sub & Save = $11.29 - Promo Code = $9.30
Use Subscribe and save and Promo Code UNILEV99
Lipton Black Tea, Black Pearl Pure Long Leaf, Premium Pyramid Tea Bags, 20-
Count Boxes (Pack of 6)
Lipton Black Tea, Bavarian Wild Berry, Premium Pyramid Tea Bags, 20-Count
Boxes (Pack of 6)
... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 29 Amazon Goldbox Deal
scroll down the page
72 total Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, Peanut Butter 12-count Boxes (6
#quickPicks" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent
', 'thread', 'click', '2639079 - 72-total-nature-valley-crunchy-granola-bars
-peanut-butter-12count-boxes-6pack-for-13.51-at-amazon']);">72 total Nature
Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, Peanut Butter 12-count Boxes (6-pack) [72 total
Nat... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 30 Still new at this try and go easy....was surfing Graveyardmall.com for deals
and found their Deal Of The Day was two different models of Sony Bluray
It appears they are listed as new open box/damaged packaging.
"New item, Open Box - This item is new but comes in a damaged box. The item
has been open and inspected by us to make sure it is not damaged.Limit one
per order!"
The models are the Sony BDP-BX37 Blu-Ray DVD Player & Streaming Internet $79
http://www.graveyardmall.com/... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 31 Blue Dog Bakery:
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_grocery?_encoding=UTF8&node=1 Dog Bakery#/ref=sr_nr_p_85_0?rh=n:16310101,p_4:Blue Dog Bakery,p_85:2470955011&bbn=16310101&ie=UTF8&qid=1302441842&rnid=2470954011
3A2470955011&bbn=16310101&ie=UTF8&qid=1302441842&rnid=2470954011" rel="
nofollow" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'thread', '
click', '2828687 - blue-dog-bakery-natural-soft-dog-treats-peanut-butter-
fl... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 34 Amazon has a 2 pack of the 17 oz Frosted Flakes on sale for $5.59. You can
use the code KELLOGG6 to get an additional 20% off, bringing it to $4.47.
This qualifies for free shipping if you have prime.
If you do not have prime, you can buy 5, apply the KELLOGG6 code and it will
bring it to a total of $22.36 for a total of ten 17 oz boxes. That's $2.26
per 17 oz. box.
To get it even cheaper, sign up for subscribe and save. Combine it with the
coupon code above and it comes to $3.63 which includes ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 36 Link:
I got a general HH mystery box from them before and was overwhelmed at the
amount of stuff I got for $20. Didn't use all of it (regifted it), but
definitely got about $80 worth of stuff in it.
Description of this Stocking Stuffer Box (obviously a similar description
for the girls focused box):
This box will have different small items that will make great stocking
stuffers for a boy age 6-12. Nothing fancy, but 20 items that he'll find
p... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 37 Jelly Belly:
25% off popular products:
http://www.jellybelly.com/search/go#w=98256, 95000, 98006, 98774, 98389, 4017, 98767, 98782, 98616&a
%2098782%2C%2098616&a" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_
trackEvent', 'thread', 'click', '3622887 - jelly-belly-cyber-monday-deals-25
-off-popular-products-buy-3-bags-bellyflopsget-3-free-free-20-fla... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 39 Babies R Us has Value Pack diapers for $10 on their website (it states they
are also available in store). There is a promotion starting today: Save $10
when you buy BOTH Babies R Us value box of diapers (72ct or higher) & value
box of wipes (432ct or higher).
Select $10 Box of Diapers:
http://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?sr=1&kw=babies r us value diapers&kwCatId=&f=Taxonomy/TRUS/2255957&s=A-StorePrice-TRUS&origkw=Babies R Us Value Diapers&view=all
Select $9.99 Box of Wipes:
http://www.toysr... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 40 Buydig.com has the "Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di-II LD Aspherical [IF] SP AF
Zoom Lens for Canon EOS Digital" open box closeout lens for $230 with free
shipping after coupon code: SeasonsDigging10
The description says it's NEW guaranteed in perfect working condition, but
it is sold in "AS IS" condition, NO return and NO warranty. (But it states:
"Tamron USA 6-Year Warranty" in the Box contents Tab ).
Used ones are selling with ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 41 Guaranteed Candle Mystery Box $36.98 shipped
I've ordered a bunch of Graveyardmall.com mystery boxes, I've liked most,
and disliked a few, on thing I will say is that I've never had a problem
returning one. They send a label prepaid return label and credit you back,
so it really is guaranteed
Product Description
If you don't like candles, you won't like this one. A box filled with
Candles, no small votives or tall tapered candles (unless they come with a
really cool holder). No whipped candle... 阅读全帖 |
i*e 发帖数: 859 | 43 (from an email i just got. actually it's nonsense.
but just feel like to water a bit)
Two Boxes
I have in my hands two boxes
Which God gave me to hold.
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box,
And all your joys in the gold."
I heeded His words, and in the two boxes
both my joys and sorrows I stored,
but though the gold became heavier each day
The black was as light as before.
With curiosity, I opened the black, I wanted to find out why,
And I saw, in the base of the box, |
p******5 发帖数: 138 | 44 汽车空调吹出来风不冷,然后去一家修车铺修,打开hood,里面有几根线还burnt了,
后来修车铺打电话说 要换 compressor,随便把burnt 的线也换了,790$, 我看网上好
像换compressor 差不多这个价,想都没想就答应了
今天修车铺又打了电话,说有个big damage,就是fuse box 也burnt了,然后整个fuse
box 也换掉,说dealer那里买个新的要700$,他说准备帮我搞个旧的,一两百的样子
,但是labor 可能还要4,5个小时,因为线要一根根的插
我回来突然想,如果fuse box 烧掉了,我怎么还能开到修车铺去?而且除了空调吹出
有没有可能他们修空调的时候把那个fuse box烧坏了?我现在还能怎么办呢? 继续他
,对车不懂真是修车铺说啥是啥 |
w*****s 发帖数: 4116 | 45 二手交易风险自负!请自行验证是否合法和一手卡!:
6x Wii Fit Plus +Uline box $135 @VA +YL
new in hand
if I drop one by one in Uline box, YL
if you buy them in one box, pay me $10, I ship all to you via UPS
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(Required if not code only):
paypal, BOA, ING
new with box
till gone
物品来源(Required for All Cards!):
local store
bbs mail
能否证明是合法的一手卡?(Required for All Cards!): |
k*****i 发帖数: 2373 | 46 我想要的物品:
TWO(2) in one box Wii Fit Plus to PA $113+ML
with new uline box or sams box or other decent box
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(Required if not code only):
二手交易风险自负!请自行验证是否合法和一手卡!: |
c**0 发帖数: 9331 | 47 我想要的物品:
2 IPAD 16GB wifi 1 box $1115 NV 89119
2 IPAD 16GB wifi in one box $1115 NV 89119
2 IPAD 16GB wifi in one box $1115 NV 89119
2 IPAD 16GB wifi in one box $1115 NV 89119, Brand New, sealed, my fedex
label, 2 days, thank you
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(Required if not code only):
二手交易风险自负!请自行验证是否合法和一手卡!: |
h**********0 发帖数: 1467 | 48 我想要的物品:
HP g62-373dx $420 new sealed in box, not open by bb
g62-373dx $420 new sealed in box, not open by bb
HP g62-373dx $420, new sealed in box, not open by bb.
new sealed in box, not open by bb.
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(Required if not code only):
二手交易风险自负!请自行验证是否合法和一手卡!: |
x******i 发帖数: 90 | 49 我想要的物品:
15x ultimate ears UE earphones $2300 one box
15x ultimate ears UE earphones $2300 one box
15x ultimate ears UE earphones $2300 one box
new sealed in amazon brown box
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(Required if not code only):
before you after me
bill pay, paypal
二手交易风险自负!请自行验证是否合法和一手卡!: |