

全部话题 - 话题: bronchi
发帖数: 4124
来自主题: Medicine版 - 求问老年哮喘
as you said, "发作就会引起支气管炎", if this is true, the primary disease
should be diagnosed as chronic bronchitis. in most chronic bronchitis
patients, cold air, cigarettes and fog/smog etc. all can cause severe
exacerbation. this looks similar to asthma. in practice, it is not necessary
to say whether there is also asthma because the treatment of this part is
the same. in theory, if you want to distinguish, in simple asthma, the
thickness of bronchi returns to normal very fast after asthma attack, whil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5697
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 还是问个辐射的问题,请大牛解惑
radiation exposure dosage is inversely proportional to distance
squared. so inhaling radioactive particles is extremely harmful to
your lung tissue.
first of all, ciliary action in your bronchi can sweep up the
inhaled radioactive particles and you can cough out as sputum. so as
long as the particles get caught in the main bronchi and bronchioli
the damage is probably not long lasting. radioactive particle sizes
that are smaller than 2 microns are extremely dangerous, because
then they are small... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - NBME
yes. answer is B.
the congenital bronchial cysts are caused by dialtion of bronchi and may be
solitary or multiple, filled with air or fluid, multiple cysts demonstrate a
honeycomb appearance on x-rays.
Portion fo forgut involvled in repiratory development. Ventral wall of the
primitive foregut during week 4 ---> laryndogracheal diverticulum ---->lung
bud ----> two bronhical buds ---> primary bronchi in week5. ( from BRS p140-
发帖数: 6973
Reuben F Johnson, China’s Development of Fighter Jets Relies on Russian
Systems. Washington Times, Aug 25, 2011.
"Russian officials, quoted in Moscow news reports, said China’s military is
seeking to purchase an unspecified large number of the next-generation 117S
jet engines. The 117S engines reportedly are used in at least one of the
prototypes of the newest fighter aircraft [J-20] * * *... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 242
Very difficulty.
Doctors need to open patient's mouth, look into patient's throat and insert
the tube carefully into the bronchi, not the esophagus.
I think one can not do a job when 穿全防护服.
Doctors always deal with a variety of pathogens and often forget to protect
发帖数: 232
可以直接跳到底下的Appendix 2: Students。
Appendix 2: Students
Addendum 1 – working document
Use language in the classroom that is inclusive to all ethnicities,
nationalities, gender identities, sexualities, religions, and abilities.
Maintain discretion when administering exams/assignments to students with
special accommodations.
Respect a student’s request to be referred to by their chosen name and “
PGP”, or preferred gender pronoun. This may ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 769
来自主题: Medicine版 - 有人了解治支气管扩张的药吗

bronchiectasis is treated as part of COPD,
surgery is only reserved for local disease and recurrent infections
unresponsive to antibiotics, and reccurent massive bleeding, if your
relative is not a good surgical candidate, another option is bronchial
artery embolization, which might help for bleeding problem,
long term wise, mainly supportive, avoid smoking/second hand smoking, good
nutrition, bronchial hygiene(you can try nebulzed mucolytics, chest
physiotherapy and postural drainage), bronchi
发帖数: 193
Your MD means bronchoscopy which is invasive. Pt is sedated and intubated
prior to bronchoscopy. By that way, MD can visualize the bronchial trees.
Your baby doesn't need that.
Stethocopes can catch air flow through bronchi. If airway is narrow,
stethocope can catch wheezing sound. If airway is almost closed,there will
be no air flow sound.
It's just miscommunication between you and the provider. Even you suspect
asthma or bronchitis for your baby, sometimes it is a clinical diagnosis,
depending... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4124
来自主题: Medicine版 - 求助:妈妈得了肺气肿
emphysema usually develops over tens of years. there is no treatment to
reverse it.
regardless of the primary cause of emphysema, treatments are available/
required for:
1. treating existing infections, preventing new infections
2. dilation of bronchi
3. treating/preventing allergic reactions.
there is no simple 非处方药或者保健品可治疗这个病.
发帖数: 25265
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 诸位妈妈怎么给幼儿止咳啊?
if there is whistle and narrowing in bronchi..
seems not necesary yet.
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Parenting版 - 回国印象
Jonathan Watts, WikiLeaks Reveals China's Failure to Measure Dangerous
Pollution. The Guardian, Aug 26, 2011
(A cable dated Aug 16, 2006 from US consulate at Guangzhou noted that "small
-particulate matter known as PM2.5, was five to 10 times higher than
suggested by World Health Organisation guidelines. It said the findings were
'alarming,' because PM2.5 is not on the government index of air pollutants
yet it is deemed to be of hig... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 427
The findings, published online on Dec. 14 in Nature Medicine, could restart
work on effective killed-virus vaccines not only for RSV but other
respiratory viruses, researchers say. The new findings also debunk a popular
theory that the 1966 vaccine was ineffective because the formalin used to
inactivate the virus disrupted critical antigens, the substances that
stimulate the production of protective antibodies.
Instead, researchers said, the problem occurred when the antibodies created
by the va... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 427
The findings, published online on Dec. 14 in Nature Medicine, could restart
work on effective killed-virus vaccines not only for RSV but other
respiratory viruses, researchers say. The new findings also debunk a popular
theory that the 1966 vaccine was ineffective because the formalin used to
inactivate the virus disrupted critical antigens, the substances that
stimulate the production of protective antibodies.
Instead, researchers said, the problem occurred when the antibodies created
by the va... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6339

LZ 对上述信息不感兴趣!!
How Safe is the 4 pCi/L Radon "Action Limit"?
People spend most of their time at home - on average 70%, but more in case
of women and particularly, children. Although the 4 pCi/L level has become a
benchmark for real estate transactions, it still carries considerable risks
- equivalent to getting a chest x-ray or smoking 10 cigarettes each day. (
When relaxing at home, we breathe in radon. It is soluble in blood and
circulates through the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10477
来自主题: Fishing版 - 老年慢性支气管炎怎么预防
Chronic bronchitis is a chronic inflammation of the bronchi (medium-size
airways) in the lungs. It is generally considered one of the two forms of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).[1] It is defined clinically as
a persistent cough that produces sputum (phlegm) and mucus, for at least
three months per year in two consecutive years.[2]
Signs and symptoms
Bronchitis may be indicated by an expectorating cough (also known as a
productive cough, i.e. one that produces sputum), shortness of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1636
Material Safety Data Sheet
Sulfuric Acid
ACC# 22350
Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification
MSDS Name: Sulfuric Acid
Catalog Numbers: S71211SC, S71826, S79200, S80213, S80213-1, A298 212,
A298212, A300 212, A300 225LB, A300 500, A300 612GAL, A300 700LB, A300212,
A300225LB, A300500, A300612GAL, A300700LB, A300C 212, A300C212, A300C212001,
A300C212002, A300C212003, A300C212004, A300C212005, A300C212006,
A300C212007, A300C212008, A300C212009, A300C212010, A300C212LC, A300FP 500,
A30... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1636
Material Safety Data Sheet
Sulfuric Acid
ACC# 22350
Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification
MSDS Name: Sulfuric Acid
Catalog Numbers: S71211SC, S71826, S79200, S80213, S80213-1, A298 212,
A298212, A300 212, A300 225LB, A300 500, A300 612GAL, A300 700LB, A300212,
A300225LB, A300500, A300612GAL, A300700LB, A300C 212, A300C212, A300C212001,
A300C212002, A300C212003, A300C212004, A300C212005, A300C212006,
A300C212007, A300C212008, A300C212009, A300C212010, A300C212LC, A300FP 500,
A30... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 427
来自主题: ChineseMed版 - RSV疫苗之谜
我找到了John Hopkins那里的链接。
Hopkins-Led Team Solves Failed Vaccine Mystery
MEDIA CONTACT: Ekaterina Pesheva
EMAIL: e******[email protected]
PHONE: (410) 502-9433
December 15, 2008
Research led by Johns Hopkins Children's Center scientists has figured out
why a respiratory syncytial virus vaccine used in 1966 to inoculate children
against the infection instead caused severe respiratory disease and
effectively stopped efforts to make a better one.
The findings, published online on Dec. 14 in Nature Medicine, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 80
来自主题: Nursing版 - 我的加州申请过程
请参考的人自己再斟酌。)... 阅读全帖