w**********1 发帖数: 127 | 1 Re: 过年好!- 根Hubert及Group的人的一点沟通
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Hide Details FROM:Winnie Tin TO:l*******[email protected] Message flagged
Monday, January 16, 2012 1:32 PMMessage body
Hubert, 及Group的弟兄姐妹好,
我想Hubert 指的闹事的人应该指的是我吧。我希望借此和Hubert有所沟通,及Group里
关掉。 我不只失去拉孩子,而且失去拉探访的机会。目前只有AttornyGeneral及MEDIA
我从来没有说过我需要从GROUP里找到法律上面的支持,我... 阅读全帖 |
k******e 发帖数: 177 | 2 这个开发商sand hill看起来不厚道,今天从他们在stevens creek上搞的main street
项目旁边过,每个buidling都紧贴路边,一点set back都不留,给人非常不舒服的压迫
感。他们要搞vallco mall估计也会是同样路数。 |
l****g 发帖数: 3721 | 3 看大家都cover的差不多了,那我就说说没被很好cover的insulation。
老房子insulation一般很薄,墙的r value也就是10左右,没法增加,除非拆墙。新房
子follow code的话r value是21,这种r value只有新房子的六寸墙能作到,老房子外
屋顶的r value,新的buidling code是至少r value 30,老房子也就是一半左右,但
attic里加保温好作到,还有credit。 |
m**********2 发帖数: 2252 | 4 发信人: meflying (吾飞), 信区: Texas
标 题: Re: Austin一架小飞机摔了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 18 12:56:18 2010, 美东)
• 199 IRS employees worked in building
• Pilot intentionally hit buidling, federal official says.
• Official: Pilot set his house on fire earlier
from cnn |
m******g 发帖数: 17798 | 5 • 199 IRS employees worked in building
• Pilot intentionally hit buidling, federal official says.
• Official: Pilot set his house on fire earlier
from cnn |
c****u 发帖数: 8308 | 6 回去3星期, 折腾来折腾去. 不多说了上照片.
凌晨4点到了机场, 第一个通过安检,5点左右吃过早点后,第一个到达登机门.发现停着
一架CRJ700,登时紧张起来,如果真是这架,连手里的皮包都塞不进行李架. 好在20分钟
一觉醒来整两个半小时以后了,估摸着都快降落了. 果不其然,前面云海下就是三藩了.
出机场买了张BART的票,直奔Westfield. 出了地铁站,哇,一步迈入秋天.
叮叮当当. 也是站在这路口,第一次看了凌晨发的帖子.
沿market一直走到底.在ferry buidling里吃了早点.烤肉巨香.吃饱了发呆,看着大厅中
悠闲看晨报,聊天,溜狗的三两人群. 那种不停奔波后突然静下来,试图体会,融入这瞬间
在城里晃到中午12点才回机场,找到了登机门附近的Tomokazu店. 三藩这家,还有成田市
内花崎町Edokkozushi Sandoh... 阅读全帖 |
y****e 发帖数: 1712 | 7 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
chooyu (卓奥友) 于 (Mon Sep 19 14:48:43 2011, 美东) 提到:
回去3星期, 折腾来折腾去. 不多说了上照片.
凌晨4点到了机场, 第一个通过安检,5点左右吃过早点后,第一个到达登机门.发现停着
一架CRJ700,登时紧张起来,如果真是这架,连手里的皮包都塞不进行李架. 好在20分钟
一觉醒来整两个半小时以后了,估摸着都快降落了. 果不其然,前面云海下就是三藩了.
出机场买了张BART的票,直奔Westfield. 出了地铁站,哇,一步迈入秋天.
叮叮当当. 也是站在这路口,第一次看了凌晨发的帖子.
沿market一直走到底.在ferry buidling里吃了早点.烤肉巨香.吃饱了发呆,看着大厅中
悠闲看晨报,聊天,溜狗的三两人群. 那种不停奔波后突然静下来,试图体会,融入这瞬间
闯入的陌生环境的感觉又来了..犹如以前在国内时随便买张火车票,常常... 阅读全帖 |
b*********z 发帖数: 1817 | 8 你说的是state capital buidling 吗?
you are very lihai. 你是MM了吧? |
f*****g 发帖数: 3086 | 9 【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
发信人: chooyu (卓奥友), 信区: Texas
标 题: 回国三星期记录(暴多照片,京沪高铁,吃喝神游)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 19 14:48:43 2011, 美东)
回去3星期, 折腾来折腾去. 不多说了上照片.
凌晨4点到了机场, 第一个通过安检,5点左右吃过早点后,第一个到达登机门.发现停着
一架CRJ700,登时紧张起来,如果真是这架,连手里的皮包都塞不进行李架. 好在20分钟
一觉醒来整两个半小时以后了,估摸着都快降落了. 果不其然,前面云海下就是三藩了.
出机场买了张BART的票,直奔Westfield. 出了地铁站,哇,一步迈入秋天.
叮叮当当. 也是站在这路口,第一次看了凌晨发的帖子.
沿market一直走到底.在ferry buidling里吃了早点.烤肉巨香.吃饱了发呆,看着大厅中
悠闲看晨报,聊天,溜狗的三两人群. 那种不停奔波后突然静下来,试图体会,融入这瞬间
闯... 阅读全帖 |
f****k 发帖数: 1231 | 10 hehe, Not yet, my next goal, no amp for it yet.
I am buidling the Beta 22 Amp, once I am done, then I will try to buy the
K1K and hope the price did not go up too much. |
d*******n 发帖数: 2078 | 11 计划生育就是控制人口,那么就是个简单的数学问题。
就像一个house住了10个人,旁边一个10层buidling 住了50个人,哪里应该控制人口?
- 澳門 573,003 28.6 20,035
- 西蘭公國(未被國際承認的微國家) 27 0.00055 49,090.9
1 摩納哥 30,539 1.95 15,661
2 新加坡 4,740,737 692.7 6,844
- 香港 7,122,5... 阅读全帖 |
w*u 发帖数: 94 | 12 Actually I did what you said "knock on doors" at the first semester. I really
knocked every door in different buidlings and asked whether they had any
position open. But our school is very weird they seldom offer hourly job for
graduate students and most of the hourly job's funds are from work-study or
federal, state which I am not qualified to get as an international student.
Finally, I got a hourly job at a physic lab as a technician and my job was to
shut the door, turn off the light for the |
v********2 发帖数: 516 | 13 你不理解。神如果出生在豪门世家,或者王室,什么都不缺什么都不少,那么他如果说
”的方式去衡量。 |
s****r 发帖数: 2386 | 14 Where is this? I remember the first night when I arrived in US in
Indianapolis, I saw a beatiful cartage in downtown, along with medieval like
buidlings in the backgroud, it looked so cool. |
s****r 发帖数: 2386 | 15 I went back for about two weeks from end of Feb to Mid March, I visited the
old campus, where I noticed that the movie theatre was replaced by a
business school buidling, where I see some EMBA classes taking pictures,
the math building is as before... I also visited the jiang an campus, which
did not exist when I went back last time ( 15 years ago), it was very large
and pretty nice. |
r****y 发帖数: 1437 | 16 The red building we used to call.
Once was the building for administrations, in 1970s.
When you and I was in USTC, that two-floor building was dorm for
young teachers and staff.
Once I visited that buidling, went to the restroom, there were a
slogan on the wall of men's room
"Do not throw condoms into toilet, avoiding the congestion of
R*******m 发帖数: 5842 | 17 希望她们一切顺利。
以大家非常小心。另外,没人敢喝酒开车。在美国有时 team buidling,大家会和点小
酒(1到2杯啤酒),然后过1个小时,就开车回家了。国内没人敢喝。 |
J***n 发帖数: 391 | 18 Please PM me in mitbbs. Thank you. |
x****n 发帖数: 4 | 19 I am looking for Ph. D. students to work in the area of machine learning and
operations research. I recently started as an assistant Professor in the
department of mechanical engineering in the National University of Singapore
. My current research interest focus on learning and decision-making in
large-scale complex systems. Specifically, I have done work in machine
learning, high-dimensional statistics (e.g., Lasso), robust and adaptable
optimization, and Markov decision processes, which has b... 阅读全帖 |
j********2 发帖数: 593 | 20 Java EE 6 has lots of fantastic features, like Ejb3, CDI, JPA etc. I spent a
lot of time buidling a website using all the new features.
you can take a look at www.java101.net.
if you are interested, I can share the source code. |
N*n 发帖数: 456 | 21 One thing I discovered is that Mg lackness could play a factor for my
depression sometime.
I suspect that muscle is a good place to store minerals like Mg and Ca.
Therefore for people buidling up muscle, they actually have a large storage of
minerals like Mg and Ca. Therefore less possible to have depression due to Mg
For person like me, it's too late to build up muscle. :PP
But at least I know the problem and take Mg rich food helps a lot.
Mg rich food include: coca(used for coca or |
a****g 发帖数: 8131 | 22 and can be used for many proportional test, chi-sq, fisher's exact, cmh, etc
probably you also need some widely used model buidling procedures
such as glm, logistic, genmod, catmod, |
a****g 发帖数: 8131 | 23 来自主题: _pennystock版 - LLEN nice call
volume is buidling up |
a********o 发帖数: 585 | 24 Why not " My Architect" By Louis Kahn 's son. Forgot his name.
"Louis Kahn is the architect of such buidling as Salk Institute of
Computational biology". |