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发帖数: 29846
The 20 Greatest Quotations From Rush Limbaugh
If you listen to liberals, you'd think that Rush Limbaugh is the de facto
boss of the entire Republican Party. So, if they're going to portray him
that way, then it seems like a good idea to give people -- who have yet to
listen to his radio show --information about his message that goes beyond
out-of-context quotations supplied by liberals who loathe him. There are
millions of Republicans, myself included, who became conservatives because
of hearing... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama: Pulling All U.S. Troops Out of Iraq Was Not ‘My Decision'
August 9, 2014 - 8:37 PM
By Terence P. Jeffrey
(CNSNews.com) - When he was running for re-election in 2012, President
Barack Obama repeatedly took credit for ending the war in Iraq and bringing
all U.S. troops home from that country. Today, at the White House, however,
when talking about his decision to use military force against the al-Qaida-
related ISIS terrorist group in Iraq, Obama said that removing all U.S.
troops from Iraq ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3813
来自主题: USANews版 - 捐了100给trump
To all trump supporter on this board, you'd better use a newbie ID to
support him, because it's very likely trump will lose like Romney. When
McCain lost, a bunch of his supporters disappeared from usanews , when
Romney lost, another bunch of his supporters disaappeRed from usanew. It is
just awkward to post anything if you find out your godfathers failed you.
发帖数: 594
Stephen Lendman – Hillary Clinton: A Deplorable Choice for President. “The
Most Dangerous of the Bunch”
Posted on January 25, 2016 by Jason in Politics
Among an array of deplorable Republican and Democrat presidential aspirants,
Clinton stands out as the most dangerous and sinister of the bunch – an
unrequited war goddess, risking nuclear confrontation if elected.
Her record in office and since leaving government shows support for imperial
lawlessness, indifference to human suffering, and addict... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 356
(I'm really sorry this is long, but I gotta get this off my chest. Thank you
for listening!)
During the primaries I voted for Bernie Sanders. My husband and I donated
money we didn't have to his campaign, and I devoted a lot of time and energy
to getting him nominated, because he gave me something I had never
experienced in politics: genui... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29853
It is! Thanks.
If I may soapbox a moment: Being HIV positive was a real big eye opener for
me. A "red pilling" experience.
Now I want you to know when I was first diagnosed I went through the stages:
denial, grief, anger, all that jazz. It was awful. The feeling of being
unclean, gross, damaged goods. Not good. Believe me.
I was definitely more liberal leaning with all of the trappings that come
with it. #muhrights. But then the Orlando shooting took place. I ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 146
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: rrbaob (游), 信区: Military
标 题: Lily Bao竞选团队的极端川粉都是whining sore losers
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 12 00:47:28 2017, 美东)
说德州有个小城市叫Plano,Plano有一伙人叫茶党,茶党找到了一个代理人叫Lily Bao
,Lily Bao就去竞选Plano的市长。市长候选人的团队里有一帮极端川粉,极端川粉鼓
What a bunch of whining sore losers!!!
在川粉的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3813
You guys are a bunch of losers. It is very clear trump and foxnews are a
bunch of racists but you guys are just color blinded. This party are all
black, just like the way of your parties, all Chinese, because white people
would not attend your Chinese parties at all. You are low life racists...

发帖数: 1
Pussy cali. Hear me out. Color blind 是好的。 反面才是种族歧视。你太烂乐。

: You guys are a bunch of losers. It is very clear trump and foxnews are

: bunch of racists but you guys are just color blinded. This party are

: black, just like the way of your parties, all Chinese, because white

: would not attend your Chinese parties at all. You are low life racists

发帖数: 1078
来自主题: Automobile版 - Inside Line的24辆垃圾名单
There's a fallacy going around that there are no more bad cars. It's a
fallacy invented by car company execs that make bad cars and the automotive
publications that accept their advertising.
But it's a bunch of bull. There are bad cars. A lot of them. Twenty-four on
the American market, according to my count. There were more, but Pontiac and
Saturn were put out of our misery.
发帖数: 4704
来自主题: Automobile版 - 2010 Honda Odyssey Touring 34290+tax,ttl
just for other honda odyssey buyers' reference
just bought the last one on the lot from desert honda las vegas, blue 2010
Honda Odyssey Touring plus some minor upgrades,34290+8.1% tax +399 doc fee,
quota from the same dealer for 2011 honda odyssey touring elite 40k+tax+399
doc fee. but need wait for half a month if no color preference.personally i
like 2010 more since more space and cheaper. I was screwed by the finance
he sold me 1650 for 7yr/100k honda care while i quota online for 1295 f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6
Most universities encourage professors to have large groups. Universities
benefits from the funding overhead. In today's environment, "doing research"
means getting money. Many "successful" professors are those who get a shit
load of money, hire a bunch of mediocre people, and publish a bunch of junk
papers. Who cares what you do, as long as you can roll in cash, you are
发帖数: 1980
来自主题: Investment版 - BDIY at 1 year low
So what economy recovery are we talking about? Just a bunch of people
changing paper on a bunch of shabby apartments in Beijing?
No one ever thinks that a rising housing price, is the most unproductive
use of capital. Therefore it hurts the long-term competitive strength of
Responding to this article:
But I don't like posting on stock board.
发帖数: 1361
来自主题: Investment版 - 请教目前状况下买bond的方法
用AGG作个例子,AGG tracks the Barclays U.S. Agg index - 5bps for expense
ratio. "你可以当AGG就是一个股票。有股息,股价也会波动。" It pays dividends/
coupons every month, which you can reinvest in the ETF itself automatically
to achieve the total return .
Behind the scene, both AGG and Agg index are just massive bond ladders, with
the Agg index consisted of about 10,000 bonds while AGG consisted of about
5000 bonds (not practical to replicate every single bonds in Agg). You
dividends come from the bond coupons, and when the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1290
来自主题: Investment版 - 请教目前状况下买bond的方法
呃, 如果把AGG看成股票的话一切都make sense. 问题是我需要bond, 或者说,我需要
感觉你说的bond fund只能长期track某一种bond的performance, 但是不能像bond一样
[在 sephiroth (SOLDIER) 的大作中提到:]
:用AGG作个例子,AGG tracks the Barclays U.S. Agg index - 5bps for expense
:ratio. "你可以当AGG就是一个股票。有股息,股价也会波动。" It pays
:coupons every month, which you can reinvest in the ETF itself automatically
to achieve the total return .
:Behind the scene, both AGG and Agg index are just massive bond ladders,
with the Agg in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1361
来自主题: Investment版 - 请教目前状况下买bond的方法
用AGG作个例子,AGG tracks the Barclays U.S. Agg index - 5bps for expense
ratio. "你可以当AGG就是一个股票。有股息,股价也会波动。" It pays dividends/
coupons every month, which you can reinvest in the ETF itself automatically
to achieve the total return .
Behind the scene, both AGG and Agg index are just massive bond ladders, with
the Agg index consisted of about 10,000 bonds while AGG consisted of about
5000 bonds (not practical to replicate every single bonds in Agg). You
dividends come from the bond coupons, and when the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1290
来自主题: Investment版 - 请教目前状况下买bond的方法
呃, 如果把AGG看成股票的话一切都make sense. 问题是我需要bond, 或者说,我需要
感觉你说的bond fund只能长期track某一种bond的performance, 但是不能像bond一样
[在 sephiroth (SOLDIER) 的大作中提到:]
:用AGG作个例子,AGG tracks the Barclays U.S. Agg index - 5bps for expense
:ratio. "你可以当AGG就是一个股票。有股息,股价也会波动。" It pays
:coupons every month, which you can reinvest in the ETF itself automatically
to achieve the total return .
:Behind the scene, both AGG and Agg index are just massive bond ladders,
with the Agg in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 128
来自主题: JobHunting版 - equity research in healthcare
Post this in Quant but didn't get any help. Hope someone can share some
Thanks a bunch!
have been doing consulting in healthcare in US for about 3 years, and am
thinking of shifting to finance, hopefully still in healthcare field.
i guess equity research is the best enterring point to finance for me: i m
more quant than normal consultants, but am not quant enough compared with
other financial modelor with PhD in math/statistics/physics...
could anyone please share some thoughts/exp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21240
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Got a 4? You Were Just Fired from Microsoft
The way Microsoft’s review system works, a whole bunch of Microsoft
employees just got their annual performance reviews. The September 15
paystub will reflect their new “numbers”. If they got a merit increase
the paystub will show it. If they got a bonus, it will show up there too.
This post is for those Microsoft employees who are not happy with their
That September 15 date is what motivates managers to finally get busy
delivering the bad news to employees who didn’t fare so well in s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2593
This is BS from 国内汉奸妓者
A commonly misunderstood area is entrepreneurship, where Indians always
claim Microsoft is made by Indians(LOL) to show Indians are better
entrepreneurs. The fact is there are far more Chinese founded companies on
NASDAQ than Indian founded companies -- by a large margin, 5 to 1. In the
fabless ASIC companies, Marvell, Nvidia, Atheros, Omnivision, Mediatek,
RealTek, Sigma, Spectrum, are all founded by Chinese, and they represent the
largest fabless companies in the world e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8441
Why not recruit in China? Bunches and bunches of programmers in China now,
and much younger and more talented!

发帖数: 3374
Here has some more info:
Often the specific activities that people report are associated with new
cards, with a lot of spend, or spend out of pattern. Some examples of what
some people think have triggered reviews include international spending and
purchases of precious metals, using up most of your credit limit, frequently
pre-paying your account in order to get more access to credit, taking large
cash advances, buying a bunch of Amex gift cards, adding a bunch of
authorized users to your accou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3374
Here has some more info:
Often the specific activities that people report are associated with new
cards, with a lot of spend, or spend out of pattern. Some examples of what
some people think have triggered reviews include international spending and
purchases of precious metals, using up most of your credit limit, frequently
pre-paying your account in order to get more access to credit, taking large
cash advances, buying a bunch of Amex gift cards, adding a bunch of
authorized users to your accou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 173
心里难过,寻个地儿博点儿同情,whine一下可以理解吧,isn't it?They are a
bunch of strangers, but in this forum, they also are a bunch of nice and
warm-hearted moms.

发帖数: 5112
Lunch Bunch活动(刚明白,上次去的不是story time,是 Lunch Bunch,所以才是中午
发帖数: 485
来自主题: Parenting版 - Top Ten Sports Parenting Myths(zz) (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Axel 俱乐部 】
发信人: zamboni (师爷), 信区: Axel
标 题: Top Ten Sports Parenting Myths(zz)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 11 11:59:58 2012, 美东)
Top Ten Sports Parenting Myths by Rick Wolff
Rick Wolff is the Chairman of the Center for Sports Parenting.
One of the constant concerns about trying to raise a youngster in sports
these days is that there is so much misinformation and misleading advice
that parents often don’t know w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9932
来自主题: Parenting版 - discrimination in school
I started to get worried about discrimination of Chinese children in school.
My 6 year old felt terrible when bullies in school and summer camp started
to use derogatory terms to call him because he is a Chinese. Do your
children have the same problem?
I think this is a very hard problem to address. Individually I try to talk
about the Chinese heritage to my son and help son develop a stronger sense
of belonging. At the same time, we need to change the overall culture that
is hostile to us.
I us... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 810
来自主题: PennySaver版 - 本周CVS和Rite aid几个deals (1/17-1/23)
CVS (1/17-1/23):
Buy (4) Irish Spring Body Wash 15oz - 2/$7
total = $14
Use (4) $1/1 Irish Spring Body Wash printable
Pay $10, get $6 ECB for buying $12
Final price: $1 each
Buy (3) American Greeting Cards - $0.99
Pay $2.97, get $3 ECB for buying 3 (limit 1)
Final price: Free
Nuper-Cainal Ointment 2 oz - $11.99
Use $10/1 Nuper-Cainal Ointment printable
Pay $1.99, get $5 ECB (limit 3, monthly deal)
Final Price: $3.01 money maker
Buy (3) Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment (3 oz) - $7.99
total= $... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 810
来自主题: PennySaver版 - 本周CVS 和Rite Aid几个deals (3/6-3/12)
CVS (3/6-3/12):
Buy (3) Huggies Jumbo Pack Diapers -$9.99
total = $29.97

Use (3) $2/1 Huggies Diapers printable

Pay $22.47, get $10 ECB for buying $30
Final Price: $4.67 each
Buy (2) Purex 43.5 – 50oz - $1.99
Use $1/2 Purex® Liquid or PowerShot Detergents 30oz+ printable
Final price: $1.49 Each
Colgate Total 4-4.2oz toothpaste - $2.99
Use $1/1 Colgate Total, Optic White, Enamel Health or Sensitive SmartWhite
Toothpaste (3 oz or larger) printable

Pay $1.99, get $1 ECB (... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5016
来自主题: StartUp版 - 大家是如何找货代的?
1:Post on fobshanghai.com or ask APEX or any freightforwarders
said you have a load from Dalian to Houston US, 11-12CBM, need price quote
2: Compare price and chose the one you are comfortable with
Usually if quote seperate DDC from ocean freght or list a bunch
of xxxUSD/CBM which confuse you, you could tell the freight forwarder
go eat shit and die
a good quote usually should like below:
Ocean freight xxxUSD/CBM
Doc fee: 45-65USD/CBM
Customer Clearance: 65-75USD/shipment
Duty at cos... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18523
来自主题: Stock版 - BET? AMR will be up a lot very soon.
by the way, the MMs manipulating AMR is a bunch of pussy!@@@
UAUA, contrarily, are bunch of dicks... you can see the difference.
发帖数: 1410
来自主题: Stock版 - 还被中概玩呢?
Next time buy when ppl call SHORT.
As a matter of fact, you should never be credulous,especially when they
provide no information just HAN. That's just recreation for GUBAN
black black heart, bunch bunch of money~
发帖数: 11265
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Closingbell (我一刀斩到你桃花开), 信区: Military
标 题: 黑哥们从昏迷中醒来,看见自己的脸书会不会又晕过去了?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 1 19:09:10 2013, 美东)
Chuck St You said "...was run over like an animal..". I call that SELF
DEFENSE. When you have a SWARM of 20-30 PEOPLE coming down at you with
malicious intent and you have a wife AND a 2 YEARS OLD TODDLER with you, you
think you'll just stick around?24 minutes ago · Like · 5..
Karen Davenport they had it just now on local news here in ga24 minutes ago... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 78
来自主题: Stock版 - 求解释Add/Remove Liquidation
You must have seen Market Depth? It shows you a market book with a bunch of
orders on the bid side and another bunch on the ask side. Just think those
orders sitting there as "liquidity". If you send a buy order with price >=
current best ask, your order will fill immediately with orders sitting on
best ask (maybe above) and remove some passive shares or orders from the
market. Then you are removing liquidity. In another case, if you send your
buy order at or below current best bid, no existing ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4704
Remarks by the President on Border Security and Immigration Reform
2014-07-01 13:59:25.565 GMT
June 30, 2014 (Federal Information & News Dispatch)
Rose Garden
3:04 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. One year ago
this month, senators of both parties --- with support from the
business, labor, law enforcement, faith communities --- came
together to pass a commonsense immigration bill.
Independent experts said that bill would strengthen our
borders, grow our economy, shrin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
来自主题: Connecticut版 - 耶鲁大学图书馆(1)
You just know it?
I have borrowed bunches and bunches of Chinese Story books home, and reading
them with Wang2 fei1's CD is my favorite things here.
third floor, book stacks is where you can find all the things there.
Last time, when I went out with apile of novels I bought, the warm grandpa
who is in the exit smils at me saying, wuwuw''' hard-working bookworm. ^v^
发帖数: 40
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: MeiMeiCA (MeiMeiCA), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: 夏乐柏参议员发表声明要求Bob Beckel道歉
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 14 16:55:53 2014, 美东)
Time for an Apology, Bob Beckel
by Senator Bob Huff
Bob Beckel, of Fox News, messed with the wrong folks when he recently, on
the air, referred to Chinese as “Chinamen” and spewed a bunch of negative
comments related to Chinese. Here’s what he said:
“…Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.
S. …Do you know what we ju... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15479
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Closingbell (我一刀斩到你桃花开), 信区: Military
标 题: 黑哥们从昏迷中醒来,看见自己的脸书会不会又晕过去了?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 1 19:09:10 2013, 美东)
Chuck St You said "...was run over like an animal..". I call that SELF
DEFENSE. When you have a SWARM of 20-30 PEOPLE coming down at you with
malicious intent and you have a wife AND a 2 YEARS OLD TODDLER with you, you
think you'll just stick around?24 minutes ago · Like · 5..
Karen Davenport they had it just now on local news here in ga24 minutes ago... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6632
Those who use 马甲s are a bunch of loser who dare not to show their real
face to the people.
Hiding behind the screen is not enough for them to feel safe.
What a bunch of coward freaks.
发帖数: 18319
【2月16日 星期一】
●喜马拉雅佛教艺术系列展Mirror of the Buddha Early Portraits from Tibet
时间: 1pm
地点: 鲁宾博物馆 (Rubin Museum of Art)
●伦勃朗的世界:荷兰绘画展Rembrandt's World: Dutch Drawings from the Clement
C. Moore Collection
地点:The Morgan Lib... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10425
来自主题: NewYork版 - i am a fucking wai F
a bunch of WSNs... can only curse out black ppl online, call black ppl names
online. u can't even hold a fucking small toe to those NBA players. they
can get elbowed up in their ass, they still make more money than u, fucks
hotter and many more women than u, and yes, dont quiver at words like fuck
shit dick...
a bunch of losers online
发帖数: 40
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: MeiMeiCA (MeiMeiCA), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: 夏乐柏参议员发表声明要求Bob Beckel道歉
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 14 16:55:53 2014, 美东)
Time for an Apology, Bob Beckel
by Senator Bob Huff
Bob Beckel, of Fox News, messed with the wrong folks when he recently, on
the air, referred to Chinese as “Chinamen” and spewed a bunch of negative
comments related to Chinese. Here’s what he said:
“…Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.
S. …Do you know what we ju... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 106
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 我的口号集,今天常用的
Dalai liar
Go Go China, Go Go Beijing, Go Go Olympics
Liar Liar Liar
Stop lying
One China
Go Olympics, No Politics
Free California (when they said free tibet)
Go back to Europe(when bunch of white trash back up ZD)
Olympics is a bridge to friendship, not a playgroud for politics
Tibet is free, No slavery ( when they said free tibet)
how much tehy pay you
Go US, Go california, (when there are bunch of 中立 guys)
中文的刚开始用,后来发现衙门听不懂, 正能撞自己声势, 后全部改被英文
发帖数: 6923
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 发现个买青菜的好地方
no,depend on which one you go the one in fremont is very cheap, for example
a bunch of vegi 1 dolloar, 3 bunch of 长豇豆, dollars. I never spend more
than 20 for 3 adults family per week.
发帖数: 40
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: MeiMeiCA (MeiMeiCA), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: 夏乐柏参议员发表声明要求Bob Beckel道歉
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 14 16:55:53 2014, 美东)
Time for an Apology, Bob Beckel
by Senator Bob Huff
Bob Beckel, of Fox News, messed with the wrong folks when he recently, on
the air, referred to Chinese as “Chinamen” and spewed a bunch of negative
comments related to Chinese. Here’s what he said:
“…Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.
S. …Do you know what we ju... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 310
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 州参议院少数党领袖Bob Huff发表声明
Time for an Apology, Bob Beckel
by Senator Bob Huff
http://www.chineseamerican.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/bobhuff.pdf" target="_blank">Download PDF file
Bob Beckel, of Fox News, messed with the wrong folks when he recently, on
the air, referred to Chinese as “Chinamen” and spewed a bunch of negative
comments related to Chinese. Here’s what he said:
“…Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.
S. …Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 261
To be fair, the book he read probably talks about self-promotion in a
broader sense - market your work, market yourself to your boss, to the
company, to the industry, etc. Cold calling could play a role, but only as
a small part of a total self-marketing strategy. But to make you cold call
all these companies and think that's the most effective way to go about job
searching, that's something else.
I also seem to recall that he felt he couldn't break the glass ceiling at
current company and tho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21240
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: peking2 (myfacebook), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Got a 4? You Were Just Fired from Microsoft
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 2 11:33:06 2012, 美东)
The way Microsoft’s review system works, a whole bunch of Microsoft
employees just got their annual performance reviews. The September 15
paystub will reflect their new “numbers”. If they got a merit increase
the paystub will show it. If they got a bonus, it will show up there too.
This post is for those Microsoft employees who are... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 53
来自主题: Seattle版 - 似乎裁员大多为SDET
From mini:
Anonymous said...
Here's the full set of things I know for OSG (I'm in the org):
- The cuts in OSG were mostly test (Not remote workers) and mostly ICs.
- The cuts in OSG were mostly about meeting the ratio (2:1 dev to test).
This is why it was testers cut. There have been no words yet about strict
dev to PM ratios.
- The cuts in OSG were not based on performance reviews, but some
combination of performance reviews, current compensation (We don't wanna
keep high paid people not earnin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 46
休斯敦华裔联盟 www.hcaus.org
--------------- 休斯敦华裔联盟公开信 (7/15/2014) ---------------------------
七月十号,福克斯新闻(Fox News)主持人鲍勃•贝克尔(Bob Beckel)在没有
任何证据的情况下,公然在节目中,以种族蔑称(racial slur),声言“我们教一群
xxx(种族蔑称),哦,中国人,教他们如何使用电脑,他们回到中国,就黑客我们 。
。(“...We teach a bunch of Chinamen, uh, Chinese people, how to do
computers. They go back to China and they hack back into us...” )
员刘云平(Ted Lieu)呼吁贝... 阅读全帖
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