

全部话题 - 话题: caressing
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发帖数: 4847
来自主题: Heart版 - Dramatize
A movement of Catherine's relieved me a little presently: she put up her
hand to clasp his neck, and bring her cheek to his as he held her; while he,
in return, covering her with frantic caresses, said wildly -
'You teach me now how cruel you've been - cruel and false. WHY did you
despise me? WHY did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of
comfort. You deserve this. You have killed yourself. Yes, you may kiss me,
and cry; and wring out my kisses and tears: they'll blight you - t
发帖数: 469
今天,就让我们一起行动,赶走心头的乌云,让阳光绽放光芒~ *^_^*
1.Base coat poslish: 大家可以根据需要和喜好选择
2.Essie (H210): A lot of Shekels 裸色指甲油
3.NYC(102A): 混合闪色指透明甲油 (标签不见了,抱歉,所以无法告诉大家确切的
4.Jade Nail Lacque (G11): Asteroid Caress 紫红闪色指甲油
5.OPI (HL C13): Divine Swine 紫红闪色亮片指甲油
7.Top coat polish: 大家根据需要和喜好选择
发帖数: 1604
来自主题: Heart版 - Sometimes when it rains
I want to stop working , run out and be caressed by Nature.
发帖数: 59
【 以下文字转载自 Sex 讨论区 】
发信人: caress (轻轻爱抚), 信区: Sex
标 题: 昨天在酒吧 差点让黑妞上了。偷鸡不成蚀把米啊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 13 14:37:41 2011, 美东)
酒吧迪厅那种 我们这最大的nightclub 情人节主题
凌晨四点半的时候 人挤人的迪厅里面散了一半的人 找了个没人坐的大沙发那歇会儿
不一会儿我注意到侧面沙发那有人看我 借着壁炉的火光看到是个黑妞 腿挺粗 穿着大
网袜 黑dress 脸型比较瘦 很野性的那种性感 嘴唇超厚 我手里刚好拿着一瓶解酒的水
借着酒意我示意她过来喝口水 过来之后就什么都开始了 嘴里一股子烟味儿 肥硕的舌
头伸出来 舔我嘴 舔耳朵 真软的嘴唇和舌头 我也将就地配合着 不过实在忍不了那股
烟臭味儿 缠绵了一会儿 她竟然跨坐在我身上了 用阴部摩挲我那里 最过火的是 她竟
然解开了我的腰带 把手伸进去又是一阵摩挲 还告我你不用做任何事儿 都我来 摸了她
的全身 瓷实啊 周围有一个她的朋友也... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 210
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: RichPerson (我爱中科大~ 赚钱专业户~), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 昨天在酒吧 差点让黑妞上了。偷鸡不成蚀把米啊 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 13 17:07:16 2011, 美东)
发信人: caress (轻轻爱抚), 信区: Sex
标 题: 昨天在酒吧 差点让黑妞上了。偷鸡不成蚀把米啊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 13 14:37:41 2011, 美东)
酒吧迪厅那种 我们这最大的nightclub 情人节主题
凌晨四点半的时候 人挤人的迪厅里面散了一半的人 找了个没人坐的大沙发那歇会儿
不一会儿我注意到侧面沙发那有人看我 借着壁炉的火光看到是个黑妞 腿挺粗 穿着大
网袜 黑dress 脸型比较瘦 很野性的那种性感 嘴唇超厚 我手里刚好拿着一瓶解酒的水
借着酒意我示意她过来喝口水 过来之后就什么都开始了 嘴里一股子烟味儿 肥硕的舌
头伸出来 舔... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 34403
来自主题: Joke版 - 问个严肃问题,非笑话
1. No one can prepare you for a loss; it comes like a swift wind. But take
comfort in knowing that he/she is now resting in the arms of our Lord. Our/
My deepest condolences to you and your family.
2. When we lose a loved one here on earth, we gain an angel in heaven that
watches over us. May you take comfort in knowing that you have an angel to
watch over you now. We/I extend our/my most sincere condolences to you.
3. I/We am/are deeply saddened by the loss of your (insert re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2247
涨知识了,you are right.
It is illegal to have sexual contact, which can include touching or
caressing, with a minor. There is an exception which generally allows
parties who are both still in high school, AND the age difference between
them is less than 1 year (365 days). Thus, a 18 year old senior male, in
high school, with a Birthday of say April 1st could date a 17 year old
Junior female also in high sch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 677
来自主题: LES版 - 科普同女sex下篇
Sierra's hands clench tight. She feels thirsty. She wants to cry out but
there's something stuck in her throat. Her legs clasp around Olivia's
thigh. She is excited.
Olivia switches to Sierra's right breast. She licks what's left of the
cream while caressing Sierra's left breast with her palm. She
accelerates her movement bit by bit and adds more pressure at the same
time. Sierra is aroused. Her nipples harden. They turn into hot reddish
color and point up like two proud soldiers standing on top
发帖数: 677
It was early summer. My affair with Sophie had been going on for three
months. We decided to celebrate with a field trip. We found a quiet
place. I lay my head on Sophie's shoulder, my arms around her waist. The
sunlight shone on my face, warm and gentle. She caressed my hair, loving
and caring. We sat there for hours.
“Do you still love her?” suddenly I asked. Sophie had made me promise to
never ask about Ellen. I had given her my word but I felt an urge to
“I sup
发帖数: 715
来自主题: LES版 - 女同也看色情文学吗?
我是直男 学英文的时候不小心看到这个 就发这做贡献了 大家看看写的真不真实
'Yuri ah, I'm bored.' Jessica complained as she lied on the couch waiting
for Junsu to come.
'Well, I'm bored, too. Junsu better pay us for doing this to us.' Yuri
complained as well, but she approached Jessica who had her eyes closed. 'But
we can have little fun before they come.'
'How?' Jessica asked knowing the answer already.
'Like this.' Yuri's lip smashed Jessica's. Then she naturally got on top of
Jessica. Caressing Jessica's stomach, Yuri went down h
发帖数: 65
来自主题: LES版 - What I Miss About You
The sharing of secrets we thought no one else knew,
That's what I miss about you.
The knowing way you used to caress me,
That's what I miss about you.
发帖数: 65
来自主题: LES版 - What I Miss About You
The sharing of secrets we thought no one else knew,
That's what I miss about you.
The knowing way you used to caress me,
That's what I miss about you.
发帖数: 4847
来自主题: Love版 - Dramatize
A movement of Catherine's relieved me a little presently: she put up her
hand to clasp his neck, and bring her cheek to his as he held her; while he,
in return, covering her with frantic caresses, said wildly -
'You teach me now how cruel you've been - cruel and false. WHY did you
despise me? WHY did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of
comfort. You deserve this. You have killed yourself. Yes, you may kiss me,
and cry; and wring out my kisses and tears: they'll blight you - t
发帖数: 15001
来自主题: Love版 - 求助,有没有好的解决方法
sweet talk...
kiss..and caress ...
love... care...
and intimacy....
发帖数: 12393
来自主题: man版 - 写一个英语打油诗
To Miny
Spring Bee
Spring flowers say that you are beautiful today,
You say that beauties died quick and always stray.
Spring flowers wonders why so said,
You answered nothing but with tearful eyed.
Spring breeze touches your skin,
warms your heart and softens you within.
Spring creek caresses your lips,
lightens your mood and cures your pains.
Being a happy bee you are mini and strong
Life may have storm but you did nothing wrong
Being a happy bee you are red in marvel
Life may have wind but yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 62
来自主题: MiddleSchool版 - 情书一封
We are miles away, worlds apart, yet we can feel our breath together. Once
you said, after all these years, you thought you had forgotten the tender
touch of a girl's fingernail. Not anymore – for this time I'll be at your
side, touching you, caressing you, kissing you to ecstasy. Nor should you
feel alone because only the bodies, not the minds, were intertwined together
. This time, your beautiful eyes have pierced the deepest part of my heart.
You give me love, something that I lost a long
发帖数: 4509
来自主题: pets版 - 请大家保佑这只猫
bless. i lived in sweden for a couple of years. i used to live like 2.5 km
away from my lab and i had no car so i had to walk from my apt to the lab
everyday. and for like more than a year, almost everyday, i could see a cute
gray tabby (white paws,i called her mao xiao mi) in the front yard of an
old man's house, sitting on the porch. when i saw her, i would stop and call
her, she'd come down and let me caress her(she wouldn't let my college do
that to her though, so i guess she liked me), she
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