v***y 发帖数: 7583 | 2 我查过,正常现象,叫做carpal tunnel syndrome
除了维生素,我还要额外吃钙片和铁片 |
L*******n 发帖数: 60 | 3 哎呦,原来大家都有这个症状,我昨天去医院看了,也被说是carpal tunnel 综合症。
但是我宝宝还没生,现在才34周,以后会不会加重啊?怕怕 |
s*******6 发帖数: 463 | 4 carpal tunnel 综合症和腱鞘炎不是一回事,治疗方法也不大同,大家别搞混了呀。 |
W*******g 发帖数: 1273 | 5 it's carpal tunnel syndrome. go get physical therapy :) |
w******0 发帖数: 4472 | 6 我得过CARPAL TUNNEL,不知道你这个是不是一样的事情,就是大拇指根部,
在手腕附近,剧痛,俩手都是。 查了资料说是一般孩子1岁以内会好转。
走路了,抱得少了,会不会自己好?如果做手术,手术之后继续带孩子,会复发吗? |
v***y 发帖数: 7583 | 7 very normal, it's called carpal tunnel syndrome |
j*****r 发帖数: 321 | 8 Carpal tunnel syndrome, 一般要生完才好
太严重的话要做手术。下次看OB的时候问一下。 |
j*****g 发帖数: 7513 | 9 很正常,Carpal tunnel syndrome |
m****u 发帖数: 48 | 10 关于这问题,我询问过babiesrus and buybuybaby 的无数个售货员,答案都是"peg
perego 的stroller只能用同厂牌的car seat"
后来carpal tunnel syndrome实在厉害,我又买了baby trend universal frame来用,
比较轻。 不过估计用不了多久,因为孩子已经不愿意长时间待在篮子了,如果逛商场
他比较乐意直接躺车里。 孩子两个半月大。
所以我建议是,除非你买的篮子架子车很便宜,或者跟我一样不够强壮,否则直接买一套算了,省得麻烦。 但首先得考虑的是孩子偏大或小,因为peg perego篮子比较小。 |
v******i 发帖数: 2228 | 11 著名的Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,因为血流增加在腕骨处压迫神经
我的OB给我开了一个专门在睡觉时控制手腕弯曲的套,目前并没有很管用 |
v******i 发帖数: 2228 | 12 手就是早上肿,我倒6个月的时候早上起来的10多分钟,手根本动不了
这个是carpal tunnel syndrome,就是到怀孕中后期才开始的
生了一个月之后才完全好了 |
w******y 发帖数: 4871 | 13 晚上睡觉压的?
carpal tunnel syndrome?
颈椎有问题(less likely)? |
m*****o 发帖数: 572 | 14 真希望是压得,但是睡姿没变,被子也还是那一个。虽然症状像压的。
看了carpal tunnel syndrome的症状,好像也不是。那个的症状是usually start
gradually, with frequent burning, tingling, or itching numbness in the palm
of the hand and the fingers, especially the thumb and the index and middle
fingers. 而我的手没有过burning, tingling, or itching
看来不小心得了疑难杂症阿 |
v******i 发帖数: 2228 | 15 跟坐月子没半点关系
carpal tunnel syndrome,体内fluid增加造成的
比较大而已 |
i****l 发帖数: 149 | 16 我的OB说是“CARPAL TUNNEL SRNDROME”,建议"wear a wrist splint at night",我
带了几晚,有效果但不显著。后来停电脑一周效果显著。 |
V*********r 发帖数: 14 | 17 我现在34周,从33周起开始有手指关节肿胀,尤其晚上厉害。昨天google了pregancy
stiff hands,发现这是孕期很普遍的反映,很多孕妇都有,是暂时的carpal tunnel
syndrome,一般生完小孩后会逐渐消失,没什么大不了的。 |
x*********a 发帖数: 366 | 18 怀孕的后期晚期会有手指关节痛,那个是正常,荷尔蒙的原因,
生完了之后右手的INDEX FINGER一直弯曲有问题,就是怪怪的那种感觉,不能很快的弯
记得当时IV是扎左手。现在的症状主要在右手INDEX FINGER,这样导致右手很WEAK,干
活抱孩子拧盖子都没有力气都那种感觉,本来右手是我的STRONG HAND,所以很郁闷。
看说是carpal tunnel syndrome可能比较多,但感觉又不是,静脉炎也不应该是,CLOT
也不应该是,之前和PCP 谈过,她说可能是NERVE DAMAGE,如果是那样恢复会比较长,
次去都要等一个多小时。。。 |
f*****4 发帖数: 1775 | 19 抱娃专心点呀,最好二个手,万一有个闪着了怎么办。
去看看hand and wrist专家吧。让他们检查一下,给你开个对症 点的护托什么的,别
最后发展成了carpal tunnel syndrom。
查了一下教了我个手法。现在我是能少干活就少干活,尽量让手休息。 |
f*****4 发帖数: 1775 | 20 抱娃专心点呀,最好二个手,万一有个闪着了怎么办。
去看看hand and wrist专家吧。让他们检查一下,给你开个对症 点的护托什么的,别
最后发展成了carpal tunnel syndrom。
查了一下教了我个手法。现在我是能少干活就少干活,尽量让手休息。 |
W****y 发帖数: 772 | 21 不是妈妈手!
你手腕的隆起是腱鞘囊肿, 一般不太影响生活但也没什么很好的治疗方法,可以考虑
五个手指尖都麻木是腕管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome)压迫正中神经和尺神经的表
现,尽快去看看医生吧,不要让它进一步发展!!! |
t**o 发帖数: 1858 | 22 你别说程序员也容易有职业病,carpal tunnel syndrome,似乎有些弹琴的也有这个。 |
c*****a 发帖数: 1577 | 23 maybe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
caused |
y*********c 发帖数: 1014 | 24 Try OTC NSAIDS such as ibuprofen for the pain first before going to doc.
They will most likely to prescribe you a stronger strength of NSAIDs to take
. Do you use computer a lot? Do you have numbness of your hand? If yes, you
may have carpal tunnel syndrome. Otherweise, just take NSAIDs if you don't
have cardiac disease. You would be fine. |
M****a 发帖数: 11261 | 25 激素作用吧,有人说是腱鞘炎,有人说是carpal tunnel syndrom,激素水平正常以后
娃 |
c*******y 发帖数: 1198 | 26 Examples of Eligible Expenses:
• Abortion
• Acne treatment
• Acupuncture
• Adoption (pre-adoption
medical expenses)
• Air conditioner/purifier (if to
treat medical condition)
• Alcoholism treatment
• Allergy medications
• Alternative medicine (if to
treat specific medical
• Ambulance
• Analgesics
• Antacid
• Antibiotics
• Antihistamine
• Anti-itch creams
• Arthritis gloves
• Artificial limb... 阅读全帖 |
p*****o 发帖数: 348 | 28 最近右手手腕很疼,
查了一下,可能是腕管综合症(Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
http://www.betterbraces.com/ |
O****e 发帖数: 3290 | 29 You don't have to be a great cyclist to spark that little inspiration.
Thought this is something worth to share:
There's probably a cyclical element to the up and down nature of bicycle
racing. A bad economy doesn't help. I have on occasion asked myself why it's
important to renew my membership every year even though my last bicycle
race was the Tour DeLowell. (Or maybe the Apple blossom in Littleton). I
basically fall into the category it's money well spent, it's for a good
c... 阅读全帖 |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 30 这个50磅到头了,Captains of Crush (CoC)原来是140磅才刚开始,现在有磅数
造成的,比如打字多了会carpal tunnel。
习一开始的warm up。
哦,顺便说一句,握力训练我也是刚开始(几个星期),主要是受了Bob Vogel的启发,
Strength/dp/B000NJHD1W/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332350554&sr=8-1-spell |
P****D 发帖数: 11146 | 31 Resistance Band Exercises at the Office
Sep 8, 2011 | By Crystal Welch
Resistance bands provide a convenient and low-cost way to strengthen and
stretch your muscles throughout the day. You can store the bands in your
desk drawer or cabinet for easy access. Taking fitness breaks throughout the
day can relieve muscle tension and reduce injury risk. Consult your doctor
before starting any new exercise program.
Resistance-band curls help strengthen and stretch your arm muscles. Work on
strength... 阅读全帖 |
g*2 发帖数: 658 | 32 这个要慎入。有问题,查个关键词,看看。
Hip injuries
Overview and approach — Hip injuries are less common in runners than
injuries to the lower extremity and they can be difficult to diagnose.
Nevertheless, during jogging, the hip joint is subjected to loads up to
eight times body weight and both acute and chronic injuries can occur [55].
In runners, the differential diagnosis of hip pain includes gluteus medius
tendinopathy, piriformis syndrome, stress fracture of the femoral neck,
labral tear, a... 阅读全帖 |
l******n 发帖数: 520 | 33 it's probably carpal tunnel syndrome |
C********N 发帖数: 1263 | 34 Thanks, I guess I have some of the minor Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
because I can feel tingling sometimes. I will keep an eye on this and see
what the real reason is. Maybe a couple of days rest can relieve the pain in
my hand wrist. Today I am feeling a lot more better now, I will go to
playing tennis this afternoon and see if I can still feel the pain. |
L**********s 发帖数: 12988 | 35 01. Downward Facing Dog Pose: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana (AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
adho = downward
mukha = face
svana = dog
- Elongates and releases tension from your spine
- Stretches your hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
- Strengthens your arms, shoulders, and back
- Improves mobility of your digestive system
- Relieves back pain, headaches, insomnia and fatigue
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
- Downward-Facing Dog is a ... 阅读全帖 |
L**********s 发帖数: 12988 | 36 01. Downward Facing Dog Pose: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana (AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
adho = downward
mukha = face
svana = dog
- Elongates and releases tension from your spine
- Stretches your hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
- Strengthens your arms, shoulders, and back
- Improves mobility of your digestive system
- Relieves back pain, headaches, insomnia and fatigue
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
- Downward-Facing Dog is a ... 阅读全帖 |
t***y 发帖数: 182 | 37 (我第一次尝试翻译,欢迎指正)
******** 正文
有点不安,你的朋友家人也会这么觉得。有些事... 阅读全帖 |
m******r 发帖数: 1097 | 38 如果不是因为外伤,听起来像是 carpal tunnel syndrome, 神经被压迫典型症状
《Pain Free - a revolutionary method for stopping chronic pain》by Pete
Egoscue. 前一阵其他版有人推荐的。 |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 39 搞一个舒服的键盘Wristpad就可以了,鼠标板也用有好的Wristpad的那种,贵一点,但
是舒服,避免Carpal Tunnel还是很值得的。 |
m****i 发帖数: 1076 | 40 Lesson: 9
Title: Right hand Left hand technique - cont.
Level: Beginner
Style: Technique
Instructor: Tim Fullerton
This is part two in a series of how to develop good right and left
technique for pick-style guitar.
*****THE LESSON****
PART II -- left hand position
This series is the approach that I use to teach pick-style
technique to all of my students. For best results, take these
articles to an educated and experienced teacher who is stylistically
broad based and who is acquainted with t... 阅读全帖 |
x****u 发帖数: 44466 | 43 你这就是无理取闹了,和茅台酒厂的人说喝酒保肝一样。
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) has been listed since 2003 in the European
Union’s list of occupational diseases. In 2001, it took sixth place in
frequency among all occupational diseases recognized in the European Union.
It was not listed as an occupational disease in Germany until July 2009,
when the medical expert advisory panel of the German Federal Ministry of
Labour and Social Affairs issued an evaluative paper sup... 阅读全帖 |
x****u 发帖数: 44466 | 44 Box 1
Risk factors
Repetitive manual tasks with flexion and extension of the hand at the wrist,
Forceful gripping with the hand, and/or
Hand-arm vibration, e.g., from use of hand-held machinery such as power saws
and stone drillers, that leads to an increase in volume, and thus to raised
pressure, in the carpal tunnel.
Those at risk include workers on conveyor belts, meat packers, poultry
workers, gardeners, musicians, farmers, mechanics, factory workers,
construction workers, forestry wo... 阅读全帖 |
a***c 发帖数: 2443 | 46 最近workout有點過猛, 手腕有點dull pain, 拉了兩天感覺好多了.
想到很多ws的同胞還生活在水深火熱當中, 要長期櫓管解決需要, 萬一手痛影響了學習或工作就不
好, 特意分享一下. 對tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome均有舒緩效果 |
x********u 发帖数: 15396 | 47 haha.我瞎说的..应该叫carpal pad. |
e*********e 发帖数: 2013 | 49 好了,找到了这个:
The parts of a cat's foot. A is the carpal pad. B is the dewclaw, also
called the "killer claw" because they use it to grasp prey. C is the heel
pad or metacarpal pad. The toes are not labeled in this photo. The toes are
called the digital pads because they are the cat's digits, just like our
human fingers are our digits. There are five toes on the front foot,
including the dewclaw. However, only four usually show up in the tracks.
Thanks to Bones for letting me photograph her foot.
Fa... 阅读全帖 |
r*****a 发帖数: 27155 | 50 后脚的在这里,前脚的在carpal pad再往上一点点,那个我昨天早上才发现,比后脚这
上么 |