

全部话题 - 话题: cautious
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发帖数: 38600
Global stocks rally splutters as trade talks, data disappoint
LONDON (Reuters) - A four-day rally in world stocks ran out of steam on
Thursday and the dollar touched a near three-month low as mixed signals from
U.S.-China trade talks and caution at the Federal Reserve applied the
China said the three days of talks in Beijing had established a "foundation"
to resolve differences, but gave virtually no d... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
CRISPR babies: the Chinese government may have known more than it let on
When scientist He Jiankui announced he’d conducted an experiment that led
to the birth of twin girls with CRISPR-edited genomes in November, the
international scientific community swiftly condemned him. In the uproar that
followed, the Chinese government, He’s university, and the hospital where
the babies were born distanced themselves from the researcher, who claimed
he was the first scientist known to use CRISPR to edit h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5093
来自主题: Military版 - dow指又崩了?今天是为啥?
Dow down 450 points on Chinese, and German economic data and as U.S. yield
curve inverts
Read full story
YMU19 -1.77% ESU19 -1.77% NQU19 -1.87%
The S&P 500 needs to drop even further to cool investor mania, warns RBC
Small-cap stocks are badly lagging the S&P 500 — is that a warning sign?
How bear markets attack your mind as well as your money
Five U.S. stocks deemed vulnerable to activist attacks
Read full story
The yield curve inverted, and that means stocks are living on ‘borrowed
BX:... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6862
An easing in trade tensions, a bottoming-out of global manufacturing
activity and the continuation of cautious policy support will aid the
stabilization in China’s economy next year, according to Goldman Sachs
Group Inc.
T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 810
“people said Liu said"
弹劾老川的证据 “x heard y said z said”

发帖数: 1
巨巨下总统令 股市不能跌

★ 发自iPhone App: ChinaWeb 1.1.5
发帖数: 4796
‘Made In China’ Tariffs Rising December 15 Might Be Bankable
The market has no real idea as to whether or not President Trump will hike
tariffs on more than $150 billion worth of goods, including consumer goods,
on December 15. But it’s best to hedge as if he will.
Every Asian trading desk was in sell mode on Tuesday after Commerce
Secretary Wilbur Ross said the December 15ta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4637
The new coronavirus might have infected at least 500,000 people in Wuhan,
the Chinese city at the epicenter of the global outbreak, by the time it
peaks in coming weeks.
The typically bustling megacity, where the so-called 2019-nCoV virus emerged
late last year, has been in lockdown since Jan. 23, restricting the
movement of 11 million people. Recent trends in reported cases in Wuh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2599
来自主题: Military版 - Link your words to action items
It is a good habit to be cautious to US governments' silliness.
However, if you do not link your words to action items, then you are even
less smarter than them.
For people who did not trust US's system, I would suggest them finding safer
countries and joining them immediately.
发帖数: 1926
来自主题: Military版 - 韩国新冠治疗方案
Physicians work out treatment guidelines for coronavirus
Kwak Sung-sun Published 2020.02.13 15:49 Updated 2020.02.13 16:26
- +
Korean physicians treating the patients infected with the new coronavirus (
COVID-19) have established the treatment guidelines for the unpreceded
The key guidelines are as following; healthy patients wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
2 minutes ago
if I catch this thing and dont die from it the 150K bill trying to survive
it along with losing the house from being out of work will kill me anyway.
I am proceeding very cautiously at this point.
发帖数: 878
来自主题: Military版 - 这板上一个中标的都没有
As of now, there is one infected for every 9600 people. Chinese people are
more cautious, so there might be one per 96,000. It is not unreasonable to
have no infection yet.
发帖数: 3249
自然杂志宣布过,白人不感染 SARS1.0
Taiwanese scientists find genetic link to SARS
Yu-Tzu Chiu
Nature Medicine volume 9, page1335(2003)Cite this article
163 Accesses
3 Citations
2 Altmetric
Metrics details
A genetic variant in the immune system might render some groups of people
more susceptible to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) infection,
Taiwanese researchers report.
Waiting to exhale: People in South China and Taiwan may be genetically
susceptible to SARS. Credit: Richard Chung/Reute... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - 西方人在口罩问题上还是很矛盾
The debate is somewhat moot right now, because there simply aren’t enough
masks for medical professionals, let alone everyone else. No matter their
opinions on widespread mask-wearing, everyone I spoke with for this article
agreed that health-care workers should get dibs on any existing medical
masks. This might well be why public-health officials have been so loath to
recommend mask-wearing more broadly: Hoarders have already begun to exhaust
the dwindling supplies. Even so, “policy shouldn’t b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4825
来自主题: Military2版 - Americans See China as No. 1
Which country is the world’s leading economic power?
Almost half of Americans (47%) think it’s China, according to a poll by the
Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, while only 31% think the
United States is still out front.
With Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao are scheduled to meet
in Washinton D.C. next week.
Game over. No wonder China comes out top in a list of countries representing
the “g... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 395
On Target With iPads
Close-Air Support Pilots Use Devices To Solve Map Problem
U.S. Marine Corps pilots in Afghanistan are using Apple iPads in life-and-
death situations downrange.
For about a year, pilots in Afghanistan have been using the devices to store
charts and maps necessary for conducting close-air support missions,
according to several pilots who have flown out of Camp Bastion in Helmand
"It is giving me the ability to give better service to that infantryman on
th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20290
In April 2003, the Chinese Navy decided to put a large group of its best
submarine talent on the same boat as part of an experiment to synergize its
naval elite. The result? Within hours of leaving port, the Type 035 Ming III
class submarine sank with all hands lost. Never having fully recovered from
this maritime disaster, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is still the
only permanent member of the United Nations Security Council... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 32122
来自主题: Military2版 - unidentified_title

发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 28 20:11:30 2017, 美东)
Bala Srinivasan20428 Bala Srinivasan-saginaw USA-50 mins ago
Definetly a DIPLOMATIC VICTORY for INDIA.Sure sign of India''s global
recognition&respect as against the BULLY PROFILE of CHINA.
Reality Check12289 Reality Check-1 hour ago
India create examples for the world to follow. Now China will at back-foot
or cautious to intrude in any of its neighbors territory. So what i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - N.Y. Marriage: Hey, You Never Know
Posted on Advocate.com December 17, 2010
N.Y. Marriage: Hey, You Never Know
By Julie Bolcer
There is work to be done in 2011, but marriage equality advocates are
betting on improved odds with a Republican senate majority in New York State.
As 2011 dawns, observers identify three states with strong prospects for
achieving marriage equality in the new year: Maryland, New York, and Rhode
Island. Among the three, New York boasts the largest population by far, with
near... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
As we prepare to launch EqualityMatters.org, Congress has just approved a
bill repealing "don't ask, don't tell." This highly significant victory is
an important milestone in our effort to secure full equality. No one said it
better than our president, who deserves substantial credit for helping to
bring about this day:
It is time to close this chapter in our history," President Obama said
in a statement. "It ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Colo. Advances Civil Unions Bill
Posted on Advocate.com March 08, 2011
Colo. Advances Civil Unions Bill
By Sunnivie Brydum
Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee vice-chair senator Lucía Guzmán (left)
and senator Pat Steadman
In a bipartisan vote of 6-3, the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee on
Monday approved a civil unions bill, more than 18 years after state voters
passed an amendment barring antidiscrimination protections for gays and
lesbians — one that was overturned four years later... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
This tremendous news comes after months of advocacy by national immigration
law and policy groups, LGBT organizations and advocates including The DOMA
Project. While The DOMA Project has focused primarily on stopping
deportations, we have also engaged in wide-ranging advocacy and provided
legal representation in related cases where couples are fighting separation
or exile.
As readers of this site know, since July 2010 we have filed more than a
dozen alien rela... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
It does not always work.
Also, TG does not always use this trick on all groups of people.
So, the outcome is still not quite predictable.
But there is certainly ground for gay community to be very very scared of
what is going on.
The cautious hope is that China, even with its government, is still a
country with much weaker influence from religious zealots that discriminate
gay people at a profound level, and that this reality can be projected
somewhat favorably on the gay right evolution in the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 93
An avant-garde artist, Ai Weiwei did not limit his talent of creating
unpredictability to the arts.
The 54-year-old bearded artist with a bulky build had lived life just as
erratically, constantly kicking up controversies in arts circles as well as
in the public sphere.
Ai, the son of an influential Chinese modern poet and a prominent Communist
revolutionary, became a focus of discussion again ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
The reference 22 is just a news article... not sure how this risk was
calculation and how such policy was made... practically still banned for
10 year gay blood ban is unjustified
Posted by Peter Tatchell - 12 April 2011 17:00
A change of policy to include the HIV virus test alongside the antibody test
would be safer, smarter and free up more much-needed blood.
A nurse performs a simple HIV antibody test (G... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2202
Controversy has erupted in London after a gay couple on a first date,
Jonathan Williams and James Bull, were ejected from a pub in London's
Soho district for kissing, the Guardian reports:
Williams, a journalist for a financial magazine, and Bull, a charity
volunteer, said they had been ejected from the John Snow in Broadwick
Street, Soho, central London, on Wednesday by a woman – claiming to be
the landlady – who accused them of being "obscene" while out on their
first date.
The event has trigg... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Obama, given his particular upbringing and ethnicity, is bound to be a
special president in the history of this country. Whether this will play
into the benefits of our community remains unseen, though the trend seems
cautiously optimistic.

发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Mehlman Lobbies for New York Marriage
Posted on Advocate.com June 07, 2011 10:35:00 AM ET
Mehlman Lobbies for New York Marriage
By Julie Bolcer
Former Republican National Committee chair Ken Mehlman took his most visible
step to date for marriage equality in New York Monday when he traveled to
Albany to lobby undecided state lawmakers on the bill that could receive a
vote in less than two weeks.
The visit, which included a brief media availability with state capitol
reporters, marked an unusually public display of involvement from M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Seven or more Senate Republicans have signaled Gov. Cuomo that they're ready
to legalize same-sex marriage, more than enough to put the controversial
and historic measure over the top this week, The Post has learned.
A highly knowledgeable Senate insider said yesterday that "far more of the [
GOP] members are in play than anyone realizes, including some surprising
names from conservative upstate areas."
Among the unexpected potential Senate Republican "yes" votes, insiders say,
are Kemp Hannon o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - NY update
The New York State Senate is expected to vote on Governor Cuomo’s same-&#
8203;sex marriage equality bill as early as Monday, optimists believe,
though a vote, if indeed it takes place, could be delayed to as late as
Wednesday. New York’s same-​sex marriage equality battle —&#
8201;now just one vote shy of passage — raged on a playing
field last week of so-​called religious exemptions, or, as some would
call it, discrimination written directly into the bill. But rep... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
DECISION TIME All Eyes on Senate in New York
By Julie Bolcer
Pride flag hangs in New York on Tuesday.
The New York state legislature could adjourn as early as Wednesday, but it
remains unclear whether the state senate will bring the marriage equality
bill to a vote.
Republican state senators, in whose power the decision rests, are scheduled
to meet Wednesday morning in Albany, where they could decide whether to
bring the marriage equality bil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
NEW YORK – Treading carefully, President Barack Obama praised New York
state lawmakers who were debating landmark legislation Thursday to legalize
gay marriage, saying that's what democracy's all about. But as expected, the
president stopped short of embracing same-sex marriage himself, instead
asking gay and lesbian donors for patience.
"I believe that gay couples deserve the same legal rights as every other
couple in this country," the president said at a Manhattan fundraiser, his
first geared... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Some Deportations Halted for Gay Immigrants
Some Deportations Halted for Gay Immigrants
By Trudy Ring
panda girls
From left: Violeta and Sujey Pando StopTheDeporations.Blogspot.com
Some binational same-sex couples received good news about pending
deportation orders this week, thanks partly to the Obama administration’s
new policy making certain deportations low priority.
Denver immigration judge Mimi Tsankov Friday halted the deportation of Sujey
Pando and scheduled a new hearing in January based on her marriage to U.S.
citizen Violeta Pa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 民主,廉洁,富强的关系图
Purely scientifically speaking, there is a significant positive (not a
straight linear) trend of corruption index or GDP with democracy index.
However, there are some outliers (significantly deviated away from the
expected mean). Third factor or something else? Need to be cautious to
deduce (judge a specific specimen) from the above inferred conclusion.
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Poor Romney!
I cannot imagine what will happen to him should he lose in his home Michigan
! May history repeat itself (though in a seemingly different manner) this
year for this guy? But on the other side of the coin, that Santorum is
likely to secure the final nomination should be cautiously taken as a good
news for the incumbent Obama.
发帖数: 2202
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 薄熙来被免去重庆市委书记职务
Last week's dismissal of Bo Xilai, the party secretary of Chongqing province
, casts this autumn's Chinese Communist party congress, with the anticipated
replacement of President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao by Xi Jinping and
Li Keqiang, in a dramatic new light.
Bo Xilai, son of a former Communist party leader and veteran of the Long
March, has been exploiting his office for a thinly veiled campaign for a
place on the party's nine-member standing committee that run... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Obama在连任以后将支持同性婚姻
The logic is easy to understand.
We can, however, only afford to be cautiously optimistic.
发帖数: 24887
I respect Obama for being gutsy.
My worry is that the weather has not evolved sufficiently in his favor. This
said, I am concerned he had made a statement prematurely.
Who knows? I might become so old that I get unnecessarily cautious.
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 今年的选举真BORING
There are various such polls.
But it may be true to declare that Obama only has very limited advantage.
Both the left and the right already made up their mind. It is now down to
the few in the middle to tell who they will eventually lean to.
I am very cautiously optimistic that Obama will make it this time,
definitely not with much of ease.
发帖数: 24887
Mark R. Herring, the Virginia attorney general, center, said that Virginia
had been on the wrong side of other civil rights fights, including
segregation. Bob Brown/Richmond Times-Dispatch, via Associated Press
Asserting that Virginia had too often been on the “wrong side” of justice
on civil rights matters, the state attorney general asked a federal court on
Thursday to invalidate the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, calling the
law unconstitutional and oppressive.
The mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Though this new development may sound like a roadblock to marriage equality
for the four involved states (for now), it is highly likely to become a
catalyst for the SCOTUS to issue the much-anticipated nationwide ruling so
as to strike down same-sex marriage ban ONCE AND FOR ALL. People should be
cautiously optimistic about this potential outcome.
发帖数: 382
at least tell the civilians to keep cautious
发帖数: 6973
VOA Chinese, Dec. 10, 2009
My comment: It is no secret; everybody knows. Maybe it is news only because
it comes from a former high ranking official. See
James Miles, The cautious leap forward; China prepares a new plan for
uncertain times. Economist. Nov. 13, 2009 (from The World in 2010
("2010 could be the year when China’s first aircr
发帖数: 3978
..WASHINGTON (AP) — Singapore is well-known for its efficiency and order,
but during a visit to Washington the city-state's prime minister displayed a
less advertised attribute — humor.
In an after-dinner speech Tuesday to U.S. businessmen, Lee Hsien Loong made
a couple of jokes that could pass for stand-up comedy.
He drew laughs — and some groans — with his quips, including one about
China's environmental problems.
"Beijing residents joke that to get a free smoke all they have to do is open
the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
In Li Hongzhi "2016 New York law will herring" teacher and pupil live Q & A,
there was a disciple to Li Hongzhi complain, "in recent years from the
Chinese mainland to overseas a lot of students, most of them in China did
not how to go out, also said master arranged for their relaxed environment
in overseas validation method. When they come to the overseas, they have no
access to language, they do not understand the overseas society, they do not
understand the Western civilization...... Cause pr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
【 以下文字转载自 QueerNews 讨论区 】
发信人: globalized (球球), 信区: QueerNews
标 题: GOP swings both ways on NY gay-marriage bill
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 13 15:41:06 2011, 美东)
Seven or more Senate Republicans have signaled Gov. Cuomo that they're ready
to legalize same-sex marriage, more than enough to put the controversial
and historic measure over the top this week, The Post has learned.
A highly knowledgeable Senate insider said yesterday that "far more of the [
GOP] members are in play than anyone realizes, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Many big public companies are likely to report strong second-quarter profits
, but that isn't the story on Main Street, where small businesses are
grappling with jittery customers, rising costs and tight credit.
Small business owners are struggling to get enough loans to grow their
businesses or hire people, even as they face rising commodity prices, WSJ's
Sarah Needleman reports. (Photo: AP Photo.)
The owners of many small businesses say economic uncertainty and
inflationary pressures have led ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
No Canadian Politician, Including the Prime Minister, Would Have the Guts to
Do This
After all anti-Americanism is even more rife here than in England:
UK seeks advice of former US ‘super-cop’
Last night, in an intervention likely to anger senior officers further,
Bill Bratton, the former New York police chief who Mr Cameron said would
advise the Government on how to deal with the aftermath of the riots, said
young people had been "emboldened" by over-cautious police tactic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Coming Post-Obama Renaissance
October 2, 2011 - 3:59 pm - by Victor Davis Hanson

The Parting of the Clouds
In every literary, historical or cinematic masterpiece, times must grow
darkest before the sunrise and deliverance. Tolkien worked that classical
theme to great effect. A sense of fatalism overtook a seemingly doomed
Gondor — right before the overthrow of Barad-dûr and the dawn of a new
age of men. The historian Herodotus, in literary fashion, also brilliantly
juxtaposed the Greek collapse at Thermopylae (the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - zt 美国政体和经济困境之我见
U.S. Wholesale Inventories Decline
U.S. wholesale inventories declined in September for the first time since
2009 as sales slowed, signaling that companies remain cautious about
stockpiling goods in a still weak economy.
你以为企业是傻瓜蛋阿,拼命生产不考虑是否卖得出去? 说得好像是以前中国的国企
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