

全部话题 - 话题: cavorting
发帖数: 26631
来自主题: pets版 - 看到个很sad的故事...
Mo-Bear was a young female German Shepherd Dog who started life in a
backyard breeder's kennel. That is where she lived, in a kennel run, until
she was around 12 months old. At that point, she was sold to a person who
called himself a "trainer." As it turns out, her stay with her new owner was
not only not pleasant, but was downright abusive. And Mo-Bear began a long,
spiraling trip down a road to hell, from which she couldn't return. Mo-Bear
's fate changed one day when her "trainer"/owner beca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7077
【 以下文字转载自 Hubei 讨论区 】
发信人: kayaka (jimm), 信区: Hubei
标 题: Nice piece of article about the jews
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 24 04:28:26 2011, 美东)
It’s been an interesting week or two for Jews. Mel Gibson’s new film, “
The Beaver,” opens nationwide in theaters and Jews must decide whether to
pay good money to see a movie starring someone whose father is a Holocaust
denier, and who has himself vilified Jews in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4915
Dozens of US nuclear missile officers caught up in drug and cheating
Investigation that began with accusations of illegal drug use expands into
allegations of cheating on proficiency exams
The drug investigation that led to the discovery of alleged cheating was
disclosed by the Pentagon last week. It said then that it involved 10
officers at six bases — five in the US and one in the UK. On Wednesday, the
air force said the number of suspects has grown to 11. Welsh ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Janice Shaw Crouse
While the GOP is preoccupied with selecting a candidate to oppose incumbent
Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama is working hard to erase her image
as an "angry Black woman" and promote her husband's re-election campaign
along the way. While she is hoping that a series of television appearances
will cement the unmarried mom and single women's vote for her husband, she
is also obviously trying to re-sculpt her image into that of a pro-America,
pro-military and patriotic m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Prostitution Scandal Where?
April 26, 2012  by David Robertson
In case you missed it, a prostitution scandal involving the U.S. Secret
Service has occurred in a place named Columbia. At least that is what the
FoxNews.com website keeps saying in its stories.
For example, a FoxNews.com story dated 24 April 2012 starts with the
following statement:
Three more Secret Service employees are being forced out in connection
with the prostitution scandal in Columbia, agency assistant Director Paul S
. Morrissey said Tuesday ev... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Andrew Higgins and Maureen Fan, Published: May 18 | Updated: Saturday,
May 19, 11:10 AM
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — When scholars gathered at Harvard last month to discuss
the political tumult convulsing China’s ruling Communist Party, a demure
female undergraduate with a direct stake in the outcome was listening
intently from the top row of the lecture hall. She was the daughter of Xi
Jinping, China’s vice president and heir apparent for the party’s top job.
Xi’s daughter, Xi Mingze, enrolled at Harv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Wisc. Dem. Candidate for Gov. Plagiarized Her Jobs Plan And Many Other
Positions on Her Website
Warner Todd Huston September 22, 2014
It has been discovered that the Democrat candidate for Governor of Wisconsin
plagiarized her entire jobs plan after claiming that jobs and the economy
was the centerpiece of her campaign. As the national media ignores the story
this is another fine example of “if a conservative did it.” We know that
if a Republican had done this the story would be leading every n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25262
来自主题: NewYork版 - 纽约时报:中国二奶市场 zz
China’s New Wealth Spurs a Market for Mistresses
BEIJING — Jian, a 42-year-old property developer in the booming southern
metropolis of Shenzhen, had acquired just about everything men of his
socioeconomic ilk covet: a Mercedes-Benz, a sprawling antique jade
collection and a lavishly appointed duplex for his wife and daughter.
It was only natural then, he said, that two years ago he took up another
costly pastime: a beg... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2401
“I would sneak away to a dark corner of the library and fire up a computer.
I’d google info on Gronkowski, check his stats, read his bio, watch some
videos, then rub one out right then and there in the library—let jiggly
ribbons of lady-sensuality cavort on my body, strangle me, swallow me whole
and annihilate me in its pink and roiling.” (24)
“Dan jumps out of the way even though he’s drunk as shit and he falls off
the side of the bed. He butt fumbl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4732
The neo-Nazis still pose some threats, however. In May, a newsletter of the
international development charity Voluntary Service Overseas reported
allegations that two Peace Corps volunteers were "severely beaten" outside a
pub after a confrontation with Dayar Mongol members. (Erdenebileg denies
his group's involvement.) One 25-year-old American living in Ulan Bator, who
didn't wish to be named, said he was accosted by neo-Nazis at a nightclub
for cavorting with a Mongolian woman. "After they sho
发帖数: 492
来自主题: EnglishChat版 - guess what this is? :-)
When did the bright moon first rise?
A toast in hand , I ask the blue sky.
What year might it be tonight
In the celestial palace on high?
On the wind I long to ride
Back to the glittering tower
Where I Should reside.
But I fear the chill there would be
Insupportable to me.
With my shadow I rise to cavort and dance,
Nothing but the life below can so entrance.
Soon the moon has circled the vermilion hall,
Through gauze-draped windows her rays fall
Upon a soul sleepless at night.
Why has the moon s
发帖数: 3242
Fla.'s 'Father Oprah' joins Episcopal Church
MIAMI (AP) — A popular Miami priest and media personality known as "Father
Oprah" has left the Catholic Church and joined the Episcopal Church after he
was photographed cavorting on the beach with his girlfriend.
发帖数: 7077
来自主题: Hubei版 - Nice piece of article about the jews
It’s been an interesting week or two for Jews. Mel Gibson’s new film, “
The Beaver,” opens nationwide in theaters and Jews must decide whether to
pay good money to see a movie starring someone whose father is a Holocaust
denier, and who has himself vilified Jews in public. In Cannes, the Danish
movie director Lars von Trier rambles on at a press conference about
sympathizing with Hitler, being annoyed w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3747
Minn. bridge collapse widow adopts Haitian twins
By JEFF BAENEN, Associated Press Writer Jeff Baenen, Associated Press Writer
8 mins ago
BLAINE, Minn. – Betsy Sathers wears the glow of a new mother as she perches
on the couch in her family room, smiling and chatting with visitors while
still managing to keep an eye on the 2-year-old twins burbling and cavorting
at her feet.
Sathers — whose husband was killed when a Minneapolis freeway bridg
发帖数: 117
来自主题: _America版 - Funny article from the POST
National Zoo Cites Privacy Concerns in Its Refusal to Release Animal's Medical
By James V. Grimaldi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thousands of people have peered in on the National Zoo's PandaCam to see Tian
Tian and Mei Xiang cavorting. They have surfed to the zoo Web site's
ElephantCam to watch the most intimate moments between Shanti and the
pachyderm's newborn calf. And they have tuned into the Naked Mole-Rat Cam to
follow the subterranean rodent's tubular meanderings.
But don't ask t