

全部话题 - 话题: ceremonie
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发帖数: 214
Naturalization Ceremonies
The Houston Field Office conducts Judicial Ceremonies approximately once per
month and Administrative Ceremonies only on rare occasions. This office
does not conduct same-day naturalization ceremonies.
发帖数: 214
Naturalization Ceremonies
The Houston Field Office conducts Judicial Ceremonies approximately once per
month and Administrative Ceremonies only on rare occasions. This office
does not conduct same-day naturalization ceremonies.
发帖数: 2964
They do not sell marriage ceremonies to same sex couples, but to others, and
that is the problem. Customer is not part of service provided, you may try
to argue that on court, but good luck with that. I am sure it was tried
before in other anti-discrimination cases.
To strengthen their case, they could do this for example, they exclusively
provide religious marriage ceremonies from now only, no secular ceremonies,
then they will have a very dependable position. If they ever provide secular
cerem... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19049
来自主题: SciFiction版 - 云图 英文版
On behalf of my ministry, thank you for agreeing to this final interview.
Please remember, this
isn’t an interrogation, or a trial. Your version of the truth is the only
one that matters.
… Good. Ordinarily, I begin by asking prisoners to recall their earliest
memories to provide a
context for corpocratic historians of the future. Fabricants have no
earliest memories,
Archivist. One twenty-four-hour cycle in Papa Song’s is i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 【基要派版本】罗马书3:21-24

21. But now the righteousness of God without the law [109] is manifested,
being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
21. But now without the law, etc. It is not certain for what distinct reason
he calls that the righteousness of God, which we obtain by faith; whether
it be, because it can alone stand before God, or because the Lord in his
mercy confers it on us. As both interpretations are suitable, we contend for
neither. This righteousness then, which God communicates to man, and
accepts ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1550
来自主题: Xibei版 - 问个关于老美婚礼的事
1. 回执最重要的是写你去不去,去几个人,方便新人规划场地和餐食。 回执上如果有
分开写ceremony 和 reception,如果只去 ceremony, 就在ceremony打勾。 如果不能
参加reception,请说明,“Ceremony only"
2.回执上祝福的话说不说都可,要说也是很简单地说。 重要的是1.
3. 如果是church, 肯定是正式场合的婚礼,正装出席。记得不要太帅,抢了新浪的风
发帖数: 8296
道道贴的太好玩了,忍不住去扒出原文。。。原文好愤哪~~``:"> 人大概不知道国人也是很多不满意那么劳民伤财地在震慑同事也满足了欧美假想敌的使命的结局。。。= =#
British fenqing Reporter: Thank God, the Chinese give up 2026
When you hear the Chinese people to give up bid to host the 2026 World Cup
news, I tears, my hands over his head, knelt towards the East, and the body
fell to the ground, shivering thank God.
I think not just me, the whole of London, the whole of Great Britain, the
whole world sigh of relief. In the next 20 years, as long as Chinese people
do not shot t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8931
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: mathzhao (kaka), 信区: Military
标 题: 天朝牛了:~20国家说不参加Nobel Peace Prize ceremery
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 7 05:42:55 2010, 美东)
bbc news:
China and 18 other countries have said they will not attend Friday's Nobel
Peace Prize ceremony for Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, the Norwegian Nobel
Committee has said. Two more countries, Sri Lanka and Algeria, had not
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran are among those that refused.
Chinese officials earlier said a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1222
BEIJING (Reuters) – It was meant to be China's answer to the Nobel Peace
Prize, a timely riposte to the honoring of jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo. But
the winner of the first "Confucius Peace Prize" didn't even bother to show
Instead, it was left to a scared-looking girl, whom organizers did not
properly identify, to collect a stack of bills for the $15,000 cash prize
meant for former Taiwan vice-president Lien Chan.
Lien ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 86
【 以下文字转载自 Complain 讨论区 】
发信人: BiggeyIssue (出大事儿了..(可算)出大事儿了...), 信区: Complain
标 题: 【严重投诉20180315】Re: authorship求教,被学生耍了 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 15 18:51:02 2018, 美东)
[回复] [回信给作者] [本篇全文] [本讨论区] [修改] [删除] [转寄] [转贴] [收藏]
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发信人: BiggeyIssue (出大事儿了..(可算)出大事儿了...), 信区: Complain
标 题: Re: authorship求教,被学生耍了 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 15 18:51:02 2018, 美东)
///////////////([em... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39
来自主题: Military版 - bbc对三个开幕式评论
comment by hizento (U8679012)
posted 7 Hours Ago
Hundreds of malunirished men look like they been dragged off the streets bea
ting at old dirty drums. The performance lack coordination, flamboyant and e
scapacism, there were long delays between shows, there is no "wow" factor, s
ome of the ideas are not original, ie the firework display, the children pai
nting a cloth (remember Manchester 2002?), the use of projectors highlightin
g the country's history. Would have been a OK event 40 years ago. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 542
bbc news:
China and 18 other countries have said they will not attend Friday's Nobel
Peace Prize ceremony for Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, the Norwegian Nobel
Committee has said. Two more countries, Sri Lanka and Algeria, had not
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran are among those that refused.
Chinese officials earlier said a "vast majority" of the world community
would stay away from the ceremony.
The committee describes Mr Liu as "the foremost symbol" of the human rights
st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27535
来自主题: Military版 - China to award prize to rival Nobel
By TINI TRAN, Associated Press Tini Tran, Associated Press – 18 mins ago
BEIJING – Only three weeks after the idea was first publicly floated, China
has cobbled together its own peace prize and plans to award it Thursday —
the day before the Nobel Committee honors an imprisoned Chinese dissident in
a move that has enraged Beijing.
Since Liu Xiaobo's selection, China has vilified the 54-year-old democracy
advocate, called the choice an effort by the West to contain its rise,
disparaged his suppor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27535
BEIJING (Reuters) – It was meant to be China's answer to the Nobel Peace
Prize, a timely riposte to the honoring of jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo. But
the winner of the first "Confucius Peace Prize" didn't even bother to show
Instead, it was left to a scared-looking girl, whom organizers did not
properly identify, to collect a stack of bills for the $15,000 cash prize
meant for former Taiwan vice-president Lien Chan.
Lien had won the prize for his efforts to improve relations between China
and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 617
来自主题: Military版 - 帝国的反击
China has ignored India's advice and clubbed Pakistan with its Premier Wen
Jiabao's visit to Delhi. Sources said India had advised China through
diplomatic channels that Jiabao's trip to Islamabad after Delhi might lead
to an adverse reaction in India and send wrong signals. India also pointed
out that other world leaders had heeded to similar advice. But China appears
to be impervious to India's concerns. In recent times, he is the only
leader among the permanent UNSC members to club trips ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7521
Philippines Skipped Nobel over China Death Verdict
The Philippines government has explained why a representative did not attend
the Nobel Prize ceremony in Oslo on Friday. From AP:
President Benigno Aquino III said the Philippines did not send a
representative to the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony honoring a jailed Chinese
dissident because of his efforts to spare Fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5600
While most Americans slept Sunday night, a quiet at-sea burial ceremony took
place for Osama bin Laden
aboard the Navy carrier Carl Vinson off the coast of Pakistan.
Bin Laden’s body was dumped into the water off the northern Arabian Sea
after an Islamic ritual that included
the ceremonial washing of his body and wrapping him in a white sheet.
His body was placed in a weighted bag, and a U.S. military officer read “
prepared religious remarks,” which
were in turn translated into Arabic by a nati... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 187
来自主题: Military版 - 希拉里被打脸
Cairo (CNN) -- Egyptian protesters threw tomatoes and shoes at U.S.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade Sunday and shouted, "Monica,
Monica, Monica" as she left the newly reopened U.S. Consulate in Alexandria.
Clinton said she was in the city to answer critics who believe Washington
has taken sides in Egyptian politics. There were already vocal protesters at
the start of her visit to the consulate, forcing the ceremony to be moved
"I want to be clear that the United States is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 559
London's ceremony was just to remind how awesome Beijing 2008's was,
Clamhead939 9 seconds ago
this was amazing, and so amazing that I had to watch it again after
watching the London 2012 opening ceremony which was quite disappointing. No
opening ceremony can top Beijing 2008
gskhan786 17 seconds ago
LONDON sucks. I guess i will probably come back again after 4 years.
ft1598128 29 seconds ago
发帖数: 266
【 以下文字转载自 Basketball 讨论区 】
发信人: basketballjm (篮球姐妹), 信区: Basketball
标 题: 纽约长岛女子篮球俱乐部篮球比赛活动 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 31 10:30:46 2012, 美东)
发信人: basketballjm (篮球姐妹), 信区: NewYork
标 题: 周二+周六傍晚在大颈组织女生打篮球系列活动
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 30 12:52:53 2012, 美东)
New Yorkers Sports Association
Women’s Basketball Club
[Recruiting Flyer]
Subject: Wo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16484
来自主题: Military版 - 奥巴马嚼口香糖又被拍了
Obama chews gum during D-Day ceremonies, sparks Twitter outrage
President Obama was caught on camera chewing gum during the D-Day ceremonies
in France as Queen Elizabeth II was welcomed, and Twitter feeds worldwide
exploded with criticism.
“Obama and his chewing-gum. Classy” one French user tweeted sarcastically.
“Not very elegant, the Obama attitude in the middle of the ceremony,”
another user said, while yet another added, “Is there anyone who will ask
Barack Obama to stop chewing on his gum l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3858
来自主题: Military版 - BBC称秦凯求婚是胁迫何姿
Rio 2016: Was Chinese proposal romantic or just a form of male control?
By Tom Spender BBC News
15 August 2016
From the section Asia
Image copyright AFP/Getty
Image caption "How romantic!" or perhaps "How could you do this to me?"
The crowd loved it - but did He Zi?
The Chinese diver had tears in her eyes when fellow athlete Qin Kai proposed
during her silver medal ceremony.
A smile, however, took a lot longer to appear.
She eventually said yes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12375
来自主题: Military版 - BBC称秦凯求婚是胁迫何姿

Rio 2016: Was Chinese proposal romantic or just a form of male control?
By Tom Spender BBC News
15 August 2016
From the section Asia
Image copyright AFP/Getty
Image caption "How romantic!" or perhaps "How could you do this to me?"
The crowd loved it - but did He Zi?
The Chinese diver had tears in her eyes when fellow athlete Qin Kai proposed
during her silver medal ceremony.
A smile, however, took a lot longer to appear.
She ev... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33185
A Biblical Seven Years
Thomas L. Friedman
Thomas L. Friedman AUG. 26, 2008
After attending the spectacular closing ceremony at the Beijing Olympics and
feeling the vibrations from hundreds of Chinese drummers pulsating in my
own chest, I was tempted to conclude two things: “Holy mackerel, the energy
coming out of this country is unrivaled.” And, two: “We are so cooked.
Start teaching your kids Mandarin.”
However, I’ve learned over the yea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
2018 Olympics attendees will brave freezing temps in South Korea's open-
air stadium
If North Korea, Russia or politically inclined athletes don't ruin the
Olympics in South Korea next year, the weather just might.
The stadium that will be used for the Pyeongchang Games in February has no
roof, Reuters reported. This means that roughly 35,000 spectators, including
world leaders, will be exposed to extremely cold... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - 无标题
(Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)
Winter Olympics: NBC Sports Apologizes to Korean People for "Incorrect
and Insensitive" Comment
NBC's correspondent Joshua Cooper Ramo is said to have made the comments
during the opening ceremony.
NBC Sports has issued an apology after a comment made by commentator Joshua
Cooper Ramo during the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics angered the
Korean people.
According to a report by MSN, "Ramo said that 'every Korean'
respected Japan for their recent a... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
泥沼1 :(飙升的征地成本和极度缓慢的进展 ) 政府和地主的最近达成一款“Bullet
Train”协议, 可能会导致”unrestrained escalation of the farmers’ demands
“。 文章估算成本会提高三倍。
泥沼2 :(印度这种随心所欲的变更条款) 新德里现在已经告诉东京高速铁路项目提
供服务的日期由之前在启动仪式... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
MiG-21 fighter jets to fly into history
PTI | Dec 7, 2013, 08.35 PM IST
IAF medical officers meetIAF to assemble 50 more Mi17 choppersIAF display at
Chabua air baseIAF competes 81 glorious years of serviceIAF chopper makes
emergency landing in Jammu
NEW DELHI/KOLKATA: One of the first variants of the MiG 21 combat aircraft,
which dealt severe blows to Pakistan Air Force in the 1971 war, will fly
into the annals of history on Wedn... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
US aircraft carrier to visit Vietnam in post-war first
By Reuters/Phil Stewart, James Pearson, Mai Nguyen January 25, 2018 | 05:
54 pm GMT+7
US aircraft carrier to visit Vietnam in post-war first
U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis reviews the guard of honour during a
welcoming ceremony in Hanoi, Vietnam January 25, 2018. Photo by Reuters/Kham
Four decades after the war, U.S. aircraft will enter Vietnam again. This
time, for a very different reason.
In a post-war first, the United States will... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1063
London's display at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics has been
ridiculed in China, with the
media mocking mayor Boris Johnson and deriding the British for laughing "
about their own stupidity".
By Nick Allen
Last Updated: 8:43PM BST 26 Aug 2008
Previous1 of 3 ImagesNext
London mayor Boris Johnson at the closing ceremony Photo: GETTY
Some sections of the Chinese media approved of the eight minute handover
segment of the ceremony,
in which London was given the chance to showcase itself
发帖数: 2153
The gay Europe Minister Chris Bryant has held the first civil partnership
ceremony to take place in the Houses of Parliament.
He married company secretary Jared Cranney in a ceremony in the members'
dining room of the House of Commons earlier today.
Up until now, gay MPs were unable to marry within the Houses of Parliament
like their straight colleagues. This was because ceremonies took place
within the Chapel of the Palace of Westminster, and at present, houses of
worship can not conduct civil
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Ill. Legalizes Civil Unions
Posted on Advocate.com January 31, 2011
Ill. Legalizes Civil Unions
By Trudy Ring
Gay Illinoisans rejoiced Monday afternoon as Gov. Pat Quinn signed
legislation establishing civil unions, giving same-sex couples most of the
state-level rights and responsibilities of marriage.
Quinn signed the bill before a crowd of hundreds at the Chicago Cultural
Center. He invoked the state’s most famous politician, Abraham Lincoln, by
saying, “We’re a government of the people, by the people, for the people,
a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Wedding Plans Now In Full Bloom
NEW YORK — As the news flashed around the globe that New York state had
legalized gay marriage, New York fashion designer Malcolm Harris didn't
waste any time. He dashed off a Twitter message to his boyfriend of nine
years: "`Will you marry me?"
A city away, in Boston, Bernadette Smith decided to immediately relocate her
business planning gay weddings to New York City.
In Brooklyn, pastors Ann Kansfield and Jennifer Aull received their first
two requests to wed gay couples at their church in the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Frederick Marvin keeps a day book for every year. The 91-year-old Syracuse
concert pianist has boxes full of the little blacks books where he wrote
what he ate, what music he played, where he traveled and who he met.
In his Syracuse house on a recent afternoon, he pulled the book from 1959
out of his basement. He was 39. Marvin flips to April 22. Halfway down the
page, amid details about his travels, is this: met Ernst Schuh. It was a
meeting that would change his life.
They two men found each o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 'illegal mass (200) gay weddings' in Ohio
CLEVELAND, Ohio — Couples in traditional wedding attire – including some
women in tuxedos – gathered in the Galleria Saturday.
More than 200 gay and lesbian couples from across the state participated in
what they called the "largest illegal mass wedding ever held."
While some were dressed in more casual attire they all had the same
intention: to send a message to the state of Ohio to recognize same-sex
Sierra Chapman, 25 and Sandy Thomas, 48, both of Cleveland, recreated a
private serv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 150 Mormons have quit in a mass resignation
Around 150 Mormons have quit in a mass resignation ceremony over the church
’s opposition to gay marriage and polygamy.
Saturday’s ceremony in Salt Lake City drew Mormons from Utah, Arizona and
Idaho. Participants gathered to sign a ‘Declaration of Independence from
Those who resigned cited equal marriage, ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’ teachings
and inconsistencies in doctrine on polygamy as reasons for leaving the faith
. The mass ceremony is unusual, as Mormonism encourages a culture of
obe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
The House of Representatives passed a Defense Appropriations bill Thursday
inclusive of an amendment from Rep. Steve King of Iowa that would ban same-
sex couples from marrying at military facilities and prohibit military
chaplains from performing the ceremonies.
Politico reports on the measure introduced by King, who said that President
Obama and the secretary of Defense were “contravening” the Defense of
Marriage Act by allowing the marriages to take place. Last year, after
repeal of “don’t as... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2273
来自主题: USANews版 - U.S. war in Iraq officially ends
BAGHDAD – The U.S. war in Iraq — a conflict that killed more than 4,000
American troops, cost $800 billion and divided the nation — officially
ended with a ceremony held under tight security.
"To be sure, the cost was high — in blood and treasure for the United
States and also for the Iraqi people," Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said.
"But those lives have not been lost in vain."
The fighting resulted, Panetta said, in a "free and sovereign Iraq."
INTERACTIVE: Deaths of U.S. troops in Iraq
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Public 'Inauguration' Just for Show, Likely to Cost Taxpayers Over $100
3:53 PM, Dec 6, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER
Stephen Dinan reports that "Because next year's inauguration falls on a
Sunday, President Obama will hold only a small, private swearing-in ceremony
on Jan. 20, and will hold a big public redo the next day. The Inaugural
Committee announced Thursday that activities will last three days: a day of
service on Saturday, the small private ceremony on Sunday, and the public
swe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Middle School Cancels ‘Honors’ Night Because it Hurts Feeeeelings
May 21, 2014 by Warner Todd Huston
A middle school in Rhode Island had canceled its night meant to honor
students who achieved excellent grades because officials felt that the
annual honors ceremony would hurt the self esteem of those more stupid kids
who didn’t get top grades.
Parents whose children attend the Archie R. Cole Middle School in East
Greenwhich, RI, were sent an email this week telling them that the annual
honors n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Ministers Who Refuse to Perform Same-Sex Marriage Could Face Jail Time and
Exorbitant Fines
October 21, 2014 - 11:21 AM
By Ryan T. Anderson
For years, those in favor of same-sex marriage have argued that all
Americans should be free to live as they choose. And yet in countless cases,
the government has coerced those who simply wish to be free to live in
accordance with their belief that marriage is the union of a man and a woman.
Ministers face a 180-day jail term and $1,000 fine for each day th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10345
The Fix
Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential
Hillary Clinton falling ill Sunday morning at a memorial service on the 15th
anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks will catapult questions about her
health from the ranks of conservative conspiracy theory to perhaps the
central debate in the presidential race over the coming days.
"Secretary Clinton attended the September 11th Commemoration Ceremony for
just an hour and thirty minutes this morning to pay her res... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24733
来自主题: USANews版 - 三胖真的在自宫啊!?
North Korea to hold ‘ceremony’ dismantling nuclear test site ahead of
Trump's summit with Kim
North Korea has scheduled a “ceremony” to dismantle its nuclear testing
site on May 23-25 ahead of President Donald Trump’s summit with leader Kim
Jong Un next month.
North Korea’s Foreign Ministry said Saturday that all the tunnels at the
country’s northeastern testing ground will be destroyed by explosion and
that observation and research facilities and ground-based testing units will
also be removed.... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Bill Clinton Tacitly Endorses Yang at MLK Ceremony
At the recent Martin Luther King Day ceremony, Bill Clinton spoke mainly
about MLK of course. But he also made comments that I ascribe to his
suspicion that Andrew Yang will rise from behind to win the Democratic
nomination and go on to win the General Election, beating Trump. First,
Clinton likened Yang to Secretariat, coming from behind to win and
cautioning that polls can't be trusted. Second, he... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1124
来自主题: Faculty版 - 做了几年faculty,也有了点感悟
Forget the archaic rule that says certain people have to pay for certain
things. Your parents do not need to take out a third mortgage to pay for the
wedding. And, if you're like most couples, the two of you might even be
covering a good chunk of the expenses yourselves. The best way to work it
out? Sit down with pencil, paper, and calculator and figure out what you
really want and can afford. Keep in mind that smaller weddings are generally
cheaper and large, formal weddings tend to be more exp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 86
【 以下文字转载自 Complain 讨论区 】
发信人: BiggeyIssue (出大事儿了..(可算)出大事儿了...), 信区: Complain
标 题: 【严重投诉20180315】Re: authorship求教,被学生耍了 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 15 18:51:02 2018, 美东)
[回复] [回信给作者] [本篇全文] [本讨论区] [修改] [删除] [转寄] [转贴] [收藏]
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发信人: BiggeyIssue (出大事儿了..(可算)出大事儿了...), 信区: Complain
标 题: Re: authorship求教,被学生耍了 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 15 18:51:02 2018, 美东)
///////////////([em... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
(1) There was a wedding ceremony in June 2009, yopu said. Who, if any,
officiated the ceremony 证婚人?
(2) After the wedding ceremony, did the couplt ever visit the following
states? How long? For what purpose?
Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, New Hampshire (posthumously),
Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah.
(3) You say, "出生证明不确定有没有爸爸的名字." Why do you not know? It is so
easy to find out.
Birth certificates. Department of Health, New York State.
http://www.health.state.ny.us/vital... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Family版 - 领证问题求解 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Piebridge 讨论区 】
发信人: CreateThread (美漂), 信区: Piebridge
标 题: 领证问题求解
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 6 14:09:58 2012, 美东)
么的那个人) 宣布 “你们现在正式结为夫妻” 这句话留到ceremony再说,可以做到吗?
希望不要被拍... 求解答
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