d******n 发帖数: 12850 | 1 要来了几张balance transfer的check,但是到手一看写的小字是算check cash
查看了一下statement上的APR,倒是写了BT为0par(包括check treated as balance
transfer),cash advance则是12%apr。
以前的bt check上面有offer code,现在的没有。打电话问了csr,说得模棱两可的,
有谁能指点一下? 谢谢了。 |
C******e 发帖数: 71 | 2 https://www.key.com/gen/html/mkt-q110-check-150.html?sqkl=index_mc10005q1cam
1 Free personal checking applies to Key Express Free Checking Account. Betwe
en 2/27/10 and 4/30/10, you must open a Key Express Free Checking (this is t
he basic banking account in NY) or a Key Advantage? Checking Account and by
7/2/10 make one KeyBank Rewards debit card transaction and a combination of
two direct deposits and/or automated payments each of $100 or more to get $1
2 Between 2/27/10 and 4 |
d*******e 发帖数: 2 | 3 wellsfargo的checking account,写check付给房租,被wellsfargo reverse check了。
apartment charge我$215的late fee 和 return check fee.
打电话给wellsfargo说有可能我的签名 和他们 on file的签名不一样。
我还可以怎么做? 我还可以做什么,他们的错误却要我来付罚款。
谢谢! |
P*****r 发帖数: 1308 | 4 今年第一次file tax jointly,刚刚收到check上面写了我们两个人的名字(用and连接
的),请问这种check是不是必须存到一个joint的checking account里面。
我们两人有分开的BOA checking,这种情况是新开一个joint比较好还是升级一个indiv
idual (可行否?)多谢 |
w***y 发帖数: 192 | 5 刚搬到芝加哥西北大学附近,原来的银行账户用的是以前学校的credit union,所以现
有可能会和国内做wire transfer(双向的),开户bonus有没有都没关系。
debit card和支票本都找不到了,Online ID也忘了,在网上找不回来。每个月倒是能
个debit card和支票本,还得恢复online ID。但是我看了看精华区,好像说boa的
个好选择?还是其他几家会好一些? |
t*****r 发帖数: 536 | 6 我的好像悲情被拒了,不明白为什么checking都会失败
假如想他们直接从其他checking pull钱应该怎么弄呢?不然拖一拖daily balance也有
问题 |
t******n 发帖数: 6242 | 8 简单的讲,你们在ATM看到的Balance准确吗?
具体地说,登录到Fidelity后,比如说可以看到Investment Accounts,这个是你的
core Brokerage account,转账投资从这里进出。你还可以有其他的Retirement
Accounts,比如ROTH IRA,401(k), 403(b),还有跟mySmart Cash Checking Card相连
的Cash Account,一般是第三方银行提供的服务。
我的情况是,比如core account里面有$5000,Cash Account里面有$500,打电话给
Checking Card后面的客服(一般是第三方银行),他们说看到我的帐户里面有$5500。
如果直接打电话给Fidenlity Investiment,可以看到各个具体帐号的信息,第三方银
我的情况可能有点特殊,好多年前开Fidelity的时候还没有mySmart Cash Checking的
服务,开通了core accou... 阅读全帖 |
t*******o 发帖数: 1124 | 9 我有一个campusEdge 跟一个myaccess checking
那个myaccess checking很烦,需要DD才能免月费。我想搞chase的DD.
想把myaccess checking 关了。
问题1.myaccess checking比campusEdge的优越性在哪里?
2.开myaccess checking是hard 还是soft pull? |
O******3 发帖数: 988 | 10 可以有多个checking account, but only one checking account related bonus each
calendar year. 今年搞过一次,明年可以再搞,不必关账户。但要注意有的开户
bonus是 new checking customer only, 有的可以是existing checking customer开
另外的checking account. 只要没说new customer的就可以。 |
h***9 发帖数: 8948 | 11 我也收到两个code。谁要谁拿去吧
Bonus/Account Information - Offer not available to existing Chase checking
customers, those with fiduciary accounts, and those who have closed an
account within 90 days. To receive the bonus: 1) open a new qualifying Chase
checking account, which is subject to approval; AND 2) deposit $100 or more
within 60 days of account opening. This deposit cannot be money held by
Chase or its affiliates, nor can the bonus be used as the opening deposit.
After we receive your minimum $100 d... 阅读全帖 |
O******3 发帖数: 988 | 12 我今年初开的Chase BusinessClassic Checking, linked to my Chase business ink
credit card, 要求one purchase in any amount on linked business credit card
each month, then the business account is free. In addition, I linked
business account to my personal checking account(up to three personal
checking account can be linked) and my personal checking accounts have been
upgraded to Premier Plus Checking and totally free. |
z****l 发帖数: 5282 | 13 When you open a new regular checking account in The Citibank Account Package
you can receive 20,000 ThankYou? Points - redeemable for $200 in gift cards.
And if you open a new regular checking account in the Citigold? Account
Package, you can get 40,000 ThankYou Points - redeemable for $400 in gift
Here's all you need to do:
1. Open a new Citibank checking account in The Citibank
Account or Citigold Account Package by 11/30/11.
2. Enroll the new checking account in Citi ThankYouSM Rewar... 阅读全帖 |
a**********n 发帖数: 848 | 14 想要开一个新的checking account,希望是不收monthly service fee的,而且在其他银
fee,我怕被收钱就在跟checking link的saving里放了一万刀,可是我看statement,发
祝大家圣诞、新年快乐!!! |
l**7 发帖数: 3940 | 15 哦 刚跳了这破卡, 被忽悠了。。
再多问一下: 1st check bag credit 只要你在check in 刷UA credit card就行吧,
还得必须是该UA卡订的票才行吗? 从priceline用其他的卡定的UA票, 再用UA 卡
checked in for 1st check bag可以享受 1st check bag free benefit吗 谢谢 |
C****0 发帖数: 1118 | 16 from SD
BBVA Compass bank Open New Checking Account get $100 Bonus
Open a new Build-to-Order or CompassLink Checking Account online, earn $100
and get these perks to help you manage your money.•$100 when you open
your account online and pay three bills online
• or make your first direct deposit*
• Free Online and Mobile Banking with Bill Pay
• Free tools to control all of your accounts – even those at other
• Easy to avoid monthly fees**
http://www.bbva... 阅读全帖 |
z****l 发帖数: 5282 | 17 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
netnet (netnet) 于 (Wed Oct 19 15:43:16 2011, 美东) 提到:
sapphirewing (Audrey的树) 于 (Wed Oct 19 15:44:09 2011, 美东) 提到:
Culverin (Culverin) 于 (Wed Oct 19 15:54:38 2011, 美东) 提到:
RunLife50 (BeMyself) 于 (Wed Oct 19 15:54:... 阅读全帖 |
m******c 发帖数: 2248 | 18 www.key.com/150cash30
offer code ONFT0712
Between 6/30/2012 and 8/3/12, you must open a Key Express (this is the basic
banking account in NY), Key Coverage, Key Advantage, Key Privilege, or Key
Privilege Select Checking Account online and make at least 30 posted
payments and/or purchases from the new checking account within three months
of account opening, plus within three months of account opening make a total
of three direct deposits each of $500 or more to get your gift. One month
is calcula... 阅读全帖 |
o******o 发帖数: 185 | 19 今天email收到的,需要的請自取,就是當做回饋社群,
無需direct deposit,expire 5/31
coupon code: 5151018988055971
$100 T&C:
1. open a new Chase Total Checking account, which is subject to approval
2. deposit $100 or more within 10 business days of account opening
3. new account must remain open for 6 months and have a minimum of 5
customer-initiated qualifying transactions posted to the account each month
Service fee waiver:
Service Fee: Chase Total Checking has no Monthly Service Fee when you do any
one of the following ... 阅读全帖 |
a********s 发帖数: 575 | 20 如题:
昨天在线申请了citi checking account, 填完表格,提交,但卡住了,
过了几个小时,用户名+密码可以进入my citi,但提示有错误,
今天再次按“用户名及密码”进去,进入是在 my citi,里面有几个部分:my citi/
payments/ transfer/int/services
但页面中---account summary 下面什么也没有,不象别的银行,在页面上可以看到有
checking 或 saving account,
我有它家的2个 credit card(dividend and forward),但由于用户名不同,所以没有显
如果点--Go to citi.com进入后,再选择左边的checking,出现4种类型,我昨天申请
的那个,下面还有“APPLY ONLINE”,
难道,昨天申请没有成功?只是在CITI注册了一个号,没有任何checking 账户? |
m******d 发帖数: 75 | 21 前段时间拿了个chase saving 的 175$ coupon
去branch,存钱的时候前台的mm指给我offer下面的小字说,new money can not be
money held by chase, 所以我自己的chase checking 里转的钱不算new money.还说,
一方面没多余的钱,另外,不愿折腾来回转钱,最终还是从自己chase checking转的,
如果没有的话,直接转走开个amex saving。
另外,saving account里的钱怎么转出来?转帐到checking?能直接写check吗?但他们
没给check sample阿 |
s**********g 发帖数: 14942 | 22 this is what is in my account statement:
Were changing the name of MyAccess Checking to Bank of America Core
A new name and thats all. Bank of America Core Checking is the same as
MyAccess Checking. The benefits and features, account numbers, debit cards,
and checks will not change. If you have questions about the new name, please
call us at the number listed on this statement. |
l****i 发帖数: 473 | 23 1.5个月前我用公司信用卡买的机票,3星期前开了Citi AA Executive personal卡,上
星期坐飞机的时候,自助打印boarding pass上没有priority access,觉得奇怪,遂问
checkin counter,告诉我必须用Citi AA EXE卡买的机票才享受priority access。
是这样规定的吗?我看terms上没有写啊。Terms上还说可以去business class lane办
理checkin,我估计我要真的去了,还是得给赶回去general checkin.大家有没有这方面
For benefit to apply, the Citi® / AAdvantage® account must be open 7
days prior to air travel AND, reservation must include the primary
cardmember's American Airlines AAdvantage® numb... 阅读全帖 |
w*********w 发帖数: 1497 | 24 个人认为mint看支出 分类之类的比check强的多 管理账户用mint check优点是按时间
顺序排列due day 查看due day一目了然 还能付utility之类 各有优略 建议都用
好用一些?万分感谢 |
m*****e 发帖数: 378 | 25 这两天整理账户,不整理不知道,自己有好几个checking和savings了,撸了一圈也想
1. BOA ebanking (local没有branch,自己有boa的travel rewards和better balance
2. chase checking(freedom的10pts/dollar还在,本地,本地没有branch)
3. Ally checking
4. Fidelity cash management (FIA的信用卡)
5. Charles Schwab
6. Santander extra 20 (本地有branch)
7. US bank (没有branch)
8. Lake Michigan CU (利息高)
1. Local credit union (第一张信用卡必须要开)
2. Mango
3. Santander savings(extra 20 checking要求开)
选择强迫症犯了,求大虾分析该关哪些,太多了很麻烦而且还要想着免... 阅读全帖 |
x*******5 发帖数: 1335 | 26 不是说不需要DD,只需要$1500就可以了吗?
Checking offer is not available to existing Chase checking customers, those
with fiduciary accounts, or those whose accounts have been closed within 90
days or closed with a negative balance. To receive the $300 checking bonus:
1) Open a new Chase Total Checking account, which is subject to approval; 2)
Deposit $25 or more at account opening; AND 3) Have your direct deposit mad
e to this account within 60 days of account opening. Your direct deposit nee
ds to be... 阅读全帖 |
w*******0 发帖数: 1 | 27 最近想开一个chase的saving account。想在网上买了个coupon,发现都是checking和
saving两个combo的,checking 300 saving 150。想了一下,原来就有一个checking
被chase关小黑屋吧。。。 |
t*********r 发帖数: 2431 | 28 $300 for opening Total Checking
1. Open a new Total Checking account
2. Deposit $25 or more at account opening
3. Made direct deposit within 60 days
4. Offer not available to existing checking customer, or closed within 90
5. Bonus will be deposited within 10 days after conditions are met
$200 for opening Saving
1. Open a new Saving account
2. Deposit $15,000 or more within 10 business days
3. Maintain $15,000 for 90 days from the date of deposit
4. Bonus will be deposited within 10 days af... 阅读全帖 |
m**2 发帖数: 3374 | 29 From Doctor of Credit:
A few people have mentioned the idea of funding a Citigold savings account
with a credit card as well. This idea is actually a hidden goldmine in this
Citigold checking.
The way Citi works with their checking and savings accounts is that the
accounts are part of a 'package'. You can open the Gold package which has a
$30 monthly fee, or the Account package with a $25 monthly fee or a Basic
package with a $10 monthly fee. Whichever package you choose includes either
a checki... 阅读全帖 |
p*******8 发帖数: 870 | 30 就是这个?有人拿到了吗?
Earn $400 cash bonus by opening a new Citibank Citigold Checking Account
Package by 12/31/2015 with code promo 42LJPUAHQP. With a Citigold checking
account, you get priority service, preferred rates, and exclusive savings
and rewards. Enjoy great banking benefits such as over 30,000 fee-free ATMs
nationwide, free online bill payment with Citibank Online, and free mobile
banking with Citi Mobile. sign up for a checking account today to get the $
400 cash bonus with Citi... 阅读全帖 |
N****g 发帖数: 2829 | 31 Data Point:
4/8 打电话要求把8张VGC转成check,
4/9 收到一封email,主题为“Your rebate is in the mail! (Really.)”,内容是8
张卡中的一张(McAfee AntiVirus Basic 1 Device 2016),其余7张没有任何email。
5/7 收到支票一张,写着"Thank you for participating in Keystone Prepaid
Appeasement",支票上有tracking number,
“Date Received: 04-26-2016
Check Issue Date: 04-29-2016”
其他7张check没有状态。不知道各位VGC转check的都有没有状态? |
h****s 发帖数: 16779 | 32 发现太多地方居然都能追随上老余的脚步了,比如红鸟,比如N年申请Chase都要打电话。
1. 先给父母加个你自己信用卡的副卡
2. 申请BOA的checking。BOA家不需要地址证明,拿上护照和副卡就能申请了。地址你
3. 等BOA checking出了第一个账单以后。买个chase checking 200或者500 coupon,
用护照和BOA的statement就能申请Chase checking和savings了。Chase需要地址证明,
不能第一个申请。 |
h****s 发帖数: 16779 | 33 发现太多地方居然都能追随上老余的脚步了,比如红鸟,比如N年申请Chase都要打电话。
1. 先给父母加个你自己信用卡的副卡
2. 申请BOA的checking。BOA家不需要地址证明,拿上护照和副卡就能申请了。地址你
3. 等BOA checking出了第一个账单以后。买个chase checking 200或者500 coupon,
用护照和BOA的statement就能申请Chase checking和savings了。Chase需要地址证明,
不能第一个申请。 |
S*R 发帖数: 1057 | 34 Start your Citibank checking relationship today. Open a consumer checking
account in an eligible account package and earn $400.
Here's how it works:
To qualify for a $400 cash bonus, open a new checking account in either The
Citigold Account Package or The Citibank Account Package by 08/31/16.
Then within 30 days after account opening, deposit $15,000 or more in new-to
-Citibank funds into your new checking account or new or existing Citibank
Savings Plus Account.
A minimum balance of $15,000 is... 阅读全帖 |
b***i 发帖数: 1099 | 35 LD有一个chase checking账户,是joint的,我的名字也在上面,但不是primary
holder。今天我想用chase checking 300 + saving 200的coupon去开户,banker说我
不算是new customer,checking的300拿不到,只能拿saving的200。我记得以前只要我
不是primary checking account holder,就算是new customer的,难道现在政策改了? |
H*******d 发帖数: 2394 | 36 手上有300+200的offer,另外还有一个business checking的300 offer。
You can receive only one new checking and one new savings account opening
related bonus per calendar year and only one bonus per account
这是指同一种checking只能一年拿一次还同账号?我能同时拿total checking和
business checking的bonus吗? |
b********t 发帖数: 1500 | 37
TSA pre-check 就是骗钱的,
如果有个系统可以知道谁是良民, 谁是low risk,
为什么不来搞个 TSA pre-check free for all. 用那个系统直接抓坏人就好,
问题就是没有这样的系统, TSA也不知道谁是好人谁是坏人,
反正大部分的人都是好人 随便给给pre-check 也没有坏处
最重要的事 pre-check 用的金属门和 X光机如果使用得当
坏人还是抓的到的, 问题是这件事不能跟一般良民说,
只好创造了 TSA pre-check 来掩人耳目. |
s*****r 发帖数: 4016 | 38 TD Bank up To $300 Checking Bonus [CT, DC, DE, FL, MD, ME, MA, NC, NH, NJ,
NY, PA, RI, SC, VT, & VA]
TD Bank is offering two checking sign up bonuses of $150 and $300 depending
on the account-type:
Earn $150 when you open a TD Convenience checking account and receive direct
deposits totaling $500 or more within 60 days
Earn $300 when you open a TD Premier/Relationship checking account and
receive direct deposits totaling $2,500 or more within 60 days
http://www.doctorofcredit.com/td-bank-300-che... 阅读全帖 |
f**********r 发帖数: 76 | 39 Rt,我们的保险很好,二岁前every month or every three months check up保险全报
了。二岁check up完,医生说come back in 6months,不幸医生病故,换家诊所做了二
岁半的check up,再被告之三岁时要做check up,结果保险公司说三岁只cover 1 check
险能cover ,才make a appionment.怎样与儿科诊所argue才能不付这笔冤枉钱
谢谢! |
z***f 发帖数: 121 | 40 无聊了一把,看看吧
842 G guimei0 Oct 24 ● bj 9.5 H1&H4 Check, 10.24 email clear
843 G darkgreen Oct 24 Re: 北京9.4 B1和B4,10.24邮件clear
844 * alexxx Oct 24 Re: 北京9.4 B1和B4,10.24邮件clear
845 G Freundin Oct 27 ● 9/9 SH H1B check, cleared on 10/23.
846 * stacyfuture Oct 27 Re: 9/9 SH H1B check, cleared on 10/23.
847 * Iknowyou Oct 27 Re: 9/9 SH H1B check, cleared on 10/23.
848 * lululuu Oct 28 Re: 9/9 SH H1B check, cleared on 10/23.
849 G YangL Oc |
l**********n 发帖数: 60 | 41 大家好! 我是F1来美国,第二年转专业转校的,已经转了快两年了,今年夏天很想回
会被check? 我是从生物转到药学的,现在的方向应该不是太敏感吧。我是要七月份在
年)已经被check了,不知道这一次会不会再被check? 如果被check,一般是多久阿?
先谢谢大家啦:) |
z**********u 发帖数: 178 | 42 不建议交易打印胖子;胖子是免费的,收费的是服务:
(1) Enfamil Checks;
(2) Enfamil $5 off any tub purchase of PREMIUM newborn or PREMIUM infant.
from coupons.com
每台机器只能打1张 (note: not the enfagrow one)
物品类别(coupon: mfc 等;血糖仪等):
(1)厂家 (2)打印
(1)checks half price +shipping
(2) coupons 3张起收,$0.5 each +$0.5 邮费。If you can print more than 10,
please pm your price。 No # limit for coupons if you are also selling me
本贴有效期(必填):... 阅读全帖 |
o******w 发帖数: 3262 | 43 不建议交易打印胖子;胖子是免费的,收费的是服务:
Enfamil/Enfagrow Checks (exp date 8/31/11)
face value 5, 4, 3, 2
Enfamil Enfagrow Checks
厂家 (they are formula checks (not coupon))
non-cc paypal(小额)
boa, chase pay (大额)
till gone
联系方式(例: 站内):
站内 |
s********8 发帖数: 440 | 44 不建议交易打印胖子;胖子是免费的,收费的是服务:
18 * $5 Engagrow check, expires August 31 or Sept 30
1* $3.5 good start check exp 10/1/2011
8* $5 enfagrow coupon (from internet, Pdf version)
2.5 for each enfagrow check and 1.75 for good start check
0.5 each for enfagrow coupon
usps, 0.5 shipping<4
1.0 shipping>4.
before me after you.
Prefer one id to buy all. Thanks
NON CC Personal Paypal,coupon can stack with check |
P****D 发帖数: 11146 | 45 http://www.riteaid101.com/2012/11/single-check-rebate-program-e
Single Check Rebate Program ending December 2012
by Josie on November 19, 2012
Sad news for those that love the Rite Aid Single Check rebate program. In
the Rebate book available for December, there is an announcement of the
program ending.
Single Check Rebates will no longer be available effective 1/1/2013
I know that being a long-time Rite Aid shopper, I loved the Single Check
Rebate program. How will this effect your shopping the... 阅读全帖 |
b*******y 发帖数: 557 | 46 所出售奶票厂家名:
Similac Check (many $5 off checks)
half price+shipping ($0.5 for every 8 checks or less)
expire in 01/13, 02/13 and 3/13
around 18 to 20 checks in hand
till gone
联系方式: |
s******2 发帖数: 161 | 47 禁止交易pdf/打印coupon、CVS/Staples/Kohl's coupon:
Chase $150 Certificate
Just for new Chase checking customers
Get $150 after you open a new chase Total Checking account
Only for new Chase checking customers.
Exp. 6/30/2013.
No monthly service fee when you do any of the following each statement
Option #1: have monthly direct deposits totaling $500 or more
Option #2: Keep the daily balance in your checking account at or above $1500;
Option #3: Keep an average daily b... 阅读全帖 |
b**********r 发帖数: 2664 | 48 可以再要,就说没有收到.
真是一波三折的REBATE,搞得我对搞... 阅读全帖 |
h**b 发帖数: 5635 | 49 Bank of America Interest Checking
$25 monthly maintenance fee
No monthly maintenance fee when you meet one of the following requirements
each statement cycle:
Maintain combined balances of $10,000 or more. Combined balances include:
Average daily balances for the statement cycle in eligible linked checking,
savings, and money market savings accounts, AND
The current balances, as of the end of the checking statement cycle in
linked personal CDs and IRAs, AND
The current balance, as of 2 business ... 阅读全帖 |
y****u 发帖数: 831 | 50 【 以下文字转载自 Money 讨论区 】
发信人: ymlulu (ymlulu), 信区: Money
标 题: 关于AMEX CHECK OUT的小总结
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 14 16:03:05 2015, 美东)
1. newegg使用amex check out有可能出现错误,或者使用一次之后amex check out标
志消失,建议采用newegg的手机或者ipad app中购买,可以避免这个问题。
2. newegg里可以通过购买礼品卡来完成这次购物,但是需要注意各个礼品卡有购买限
3. Offer term写的是一个amex online account只能拿一次$10,但是据网友反映,一
个账号中有多张AMEX 卡,每张都能拿到。当然,如果你每个AMEX卡都有一个单独的账
4. AMEX 自己发行的副卡也可以建立单独账号,所以也能拿到。但是非AMEX自家的卡(
FIA,BBVA,MACY等等)和A... 阅读全帖 |