

全部话题 - 话题: chhinese
发帖数: 3197
来自主题: Travel版 - Can we cook in a hotel room?
Parents only want Chhinese food during the trip. Can we bring a electronic
pot and cook in the hotel room? Many Thanks.
发帖数: 158
来自主题: Chemistry版 - 学化学挣钱很少啊
You are already pretty good. Many guys even can not find contract jobs
today, and continuing PhD or postdoc. The identity is big problem for us.
I guess you don't worry about this. I'm also engaged in analytical and
organic chemistry master , and having more than three years experience in
Chhinese industries include one pharm co. But now just stay in University
as a technician with about 30K. Hopefully I can find job opportunities like
you experienced. However, it's still headache for ... 阅读全帖