B*****a 发帖数: 5528 | 13 Chi1
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.2.2 |
wh 发帖数: 141625 | 23 魑魅魍魉chi1 mei4 wang3 liang3。 |
l*****r 发帖数: 1028 | 24 【 以下文字转载自 Prose 讨论区 】
发信人: lilyapr (亓水山), 信区: Prose
标 题: 名副其实的皇帝和名不副实的皇帝
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 14 22:45:22 2017, 美东)
皇帝一词, 使自秦始皇,他统一中国后,认为过去的“君、王”等称号都不足以显示自
小组长都每当过,但也可以想象的出来... 阅读全帖 |
h******e 发帖数: 1367 | 25 pai2 dui4 chi1 bao1 zi0!! |
c******n 发帖数: 4965 | 26 he's just being WS
I despise guys who try to CHI1 DOU4 FU3 during swimming |
Y*******y 发帖数: 5293 | 27 lao3 nian2 chi1 dai1?
反应比较迟钝 |
l*****r 发帖数: 1028 | 28 小杂文一篇,应该也可以发这儿吧
皇帝一词, 使自秦始皇,他统一中国后,认为过去的“君、王”等称号都不足以显示
让你死得非常惨,估计看脑袋都是最轻的处罚了,种种酷刑,兹... 阅读全帖 |
t**u 发帖数: 17 | 29 Harbiner, I want you to elaborate on this:
Suffer in mind has never been necessary in life!
Because we hear numerous sayings like "chi1 de ku3 zhong1 ku3,
fang1 wei2 ren2 shang4 ren2" (sorry no chinese input). I always
scoffed these away. I have always been, like a free spirit, doing whatever
I want to do, and so far I may be lucky, I think I did fine.
But recently I start to worry, what if I'm wrong? What if to get
good out of life, we have to endure certain unpleasantness first?
Is that a must |
f*x 发帖数: 196 | 30 It is: preposterous
I wrote down preposterous words.
I cried for my toisome,
and ache.
I was noticed by someone:
They laugh at me.
just ignore
(Man3 Zhi3 Huang3 Tang2 Yan2)
(Yi4 Ba3 Xin1 Suan1 Lei4)
(Shi4 Ren2 Xiao4 Wo3 Chi1)
(Shui2 Jie3 Qi2 Zhong1 Wei4) |
t****n 发帖数: 24 | 31
Yin1 Wei2 Ni3 Sha3, Here, I remember sth, when I went to
Tai4 Shan1
with Xiao Jiantao, Liu Shan and several other MMs, we had a
about our classmates, we all agreed the wsquare is the most
WEI3 XIE4 of all the boys in my class, thus I think MMs
won't have
further interaction with you for the sake of their own safty
innocence, this is just an old story, never mind it.
PLUS, Jonny, why don't you focus on your TOEFL instead of
Fan4 Suan1
Zhuang1 Nen4 here? Chi1 Bao3 Le Cheng1 De.
OK, |
q***z 发帖数: 934 | 32 Hao3 xiang3 chi1 mian4 wo1 ya |
s****r 发帖数: 2386 | 33 Big pay raise? chi1. 猫鼠 is at Indy, Purdue is only 2 hours from Chicago |
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 34 Excellent. So, it will never "Chi1 Li3 Pa2 Wai4". |
r********n 发帖数: 12 | 36 I am interested in this quick review. My skpe id is cindy.chi1 |
r********n 发帖数: 12 | 37 Count me in. Skype id: cindy.chi1 |
r********n 发帖数: 12 | 38 count me in. Skypid is cindy.chi1 |
h**s 发帖数: 1757 | 39 B(3):组长:MD11
milkshake (lottery)
ttaot (rabbitonline)
iamreallybad (奋起直追,决不当落后分子) iamreallybad
spiritedpig (独立特行的猪)
wildfish (wildfish)
Emily08 (Emily08)
luowenyi (luowenyi)
zhu84518 (lot)
Passer0202 (... ...) BenLuu22
bluespirit99 (bluespirit99)
cellreg (cellreg)
redsnomman (firefly) cindy.chi1
nonozw (nono) vivianzw305
zaqizaba (zaqizaba) jolene330
goddog (犯强汉者,虽远必诛)
hanm2 (xiao shandong), |
c*********s 发帖数: 63 | 42 Fang4 sheng1, chi1 su4, nian4 jing1, at the same time follow the doctor's
Big bless~ |
f*********d 发帖数: 166 | 43 Are you familiar with Ya4 Yun4 Cun1 area? We should make some plans about Chi1
He1 Wan2 Le4 during ICP2004 |
j**g 发帖数: 37 | 44 sure, can't be more familiar,i lived there for a long time
对了,大家食宿怎么安排的, 有什么需要帮忙的
还有谁也是做oral presentation的?
Chi1 |
s******g 发帖数: 15854 | 46 oh, that makes sense. good good, you3 kong4 yi1 qi3 chi1 fan4 |