i*******u 发帖数: 80 | 1 我对结局没搞懂,为什么EM醒过来后没有人提到浴缸里的那个。 |
h*******e 发帖数: 3857 | 3 据说小制作也,50K吧,能拍成这样,非常的钦佩
比国内那些“大片”好太多去了 |
i*******u 发帖数: 80 | 5 是有点惊悚,不过当这群人又一次收到Huge贴在门上的纸条时,MIKE说了一句:“how
many Hugh and Amirs are walking around out there?”,然后我脑补了一下那个画
面,乐坏了。 |
i*******u 发帖数: 80 | 6 豆瓣上也有人这么说,但总觉得怪怪的,不合逻辑。
那得非常凑巧才做得到。 |
b******n 发帖数: 4559 | 7 浴缸里那个Em有可能刚苏醒然后找了个电话就求救了,她本身就在那个屋子里,不需要
,因此没人发现那个浴缸里的Em吧。 |
h*****k 发帖数: 5022 | 8 这片子大晚上看完吓得不行,还去豆瓣上找影评解释才大致清楚了一点 |
d*****d 发帖数: 10658 | 9 赞!关于平行空间,强烈推荐coherence,yituan上次也推荐过的。 |
o**s 发帖数: 3412 | 11 "2D画面本身的coherent structure", 通俗点说,是不是就是一副画/照片,看上去好
看,和谐, 可以引起视觉美观?
彩, etc. 我明白(or do I?) 你说的这些都不是必要或足够条件. |
a*f 发帖数: 5682 | 12 我理解的所谓coherent structure在The story of art(P538) 里面用了Poussin的画
Et in Acadia ego做了解释,我摘录一下
A painting like Poussin's 'Et in Arcadia ego', presents a beautifully
harmonious pattern in which one shape seems to answer the other. We feel
that everything is in its place, and nothing is casual or vague. Each form
stands out clearly and one can visualize it as a firm, solid body. The whole
has a natural simplicity which looks restful and calm.
S... 阅读全帖 |
o**s 发帖数: 3412 | 13 "2D画面本身的coherent structure", 通俗点说,是不是就是一副画/照片,看上去好
看,和谐, 可以引起视觉美观?
彩, etc. 我明白(or do I?) 你说的这些都不是必要或足够条件. |
a*f 发帖数: 5682 | 14 我理解的所谓coherent structure在The story of art(P538) 里面用了Poussin的画
Et in Acadia ego做了解释,我摘录一下
A painting like Poussin's 'Et in Arcadia ego', presents a beautifully
harmonious pattern in which one shape seems to answer the other. We feel
that everything is in its place, and nothing is casual or vague. Each form
stands out clearly and one can visualize it as a firm, solid body. The whole
has a natural simplicity which looks restful and calm.
S... 阅读全帖 |
f*******y 发帖数: 2368 | 15 是啊,否则也不会最高的连拍才10幅每秒。
空间,运算量就更大了。 |
f*******y 发帖数: 2368 | 16 我不信松下真做到了把两千万像素实时合到2百万像素。
data transfer的速度都来不及,更别说video里重要的
要处理20M*3bytes*30 = 1.8GB/秒的原始数据,假设只有30fps,
不考虑60. |
t****g 发帖数: 35582 | 17 锅跟房没有coherence呀。
你看贪贪没房不也收了一屋子锅了。 |
h******g 发帖数: 11250 | 24 獭灵童教我
这样combine还有coherence? |
b*******t 发帖数: 33714 | 25 说了我不懂这个阿 如果是三个频道分开detect就coherent阿 |
h******g 发帖数: 11250 | 26 这我当然知道,我是问测白光能coherent? |
h*k 发帖数: 520 | 28 this album is acutally not released yet,but leaked on the internet.
just listened to this album last night,good album!
dark traquility is always a band of quality,may not be classic,but a band wh
o keep coherent with all their works. |
r****a 发帖数: 41 | 29 I like your question.
A second language can never compete with a mother tongue. For me it is a
fact, and I never bother to
change that, as long as I don't find it difficult to communicate at any
levels given the scenario, either
professional or personal.
If you allow me to be upfront (or to bring it up straightforwardly when it
comes to sensitive issues :P), I
think you are a little bit of a show-off (run and hide ^^!!). You might be
worrying too much about
impressing others with your English... 阅读全帖 |
m***y 发帖数: 14763 | 30 Hohoho, it's the same in this country ah. Well, here you can choose your
channel(s), and they are different. But each of them is still coherent with
itself. And you are sticking to one or a few of them, and can't tolerate
The national ones might have certain level of balanced coverage, but the
local news channels are definitely 填空题. Instead of wasting your time
picking on 新闻联播, try find the patterns in your local news. You might
even have a better career if you get used to the bullshit. |
s******z 发帖数: 60 | 31 This is a 转贴,the OP is from 大陆。He has no any choice there for news.
Hohoho, it's the same in this country ah. Well, here you can choose your
channel(s), and they are different. But each of them is still coherent with
itself. And you are sticking to one or a few of them, and can't tolerate
The national ones might have certain level of balanced coverage, but the
local news channels are definitely 填空题. Instead of wasting your time
picking on 新闻联播, try find the patterns in your local news. ... 阅读全帖 |
b*******n 发帖数: 1267 | 32 安乐哲 郝大维:儒家思想与实用主义
[美] 安乐哲 郝大维
一、 在中国曾被尊为“孔子第二” 的杜威
对儒教的,而且将杜威的思想与传统儒家思想根本对立起来。让人感到具有讽刺意味的... 阅读全帖 |
z**c 发帖数: 7595 | 33 看看当年:
(以下是新语丝公开资料。 如有冒犯,敬请原谅)
曹涵,博士, 美国Bionanomatrix公司CTO
Cao Linqiu,博士,Research Scientist,荷兰DMV International
Chan Jane, 博士, Sr. Analyst, US West Financial
Chen Biao, 生物医学工程博士, Principal Scientist, Hologic, Inc.
Chen Dong, 博士,Senior Staff Scientist, Veeco Instruments
Chen Guangjion... 阅读全帖 |
x****u 发帖数: 12955 | 34
Then why don't you explain it clearly why you are bitching on Liu. Because
honestly I haven't seen anything that's logical and coherent, other than
something that resemble rant of a psychotic man. |
s**i 发帖数: 4448 | 35 http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/26/magazine/why-rational-people-
Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories
In the days following the bombings at the Boston Marathon, speculation
online regarding the identity and motive of the unknown perpetrator or
perpetrators was rampant. And once the Tsarnaev brothers were identified and
the manhunt came to a close, the speculation didn’t cease. It took a new
form. A sampling: Maybe the brothers Tsarnaev were just patsies, fall guys
set up to take the h... 阅读全帖 |
i***a 发帖数: 11826 | 36 赞,很复杂,有空认真看。coherent light? |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 37 aka laser
赞,很复杂,有空认真看。coherent light? |
H***z 发帖数: 582 | 38 陈涌海,1967年生,北大物理系86级学生,科学家乐手,中科院半导体所半导体材
料科学重点实验室主任、博士生导师,杰出青年基金获得者。 主要从事半导体低维结
持了国家973、自然科学基金等多项研究课题。在Phys. Rev. B,Appl. Phys. Lett.等
刊物发表论文80余篇。 研究量子、纳米之余,弹琴复长啸,纵情民谣中。在校期间,
十年在... 阅读全帖 |
i******l 发帖数: 268 | 39 数字电路(经典逻辑门)本身就是损失能量的,宏观角度来讲,数字逻辑电路有 多个
扇入到一个扇出的逻辑门,这样意味着输入信息大于输出信息,i.e. 2^n>2^1. 损失信
有逻辑单元的coherence上。 |
M**S 发帖数: 3483 | 40 不行,这个上联叔还是反复琢磨过的,读博士和do bullshit都是动宾短语,师妹和
shemale都是单个名词,下联也必须对仗这个结构,再加上语义要coherent,非常难 |
发帖数: 1 | 41 Agree...especially you have PTSD....
我觉得防止老年人的这个毛病就是reduce load ... slow down ... 真的不是27岁了。
今天我和一个老lady have a good conversation... I felt like that conversation
was similar like a conversation I did when I was 14 yeas old ... a long
talk . But the subject is coherent finally, IMO. |
H********g 发帖数: 43926 | 42 这个跟河马说的不一样。这是自由电子激光X射线(XFEL),利用它的高相干性(
射,电镜/电子衍射,基本都是一个原理,换着不同的粒子玩。 |
g*q 发帖数: 26623 | 43 散裂中子源做生物研究已经很多了,美国有,中国有,欧洲也有,还在建新机器
: 这个跟河马说的不一样。这是自由电子激光X射线(XFEL),利用它的高相干性(
: coherence),来射单分子或者极小的晶体来解结构,基本是X射线晶体学的进一
: 河马说的是高能粒子散射,不是光子衍射。其实这个也有了,叫做中子衍射(衍
: 射在这里也差不多,反正对于粒子来说就是直接撞上,拐个弯,然后德布罗意波
: 涉产生图像)。当然可以换个其他粒子,换个能量,换个重构方式。中子衍射,
: 射,电镜/电子衍射,基本都是一个原理,换着不同的粒子玩。
y********k 发帖数: 677 | 44 Review of the movie from the writer
I consider that [director Abdellatif] Kechiche and I have contradictory
aesthetic approaches, perhaps complementary. The fashion in which he chose
to shoot these scenes is coherent with the rest of what he his creation.
Sure, to me it seems far away from my own method of creation and
representation, but it would be very silly of me to reject something on the
pretext that's it different from my own vision.
That's me as a writer. Now, as a lesbian...
It appears ... 阅读全帖 |
y********k 发帖数: 677 | 45 Review of the movie from the writer
I consider that [director Abdellatif] Kechiche and I have contradictory
aesthetic approaches, perhaps complementary. The fashion in which he chose
to shoot these scenes is coherent with the rest of what he his creation.
Sure, to me it seems far away from my own method of creation and
representation, but it would be very silly of me to reject something on the
pretext that's it different from my own vision.
That's me as a writer. Now, as a lesbian...
It appears ... 阅读全帖 |
A*****t 发帖数: 1594 | 46 这个公式依我看it's not self-coherent. 首先companionship contradicts sex in t
he long run which might be the reason the bride and bridegroom are seperated
for several weeks before wedding as a tradition in many countries, like kor
ea, italy.
2. 'respect' is not a well_defined term
3. companionship makes a lot sense.
你们补充吧 我懒得打了 |
j*******u 发帖数: 712 | 47 【 以下文字转载自 TrustInJesus 讨论区 】
发信人: jiagejidu (shenmumaliya), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: Why is Calvinism a Cult?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 18 22:22:17 2011, 美东)
Calvinism is a cult for many reasons. Cultlike behavior is always marked
by an idolatrous desire to the cult itself. This is especially true in
Calvinism. You will not find every Presbyterian or Reformed Baptist to be
mired down in the cult-like behavior of Calvinism. There are many people who
attend Calvinistic churches do so for reasons o... 阅读全帖 |
p*********y 发帖数: 1617 | 48 英语诗有格律的啊
比如说有 Jambus Pentameter (Blankverns) ...
有 internal rhyme, eye rhyme ...
Alliteration, Anapher, Antithese, Hyperbel,etc
Free verse - also known as vers libre - is a term describing various styles
of poetry that are written without using a strict rhyme scheme, but still re
cognizable as poetry by virtue of complex patterns of one sort or another th
at readers will perceive to be part of a coherent whole.
Philip Hobsbaum identifies th |