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发帖数: 10330
First Indian MiG-29 Fighter Jet Lands on Vikramaditya
MOSCOW, February 7 (RIA Novosti) – An Indian MiG-29 naval jet landed on a
refitted former Soviet aircraft carrier Friday, marking the first such
operation since the ship was delivered by Russia to the south Asian nation
earlier this year.
“An exciting event took place today – the first landing of an [Indian] MiG
-29 piloted by an Indian pilot on the Vikramaditya,” Russia’s United... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1061
China's Poly Technologies defence marketing company has used the IDEX show
held in Abu Dhabi from 19-23 February to reveal its Silent Hunter fibre-
optic laser air defence system.
A full-scale version of the Silent Hunter's optical systems was displayed
during IDEX. (Patrick Allen/IHS Markit)A full-scale version of the Silent
Hunter's optical systems was displayed during IDEX. (Patrick Allen/IHS
Poly officials told Jane's that the system was used to help defend the 4-5
Sep... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2366
来自主题: Olympics版 - 这里准备开张了吧
Did you know that a cruising baby in one day can take as many steps as a
marathon runner in a race?1 The efforts that babies go to in order to
overcome everyday challenges – from learning to crawl, walk or balance, to
pulling themselves onto a chair or even a step – are truly world class in
their effort and determination. In celebration of these amazing feats that
babies undertake each and eve... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33825
Senate rejects bid to open debate on repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell'
Washington (CNN) -- The Senate on Thursday rejected a Democratic bid to open
debate on repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy banning openly gay a
nd lesbian soldiers from military service, possibly killing any chance for i
t to get passed in the current congressional session.
However, a bipartisan group of senators immediately said they would raise th
e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - HPV From Oral Sex?
HPV From Oral Sex? Young People Often Underestimate The Risk
Ironically, April is both Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Awareness month
as well as Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness month. Many people don't
even realize how these two diseases are linked and how they both pose a
serious health risk, especially for our adolescent boys.
As far as STDs, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC),... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
The Iowa Senate will remain under the control of a slim 26-25 Democratic
majority when it reconvenes in January 2012.
Liz Mathis, 43, won a clear victory in a special election Tuesday by earning
13,184 votes or 55.8 percent support, according to the Linn County Auditor
’s Office.
Cindy Golding, her Republican opponent garnered 10,283 votes or 43.52
percent support. The Constitution Party’s Jon Tack earned 151 votes and
just under 1 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
WASHINGTON -- In 2008, the owners of a Sacramento ice cream parlor donated
thousands of dollars to support Proposition 8, which would ban marriage
equality in California. Gay rights activists, unhappy with the owners'
actions, posted negative reviews of the company online. Protesters also
stood outside the shop and handed out free rainbow sherbert and waved signs
reading "I love rainbow sherbert" and "It's a rocky road to equality."... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
Bridgewater is the largest state university in the Massachusetts Public
Higher Education system and the fourth largest campus overall in the system,
which comprises 15 community colleges, nine state universities and a
university with five campuses.
Counting campus acres or student number?
发帖数: 2153
LGBT individuals are overrepresented among homeless youth. The National
Alliance to End Homelessness estimates that approximately 300,000 LGBT youth
each year experience at least one night of homelessness in
the United States.13
Two sub-populations of youth particularly vulnerable to housing instability
and homelessness are those
with criminal justice involvement and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
youth (LGBT). LGBT youth
co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
History was made. The old record of 10,000 participants in a
survey/petition sponsored by an Asian Am organization was broken
by a factor of FIVE or more!
This implies unprecedented UNITY of the Asian Am. community.
o The largest Filipino American national organization, National
Federation of Filipino American Assoications (NaFFAA), joined as a co-
filer of a legal brief to the Supreme Court. The brief will advocate
"a race-neutral and merit-based college admission policy."
o The ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Some compared the feeling to when Gavin Newsom opened San Francisco City
Hall for same-sex couples to marry. Others thought of the jubilation
surrounding the California Supreme Court decision in 2008. Still more
invoked the euphoria the night New York passed marriage equality legislation
. Even as people groped for examples to describe their emotions around the
news that President Obama had come out in favor of full marriage equality on
Wednesday, a surge in donations following his historic anno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
A gay pastor who married his musical producer boyfriend in New York last
year has fulfilled a vow to hold a wedding banquet in his native Malaysia in
what they believe is the first such event in the Muslim-majority country.
Malaysian-born Ngeo Boon Lin and African-American husband Phineas Newborn
III, quietly held the closed reception Saturday — complete with public
kisses and karaoke ballad performances — with about 200 guests, including a
handful of Chinese-language journalists who were asked ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
A coalition supporting the freedom to marry has launched a $1 million
campaign highlighting endorsements from leaders across the political
spectrum, including President Obama and several high-profile former
Republican leaders.
The Respect for Marriage Coalition, comprised of more than 80 LGBT civil
rights and business organizations, today launched its first television ad,
featuring supportive statements on marriage equality from Obama, former Vice
President Dick Cheney, former First Lady Laura B... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
LGBT Americans are fixated on one question surrounding the two historic gay
rights cases that will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court next week:
Will same-sex marriage be legalized nationwide?
Though there are three basic outcomes possible that would be considered a “
win” for marriage equality, constitutional law scholar Geoffrey Stone felt
assured of this: “I think there’s zero chance of the court doing anything
harmful to th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 256
来自主题: RuralChina版 - Chapter 4 Research Approach and Methodology
A further reason for choosing Guizhou for a project on participatory approaches derives from the common perception that the poorest are thought to be silent. The participatory approach intentionally tries to provide a way for the poorest to control
their own lives. (Chambers 1983) Guizhou is a province where ethnic minorities are concentrated. There are 46 ethnic minority groups comprise 31.48% of the total population in Guizhou, whereas the total number of ethnic minority groups nationwide is 5
发帖数: 22303
来自主题: RuralChina版 - 放心奶这样产出来
Casein Protein
Casein Protein - The Dangers
Over that last decade or so we have heard much in the media about casein
protein and autistic children. Health food stores even carry products now
that state whether they are “casein free”.
Many autistic children are put on casein and gluten free diets as a form of
treatment, but what about the general population? Should we be concerned
about c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3205
来自主题: TheStrait版 - 一位本科生的来信
It's been a while since we last spoke and I am not sure if you have been
privy to the news but many analysts predict another economic collapse that
will be more devastating than the one in '08 judging by the current
situation in Europe and the U.S. They haven't concretely addressed any of
the issues that led to the financial collapse and neither major party has
proposed solution... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 50
Senator Reid Offers Excuses Not Solutions
The Democrats cannot file cloture on economic realities
Senator Tom Coburn
When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced a massive and
unprecedented $10 billion omnibus spending bill this week comprised of about
35 of the 200 bills I have declined to help pass without debate this
Congress, he argued his effort would end my “unprecedented obstruction”
and a
发帖数: 195
CANTON, Ohio (CNN) – In her first fundraising effort on behalf of the
McCain campaign, Sarah Palin raised just under $1 million, according to the
host of the event.
Because McCain has accepted public financing for his campaign, the money
raised will go towards the McCain-Palin Ohio Victory fund, which is
comprised of the Ohio state GOP, the Republican National Committee, and the
McCain-Palin Compliance Fund, which solicits private donations to help the
发帖数: 124
ABC 报道,以色列一份公信度极高的报纸引述了法国总统的观点,指出奥巴马的伊朗政策简直形同儿戏,既傲慢,更是毫无实质内容的夸夸其谈!
“The respected Israeli newspaper Ha'artez reports that according to a "
senior Israeli government source, the reports reaching Israel indicate that
Sarkozy views the Democratic candidate's stance on Iran as 'utterly immature
' and comprised of 'formulations empty of all content.'"
发帖数: 8363
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama issed more bailout for GMAC
GMAC Financial Services, the former financial arm of General Motors, is set
to receive yet more federal bailout funds as the year draws to a close.
According to a Reuters report, GMAC will get roughly $3.5 billion in
additional federal government money to help cover losses on the mortgage
market. Mortgage-related assets, considered the key to GMAC’s return to
profitability, comprise roughly a third of GMAC’s total $178 billion
balance sheet.
The bank has already received about $12.5 billion in b
发帖数: 3299
You are clueless. Capitalism reward people have the most money not the most
hard working people. This is why the super rich comprise of 0.001% of the
population and they still can defend their right in a democratic capitalism
country. They control what media say.

发帖数: 29846
51% Pakistanis sad & 44% consider Osama a Martyr: Survey
South Asian News Agency (SANA) ⋅ May 16, 2011 ⋅
ISLAMABAD, (SANA): Although Public opinion is divided on the Abbottabad
Incident however more than two third of Pakistanis (68%) believe the
sovereignty of their country was severely compromised in the American
operation and about half of population are sad and 44% consider Osama bin
Laden a Martyr.
Findings of a study released by Gilani Foundation and carried out by Gallup
Pakist... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press – Mon May 30, 11:54 am ET
WASHINGTON – In the first presidential election since the tea party's
emergence, Republican candidates are drifting rightward on a range of issues
, even though more centrist stands might play well in the 2012 general
On energy, taxes, health care and other topics, the top candidates hold
positions that are more conservative than those they espoused a few years
The shifts reflect the evolving views of conservative vo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Exposing Affirmative Action's Demoralizing, and Racist, Results
by Jerome Hudson
ExposingLeftists.com arrived on the campus of the University of California,
Merced, last May to gather signatures on a petition calling for a
redistribution of grade-point averages. Not surprisingly, few star students
wanted to share the fruits of their academic labors.
But the logic was liberally sound. Students who worked hard and studied
longer than their peers—in the spirit of fairness—should be wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama Wussed Out
By James G. Wiles
Mark Halperin is wrong. He's not a "dick." He's a wuss, and the story of
how he just wussed out has not really been told.
In a series of articles and posts here beginning back on March 8, I've
followed the reported movements of the U.S. Navy's carrier strike groups
around the world, arguing that they offer the best clue to President Barack
Obama's strategic thinking on America's proper role in the world.
This was undertaken as a thought experiment.
At the time, the Arab Sprin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Texas好样的
Mexican Citizen Executed After Court Declines to Intervene
Texas executed a Mexican national whose prosecution violated U.S. treaty
obligations soon after the Supreme Court refused to intervene Thursday.
U.S. high court clears the way for Mexican man, convicted of rape, to be
executed in Texas. Video Courtesy of Reuters.
Humberto Leal Garcia, 38 years old, was convicted of the 1994 rape and
murder of a 16-year-old girl. He had asked the court to stay his execution
while Congress considered legis... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 937
来自主题: USANews版 - AGI 超过200K的Tax Payers才只有3%
$200k AGI 是Obama定义的富人线,AGI200 或更多占总Tax Payers的3%。影响人数很少
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- As the government looks for ways to climb out of its
massive hole of debt, all eyes are on the rich.
President Obama and many of his fellow Democrats continue to call for higher
taxes on the wealthy. And, according to results of a CNN/ORC International
Poll released Wednesday, many Americans agree that it's the only way the
country can dig itself out o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jerome Hudson
ExposingLeftists.com arrived on the campus of the University of California,
Merced, last May to gather signatures on a petition calling for a
redistribution of grade-point averages. Not surprisingly, few star students
wanted to share the fruits of their academic labors.
But the logic was liberally sound. Students who worked hard and studied
longer than their peers—in the spirit of fairness—should be willing to
sacrifice their higher GPAs to benefit those whose grades weren’t s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 美国大兵从哪来?
The Truth About Who Fights for Us
In 2007, only 11% of enlisted military recruits came from the poorest U.S.
It should no more be necessary to write this article than to prove that
there were Jews killed in the World Trade Center on 9/11. And yet the
mythology refuses to die. Just last week, two well-educated and well-known
writer acquaintances of mine remarked in passing on the "fact"... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The End of the Euro?
by Bruce Thornton (Research Fellow and W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-
Campbell National Fellow, 2009–10, 2010–11)
Good riddance to a bad idea.
The champions of the European Union once touted it as a “bold new
experiment in living” and “the best hope in an insecure age.” But these
days “fear is coursing through the corridors of Brussels,” as the B.B.C.
reported in September. Such fear is justified, for the nations of Europe are
struggling with fiscal problems that challe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
(CNSNews.com) – Textbooks used in Pakistani public schools and religious
madrassas promote intolerant views of non-Muslim minorities, extol jihad,
and portray non-Muslims not at citizens with rights but as infidels, pagans,
apostates or subservient dhimmis, according to an unprecedented new study.
Interviews with teachers and students, carried out as part of the
investigation, found that negative views of non-Muslims contained in the
books are widely held by teachers and transmitted to children... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Why Demographic Shifts on Religion and Marriage Could Doom the Democratic
Nov 22, 2011 4:45 AM EST
The party of Obama is increasingly unmarried and irreligious, a shift that
could help the GOP build a new majority.
If demography is destiny, the Democratic Party could be facing big trouble.
A growing contrast between the two major parties centers more and more on
stark differences in marital status and religious involvement—distinctions
that should give substantial advantages to Republicans... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2273
WASHINGTON (CNNMoney) -- Thousands of college students may soon feel a
financial pinch and another 100,000 may not be able to complete degrees if
Congress pushes ahead with planned changes to federal student loans,
education experts said.
Congress is expected on Friday to pass a budget to fund the federal
government over the next nine months. And the budget makes some big changes
to certain federal student loan programs.
The good news for students is the budget would set maximum level of the
pop... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 865
Again, REP care only tax cut for the rich. They don't care tax cut for the
middle class.
Here is a simple introduction.
In 2010, DEM said 'let cut tax for people who made < 250K only", REP said no
and tax for people who made > 250K must be included.
Then DEM said "let cut tax for all for two years+ pay roll tax cut for one
year". REP said OK. This was the comprise.
Now DEM said "let extend the pay roll tax cut for another year". REP said NO
and you need spending cut to offset.
发帖数: 865

nothing at all.
plus the toxic controversial pipe line.
DEM and REP in senate make a comprise of two months temp cut but REP in
house tries to turn it down.
发帖数: 4050
"The law, however, emphasizes that an institution's CRA activities should be
undertaken in a safe and sound manner, and does not require institutions to
make high-risk loans that may bring losses to the institution.[3][4] "
You guys again, are after nothing at all.
From Wiki-
The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 seeks to address discrimination in
loans made to individuals and businesses from low and moderate-income
neighborhoods.[7] The Act mandates that all banking instit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Deadly Diversity
Nigeria’s Islamist war on Christianity.
Mar 19, 2012, Vol. 17, No. 26 • By PAUL MARSHALL
In Nigeria, thousands of people have been killed in recent months, and tens
of thousands in the last decade. It is a fissiparous country whose conflicts
have been exacerbated by the increased influence of radical Islam​—&
#8203;beginning with attempts to apply Islamic law, then the growth of
militias, and now the depredations of the vicious al Qaeda-linked Boko Haram
Map of Nigeria
Nige... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
“Everybody’s a target; everybody with communication is a target.”
—A senior intelligence official previously involved with the Utah Data
In the small town of Bluffdale, Utah, not far from bustling Salt Lake City,
the federal government is quietly erecting what will be the crown jewel of
its surveillance empire. Rising up out of the desert landscape, the Utah
Data Center (UDC)—a $2 billion behemoth designed to house a network of
computers, satellites, and phone lines that stretches across ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
World's Largest Solar Plant, With Second Largest Ever Department of Energy
Loan Guarantee, Files For Bankruptcy
Tyler Durden's picture
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/02/2012 20:14 -0400
Solyndra was just the appetizer. Earlier today, in what will come as a
surprise only to members of the administration, the company which proudly
held the rights to the world's largest solar power project, the hilariously
named Solar Trust of America... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - It's Not About the Woman
When a woman fails on Wall Street, (Zoe Cruz, Sallie Krawcheck, Erin Callan)
, it's often tempting to draw sweeping conclusions about the evolution of
women in the finance industry. Often, this approach is warranted: No female
CEO leads a bulge-bracket bank and women generally comprise around 20% of
managing directors, one of the highest ranks in finance.
Because there are so few visible women in finance, when one steps down or is
forced out, the move is automatically suffuse... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama's Sons: They Are Real for Him
By Daren Jonescu
Much has been said, here at American Thinker and elsewhere, about Barack
Obama's recent pair of teleprompted references to his (presumably) non-
existent sons.
Thomas Lifson toys with the notion that Obama might in fact have secret sons
, as a way of making sense of the seeming insanity of it. Selwyn Duke
suggests it might indicate brain damage from Obama's (presumably) past drug
use. (Funny, isn't it, how often one is left no choice but merely to
presume about the Cipher-in-C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Patrick Goodenough
June 4, 2012
(CNSNews.com) – U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addressed the advisory
board of a newly-established U.N. Counter-Terrorism Center in Saudi Arabia
on Sunday but was silent on the world body’s enduring failure to come up
with a universal definition of terrorism.
For well over a decade, the biggest single obstacle preventing a U.N.
agreement on defining terrorism has been the insistence by Muslim states
belonging to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
(CNSNews.com) - Sunni Muslim terrorists committed “about 70 percent” of
the 12,533 terrorist murders in the world last year, according to a report
by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
The information comes from the 2011 NCTC Report on Terrorism, which is based
on information available as of March 12, 2012.
“Sunni extremists accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks
and fatalities for the third consecutive year,” the report says. “More
than 5,700 incidents were attributed ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Michael F. Haverluck
A lawsuit that challenges the placement of the cross at the site of the 9/11
attack on the World Trade Center alleges atheist plaintiffs have suffered
serious physical and mental illness because the religious symbol has made
them feel excluded.
Nonsense, says a new friend-of-the-court brief to be filed Monday in the
case by the American Center for Law and Justice. The brief, which carries
the signatures of more than 100,000 people, argues there have been no known
sighting... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - No 2013 Federal GS Pay Raises
In contrast to President Obama’s budget which included a 0.5% Federal
employee (GS) pay raise in 2013, Congress has elected to exclude any federal
pay raise provisions for next year from its annual government appropriation
bills. The GS pay scale covers all federal workers, including civilian
Defense Department employees, but does not apply to military personnel,
government contractors, postal workers, members of Congress, Congressional
staffers, or federal court judges and workers.
The House Ap... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16625
Total Welfare Spending Now at $1 Trillion
By NRO Staff
October 18, 2012 4:00 A.M.
Total annual spending on federal means-tested welfare programs has hit $1
trillion. The Congressional Research Service is out with a new memorandum on
spending on these programs. Senator Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican
on the Senate budget committee who requested the memo, has crunched the
numbers and come up with the astonishing figu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16594
WASHINGTON -- Republicans across the country were shellshocked as President
Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s presidential election,
finishing the race with 332 electoral votes and winning every battleground
state except for North Carolina. The blame game began almost immediately, as
Republicans looked to determine how a vulnerable incumbent like Obama had
found a pathway to reelection.
The evidence behind the president’s victory points toward a stron... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Cliff Would Strike Low Incomes Hard
If the U.S. goes over the "fiscal cliff," some Americans may fall harder
than others.
The biggest impact in sheer dollars would land on relatively affluent
households, particularly when it comes to the tax increases that make up the
bulk of the cliff. But in terms of percentage of tax increases, low- and
moderate-income taxpayers will face the biggest burden—an often overlooked
part of the budget debate that's now getting attention as the year-end
deadline nears.
Investors ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1430
【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: fakaoti08 (fakati08), 信区: EB23
标 题: Biden: Latinos 'the center of this nation's future'
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 3 23:02:30 2013, 美东)
Vice President Joe Biden says the 2012 election will be forever viewed as a
turning point for the Latino community, whose political and economic power
is "just about to take full flight."
"What's finally happened is the American people, the American people have
finally begun to understand …the awesome potential, future potential of the
H... 阅读全帖
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