k****e 发帖数: 100 | 1 gsl 由一个工具 gsl-config 能告诉你怎么配置gcc
gcc/g++ `gsl-config --libs` test.cc |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 2 Is there any reason that you want to exclude some of the default libraries?
in debug config, you excluded libcmt.lib and libcmtd.lib, and you can pass,
which means you must have been using msvcrtd.lib.
in release config, you excluded libcmt.lib and msvcrtd.lib, supposedly you
should use msvcrt.lib, but seems something is wrong with your compiler
option (/MT vs /MD, etc)
and by the way, /DEBUG is normal, which means include debug information.
even in release mode you can include that, and by defa... 阅读全帖 |
z*******3 发帖数: 13709 | 3 传输加密就行了
什么工具都支持plain html的调试
随便一个浏览器都可以就地打开.html文件 |
w*s 发帖数: 7227 | 4 Hi everyone,
i'm lost on this one, can someone give me some hints ?
1. downloaded latest stunnel package from web
2. build in the host linux and runs fine
3. build for arm target (am using the same settings from before,
my task is to upgrade to latest stunnel)
4. builds ok, when run in arm board, seg fault.
5. from gdb core,
[New LWP 867]
Cannot access memory at address 0x70797263
(gdb) bt
#0 parse_commandline (name=0xbefdce29 "/opt/ultra/config/stunnel.conf",
parameter=0xbefdce48 "-version") at... 阅读全帖 |
h******b 发帖数: 6055 | 5 是config file。
也就是说先备份整个数据库。 然后数据库传RDS。 然后改config file的ip?
我听说好像四小>两中? 最重要的是理论上来说可以添加无数个小? 散发不同地区。
Amazon自动load balance? rds我可以完全不用操心?
dns怎么解决。 我得改dns record支持多个ip还是有更好办法。 不好意思好多小白
问题。 |
c******o 发帖数: 1277 | 6 old AMI是old config, 但是你不要把它接入ELB就行了,等first config run 完了再
接入。这些逻辑都可以在configuration management里。 |
z****e 发帖数: 54598 | 7 写过,但是config能有多少写的?
xml, json, properties,没啥太大区别
你人工对齐和缩进这种写法太痛苦了 |
z****e 发帖数: 54598 | 8 json少写一个,很正常对不对?
但是你还是实践一下再说 |
k**n 发帖数: 3989 | 9 小弟node.js新手,
看老毛子写的javascrps code 有如下:
class Application extends Component {
constructor(config) {
javascript不都是用function来定义class, 用 prototype来做 inheritance的吗?
老毛子是到底用了什么框架来实现这个语法的? |
g*****g 发帖数: 34805 | 10 尼玛俩文科生还凑一块了。reflection慢整个 parser读 config快?config不会有
typo, I服了你们。 |
g*****g 发帖数: 34805 | 11 你俩傻逼都是一个德行,几亿输入读config parse就更快?智商实在太低我就提示一下
车。 |
k******t 发帖数: 1498 | 12 A lof of people use it in config for authentication staff. Beause config is
loaded before run, controllers.
I really hate angular. Have been stuck here for the past 5 days. I just
cannot understand why making it so hard for such a simple and strightforward
feature: loading different start page depending on certain condition.
the |
s*i 发帖数: 5025 | 13 Normally, the value of "isReadyToRun" should be retrieved from a config file
. So that if we do want to change the value, we change the config file
instead of source code!
This happens a lot actually.
[发表自未名空间手机版 - m.mitbbs.com] |
g*****g 发帖数: 34805 | 14 configuration分两种,一种如bean之间的依赖关系,在我看来就是程序的一部分。一
或者Java config都一样。我老不推荐把XML当作configuration. 太复杂,太容易错。
在产品环境上折腾XML config基本就是找死的节奏。
tenant |
J****R 发帖数: 373 | 15 谢谢!
1, copy jar files and config files onto all nodes in cluster.
2, fat jar
3, distributed cache.
第一种太麻烦,上production 不现实,这么搞的话operation team会疯掉.
第二种比较低效,因为fat jar size太大了,跑起来performance恐怕有问题.
第三种解决了这些问题,但也得还得在client node上面单独放上jar, config. 不然启
动Job的时候会出问题. |
w***g 发帖数: 5958 | 16 从SSD随机读。我写picpac就是专门为了对付这种情况。
config = {"db": "train.spoly.db", #事先导入到存在SSD上的db文件。
"loop": True,
"shuffle": True,
"annotate": True,
"channels": 1,
"dtype": "float32",
"transforms": [
{"type": "augment.flip", "horizontal": True, "vertical":
{"type": "augment.rotate", "min":-180, "max":180},
{"type": "augment.scale... 阅读全帖 |
m**t 发帖数: 1292 | 17 usually two reasons,
1. routing, you need to config ur gateway with NAT, so that
the traffic from inside can be correctly masquarated
2. DNS, see if you can ping a known IP addr from 0.2 machine, if you
can, you may need to config the DNS on 0.2 and 0.1. Several scenarios may
apply, am using wingate, my setting is, 0.2 use 0.1 as DNS entry, and 0.1
will proxy DNS...
good luck |
V******n 发帖数: 881 | 18 年前电脑速度变慢,也没太在意
safe mode
safe mode with networking
safe mode with command prompt
last known good configuration
start windows normally
can't load the hive (file)
its log or alternative
it's corrupt, absent, or not writable
选后两个选项,XP Windows blue bar progression
can't load the hive (file)
its log or altern |
w***z 发帖数: 1848 | 19 【 以下文字转载自 Hardware 讨论区 】
发信人: windz (风子), 信区: Hardware
标 题: 好像是硬盘坏了?求解决方案!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 31 01:53:44 2007)
windows启动盘启动后chkdsk发现一个分区有无法修复的bad sector(我的硬盘分了3
register file failure
The registry cannot load the hive (file):
\SystemRoot\System32\Config\Config is corrupt
有什么解决方法吗?如果非要格式化或者重装的话,怎样先把硬盘的数据弄出来呢? |
s***t 发帖数: 195 | 20 the "letter" option in .tex file doesn't have real effects on the
actual paper size. it only sets up correct margins etc. it's
dvips handles the paper size.
ps2pdf shouldn't give you any problem if you have a correct .ps file.
edit TEXMF/dvips/config/config.ps
move those lines about letter size paper ahead of those about a4 paper.
pdflatex should handle the paper size correctly. |
A**********e 发帖数: 3102 | 21 then post your conf file. it should be under
and the file name is `config'. use notepad to open it, and post the content
BTW, you may also want to post the config file which is on your desktop and
compare them.
problem? |
f*g 发帖数: 47 | 22 I download cxterm5.0 and want to install it. But when I
install the config.sh,
it said I have no xmkmf on my system, so I had to find one
from other place,but
when I run config.sh again, it said it can not find imake,
(I also can not find
it on my system), what is the problem? Or where can I
download the imake package?
Thanks a lot for your help! |
s******n 发帖数: 15 | 23 showps under xwin32 can't show any ps file, i remember
someone told me it need be configed. anyone know how to
config it? unix version gostview is not good, i think. |
r**********p 发帖数: 2 | 24
Sigh, 我当年业遇到了同样的问题(一模一样的说)..
问了n多CS的高手gg,仔细研究了 config.sh和Makefile等诸多
最后终于解决了这个问题....sigh! cxterm,想说爱你不容易...
Good luck |
t***y 发帖数: 110 | 25
this doesnot work.
when i removed all the '-w's in the makefiles, and
ran config.sh, there would still have the same error message.
and when i checked the makefiles again, i found the '-w's were added
as before.
it seems when run config.sh, the makefiles will be renewed. |
t***y 发帖数: 110 | 26
I have installed the cxterm successfuly tonight! 哈哈~
Here are the steps:
1. go to /cxterm-5.0 and run config.sh
2. if you get the '-w' error message, then cd /scripts
3. chmod u+w compile.sh then vi compile.sh (delete all the '-f' options
in it)
4. go to /cxterm-5.0
5. run config.sh and you will find the error messages have changed.
then choose '0' and 'no' to quit the installation.
6. vi all the Makefiles (in /cxterm-5.0 /dict /fonts /utils
(1. change CC = cc to CC = gcc
2 |
a*******t 发帖数: 891 | 28 two ways to do it,
1. in the old days, NT has it's own boot loader, it can detect other boot
partitions and offers choice at start up. not sure about xp/2000, never tried.
2. you can run a boot config utility in linux. don't remember the name of it,
maybe different vender use different boot manager anyway. or you can edit the
boot config file, it's a text file.
I haven't touched linux for a few years, so those are just from memory.
hopefully they are correct and provide a little help.
you can al |
w***z 发帖数: 1848 | 29 【 以下文字转载自 Hardware 讨论区 】
发信人: windz (风子), 信区: Hardware
标 题: 好像是硬盘坏了?求解决方案!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 31 01:53:44 2007)
windows启动盘启动后chkdsk发现一个分区有无法修复的bad sector(我的硬盘分了3
register file failure
The registry cannot load the hive (file):
\SystemRoot\System32\Config\Config is corrupt
有什么解决方法吗?如果非要格式化或者重装的话,怎样先把硬盘的数据弄出来呢? |
V******n 发帖数: 881 | 30 年前电脑速度变慢,也没太在意
safe mode
safe mode with networking
safe mode with command prompt
last known good configuration
start windows normally
can't load the hive (file)
its log or alternative
it's corrupt, absent, or not writable
选后两个选项,XP Windows blue bar progression
can't load the hive (file)
its log or altern |
j**o 发帖数: 61 | 31 I am working on winNT. I use CVS command line client to
CVS server which is in IBM. But I got connection time out. I
am not
familiar with CVS. Normally, if I use it as a client in
WinNT, what
do I need to config or just use it. BTW, if I am behind
firewall, can
I use CVS and what do I need to config. Thanks a lot. if you
have idea.
ple. reply me ASAP, I need to use it to connect to CVS
server. Thanks again. |
a*****a 发帖数: 438 | 32 yeah, but do you see it like this:
if you see those '-' that you can click on, and they are nicely formatted (see
IE breaks them into separate lines), it's already formatted by default XSL.
hehe, others might think why I am so nice today to a newbie:) well, I had been
there before too... |
Q***y 发帖数: 5 | 33 【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: query (bitter), 信区: Programming
标 题: XML usage context.
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Jul 18 07:16:46 2003) WWW-POST
Would someone discuss the usage of XML. There is tons of info for webservice.
q 1:
If not for webservice, just as a config file or datasheet, what the great
benifit over db? XML API is better than database access API or something else?
q 2:
If for the purpose of config file, I thought the security flaw is too obvious.
At least other people can |
w*s 发帖数: 7227 | 34 want to automate labview tests,
ideally for test 1, load it's config file.
then modify the config file, load and run for test 2 ...
can it work in this way ? |
s*******9 发帖数: 93 | 35 入行四年 一直在做physical design
对IC这行很感兴趣 但每一个工种真的好窄啊 很难成长
虽然做了4年physical design 大部分时间只都是在用ICC
偶尔用DC跑一跑 synthesis 开PT看一看timing 等等等等
算起来从RTL到GDS全部clean 少说要用十种软件以上吧 (ICC, PT, DC, conformal,
calibre, voltus, tetramax)
这几年让我绝望的就是design flow这个可恶的存在。因为除了极个别软件用的比较多
,大部分软件都是用flow在跑 所有的setting都是CAD team定好的,怎么load library
对于其他的check 比如DRC runset, LVS,EM,IR 等等 我也只是改一改config 然后
push button
也搞不清楚所以然 时间长了人真的会变笨。
design flow天然的把做design的工程师框死在单独的公司以内
虽然source code都能看到 但奈何又臭又长 都是perl写个框架 后面再调用软件去跑... 阅读全帖 |
s*******9 发帖数: 93 | 36 入行四年 一直在做physical design
对IC这行很感兴趣 但每一个工种真的好窄啊 很难成长
虽然做了4年physical design 大部分时间只都是在用ICC
偶尔用DC跑一跑 synthesis 开PT看一看timing 等等等等
算起来从RTL到GDS全部clean 少说要用十种软件以上吧 (ICC, PT, DC, conformal,
calibre, voltus, tetramax)
这几年让我绝望的就是design flow这个可恶的存在。因为除了极个别软件用的比较多
,大部分软件都是用flow在跑 所有的setting都是CAD team定好的,怎么load library
对于其他的check 比如DRC runset, LVS,EM,IR 等等 我也只是改一改config 然后
push button
也搞不清楚所以然 时间长了人真的会变笨。
design flow天然的把做design的工程师框死在单独的公司以内
虽然source code都能看到 但奈何又臭又长 都是perl写个框架 后面再调用软件去跑... 阅读全帖 |
t******g 发帖数: 372 | 37 于server local与否无关,或者至少给些error log 别人也好知道你尝试了啥,
S/W Requirements:
MySQL client library ("libmysqlclient.so") and header files
(see www.mysql.com). For Linux/intel you may use the binary rpms
client+devel+shared, and make sure you also have the header files,
they are *NOT* included in the following
but they are included in the latest 4.1.7 rpm versions.
The library libz. This is a stan... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 38 If you are interested in an M11x this is about as cheap as I have seen the
R2 without the fake Boeing code or haggling at all with Dell. I think the
15 percent started today. The 100 off code expires on the 31st.
They are 15 Percent off on the EPP site right now.
XQ9D3C64DQ7B3D 100 off code
?TN8W7?M9FHLBW Free shipping code
It came out to like 820 after tax for this config in PA.
Take it easy on me |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 39 Searched but did not see this. Please delete if repost.
COLOR Black Chainlink
PROCESSOR 2010 IntelCore i5-460M 2.53GHz (2.8GHz Turbo Mode, 3M cache)
OPERATING SYSTEM Genuine Windows7 Home Premium, 64bit, English
MEMORY 4GB Shared Dual Channel DDR3 at 1066MHz
HARD DRIVE 500GB SATA Hard Drive (7200RPM)
VIDEO CARD 512MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 540v
WIRELESS CARDS Dell Wireless 1520 802.11n Half Mini-Card
HD DISPLAY ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 42 X120e is available on Lenovo Website
- you will have to copy and paste
minimum config is $379
there is 5% coupon USXFEBSAVINGS2011 available
The general pricing is a bit higher
my config:
AMD Fusion Processor E-350 (1.6Ghz, 1MB L2, 1.0GHz FSB) 2.0GT/s
Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 6412
11.6 HD AntiGlare - Midnight Black(w/WWAN)
AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics, AMD Fusion Processor E-350 (1.6Ghz, 1MB L2,
1.0GHz FSB) 2.0GT/s
2 G... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 45 Folks, I have searched, but don't see this deal anywhere.
This is by far the best price I have seen on a config like this!
Click here to go that system page:
It has $604 off to start with.
While checking out, apply "7WR1C2?HTTQQ11" code to get $150 off.
That makes it:
$1743.99 - $604 savings - $150 coupon = $989.99 + taxes. (Free shipping
Laptop hasXPS 17 (so 17" screen)
17.3" FHD (1080p) with 2.0MP HD Webcam
2nd generati... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 46 This is my first post, so be gentle. I was trying to get the last XPS 8300
but the coupon reached it's max before I pulled the trigger. This config is
almost as good. Same processor, ram and video card. Slightly smaller HD and
no blue ray. But is $20 cheaper. I don't need the blue ray, so this is
better for me. And it actually has a 2-year service plan as opposed to 1.
Add coupon LM?BF7P$FR9KCK to Save $100 on any Studio XPS o... 阅读全帖 |
p**v 发帖数: 853 | 48 这个你可能得试试“let windows config your wifi network”。
上。 |