

全部话题 - 话题: confronts
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发帖数: 116
If I were you, I would walk up to him, say "excuse me, sir, I have a
question." loudly. before he even have any chance to say anything, I would
continue to confront him and ask him loudly and calmly why he said he
stopped making when my son asked for one, but right after I left he
continued to make for other kids. I would demand an explanation right away
on the spot and would ask the festival organizer come over and file a formal
complaint right away on the spot. I would say "is it because I a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 857
9-11 crash: Terrorism or cry of desperation?
(NCC) -- The events on NYC's twin tower that resulted in the death of
thousands of people and the injury of hundreds more were tragic, but are
they representative of a serious terrorist threat to the United State as is
now being suggested by official sources?
According to US security organs, this act of driving an airplane into a
building and setting it on fire was a "carefully planned, organized, and
premeditated" terrorist attack carried out by a gr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Ok, any other slogan is fine too. As long as it's not a one-time focused on
Kimmel slogan. A confrontational boycott Disney slogan would be ok too.
But I tend to like non-confrontational messages on Tshirt/something you
could wear everyday and remind you to participate in the community (which is
the Chinese and/or American community).
I guess to me China is more than a nation. It's a culture, it's a people,
it's (or wants to be or will be) a force in the world for peace and good.
Just like... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4385
来自主题: Military版 - Bad thing about Canada
Very confusing financial practice. You always need a credit card for
online transaction. Not a regular debit card as in States. It is annoying,
isn't it?
Some stores only accept cash. Annoying again.
You can never call a professor Bill as in States , you can only call him
Prof. Clinton, if you think you are a decent person.
You can not hear a lot a confrontational discussion on political argument on
radio, but way more on books , arts , music or even female pychology.
What is the hell, we like ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 499
Was 2013 the Year We Lost China?
By Noah Feldman Dec 22, 2013 3:00 PM PT 102 Comments Email Print
Having spent two days getting to know each other in Sunnylands, California,
in June, Presidents Xi Jinping of China and Barack Obama of the U.S. sent
each other Christmas gifts this year. Obama sent a B-52 bomber through
airspace that China claims as its own; Xi then sent a ship from his new
carrier group to cut a dangerous 200 yards in front of an American cruiser.
Cool war heating up much?
The... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10589
来自主题: Military版 - 偶尔在网上发现这样一篇文章
“You are Dead, the Square is Dead”: The 1989 Chinese Pro-Democracy
You are dead, the Square is dead.
They say now is a great victory,
thinking that death can protect their criminal existence.
We live on,
We give our hearts to you,the dead ones,
to let you live again through our lives,
to complete the mission which you left incomplete.
by Gu Cheng and Yang... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3530
来自主题: Military版 - 马德里爆发大规模骚乱
22 March 2014 Last updated at 20:13 ET Share this pageEmail Print Share this
ShareFacebookTwitter.Spain austerity: Huge Madrid protest turns violent
Guy Hedgecoe in Madrid says the demonstrators are calling for more policies
to create jobs in Spain
Continue reading the main story
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Violence has broken out at the end of an anti-austerity protest attended by
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发帖数: 61690
DONETSK, Ukraine — Worshipers at the Bet Menakhem-Mendl synagogue in this
eastern Ukrainian city confronted a horrifying scene as they left a Passover
service this week: masked men on a sidewalk handing out leaflets demanding
that Jews register and pay a fine or leave the area, witnesses said.
DONETSK, Ukraine — Worshipers at the Bet Menakhem-Mendl synagogue in this
eastern Ukrainian city confronted a horrifying scene as they left a Passover
service this week: masked men on a sidewalk handing ou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27354
News / Asia
Source: Hanoi No Longer Confronting Chinese Ships
A U.S. based journalist who recently visited the South China Sea says he
believes the current situation near China’s disputed oil rig has calmed
Vu Hoang Lan, founder of California-based PhoBolsaTV, recently visited the
area on board Vietnamese ships. He said in an interview with VOA's
Vietnamese Service that Hanoi has shifted gears and is no longer confronting
Chin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Amazing that US portrayed as peace-living and engaged primarily in trade
normalization and regional stability. The opposite is true. Oboma's Pacific-
first strategy, the by now famous "pivot" of Us military "assets" to the
Pacific, and TPP, which, joined to the strategy, merely is the
militarization of trade.
US by its policies and its movement of large naval forces, including carrier
groups, to the region, plus the military alliances Obama is bent on firming
up (his Pacific Rim trip),... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer whose fatal shooting of
Michael Brown touched off more than a week of demonstrations, suffered
severe facial injuries, including an orbital (eye socket) fracture, and was
nearly beaten unconscious by Brown moments before firing his gun, a source
close to the department's top brass told FoxNews.com.
“The Assistant (Police) Chief took him to the hospital, his face all
swollen on one side,” said the insider. “He w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15913
Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer whose fatal shooting of
Michael Brown touched off more than a week of demonstrations, suffered
severe facial injuries, including an orbital (eye socket) fracture, and was
nearly beaten unconscious by Brown moments before firing his gun, a source
close to the department's top brass told FoxNews.com.
“The Assistant (Police) Chief took him to the hospital, his ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30882
China wants to build high−speed railway to US through Siberia and
Bering Strait
译工:discopy 发布日期:2014-06-23 浏览:0
The idea of traveling between the United States and China without flying
might seem ridiculous to virtually everyone, but if Beijing ge... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1905
HONG KONG—Late one night, 23-year-old Near Chiu came back to his family’s
apartment, tired and needing a shower after days on the streets with pro-
democracy protesters who have occupied parts of the city this past week.
His father’s first words, Near recalled, were: “So, did you get a taste of
the tear gas?” Angered by the derisive tone, Near retreated to his tiny
bedroom, set off from the living room with a curtain, and followed n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Why would they let Avago personnel visit ROFS Microsystems lab? They did not
have to. They were simply stupid for allowing Avago the opportunity to
witness and confront them on site. On the other hand, given the on-site
confrontation already happened, what made them believe they would be all
fine to visit the U.S. again?
发帖数: 3226
China’s response to the so-called US pivot to Asia is to expand influence
in Asia. Known as the “One Belt, One Road,” the modern-day Silk Road
network “will not only enhance ‘five connections’ – trade,
infrastructure, investment, capital and people – it will create a community
with ‘shared interests, destiny and responsibilities,’” explains
Shuaihua Wallace Cheng, managing director of ICTSD China and a Yale World
Fellow. China hopes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4185
来自主题: Military版 - 中国为什么定义成暴恐?
Chinese government has created a virtual police state within Xinjiang
Crude instruments used in attack suggest not work of well-organized group
No evidence Uyghurs involved substantively in a global Muslim militant
The events on Beijing's Tiananmen Square that resulted in the death of five
people and the injury of dozens more were tragic, but are they
representative of a serious terrorist threat to the Chinese state as is now
being suggested by official sources?
According to Chinese se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Testing the Rule of Law in the South China Sea
llc CA 6 hours ago
The USA failing to ratify UNCLOS while telling other countries to abide by
UNCLOS tell the world a lot about its approach to international law.
Reply 35Recommend
ERIC WAYNE 6 hours ago
How ironic it is for the US to lecture China to observe the "Law of the Sea"
when it still refuses to sign the Treaty, and has a long history of
vehemently... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 802
Manila, Philippines — Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr. on
Tuesday revealed that China asked the Philippines to hold bilateral
negotiations outside the ruling of an arbitral tribunal to resolve the South
China Sea dispute.
Yasay said that he and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had the chance to
discuss the tribunal's ruling at the sidelines of the Asia-Europe meeting in
Mongolia last weekend.
"They had insisted for us to not even to make... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2022
川普在不同场合说了不反对aa,要confront China。你如果还分析不出来任何东西,那
以川普的煽动性,一旦开始confront China,只要中国不跪舔,产生矛盾,对在美华人
发帖数: 38600
发帖数: 4736
麻痹的,脑子连猪狗都不如。 狗日的外交部那帮装逼的样子,没有一个好东西!
India Missile Test: Wake Up, Washington!
By Eric Margolis
India just launched what the media called its “first intercontinental
ballistic missile.” India did indeed launch a new, 5,000 km-range Agni-V
missile that can deliver a nuclear warhead to Beijing and Shanghai.
Previously, India’s 3,500-km Agni-III did no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 美国北卡惊现小脚侦缉队
North Carolina woman confronts man flying Nazi flag at his home
发帖数: 1161
The Atlantic
Every option the United States has for dealing with North Korea is bad. But
accepting it as a nuclear power may be the least bad.
Pyongyang has been constrained by the same logic that has stayed the use of
nuclear arms for some 70 years. Their use would invite swift annihilation.
In the Cold War this brake was called mad (mutual assured destruction). In
this case the brake on North Korea would be simply ad: assured destruction,
since any launch of a nuclear weapon would invite an an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26623
The India-China military standoff at Doklam was apparently based on Indian
misperception of Chinese intentions.
An alternative narration of events leading to the military standoff suggests
that the skirmish might have been blown out of proportion and was
completely unnecessary. And even though eventually the standoff was resolved
through diplomatic negotiations, India was not a net gainer at the end of
The Chinese army personnel are still present at a distance of 250 metres
from the site of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - “law firms”
Why The Empire Never Sleeps: The Indispensable Nation Folly
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Like the case of Rome before it, the Empire is bankrupting America. The true
fiscal cost is upwards of $1.o trillion per year (counting $200 billion for
veterans and debt service for wars), but there is no way to pay for it.
That’s because the 78-million strong Baby Boom is in the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33885
来自主题: Military版 - 白女人都被狼脯俘虏了
Pelosi rebukes Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters for urging supporters to
confront Trump administration officials
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi rebukes Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters
over her call for supporters to publicly confront Trump administration
officials over immigration policy.
The issue reflects Democratic differences over what form opposition to
the Trump administration should take.
Pelosi has also called a push among Waters and other Democrats t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
Appearing at the joint news conference with Putin after the talks in the
Finnish capital ended, Trump said he and Putin discussed their disagreements
“at length.” He added: “Our relationship has never been worse than it is
now. However, that changed, as of about four hours ago.”
The summit began hours after Trump blamed his own country, rather than
Russia, for the hostilities between their two nations.
Speaking first at the news conference, Putin said the talks took place “in
a frank and busines... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
效忠誓言的选择作支持的。作为非上帝信徒的学生, 此九年级学生拒绝以『Under
God』(上帝之下) 二字作出宣誓。
注点: 强制学生宣读誓言是侵犯了宪法所赋予该学生可拒绝参与之权利,该学生宁愿静
Yet, the student was verbally chastised by his teaher in the classrom
and claims it was he, the student, that was being disrespectful and tried
intimidation techniques in an attempt to force him to say the pledge. The
student cont... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
效忠誓言的选择作支持的。作为非上帝信徒的学生, 此九年级学生拒绝以『Under
God』(上帝之下) 二字作出宣誓。
注点: 强制学生宣读誓言是侵犯了宪法所赋予该学生可拒绝参与之权利,该学生宁愿静
Yet, the student was verbally chastised by his teaher in the classrom
and claims it was he, the student, that was being disrespectful and tried
intimidation techniques in an attempt to force him to say the pledge. The
student contacted the AHLC through the o... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
效忠誓言的选择作支持的。作为非上帝信徒的学生, 此九年级学生拒绝以『Under
God』(上帝之下) 二字作出宣誓。
注点: 强制学生宣读誓言是侵犯了宪法所赋予该学生可拒绝参与之权利,该学生宁愿静
Yet, the student was verbally chastised by his teaher in the classrom
and claims it was he, the student, that was being disrespectful and tried
intimidation techniques in an attempt to force him to say the pledge. The
student contacted the AHLC through the o... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
我可以看得到,copy paste将就看下吧
CreditCreditPhoto illustration by Joan Wong. Photographs by Ronghui Chen for
The New York Times.
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Where Does Affirmative Action Leave Asian-Americans?
A high-profile lawsuit against Harvard is forcing students and their
families to choose sides.
CreditCreditPhoto illustration by Joan Wong. Photographs by Ronghui Chen for
The New York Times.
By Jay Caspian Kang
Photographs by Ronghui Chen
Published Aug. 28, 2019
Updated Sept. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2469
来自主题: Military版 - 特没谱开始抢占私人土地建墙
The Trump administration is dialing up efforts to 'build that wall,' records
By Bob Ortega, CNN Investigates
Updated 12:56 PM ET, Fri November 22, 2019
Private land can be seized to build wall
Current Time0:03
Duration Time6:05
FullscreenNow PlayingPrivate land could be...
Crucial 2020 battleground weighs in on impeachment
Jason Brown
DOJ says Chicago gang leader radicalized by ISIS
Sam Hunt arrested for DUI in Nashville
NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 01: Chairman of Burton Snowb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 349
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump referred to the novel coronavirus as
a "foreign virus" in his Oval Office address on Wednesday night.
The characterization of the global pandemic as a foreign virus aligns with
how some Trump allies have described the coronavirus in recent days, which
critics have called xenophobic.
"This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign
virus in modern h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13172
Report: Chinese Develop Special "Kill Weapon" to Destroy U.S. Aircraft
Advanced missile poses substantial new threat for U.S. Navy
U. S. Naval Institute
March 31, 2009
With tensions already rising due to the Chinese navy becoming more
aggressive in asserting its territorial claims in the South China Sea, the U
.S. Navy seems to have yet another reason to be deeply concerned.
After years of c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds (/ 参考消息 /), 信区: Military
标 题: 奥鸡巴想对巴基斯坦不宣而战。北京发最后通牒。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 23 03:59:30 2011, 美东)
US, Pakistan Near Open War; Chinese Ultimatum Warns Washington Against
Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
May 20, 2011
China has officially put the United States on notice that Washington’s
planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression
against Beijing. This blunt warning... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Obama:Marriage 'Best Addressed By The States': White House
WASHINGTON -- As President Obama gets set to host a high-profile fundraiser
at an LGBT gala in New York City Thursday, two potentially awkward
developments confront him.
New York's state legislature seems poised to pass a bill that would legalize
same-sex marriage, both expanding the legal right to marriage and
drastically altering the political debate.
In Washington, D.C., meanwhile, questions have again emerged over the
presid... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
(话说回来,你要是心底喜欢保守派,似乎也找错对象了,你应该感谢Ted Olsen这样的真
鉴于你的首贴factually wrong,你应该考虑删掉,免得在这里露怯.
Scalia Rages Against Supreme Court’s Gay Rights Ruling
Sahil Kapur June 26, 2013, 12:38 PM 7805
Justice Antonin Scalia wrote a flaming dissent against the Supreme Court’s
5-4 ruling Wednesday invalidating the core of the Defense of Marriage Act,
the law that prohibits married same-s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D.
Over the past few years, numerous hearings have already been conducted on
Capitol Hill, in both the House and Senate, looking into domestic Islamist
terrorism and ‘radicalization'. Unfortunately, those hearings garnered
little attention and few tangible results - because they avoided discussing
the root causes. Those hearings instead focused only on "violent extremism"
a useless concept addressing a symptom and not the disease. Up to now the
combined efforts of the force... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Glenn Beck Vs. The Mob by Ann Coulter
Of all the details surrounding the liberal mob attack on Glenn Beck and his
family in New York's Bryant Park last Monday night, one element stands out.
"No, it won't be like that, Dad," his daughter said when Beck questioned the
wisdom of attending a free, outdoor movie showing in a New York park.
People who have never been set upon by a mob of liberals have absolutely no
idea what it's like to be a publicly recognizable conservative. Even your
friends will constantly be telling you: ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
加州奥克兰华裔民主党市长关丽珍(Jean Quan)对“占领华尔街”示威进退失据;“她
Jean Quan is a poor excuse for a mayor.
Occupy Oakland called for a general strike — the city grinding to a halt,
banks unattended, and schools closed. What they got was a few thousand
protesters vandalizing banks and briefly closing a unionized port, but more
important, a mayor happy to facilitate it all. Wednesday night would have
been no more disturbing than a vigorous though destructive demonstration by... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9531
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Occupy Memphis member Mallory Pope had just finished
telling a group of about 75 tea party followers Thursday night that
politicians should not allow themselves to be influenced by lobbyists and
unions when she received an unexpected invitation.
"It sounds to me that y'all ought to be joining us," said Jerry Rains, a 64-
year-old computer programmer and tea party member. "You have a lot of the
same goals we have, which is to take our country back."
Pope and fellow Occupy Me... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Touchy, Touchy
January 25, 2012 Posted by TWB
There are a bevy of reasons that you could use to make the argument that
President Obama is the most un-Presidential President of all time. You can
go all the way back to when Maureen Dowd made fun of his ears and he just
had to confront her about it, all the way up to the way he uses soaring,
confrontational rhetoric and refuses to rise above the political fray. He
likes to get down in the mud and play with the pigs. Certainly unbecoming of
someone holding the of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
DC Deputy Mayor: Dear Victims of Crime, Better You Are Beaten, Raped, Stolen
From Than You Protect Yourself
March 6, 2012 | Filed under Big government,Constitutional Issues,Deaths,
Democrats,Gun control | Posted by Warner Todd Huston
Washington D.C.’s Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice wants you all
to just stop whining about the rising crime in his fair city. He wants you
to continue being a victim and like it. Not only that, but he thinks it’s a
good thing that you should become a vict... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Robert Weissberg
How are we to understand the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement? Is it, as
many on the left insist, a commendable reaction to "obscene" inequalities in
wealth? Or is it, as according to the right, a union-financed, thinly
disguised Obama-supported ruse to stir up egalitarian envy? Both
interpretations are partially valid, but let me offer a different take, and
one that links OWS to countless similar political outcroppings that have
flourished since the 1960s.
My descriptor ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
June 25, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
The Old Media is really showing its true colors last week by generally
ignoring what is going on in the State of Massachusetts where four Cherokee
woman have come to meet with Democrat Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren. The
candidate is, of course, shunning the Cherokee representatives, but worse
is the absence in the national media of news about this effort. Imagine, if
you will, the national news cycle that would have been created if a
Republican had been t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Newly released documents show Zimmerman passed lie detector test, Reuters
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
The media lynching of George Zimmerman continues.
Yesterday, a slew of documents were released by the prosecution, including
details of a voice stress analysis test I alluded to back in early April.
Those details, reported by The Smoking Gun, follow:
A day after killing Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman passed a police lie
detector test when asked if he confronted the teenager and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
看这个好了, Romney专门提到了技术移民签证问题. 疤蟆根本没有提到. 哪个候选人对
5:00 PM - October 15, 2012 by Zak Islam - source: NYTM

Both candidates provide lengthy responses in what they'll do if they become
A New York-based tech group recently sent both Barack Obama and Republican
challenger for the U.S. president position Mitt Romney a letter asking how
their policies would benefit technology startups, with both candidates
providing a lengthy response.
Romney highlighted the fact that he'll r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Twinkicide: Death By Liberalism
by Jeffrey Lord
Death by Liberalism.
This time it's Twinkies.
In October it was Newsweek.
Who's next? What does this lemming-like liberal instinct mean for America?
What is it that bakers and editors had in common as they looked into the
abyss that would spell their own professional death? And then jumped?
Answer: They'd rather be dead than Not Liberal. Unfortunately for the rest
of us -- they are not alone. Worse, they are in charge.
Presented with multiple opportunities to survive ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 301
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: kcuf (KCUF), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 主张禁枪的,进来看,事实说话。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 16 21:51:25 2012, 美东)
• A 1997 high school shooting in Pearl, Miss., was halted by the
school's vice principal after he retrieved the Colt .45 he kept in his truck.
• A 1998 middle school shooting ended when a man living next door
heard gunfire and apprehended the shooter with his shotgun.
• A 2002 terrorist attack at an Israeli school was quickly stopped by
an... 阅读全帖
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