b**d 发帖数: 252 | 1 re. Saints won it. congrads. |
L********e 发帖数: 1202 | 6 Congrads!
How is this accurate? My $10 watch can be better than this? |
t*********t 发帖数: 4766 | 7 Congrads to everyone!
Thanks to the live broadcast. |
g*********n 发帖数: 1055 | 10 I have 100!!!!!!!!! Co congrads!!!!!
caty,任选形象秀物品一件。 |
g*********n 发帖数: 1055 | 11 I have 100!!!!!!!!! Co congrads!!!!!
caty,任选形象秀物品一件。 |
h**********5 发帖数: 5355 | 26 perfect, congrads and bless! |
h**********5 发帖数: 5355 | 29 congrads.
relocation fee要交税 |
x5 发帖数: 27871 | 30 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
jjjstc (买买提就是一个垃圾处理站) 于 (Thu Nov 1 00:24:32 2012, 美东) 提到:
顺带问一下拿到书面正式 offer 后该做些什么?让我签字的地方,报道日期是要我自
己填的,这个日期是不是要跟hiring manager商量后才能填?
只给了7天时间答复,里面没提 H1b 或者 green card 的事情,跟HR谈这些是在签
一次性给的非实报实销的relocation fee需要交税吗?
takumar (Takumar) 于 (Thu Nov 1 00:24:38 2012, 美东) 提到:
nikonshooter (淡出) 于 (Thu Nov 1 00:24:58 2012, 美东) 提到:
☆────────────────... 阅读全帖 |
o********l 发帖数: 12430 | 32 congrads, may i have decaf and bagles instead please? |
o********l 发帖数: 12430 | 33 he was born on new year's day...easy enough to calculate his age. =)
congrads! how far along? |
F*****p 发帖数: 206 | 34 Congrads!
How many job opennings for patent lawyers in US each year? and how many get
license from US patent bureau each year? and how many applies for patent
lawyers license? if LZ has those numbers, LZ may reconsider the option.
Law school is only for tough ones - not suitable for depressed ones. You
will know when you get bunch of C or D in your first year law school...
than causing depression, go for it and |
b*****t 发帖数: 6 | 35 Congrads.....
welcome to CA. |
e******o 发帖数: 644 | 36 Mr He is very very famous in PA.
It's a big momentum for zju humanities...
Congrads~~ |
T******T 发帖数: 3066 | 39 well, sounds like you've made your decision already. Congrads, new RFMDer :)
take advantage of the ESPP, but just don't hold that stock long term, sell
it when it vests.
响。 |
T******T 发帖数: 3066 | 40 well, sounds like you've made your decision already. Congrads, new RFMDer :)
take advantage of the ESPP, but just don't hold that stock long term, sell
it when it vests.
响。 |
T******T 发帖数: 3066 | 41 You're in SoCal already right ? Hopefully this doesn't involve a move.
Anyways, Congrads, sounds like you'll enjoy it. |
T******T 发帖数: 3066 | 43 congrads, make sure you guys fix that iphone4 antenna issue on the next rev
please :) |
a***n 发帖数: 578 | 45 AM is a good journal. congrad. hehe. |
f****b 发帖数: 2410 | 46 Lao dao sencond emerge? took off hat.
medicine also takes residents from |
F*******y 发帖数: 88 | 47 Congrads!!! 看来你fulltime 工作,考试只请假2天,真了不起!!!
请问你从开始FA到考试用了多久? |
s********E 发帖数: 186 | 48 Congrads!!!你是我的偶像!
准备13年的match。向你学习和致敬!!! |
s********E 发帖数: 186 | 49 来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - 先卖记 Congrads!! You are my idol!!!
Thanks for sharing |
s********o 发帖数: 3319 | 50 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
NOVA2009 (小诺) 于 (Wed Jan 18 01:58:11 2012, 美东) 提到:
月博士毕业,做了三年博后,文章数不多(6),质量还不错,有immunity, JCI,
就辞职在家做全职妈妈,很享受很忙碌。女儿三岁之后开始上part-time preschool,
考板路,2011年四月,考了step1 (243), 八月在当地的一位cardiologist诊所做了一
个... 阅读全帖 |