

全部话题 - 话题: cookswing
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - CookSwing and CookXml
CookSwing is an XML to Swing GUI toolkit. BSD license.
There are tutorials and demos up there. Suggestions (like what
can be improved, any bugs, etc) are welcome.
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - could anyone help me to test?
CookSwing webstart. It is an XML to java Swing tool, not yet finished
(too many things, need to figure out what was missing...)
Java web start:
You can download the binary jar file
All the example xml files are in examples/xml.
Suggestions welcome. Thanks.
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - wicket in action到手了
I don't care about Wicket, but if you guys are to develop Swing
application, use my CookSwing :)
Contrary to common perceptions of XUL, CookSwing allows full / complete
tweaking with Java with supports for all layouts and all components
(including custom components). Also support non-Swing stuff. It is
very easy to use and extensible. There are essentially no drawbacks
using CookSwing.
For example, if your object has instance variable called inputBox1,
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - 初学Java, FormLayout一问
我建议你刚学 Java 的话,还是不要先碰 GUI programming。这个东西搞
不好会养成坏习惯。写的不好的 GUI code 让别人看到会想杀人。
实在想学,建议你搞清楚基本的以后,用 SwiXml 或者俺的 CookSwing
弄(CookSwing 有个 addon 可以搞 FormLayout)。
GUI programming 有几个关键,最好看下 Design Pattern,里面好几个是
从 GUI programming 上来的。这个方面还是比较复杂的。
1. MVC。Model 是 user data,View 是 Swing components (可以用
CookSwing / SwiXml 搞定),C 是拥有一堆 actionlistener 的
class 。你一般照这么搞,会减少问题。否则很容易弄得很复杂。
2. State synchronization 。这个比较关键。比如你有 N 个 input box,
数据必须统一。改了一个要 update 另外一个。这就需要一个统一的
function 搞定。很多情况下,又和 mo
发帖数: 1879
hehe, another opportunity for self-promotion :)
CookSwing - Xml -> Swing GUI
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - SWT programming questions
I am working on an XML to SWT tool, similar to CookSwing I posted a few
days ago.
Questions 1:
How do you figure out if a Color can be disposed? According to apidoc,
system color must not be disposed...
Question 2:
Are child widgets disposed when the container (like Display, Shell, etc)
are disposed?
Question 3:
Are fonts/colors disposed automatically when the widget using them
gets disposed (assume no sharing)? Or should I attach a DisposeListener
to the widget that explicitly free the resour
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - update for cookxml/cookswing/cookswt
Finally got some energy to make some improvements to CookXml.
CookXml is an XAML which simplifies XML processing. You can pretty much
ignore DOM etc if you use this toolkit. In most cases, it takes one
line of java code to create a new tag to a tag library. This is how I
could single handed finish Swing and SWT tag libraries each in couple days.
New version of CookXml has improved exception handling. It is now
possible to configure CookXml with your own except
发帖数: 1879
For Swing based GUI design, use either CookSwing (written by me :P),
SwiXML, JellySwing, etc are all good. Basically design GUI in XML
and your Java code only deals with ActionListeners and such.
If you need something fancy like docking, need to look around. For
instance jgui. All the XUL above can be extended.
发帖数: 34805
来自主题: Java版 - wicket in action到手了
I agree, swing is a totally different animal. In prex job I used to
work on Canino games, fancy irregular buttons, animations, you name it,
pretty complex GUI. And one big issue was making differnet resolutions
work at the same time and allow designers to tweak on it. I had to
write my own framework, something like Coconut's cookswing, so designers
can change GUI without recompilation.
But again, the reason was a: there's no DSL for swing GUI, b: there's
no good WSYIWYG tool for swing. Neither i
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - Java Swing的UI开发很落后啊
你就用俺的 CookSwing 好了 :)
说实在,用 GUI editor 弄 GUI layout 又慢又不好。
至于你说的 JFileChooser 是什么问题?
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - eclipse 做gui问题
Coding Swing GUI in XML using my CookSwing is the best approach
writing Swing applications.
Visual design does not work with Swing very well.

发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - 试了Vaadin
If you have trouble with swing, should really try my CookSwing :)
以前靠写 Java Swing GUI 吃饭的时候为了对付复杂的 layout 有感而写。
发帖数: 1879
Here is an approach:
1. write computational stuff using C/C++/Fortran.
2. write GUI using Java as front end. If you use CookSwing (shameless
ad for my own free software :), or SwiXML, you can save even more
work by doing GUI layout in XML.
3. C++ and Java can communicate with each other with simple protocols like
#> change_max_iteration 500
#> dump_iteration_result
#< current_iteration 5
#< data_dump begin
#< data_dump end
#< err