s***s 发帖数: 421 | 1 买coversion van 就是那种full size的van 改装过后的高级版
Lexus |
r****l 发帖数: 741 | 3 roll to IRA, then do roth coversion a little bit every year,
suppose you are 40, then you can get apprx. 30yr x 4K USD
tax free income
withdraw prior to 59.5 is subject to 10% penalty
money in roth can grow tax free |
A***a 发帖数: 73 | 4 You may want to dominate some part of the coversation. You can 八卦 too. No
negative 八卦 though. You can ask them what they do in their spare time,
which GYM they go, how far away from the campus they live, housing price,
weather, TV shows, or students. Or course arrangements. Or food. Anything.
People want to work with someone who is amiable and a fun to be with. That
is the key. So take it easy and treat them as your friends. Don't drop your
guard though. |
d*u 发帖数: 147 | 5 请问你所了解的“其它因素”都可能有哪些,除了我前面说的minority institutions?
这一次肯定有排名低的会被fund,甚至只是competitive category的,因为有1/3的已
说。所以我才觉得PM有可能拿软柿子捏,也不知道怎么样最好和PM argue,或是从PM考
虑的“其它因素”argue? |
t***3 发帖数: 778 | 6 不会去排队,费时而且冷,不值得。
- Sony 55" 3D LED TV
- Panasonic Blu-Ray 3D Player (with 2D to 3D coversion)
- Various connection cables
- 3D Glasses
- Dell PC for HTPC (connect to the Sony TV)
- 5" GPS |
M***D 发帖数: 249 | 7 Sorry this computer will not allow me to type in Chinese. Just some thoughts
for your reference:
1. Sounds like ADHD with tics. About half of children with tics also have
ADHD. Tics occur in about 20% of school-age children. They most commonly
occur between the ages of 7 to 10. This girl's onset time fits ADHD with
2. All medications will cause some side effects. If the girl was started on
an anti-depressant then had falls shortly, the falls might be caused by some
side effects from anti-d... 阅读全帖 |
w*********3 发帖数: 78 | 8 1.from a valuation perspective, the previous economic downturn 70,90,01, not
a major recession, the p/e of s&p,is from 12-23.
The major recession in 74,80,82 is about 6 or 7.
we are at Dow Industry p/e,as of 10/31, around 12 or less.
So the question is the current crisis if comparable to those economic
downnturn but not serious recessions, we might have hit a bottom already.But
just from what I have heard,media or coversation from people, many said
they feel this crisis is more serious than prev |
y****r 发帖数: 3036 | 11 Now its clear the coversation(s) between BB and Moss was not as nice as the news
told us.
better |
y*********c 发帖数: 1014 | 12 是啊是啊。我打算是明年毕业的时候能在简历里面写个coversational spanish. 争取
能做到啊!估计希望不大。 |
B*****e 发帖数: 9375 | 13 以下任何情况出现一次, 上一个包子, 发给最先报道的.
必须说出一个细节, 如球员名字, 或动作.
*** 我队进攻:
any TD;
coversion of 3rd down of 5 yards or more;
conversion of any 4th down;
*** 我队防守:
turnover of any kind;
missed FG;
*** 其他:
我队抢到任何一方的on-side kick.
要是能发20个这样的包子, 这场就应该能拿下来了. |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 14 昨天那个2p-coversion打得chip kelly屎读出来了。太帅了。的确跨入了小鸡的行列。
无奶下半场地太滑了。 |
b*******o 发帖数: 832 | 15 我鸦打港人不用动员的.
三年前港人四连败开局最后因为匹兹堡出生的ryan suck up在对方illegal formation
下fg绝杀没进憾别季后赛那年, 喊了一年fire haley的我最感动的还是我鸦主场打港人
赛后suggs说的话. 那场比赛真是锣鼓喧天鞭炮齐鸣红旗招展人山人海. 港人一度落后
13分. lt位置beachum伤了adams顶上, adams伤了cody wallace顶上. 雷王贝为了潜在
的扳平td直接头盔飞掉请神下场, 结果裁判看录像发现头盔在得分线前飞掉所以不是td
. 虽然最后还是td了但是2pt coversion没打成还是输2分, 7号传给现在在我驴手稳无
比的当年young money crew三人组成员sanders, 那球基本上你都可以grab it by
puxxy了结果88号居然就让港人进攻最好的年华在双手缝隙间流走, 这逼后来到了我驴
后大吹曼宁手臂如何大粗持久舒服比港人7号爽多了是后话. 那场两车100mph正碰事故
后港人基本没季后赛希望, 赛后记者采访suggs问他对这场近几年来最精彩的鸦港大战
有什么看法时伊讲, 等我们一月... 阅读全帖 |
b*******o 发帖数: 832 | 16 我鸦打港人不用动员的.
三年前港人四连败开局最后因为匹兹堡出生的ryan suck up在对方illegal formation
下fg绝杀没进憾别季后赛那年, 喊了一年fire haley的我最感动的还是我鸦主场打港人
赛后suggs说的话. 那场比赛真是锣鼓喧天鞭炮齐鸣红旗招展人山人海. 港人一度落后
13分. lt位置beachum伤了adams顶上, adams伤了cody wallace顶上. 雷王贝为了潜在
的扳平td直接头盔飞掉请神下场, 结果裁判看录像发现头盔在得分线前飞掉所以不是td
. 虽然最后还是td了但是2pt coversion没打成还是输2分, 7号传给现在在我驴手稳无
比的当年young money crew三人组成员sanders, 那球基本上你都可以grab it by
puxxy了结果88号居然就让港人进攻最好的年华在双手缝隙间流走, 这逼后来到了我驴
后大吹曼宁手臂如何大粗持久舒服比港人7号爽多了是后话. 那场两车100mph正碰事故
后港人基本没季后赛希望, 赛后记者采访suggs问他对这场近几年来最精彩的鸦港大战
有什么看法时伊讲, 等我们一月... 阅读全帖 |
s*****h 发帖数: 44903 | 17 发信人: bellaciao (NoOnMeasureCChargersDontDeserveSDG), 信区: Football
标 题: 大本本周打乌鸦都有可能复出
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 3 20:03:27 2016, 美东)
多月, 复出后扭扭捏捏打了几场不舒服又蹲着了, 但是一看自己一退居二线对手就是当
年没选自己还总是在孩提时代被偶像蒋艾维花式deep throat的家乡球队布朗, 就在琼
斯首发丈二和尚时上场扔出史上替补四分卫最好成绩, 球迷纷纷惊呼这个7号新秀如此
之强为何现在才上fire Tomlin. 这是后话. 但这之前他打dl凶猛的菜鸡球队被搞伤后
急吼吼复出的第一个对手是: definition of deplorable的冯太子啵奋特的母队,
enabler马文穷死治下的, 微博红人黄伟庆的第一支home team, 笨狗屎. 那场比赛他怒
扔3int, 三威胁雷王贝还被冯太子一记脑震荡抱株杀卸了右膝盖的各种医学用语. 这回
, 他又是在无敌dl菜鸡... 阅读全帖 |
s*****h 发帖数: 44903 | 18 发信人: bellaciao (NoOnMeasureCChargersDontDeserveSDG), 信区: Football
标 题: 星饭钢饭谁来写一篇前瞻呀
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 8 13:58:00 2016, 美东)
四年前港人对牛仔, 加时输了, 那个时候港人还属于类固醇防守hangover期. 但是罗四
扔了一个特别american ninja warrior的td. 一般来说你扔这么好的长气势球是不会输
的, 但幼兽形态的歹势就是活活把比赛拖进了加时而港人的zone block haley元年就是
港人之前的dc名人堂成员靠zone blitz叱咤二十多年的lebeau在港人期间对菜鸟qb一共
就输了两场, 一场还是因为雷达qb现在在黄狗当头号wr的西宾州人pryor不靠传球自己
跑了一个95码td. (近年来港人比较出名的95码一个是野卡对t宝驴前cb ike swaggy t
被dthomas生吃, 一个是这个td, 一个就是上周美国的那个外接手华莱士的啦) 对乳鸡
qb胜率高主要原因是刚... 阅读全帖 |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 19 Beretta自己的conversion kit很久都没货了,我都怀疑不再卖了。
Ciener的conversion kit便宜些,要是质量没问题的话可以考虑,有问题要修就麻烦了
用coversion kit的好处是扳机和其它整枪操作与感觉都和原枪相同(后坐和重量不算)
单独的.22LR手枪是更好的选择。 |
b******o 发帖数: 5644 | 20
marvel 的1911 coversion kit只吃rem金砖和mini mag。 |
W*****r 发帖数: 5681 | 21 其实我想我偷偷买一个 upper, 老婆也看不出来吧。 我有曾经想过买 .22 coversion
哈哈, 其实5倍镜配, 我看都看不到。 不知道是不是我已经老花眼了(我已经四十多岁
了), 还是我戴眼镜的关系。 想去配一个 contact lens 看看。 |
g*********6 发帖数: 1429 | 23 不应该呀,也许是镜子屈光度没调好?4倍镜打100码靶就很清楚。
coversion |
T**********0 发帖数: 503 | 24 http://www.newsmth.net/nForum/article/MartialArts/139100
发信人: surpassit (开心每一天), 信区: MartialArts
标 题: zz安全讲座
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Apr 30 09:12:38 2012), 站内
遇到紧急情况, 5分钟内就会有5、6辆警车出现在我的周围。更让我放心的是,本地犯
罪动向是完全公开的。居民可以通过媒体、网络等渠道,... 阅读全帖 |
p***r 发帖数: 4606 | 25 OC的play calling肯定有问题,既然目前的人员不能够很好地去执行这些play call,他
就应该改.slot WR位置的无能是一个问题,但是别的球队也缺Harvin这样的球员,而别人
进攻照样打得像水银泻地似的.我们进攻很大一个问题就是QB brantley,他的deep
另外一个大问题是OL对running game的block很不好,直接导致running game跑不出来,
接着就是3rd and long.现在这只球队,连3rd and one都没把握,你就知道我们要延续一
个drive下来是多么不容易了.幸亏昨天Tenn的防守比较挫,让我们搞了很多3rd down
如果OL不能够提高running game的block,那么我觉得在QB有所提高之后,应该先建 |
c*****5 发帖数: 463 | 27 We met you early Sun mornign, right? I didn't see you in the gold latin
comp. and I ran to another girl, who I thought was you in the afternoon. I
had a coversation with her for about 10min, then we realized I got the wrong
person, she's actually from Clumbia...//blush how's the comp going? I was
thinking about to hang out in the city on Sun, but was too exhausted and
went back last nite. |
h******o 发帖数: 253 | 28 Are u guys starting this coversation already?? Man that is quick!! |
s*******t 发帖数: 323 | 29 从医院买了几个zeikos coversion 镜头。我们这儿的送信大妈听说前不久受伤了,现
在换了个小伙子邮差。小伙子比较懒,我们家是side load garage,可能为了省几步路
cap压碎了。 Zeikos, OK! |
R***n 发帖数: 733 | 30 Believers are safe, regardless of christian, Judaism, and Islam.
the inner core of all the religions is goodness.
Conflicts derive from religious doctrines.
about one month ago in a coversation with bishop Martin, who is Abt. of
Einsiedeln Abbey, he told me above. |
q**i 发帖数: 367 | 31 thank you for the advice wow. :)
yeap, i remember now, i start a coversation like how much on earth we need for
our GPA or sth, hoho, becoz it always give quite high toefl or etc on website
of those univeristies.
sigh, 7 nian zhi yang, after working sometimes in seagate, find that it is so
hard to ao2 in company also ah. junior engineer, low salary, and have to do a
lot of work, :((((((
you not on msn recently?
自有 |
b*e 发帖数: 3845 | 32 The purpose of doing that is user needs to access the ASP.NET web application,
click a button and a series of backend operations will get run on the
server side including some legacy com related executable, which may or may
not have GUI.
For example, when user chooses a file and upload the file to the server
side, click a button, a server-side DOC to PDF conversion engine will run,
after coversion, display the PDF to the user. |
c*****a 发帖数: 15 | 33 As I already pointed out in my last post:
When you try to open a MS Word or Spreadsheet file the FIRST TIME(!), the
EIOffice will try to do the coversion and translate the file to EIO format and
it will take lots cpu power and the EIOffice reponses poorly during this
you can try to open the same file later after the conversion, it is fast. try
it yourself.
no |
h**r 发帖数: 46 | 34 有一个很重要的文件,拷贝过来后打开就不是原来的样子了,首先要求file coversion
另,我是winXP,系统是英文但regional setting里面选了中文的nonunicode program.
谢谢了。 |
q*u 发帖数: 172 | 35 Thank you for answering the post.
After using this online service, those fonts are still not shown as embedded
in 'Document Properties'-'fonts'.
For example, the Actual Font used for 'Times-Itatic' is 'TimesNewRomanPS-
When I used 'distiller' to do the coversion, the log shows:
%%[ Warning: Times-Roman not found, using Font Substitution. Font cannot be
%%[ Warning: Times-Italic not found, using Font Substitution. Font cannot be
%%[ Warning: Times-BoldItalic n |
x********n 发帖数: 108 | 36 I first emailed the PC with my questions. I got a bunch of replies (maybe 30
-40%). To those that did not reply to my email, I tried to call the PC. I
reached some of them (maybe 30%) and had some short coversations. For some
programs, I called many times but some PCs were just not there and the phone
asked for leaving a message. I did left a few messages, but I have not yet
received one return call. So, to my opinion, try both, as long as you want
to catch the PC. |
z**********g 发帖数: 16 | 37 Discussing The Existence of “repulsion particle” And Its Significance
Zhuang Yiliong
Shanghai Institute of Science and Technology Management
Abstract:This report has advanced a assume about the existence of “
repellention” by a kind of new idea. Beginning with this, I have explained
more successfully some import theory questions in the area of the present
physics, cosmology and philosophy ect. At same time a few of new reasons
have been raised But this is only rough idea of physica... 阅读全帖 |