

全部话题 - 话题: coworks
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发帖数: 1265
america (打败美帝野心狼) 于 (Wed Jul 28 10:08:33 2010, 美东) 提到:
leeky (╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮) 于 (Wed Jul 28 10:14:05 2010, 美东) 提到:
I use it all the time

TTU (... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3343
来自主题: Living版 - 悲剧,空调坏了
It will be major repair if the blower motor needs to be replaced. It cost
my coworker $600.
Is it still under warranty as 才用了三年就出问题?
发帖数: 4936
来自主题: Living版 - 东北地区冬天换roof好吗?
Thanks. We read our contract and there is special requirement attached that
we need to do it in early summer. We called them several times these days.
They are very rude and unprofessional. We just said we don't want to do it
in winter. If not, we will use an alternative contractor. They finally said
that normally unlikely happens but they will consider spring. That we used
them is they are recommended by a few neighbors and coworkers. We think they
just think we are Chinese and hao3 qi1 fu.

sa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3328
来自主题: Living版 - 问一个关于房子的LOAN问题
Gift letter has to be between relative, not from your coworker/friends.
发帖数: 1893
My coworker spent thousands of dollars to level one bedroom on the second
floor. Not good.
She and her husband listened to their agent's persuasion and bought that
house. She was still resentful and regretful.
发帖数: 767
来自主题: Living版 - Offer 被接受了,要做inspection
Where are you? Google inspector reviews for your area. or go to redfin local
forum to search "inspector". Or ask your friend, coworker etc.
发帖数: 767
Remember to wash them often. My coworker has 5 pairs of them for each day at
发帖数: 10056
Witnessed from start to finish. Almost got killed. Coworker got killed.
发帖数: 1542
来自主题: Living版 - 在哪找人刷墙。
referred by my coworker, you can find from Craiglist.
发帖数: 14763
来自主题: Living版 - 院子里发现小蛇怎么办?
That happens if you got brick patio or pebble mulch. They r warmer after
sunset and attract critters especially coldblooded ones.
Apply snake repellant. You can make your own. Get some
inspirationinspiration from your Indian coworks' body odor
发帖数: 3845
my coworker's house without basement, Radon is over standard by a lot
发帖数: 134
飞秒激光 = lasik?
I knew 2 of my coworkers got lasik 2 yrs ago. different doctors, they both
happy about the result.
I am thinking about getting one for myself. but still doing research.
发帖数: 1211
来自主题: Medicine版 - 问个medical FSA的问题
That is dependent on the FSA policy ruled by your employer. Ask your
coworker or HR will be your best bet.
发帖数: 193
来自主题: Medicine版 - Should I let my son take Keppra?
I understand you are concerned about side effects of Keppra. Acutally, all
antiepilectic drugs have side effects, and keppra as the newest one has less
side effects compared with old meds. Keppra is also thought to be very
broad spectrum and safe.
One of my coworker daughter was put on Keppra for post-occiptial region
seizures. She had been on Keppra for 2 years, a very active volleyball
player through these years. She was just taken off the medication recently.
So far, so good.
I just had an ep... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4445
来自主题: Medicine版 - 怎样才能找到好的儿童牙医
the child's pediatrist should have a number of recommendations
can also ask friends/coworkers with children
发帖数: 4124
来自主题: Medicine版 - 爸爸肾血流低
this conveys little to no information at all. if you need any help (say if
you want your coworker to watch your phone for an hour), you need to provide
sufficient information. it's that simple.
发帖数: 2770
来自主题: Medicine版 - 问个找医生的问题。。 (转载)
另,deductable 1000,是不是得花满1000才全免,好像很难达到啊。---preventive
service may be covered prior to deductible, read your policy.
deductible 1000, what kind of insurance plan is that?
如何找好的牙医啊,谢谢--ask ur friends/coworkers for recommendation
发帖数: 1182
来自主题: Medicine版 - 美国感染ebola病毒患者即将出院
Aug 21, 2014, 6:15 AM
An American doctor who contracted Ebola will be released today
from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, with details expected on the
release of a second patient who also contracted the disease.
Ebola Patients to Return Home
AP Photo | simusa.org
Dr. Kent Brantly, 33, contracted the deadly virus while working in a
Liberian Ebola ward with the aid agency Samaritan’s Purse. He was evacuated
to the U.S. earlier this month along with coworker Nancy Writebol.
Brantly ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2060
For those who did not apply in may (MBA promo), Please do not call and ruin
this for rest of us... DO NOT CALL AND ASK FOR POINTS... this is a mistake
at amex end..
From SD...
AMEX gold Free 40000MR points from the Columbia MBA deal a few months back
Did a quick search, didn't find anything on this subject...
A lot of SDers participated in the 50000/75000 MR points signup bonus a few months back through the link
that was supposed to t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 832
I guess you just start working recently, and don't want to miss the housing
boom in inland China.
If I were you, I would do all the following:
- work 2nd job on weekend,
- get several personal loan online http://online-personal-loans-review.toptenreviews.com/
- get 21 month APR credit card (Citi dividend and other citi cards have that
promotion a lot). then appliy a new one transfer balance when 0% apr
- borrow from classmate, coworkers (depend on how close your relationship),
- 10% i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8496
those with summer award tickets from China to USA must check very often now,
because seats are basically not available in July/Aug from China to US,
which will make thieves to cancel your reservation.

How can CA know? unless thieves brag in front of coworkers.
because any people unrelated to airlines can change it in UA's website.
currently no need of any UA member or CA agent login.
发帖数: 369
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - Babyinabag 还有promotion么?
buy 2 or more get 25% off
Exclusive 25% Spring SavingsAsian Dreams
As the days get longer and the air becomes warmer, it's time to save big on
our Baby in a Bag and PamperSack 100% cotton, double lined sleeping bags. Do
you have a friend or coworker that's expecting in the Spring or Summer of
2010 and need a gift? We have all sizes in stock - so plan ahead and save
When ordering, enter savings code "200925" at check out for your 25% savings
发帖数: 1021
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - Babyinabag 还有promotion么?
Exclusive 25% Spring Savings
As the days get longer and the air becomes warmer, it's time to save big on
our Baby in a Bag and PamperSack 100% cotton, double lined sleeping bags. Do
you have a friend or coworker that's expecting in the Spring or Summer of
2010 and need a gift? We have all sizes in stock - so plan ahead and save
When ordering, enter savings code "200925" at check out for your 25% savings
(when ordering 2 or more sleeping bags).
发帖数: 986
No. No.
I heard bad story from my-coworker.
His new-born pooed blood after soy-based 奶粉.
Why try to save a couple of dollors to risk that? Stay with the same formula
is the rule and it is especially true for new borns.
发帖数: 39119
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 请推荐护理婴儿的书籍看~
what to expect the first year
don't worry, u will be fine. I didn't dare to hold coworker's new baby
before I became a mother.
发帖数: 377
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 工作单位办 baby shower 求助
every workplace is different. You should ask your coworker, not us. Good
发帖数: 110
my coworker's daughter had the same problem at her 4m checkup and her ped
gave her some med for reflux. she got better within about a month. so dont
be too worried. kids will grow out of it!
发帖数: 12899
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - [合集] 请推荐护理婴儿的书籍看~
Becky08 (从北到南,从西到东。。) 于 (Mon Jun 7 09:50:41 2010, 美东) 提到:
rcf (hello world) 于 (Mon Jun 7 09:51:50 2010, 美东) 提到:
what to expect the first year
don't worry, u will be fine. I didn't dare to hold coworker's new baby
before I became a mother.

mua (mua) 于 (Mon Jun 7 09
发帖数: 3299
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 大家给孩子都用什么牌子的指甲刀阿?
my coworker recommended Red Cross more than Safety 1. Same for the aspirator
. There is a cap on the bottom of Red Cross nasal aspirator, which is very
useful when cleaning it.
发帖数: 1028
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 想去看不孕,请问有什么保险推荐吗
Infertility is very tricky. Different coverage are completely different. You
have to ask insurance agent I guess. good luck. And even if it covers,
there is usually cap and medicine might not be covered. Depends. This is
what I heard from coworkers.
发帖数: 3437
I switched job last year with no gap. Then after about a month on the new
job, the new insurance send me a letter saying that they are not going to
cover any pre-existing conditions. I called them immediately, tell them that
I have pre-coverage, and they should have a copy of my old card since I
provided it. They called back several days later and said that they made a
mistake. However, my coworkers(we switched as a group) all got this letter,
and apparently the insurance do this as a general pr
发帖数: 573
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 悲剧了, 公司换保险了!
Nah... i have friends and coworkers in Britain. They have their complaints,
but they would not trade their public hospitals for insurance companies in
the US. BTW, both Canada and Britain rank higher in terms of health care quality than the US. Actually, the US ranks the lowest among developed countries.
Again, please do some research. Go read Paul Krugman's column. I am serious. He's a nobel prize winning economist. His comments on this issue are really to the point.
发帖数: 1379
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 刚办了保险,求问如何找OB?
Check your insurance policy to find out if you need refer for OB. A lot of
insurance company let you choose your own OB without referal from your
primary doctor, even with HMO plan. But better make sure. Whether you have
an insurance card or not won't prevent you from seeing doctor. Your
information is already in the system. You might be able to print a temp card
from your insurance company's website if you really need it.
You primary doctor can make recommendation, as she/he knows other doctors... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 919
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 担心求助:老婆经常威胁说要弄死宝宝
I must agree with this one.
I just went back to work from a 5-month maternity leave. I really enjoy
coming back to work because this is a break for me. I can talk to coworkers,
surfing internet, go out for lunch and do all other stuff that I couldn't
if I still stay home taking care of the baby.
Honestly I almost couldn't wait to come back at the end of the maternity
leave even though I knew I was gonna miss my baby.
发帖数: 175
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 如果是你 你会要这个孩子吗?

I have to say similar ppl stay together... have you ever talked about this
with your coworkers or elder neighbors, no mention church group? For me and
my friends, abortion is unthinkable and i do think this represents most
Americans. There are tons of options for women to choose from beside the
extreme. There are real help out there, there are ppl desperately waiting
for kids. Why not give the baby and other people a chance so you can say at
least, I am brave enough and i love you enough t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 116
when I was pregnant with my son, I worked until my labor. I even took an
hour walk at 5pm, then I got into labor at 9pm same day.
Now I am 7 months pregnant with twins, plan to work until my labor, too. My
tummy is really big now, but I always take stairs at work, not elevators.
When my coworkers take elevators and see me take stairs, they look at me in
发帖数: 919
Not true. Two of my coworkers have their mom stay with them to take care of
the baby. They are both white over 30. Their moms live in the same town and
they can go back occasionally. I asked them why, they said they have to work
to pay morgage and don't want to send the baby to daycare before 1.
Don't be absolute in anything. Don't tell people what to do. Everybody has
life and how to raise children is absolutely a personal and individual
发帖数: 218
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 崩溃!3岁的儿子诊断出来得了autism。
To be honest with you, No coworker ever say that in our office. We respect each other just like we respect ourselves. I just hope that you won't say that 普遍流行的俩个字 to your son。Spend more time with your son, pls. Bless him.
发帖数: 12899
jiajia1982 (小样) 于 (Fri Feb 25 23:30:36 2011, 美东) 提到:
刚刚做完neurophychological test,结果是自闭症。
医生推荐做 (Applied Behavior Analysis)ABA therapy,说这是目前治疗儿童自闭症
的最好的方法。可气的是公司的mental health insurance还不cover 这个ABA
mitbbser1 (mitbbser) 于 (Fri Feb 25 23:33:14 2011, 美东) 提到:
你可以和学区联系, 学龄前儿童也都有免费的治疗.
☆───────────────... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 256
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 有物价超值睡袋的链接吗
Buy 2 or more Baby Sleeping Bags and save 20% off your entire order!
It's time to save big on our Baby in a Bag and PamperSack 100% cotton, doub
le lined sleeping bags. Do you have a friend or coworker that's expecting or
needs a gift? We have most sizes in stock - so plan ahead and save big. Ord
er today and receive your order in 3 to 4 business days (US only).
When ordering, enter savings code "200920" at check out for your 20% savings
发帖数: 4735
I were really surprise by the baby shower actually, since my coworkers just
prepared me the Chinese buffet, cake and a gift card. So no one had ask me
about my wish list. They did a good job of covering up, even my best buddy at work did not mention anything about the surprise party to me, and she was the major party planner.And my two of my female bosses, who have kids, gave me NB diapers and girl outfits as gifts as well.
发帖数: 698
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 娃在daycare 这样正常吗
I personally hate the branch of Bright Horizon in my place. We chose it
because it was onsite in my company, but the service is just awful. Tons of
regulations just put all the burdens on the parents, while kids constantly
get sick and neglected. Management is bureaucratic and all money talk. I am
one among many Chinese parents that decided to quit, but I did complain
several times (and with short-term success) to their district manager. They
still get pretty ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2269
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 20周大B超归来
just asked another coworker, she had 10 min too.
发帖数: 1829
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 代我家LD打听:好的OB推荐(Cypress, TX)
My OB is with Memorial Hermann. I am not impressed with the doctor nor the
Based on my coworker and friends' experience, your best shot is to go with a
doctor in Woman's hospital in downtown or
Methodlist Hospital. Methodlist Hospital has many branches you can check.
You can find a nearby OB from your insurance website then you can check the
reputation by google the dr's name.
发帖数: 593
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 儿子的韩国同学居然说...

"只有"3000年??? come on, how old is their countries history? Even my
American coworker knew that it's over 4708th Chinese year this year, close
to 5000 years~~~
发帖数: 7643
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 孕10周不得不开始找工作,求祝福
Bless. Tell HR after you sign the offer letter - a coworker did so a few
years ago who's an American. She told me that's what ppl typically do. I
guess in your case you may wait until your H1B transfer is valid.
发帖数: 918
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 我家宝宝长牙不按顺序有问题么?
My coworker's baby also got the vampire teeth first and followed by the
middle teeth. She started teething at 3 month and got 7 teeth at 7 months,
the earliest I've heard of.
发帖数: 728
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 推荐vanicream给湿疹宝宝保湿
This morning a coworker recommended Vani cream to me, too. She said Costco
has it.
发帖数: 1039
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 有孕期口水特别多的姐妹吗?
my coworker, 2胎都这样,她后来发现chew gum能解决问题:)
发帖数: 3911
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 生老二的时候,老大怎么办?
talk to your neighbors if you trust them; otherwise, find a friend/coworker
who could help you in case of emergency. You can thank your neighbor later
with giftcard or gift or whatever if they don't want money.
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