

全部话题 - 话题: cowrker
发帖数: 11847
来自主题: pets版 - 用过pet sitter的请介绍一下
I recalled that I once babysitted one of my friend's /cowrker's cat. All i
did was to go once a day to add food, they didn't even ask me to clean the
litter box.
It's purely a favor. They brought me a souvenir from their trip :)
发帖数: 11847
来自主题: pets版 - 用过pet sitter的请介绍一下
I recalled that I once babysitted one of my friend's /cowrker's cat. All i
did was to go once a day to add food, they didn't even ask me to clean the
litter box.
It's purely a favor. They brought me a souvenir from their trip :)
发帖数: 11847
来自主题: pets版 - 用过pet sitter的请介绍一下
I recalled that I once babysitted one of my friend's /cowrker's cat. All i
did was to go once a day to add food, they didn't even ask me to clean the
litter box.
It's purely a favor. They brought me a souvenir from their trip :)