z*****8 发帖数: 2546 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 Travel 讨论区 】
发信人: zhang88 (david), 信区: Travel
标 题: 夏威夷 Hawaii Kauai Waimea Canyon-UHD 4K
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 6 12:15:04 2014, 美东)
夏威夷 Kauai 岛,是4岛之一最老的岛。
Hawaii Kauai Waimea Canyon-UHD 4K
The outlook and hikes offer rich scenery into Waimea Canyon on Kauai's West
Side. Mark Twain called it "The Grand Canyon of the Pacific," stretching
10 miles long, one mile wide and 3,000 feet deep. The Waimea Canyon Lookout
provides panoramic views of crested buttes, rugged crags and deep va... 阅读全帖 |
j*********r 发帖数: 654 | 2 正是前一天那位山友遇到的三位华人。It is a small world.
把简单的线路爬难很容易,我认识一队朋友,把class 3的mountaineer's route (MR
) 爬成了class 5, 还有一位朋友三年前在MR迷路了,只能折返,今年重去,总算成功
。想起我第一次走MR 的时候,在lower boyscout lake上面的柳树林子里迷了30分钟,
敬佩alpine first ascent, 有勇气和信心去尝试未知。我们这样爬成熟的路线,拿着
supertopo,也就是cragging加上strong lung and legs而已。 |
p*****9 发帖数: 171 | 3 10mm+的绳子要不用来big wall aid,要不sports cragging. Multi pitch trad 可以用
10mm以下的, 比如9.5mm. 9mm以下就是半绳了,一般是两条一起用.这种绳子好处是可以
减少rope drag同时两条绳子互相有backup. 坏处是rope management比较麻烦.
挂也差不多了. 你要考虑的是去爬的线路一条绳能不能rap,比如yosemite有很多线路一
条绳没法rap, 又不能walk off. 这种情况要不用半绳要不再背一条(借的或者partner
的), 这属于one off情况,没必要专门还准备一条这种绳子. 如果是alphine非常需要考
虑重量,用半绳或者可以带一条6/7mm的cord做tag line. |
p*****9 发帖数: 171 | 4 10mm+的绳子要不用来big wall aid,要不sports cragging. Multi pitch trad 可以用
10mm以下的, 比如9.5mm. 9mm以下就是半绳了,一般是两条一起用.这种绳子好处是可以
减少rope drag同时两条绳子互相有backup. 坏处是rope management比较麻烦.
挂也差不多了. 你要考虑的是去爬的线路一条绳能不能rap,比如yosemite有很多线路一
条绳没法rap, 又不能walk off. 这种情况要不用半绳要不再背一条(借的或者partner
的), 这属于one off情况,没必要专门还准备一条这种绳子. 如果是alphine非常需要考
虑重量,用半绳或者可以带一条6/7mm的cord做tag line. |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 5 I am super nervous about avalanche too. I am much more conservative w.r.t
avalanche than most of my climbing and skiing friends. In the spring,
whenever the avy danger level is above yellow, I stay in bound or hit the
. |
R*****s 发帖数: 41236 | 7 他这身材在triathlete里面的确不算正常...
Crag Alexander, 1.8m, 68kg, BMI 21..
还真挺神奇的.... |
j***y 发帖数: 5098 | 8 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
yangyi (佳庭主父) 于 (Thu Jun 23 11:50:10 2011, 美东) 提到:
serious runner,一跑就是一两个小时(那是热身!),还得天天跑;参加比赛得请假
mark (花生,微爷远爷的爸爸) 于 (Thu Jun 23 11:52:48 2011, 美东) 提到:
mark (花生,微爷远爷的爸爸) 于 (Thu Jun 23 11:54:53 2011, 美东) 提到:
跑鞋 $150-300 per year
GPS $50 per year
衣服... 阅读全帖 |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 10 inbound skiing is like cragging. it's a lot of fun too.
Alta |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 11 you are exactly right, I am teaching a basic class, an intermediate class, a
crag class, taking a big wall class myself. Plus two nights of gym climbing
per week and conditioning, it's a miracle that I have skied 11 days so far
this season. I don't expect to touch my snowboard this year though, hehe. |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 12 staying out of the trouble is the ultimate solution. when the avy risk is
higher than considerable, I stay in bound or hit the crag. it's just not
worth the shit. |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 13 I have decided that whenever the avy danger is orange or higher, I'll go
inbound, hit the crag, or go for a run. It's just not worth it. I have more
hobbies than I have time to handle anyway. |
q*c 发帖数: 17993 | 14 http://www.forbes.com/sites/christophersteiner/2014/11/18/the-t
The Top 10 Ski Resorts In North America For 2015
1. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, Wyoming — PAF: 99.0
We have crowned Jackson Hole as the preeminent place to ski not only in the
United States, but also within the whole of North America. More skiers are
finding out that Jackson is the right place for more than just the hucker/
powder set. Jackson established a record for its skier visits last year with
563,631, a 12% increase compare... 阅读全帖 |
z*****8 发帖数: 2546 | 15 夏威夷 Kauai 岛,是4岛之一最老的岛。
Hawaii Kauai Waimea Canyon-UHD 4K
The outlook and hikes offer rich scenery into Waimea Canyon on Kauai's West
Side. Mark Twain called it "The Grand Canyon of the Pacific," stretching
10 miles long, one mile wide and 3,000 feet deep. The Waimea Canyon Lookout
provides panoramic views of crested buttes, rugged crags and deep valley
gorges. The grand inland vistas go on for miles. The main road, Waimea
Canyon Drive, leads you to a lower lookout point and the main Waimea C... 阅读全帖 |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 16 来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 再读简爱 中文的隔了一层:
“You never felt jealousy, did you, Miss Eyre? Of course not: I need not
ask you; because you never felt love. You have both sentiments yet to
experience: your soul sleeps; the shock is yet to be given which shall waken
it. You think all existence lapses in as quiet a flow as that in which
your youth has hitherto slid away. Floating on with closed eyes and muffled
ears, you neither see the rocks bristling not far off in the bed of the
flood, nor hear the breakers boil at their base. ... 阅读全帖 |
p***e 发帖数: 29053 | 17 是的,用buy.com points 买的,亏了$30,放在crag上几个星期了 |
k**********4 发帖数: 16092 | 18 Read this carefully, you will need it:
Lightning can give you the fear of death. A thunderstorm can also feel like
the marrow of life.
In the high Sierra Nevada, lightning ignites the dark sky like a strobe.
Above tree line, lightning can strike a mountain crag, a lone tree, a metal
rod, or very rarely, a hiker.
At 53,540 degrees, it’s five times hotter than the surface temperature of
the sun. It sears the air and burns ozone, a smell you never forget, which
somewhat resembles the smell of light... 阅读全帖 |
F*******y 发帖数: 885 | 19 漁翁道:「你山青不如我水秀,受用些好物。有一《鷓鴣天》為證:
In this magic land we live off the cloudy waters;
With a sweep of the oar the boat becomes a home.
We cut open the live fish and fry the green turtle
As steam coils from the purple crab and the red shrimps bubble.
Green reed shoots,
Sprouts of water−lilies,
Better still, water chestnuts and the gorgon fruit,
Delicate louts roots and seeds, tender celery,
Arrowhead, reed−hearts and bird... 阅读全帖 |
c****t 发帖数: 19049 | 20 THE PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ADAM EWING
Thursday, 7th November—
Beyond the Indian hamlet, upon a forlorn strand, I happened on a trail of
recent footprints.
Through rotting kelp, sea cocoa-nuts & bamboo, the tracks led me to their
maker, a White man,
his trow-zers & Pea-jacket rolled up, sporting a kempt beard & an outsized
Beaver, shoveling
& sifting the cindery sand with a teaspoon so intently that he noticed me
only after I had hailed
him from ten yards away. Thus it was, I made the acquaintance of... 阅读全帖 |
D*****r 发帖数: 6791 | 21 Letters from the Earth
When the Creator had finished thinking, He said, "I have thought. Behold!"
He lifted His hand, and from it burst a fountain-spray of fire, a million
stupendous suns, which clove the blackness and soared, away and away and
away, diminishing in magnitude and intensity as they pierced the far
frontiers of Space, until at last they were but as diamond nailheads
sparkling under the domed vast roof of the universe.
At the end of an hour the Grand Council was dismissed.
They left... 阅读全帖 |
S**U 发帖数: 7025 | 22 梵天劝请前,佛陀是思维佛法甚深,而众生烦恼重,无人能解,说法是白费劲。经劝请
MN 26
"Then the thought occurred to me, 'This Dhamma that I have attained is deep,
hard to see, hard to realize, peaceful, refined, beyond the scope of
conjecture, subtle, to-be-experienced by the wise. But this generation
delights in attachment, is excited by attachment, enjoys attachment. For a
generation delighting in attachment, excited by attachment, enjoying
attac... 阅读全帖 |
d**********8 发帖数: 326 | 23 很普通的网络病毒,不可妄自菲薄!
email地址有什么特点? |
t****y 发帖数: 576 | 24 Local Craigslist 有人卖新的ipodtouch才50,可信吗? 原帖如下,今天才post的?
My birthday was just last week and two of my family members bought me a new
ipod touch. They both didn't know they bought the same thing, and my dad
told me that i can't tell them about it, and i cant return one of them.
Selling one of them for 50$ or looking to trade for a pair of beats
headphones so i can use them on my other ipod. they are both 16gig and the
same exact ones. still in the box, nothing else comes with it.
Call / text me any... 阅读全帖 |
J*********r 发帖数: 5921 | 26 16gb? it must be 1st or 2nd gen ipod touch |
y*****a 发帖数: 171 | 27 我比较picky, 差点砸了,最后crag卖掉,赚了50,哈哈 |
y*****a 发帖数: 171 | 28 $5 each, local crag. but scsi adapter is way too expensive |
m*****n 发帖数: 1513 | 29 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: mitcoin (米特币), 信区: Military
标 题: BBC:Bayesian Stat.可找MH370,曾成功找到法航残骸
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 22 11:06:03 2014, 美东)
MH370 Malaysia plane: How maths helped find an earlier crash
Statisticians helped locate an Air France plane in 2011 which was missing
for two years. Could mathematical techniques inspired by an 18th Century
Presbyterian minister be used to locate the mysterious disappearance of
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370?
In June 2009, Air France flight 447 went m... 阅读全帖 |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 31 Interestly, stationary bike is the only thing I have prejudice. To me,
treadmill running is running, cragging is climbing. |
T*********e 发帖数: 39815 | 34 no crag in WA can beat smith rock |
d*i 发帖数: 9453 | 35 http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2013276975_climber28m.html
Joe Puryear, of Seattle, a mountaineer of such renown that companies
sponsored him to crisscross western China and Nepal seeking out summits no
human had ever touched, fell 1,500 feet to his death earlier this week while
ascending 24,170-foot Labuche Kang in the Himalayas.
Even before Joe Puryear left the University of Washington with a degree in
math, it was clear he would never spend enough time indoors to use it.
The c... 阅读全帖 |