

全部话题 - 话题: crhon
发帖数: 496
来自主题: Medicine版 - 请问我这是乙状结肠有问题么?
this is what I am thinking,
you has hypoglycemia, I am you are a female.
you has abdominal pain, melena, tenesmus, and mucus in stool. roughly this
is not IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), should be IBD (inflammation bowel
disease, including crhon's disease and ulcerative colitis). You feel pain in
LLQ, and black stool which means upper GI bleeding. BOth upper and lower GI
are involved, I guess you have crhon's disease. Which there are many
possibilities. You need to see a doc for that, could be s
发帖数: 210
来自主题: Medicine版 - 拉肚子是怎么回事
you may tell your doc that you have diarrhea.
common causes of diarrhea is
lactose deficiency (high in asian), esp after drinking milk.
IBS, the bowel is sensitive to what you eat, sometimes it is associated with
stress, try to relax.
IBD, including crhon's and UC, esp when there is blood in your stool and
abdomminal pain. steroid may help.
Infection is another common reason, some kinds of GI infection are
specifically related to Chinese food, like fried rice, but in that case, no
bloody stool.
发帖数: 496
either common bacteria infection , or immuno disease like crhon's or
ulcerative colitis or simply colon/rectum polyps, or from the antibiotics
you are taking.
by the way, why are you taking amoxicillin for stomach disease, for H.pylori
? if so, you need at least two antibiotics combination.